C-14 •• THE EVENING OTAR. Wwhington, D. C. WTRWBSt. SCAT ft. IW*4 TV KEY PREVIEWS Elfrida Hits IN THIS WEEKS POST- Tonwht'i top thou* a* prettsesoed by TV Kep t stag, A High 1 who attend rthtartalt. watch lermantnpi and analyse Quiz TELEVISION-RADIO Hollywood. opinion* von calmly tcrtpU in New York and Their nre Elfrida Nardroff offered at a guide to area vieweri. and collccUngly attained the Todoy- moy v, 1951 TV Quts hall of fame an NBC's i Television Twenty SugarfMt—“The Bullet and the Cross.” Primarily a two One. (Ck Her 30-point victory over ~YM. WRC iCh 4MWTT« TeCsl jWMAL ?TWTOPIChfI character play nicely performed by Will Hutchins and 41 tmm rat iln no >mli I Anarwaa IntMat M Frederick Rein, her worthy op- imm nmtmt tmm tmm Charles Bronson. • Tom Is trapped In an abandoned mine ponent from this area at 13.500 M * • t»«« t«a *• ¦<*»• suspected men get the drop per point added * * 1 * with a murderer. The two i 160.000 to her 4>n41 MmKmmh I tartaUM on each other so often that the show resembles a volley winnings to five her a total of 41 C*n**|Tm* ~tm MW In UacM* ItalmitM la than * * game, la 1318.000 This more to MIM “I. to* ball but the ending well handled and it'a worth anyone * * has won on a TV Quls 5,.« ; t**ll«tt»MM*l MMM*MMM mr over-all. 7:30 pm.. WMAL—7. (t*M watching Show. 4* fMtlttn rt*a4« Milt IMS CM MHIHMI Eddie Flatter—Last show of season, and an enjoyable one. Unit MWCnMUw f trait* Usianana a*tto* tutor Miss Nardroff. who will be 41 •aim 111 Levant, talk, Monday ill tatray (•(•'• tl«l Wkl.ilfM t**t*rCratt* Ikunilln Oacar blinking again, Is back to and plays i bock next to aay If ahe ¦to Mm, *Cut Ita H*H a*)*** tM will continue, revealed ahe Nun* more Oershwin for us. He also accompanies Eddie and that 6 umc Dm IttiNN I IM«4i tm 14* Debbie Reynolds In a medley of pop tunes. Debbie sings has quit her Job as personnel 4C n* linninn , lunnnn Him* U# Bern Uni New York • director of a Arm ¦ * baby ill l«M M« "This Happy Feeling,” and does s bit with Husband and will enter Columbia Uni- 4 4 iimhi* «m l Sunt SMtrlttt mm TM Tm* 1 7‘ I Eddie and Oeorge Oobel. entitled “Triplets." Dick Shawn versity in the fall to work on i« IM Mwi*? l»i Aeaaatora ‘TMI*ll*l gets some laughs with his prise-fighter monologue, , her doctorate In experimental 41 INI*TMM M) I*ll M* ON CrMI" Ml Mm M* It* - * * > psychology. TkuuM Mill Menu and cuts loose In the finale as the whole cast rocks *n’ iM | * * Ml •|*«t In TM|t*Ml (Color.) pm, i. Mr. Rein mlseed out when he Silt I * * rolls to “Witch Doctor.” I WRC— .« tagaat CMIIn lartaraMla couldn't name the third Speak- NNtrCfUi Wyatt Earp—" Four." Earp finally captures the last of the 41 ADraetare* at ItMMI CMmliim Tl I*4 er of the House (betides Ray- lit McCim MMtMfIM I*l dry-gulchers that murdered his Indian friend. Although ! bum sod Martini in the past M lit CmmMNI it NMmmmCM It*M until this four-part series started out with promise, It dis- 30 years—a question that 9 It ItM CtiCMi MIMIMUI Mm (Cl solved into nothing around the middle of ‘‘Three.’’ Outlaw would have given Talullah “"Ml TM CaUfarauat 'ItIMUH IMttl**MI M4.M Mtlrn Bankhead no trouble LUCY&DESI number four Is a wounded man protected by a girl friend, at all. |UI» Mlto Nmh ¦ * HIM lt»*l*IT and our » " " " actually to bring * • hero needs the full half hour ,Ml wraith** “ him to If you’ve seen the other episodes In thl* ; TODAY’S RADIO 41 MrtiniiM ¦ cm line tm 11T M M«*rl Justice. " * series, you’ll TELL ON 11:4 MltMiMil .IM | IMCmwm TM IM*Mm however, want to see this one. even though " HIGHLIGHTS ’T IMITMIMm NMII r»li Mini "Mm 111 except performances, for ___________ II * " the the regulars, are not up to i .41 Tntt lum Frrantl Slaty par. 8:30 pm.. WMAL—7. WARL—CIub 780: Jim ~tl:M lack Tmi Mm HMD M'lt'l; Mari* U*W MMM 11*1* 4MM 7:30. _ EACH Red Skelton—Amusing show. Red turns Clark interviews Jimmie (t) iMttii pninai tvitcui it 'lit his slapstick on tele- wtr s vision quix-show prises tonight He and Marilyn Maxwell I Rodgers. 