E " 0 ' 3 3 ° 2 2°36'0"E 2°39'0"E 2°42'0"E 2°45'0"E N " 0 N ' " 2 0 ' 1 ° 2 8 1 ° 4 8 4 470000 475000 480000 ! Souppes-sur-Loing Activation ID: EMSN-028 n| P roduct N.:13-SO U P P ES-SU R-LO ING, v1, English Souppes-sur-Loing - FRANCE 0 0 1 Flood - June 2016 S E Estimated maximum flood extent and water depth P P - Detail - U R O TE S D P roduction date: 07/09/2016 E E PU 0 IS D 0 EA 1 AISNE UX E P aris T ^ English Channel R 0 0 Seine-et-Marne P aris 0 0 0 0 Yvelines 5 5 01 ^ 3 3 3 3 Ile-de- Marne 5 5 France ! France Chenou 02 03 Se Bay of Biscay in e S Essonne eine 105 04 05 06 # Mediterranean Fontaiineblleau Sea ILE-DE-FRANCE 07 08 09 Y L L o e n o 1 n i Aube 1 B n e 0 0 0 e 0 10 11 g 12 tz T 13 14 U Yonne A | H n Loiret Montargiis Bourgogne- N SEINE-ET-MARNE 'E 15 16 0 Centre-Val Franche-Comté D 0 1 n 0 20 N T i Loir de Loire " sa e km U 0 N ' u F " 9 O Château!-Landon 0 ° e ' B 8 L 9 4 U ° 8 Cartographic Information D 4 100 R 1:25 000 Full color A1, high resolution (100dpi) Dordives 0 1 2 ! Km LE 1 IL 0 100 NV 0 ERO N Grid: W GS 1984 Z one 31 N map coordinate system DE !Mondreville E ± ")u RT T ick marks: W GS 84 geographical coordinate system X Legend U A E Crisis Information Settlements Transportation C S r Estimated Max imum Flood Ex tent ! P opulated P lace E Aerodrome D ! 0 Estimated water depth (m) £ E 10 Buildings T Bridge R Industry / Utilities " 100 Q uarry | H arbour H igh : 21 Low : 0 n P ower Station General Information !(u H elipad Physiography Area of Interest ")u H eliport # Spot elevation point (m) Administrative boundaries Railway Contour lines and Region elevation (10m spacing) Motorway P rovince Hydrology P rimary Road Point of Interest #I H ydrographical Station Secondary Road Local Road 9 Institutional River; S tream 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lake; Reservoir; River 3 3 Medical 3 3 K 5 5 Map Information La Cléry 95 From the 31st of May to early J une 2016, ex ceptional flooding occured after several days of # heavy rain in France. T he Loing and Seine rivers burst their banks and 4,000 people were R T E evacuated from the town of Nemours. Some areas reported the worst flooding seen in a N century. A T T he Emergency Management Service Risk & Recovery activation ‘’EMSN-028 : Flood I O delineation and damage assessment, France’’ has been requested by the French authorities N A in order to map flooding, infer max imum flooding and flood water depths, and assess the | L n E damages of the floods occurred over the Seine River located upstream to P aris, and its ! Préfontaines 7 tributary the Loing River, from Fontainebleau to Montargis. £ Nargis " 0 ! 0 1 Data Sources Estimated maximum flood extent and water depth: : derived from the observed flood ex tent and IGN BD ALT I® 2015 (GSD 5 m), © SERT IT . Reference Imagery: Sceaux-du! -Gâtinais SP O T 6 and SP O T 7 © AIRBU S DS (2015), acquired on 10/09/2015 and 30/06/2015 (GSD 1.5 m). T his work was supported by public funds received in the framework of GEO SU D, a ! ! Courtempierre Fontenay-sur-Loing project (ANR-10-EQ P X -20) of the program "Investissements d'Avenir" managed by the ES French National Research Agency. AIN Vector layers: Administrative Boundaries, T ransport Network, H ydrologic Network, NT N O CENTRE-VAL " EF Settlements based on IGN BD T O P O ®, P hysiography based on IGN BD ALT I® and 0 R N ' P E " H ydrographical stations based on Banque H ydro database (www.hydro.eaufrance.fr) refined 6 D 0 ° E ' 8 T R DE LOIRE 6 by SERT IT . 4 ° 8 Inset maps based on: Administrative boundaries (J RC 2013, GISCO 2010, © LOIRET 4 EuroGeographics, © IGN), H ydrology, T ransportation (Natural Earth, 2012, CCM River DB © EU -JRC 2007), Settlements (Geonames, 2013). 106 # All Data sources are complete and with no gaps. T he data provided is subject to the terms outlined in the arrangements concerning access to authoritative geospacial reference data for Copernicus emergency management service. Dissemination/Publication Due to sensitivity of this activation's data, access to maps is limited to authorized end users who can access it via our secure platform. For further information and/or data access requests you might want to contact [email protected]. Delivery formats are GeoT IFF, GeoP DF, GeoJP EG and vectors (shapefile and KML formats). REST RICT ED U SE 0 0 1 96 # Disclaimer T he products elaborated in the framework of current mapping in Risk and Recovery mode activation are realized to the best of our ability, optimising the available data and information. All geographic information has limitations due to scale, resolution, date and interpretation of the original data sources. T he products are compliant with Copernicus EMS Risk and Recovery P roduct P ortfolio specifications. Map Production 0 0 T he present map shows the max imum flood ex tent and the associated water depths over the 1 0 0 0 0 area of Souppes-sur-Loing (AO I13) during the flood event of end May - beginning June 0 0 5 5 2016. T he max imum flood ex tent is a modelling derived from the observed flood ex tent (flood 2 2 3 3 waters and traces visible on Earth O bservation data acquired during the flood event) and the 5 5 0 reference Digital Surface Model, the IGN BD Alti® (5m). T he water depths have been 0 Treilles-en-Gâtinais! 1 calculated thanks to the height difference between water surface of the max imum flood ex tent and the bottom values of the riverbed indicated in the DSM. Daily water heights and water flows taken at different river gauges are also represented in hydrographs in the map. ! T he thematic accuracy of this product is 80% or better, based on internal validation procedures. T he estimated geometric accuracy of this product is 0.5 m, from native positional accuracy of the background satellite image. Max imum flood ex tent and water depth information are simulated products. T herefore, their quality depends on the accuracy of the input data. Some errors may subsist due to the presence of outliers. Contact T he map was produced (under the Service Contract nr. 259811 of the European Commission) on 07/09/2016 by SERT IT . Name of the release inspector (quality control): J RC. E-mail: [email protected] 0 0 1 http://emergency.copernicus.eu/mapping 1 00 !Girolles viaduc du£ loing " # 90 2°33'0"E 470000 475000 480000 E " 0 ' 6 3 ° 2 2°45'0"E 2°42'0"E 2°39'0"E.
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