8:00. WTOP—Baseball: I: Bal- May 2s, win a house on TV and are supposed to live in it for a Tomorrowwodnosdoy, 195 You imagine timore vs. Cleveland. OTHER Television s month. can the number of booby traps the 8:55, WWDC Baseball: and Red t*C (Ck IV—I:*1 tlln II TM»rr~r*M»:Hi tlritll: MS Ink t » l*4M IM house has, hasn’t left many out. 9:30 pm, Washington vs. Chicago. IMI 4TOT iCk ll—lit Mirim MMilatikk. I. TM Mirim Mmi Till IMM WTOP—9. 10:05, WRC—Treasury of Mu- When Desi first rolled his liM. IM Mirim »kM. ML Salta*. Man i CmMM IM Him. titlMi IMM Jack Faar Show-Johnny Carson, pinch hitting for Jack, has , sic: Featuring the Don Shir- Cuban eyes over lovely Lu- |«M; felt RMCII Ml ley Dorothy some interesting people tonight. Margaret, Trio and Done- (Ck. 4~) wtop <ch. *i with him > gan. cille, his reaction was, “Wow! Xm. 1 w«c wttrTckTii Truman takes over the panel; Dimitri Tlomkin, Holly- 41 TMm Kartoaa CM . - kM|ir Nil " " Tomorrow What a honk of woman!" IMSfi Mil • • * * FINALE WITFI THE FISHERS wood composer and conductor, talks about the Importance • « • • 1:55, WTOP-FM Baseball: M IMjt tiiivm Later, I Debbie Reynolds Joins hubby Eddie Fisher on his last of background music to films; Actor Chester Morris, cur- Baltimore Cleveland. when he drove her , i*t Tilly, mi lirtlMCIM TMWMtly l|l Mil Mut Tim vs. show of the season tonight at 8 o’clock, WRC—4. rently appearing on Broadway. Is Interviewed by Johnny, , 2:55, WWDC home, she thought he was a -K4I SM|k *• Ml II Mmi 4MM Tl TM Mrry Baseball: • * on Levant Baird Puppets Washington Chicago. 4ft 15 "Tkiy till Mhkim Otar* "" Also hand will be Oscar and Dick Shawn. and the perform. 11:30 p m., WRC—4. vs. g ’i Irinari Mat It II*" Mu MTm maniac! I * * .41 lirittl Tran lIiMC Tail! Mill TV Now, 41 TM Priat Cicrft Iren limhi Hm Irtkirf*4ft*y OTHER TODAY'S GOOD in this week's issue II CI|M " Min Silly * * HIGHLIGHTS of The Saturday Evening a Tntt m lllinct limhi Imm IMM THE AIR MUSIC DIAL * • ON nett.41 CiasHMKii I MillSilly 7:S«. WTTG IS)—I Search ’ Where food prepared Post, Lucy and Desi how 0:05, WASH-FM <97.1 Me.)—! tell wttg <c£T) wmal For Adventure: “Lost In the To order is a Time- jy*. wrc ick. 4T lajljwfoF (Ch.T> In the Concert Hall: Rus- they teamed up for love and M Tl* Tm IMM| Tmm Nt*Ml MM lira at lift Sahara.” The adventures of honored tradition " " sian Easter Overture by! 44H tntt I cirtim iitimill the William Barrys' crossing laughs and wound up at the ’« The Real Brennans Rimsky-Korsakov. It Cml* liftMitt [llzMltl Ml hyyitl Siarck In inirm of the Sahara. Sonata; I/ ' - No. 13 in C Minor by Beeth- It lr Hi I MU Ml Till Cnl.iimki 8:39, WTOP (91— TV Play- ! top of show business! if oven and Plano HOCATES sN Tulin |TV lillir'l Traatla Mill TMtlii Sim house : "Tourists Overnight" Concerto Tiiykim SMllty Wilton No.. by Omit TitkM Are the McCoys starring Barbara Hale. A 15 In B Flat Mozart You’ll find out how Lucy N ' Timih TriM Lite Luck HUM Si Ml Mull Urn 8:90, WMAL-FM <lO7 3 Me.) lili.45 Mima" * * ” * young lady who is employed was two Unit By BERNIE HARRISON —Milton Cross Show: Mer- CUSTOM fired from her first as a traveling companion to , 4 Inf Cnsty “latoil If Oaf Min lilt IM ClMl Stir chant of TV critic Venice by Ny- Broadway ... " tkilary" wealthy shows why she Irani who is a woman finds her- 1 stroem, Leonore Overture M Kitty“ Tina Hat Mm lllnr My Littli Maryla Man Tirty The actor coins to get an honorary degree of Doctor self trapped In a so-called left a $3,50045-week movie 2.1 t Marray art today Harvey College No. 3 by Beethoven and Don COOKERY ¦49 Kn SMI Stira UMlittir of Fine Arts at Morris in Charleston. tourist home that is in real- by Petrassi. SMincM a* TM W. Vs., was looking forward to it eagerly here yesterday even Quixote you career. You’ll discover how M Mitlin Tkaitlt Ckaaci lit TlVltf ity a remote hiding place 9:00, After are comfort- ill "Tti Cirliali Cfcalci Mi Tm ItaMtiM If he didn’t know whether or not he’d have to make a speech. WOL 11450 Kc>—Good! ably in * of criminals. seated our din- Desi arrived in this country to lilt'd) Cr»" *—, MTm Trait TMHUM “Well helpfully, "you Music Time: Plano Concerto " " dear.” said Mrs. Walter Brennan can 3 .41 Tm Mill nlnn 9:00, WRC (4)—Adventures No. 2 by Con- ing room* overlooking I use that line of yours that you’re always using—‘three of the Beethoven.
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