pp ^^^"^»?*w iinjHM^v.p •MM wffff,!!l!"..wj T^^^7"^^p^*^""^^^" lit-pl reviewedbeglrii ill • -.:•-- * • i ' ' ^ '. • r-> Vofume.24-Numboc.83 ' Monday. April 3,1989 - - Westland. Michiqan ' • . '44 Pages . -z~ ' . • ._ Twenty-five cents By Tedd Schneider the 9-1-1 program. implemented throughout southeast­ The system also helps communi-' In Westland, an Enhanced 9-1-1 staff writer "We're*going to ask police and fire ern Michigan is designed to speed ties cut down the number of crank Public Education Committee has pereonne\while they're out "on other emergency response and eliminate calls since the location of the caller been formed. The 19-member volun­ places Public safety officials in West- runs, to request that they be able to Confusion over which departments) is automatically displayed on the teer committee is under the auspices land, Q^rden City and other western test the-system," Benyo said. responds to an emergency call. dispatcher's console. of the city and headed by Benyo. '•« 3nd faces Wayne County CQmrminities imple­ "They'll also be testing pay phones In western Wayne County, the ser­ menting Enhanced 9-1-1 emergency in the communities-." UNDER THI? system, callers* ad­ vice is being estabUshedihrough-the- —The committee includes police and phone service will be'aisklng some lo­ The emergency telephone system dresses and telephone numbers are Conference of Western Wayne, an In­ fire,officials, Westland City Council­ THE RACE uon. cal homeowners and businesses for will be available to the public Frt> automatically displayed on dispatch­ tergovernmental group representing man Tom Brown, a representative If Wednesday's special access to their telephones in order to day, June 9. ers' computer terminals. Benyo said 17 communities. • «*" from the Waynej-Westland Communi­ Westfahd City Council meeting, check the system as it comes on line Although It will be in operation pe­ that .information solves the biggest Oakland County and Detroit im­ ty Schools district, Westland Cham­ was'any'Ih'dJciitlte, the political this spring. riodically for testing before then, problem faced by emergency teams plemented the system last year. 6e- ber of Commerce members and season li.heating; up.iust as the; -;• The two-month testing period is Benyo said-"we don't want people — getting the correct location of the nyo said.the service should be avail­ communityand civic leaders. • weather begins to> waxhY V-; - ;•;. expected to start next week, said Jo« calling before June, 9." . ' call from distressed or incapacitated able In the entire four-county metro­ •r\ Mayor Charles jGrlffin and ••} seph Benyo, regional coordinator for The Enhanced 9-1-1 system being residents. • ' politan Detroit area by late 1990. Please turn to Page 2 , \ cdiincilnaai Charles Pickering -? ; both expected to<ibe among the mayoral candidates this fall — took of f the gloves and sparred verbally during debateover amendments to the cltyVttFA John Shea, Craig Allard eulogized '{Tax Increment Financing - - -Authority)district. ;: • \'y: ..When Pickeringquestioned the .^aIwbf.moretffA ;. /::; : / \: developmentstarid thecit/s >; 'Second . tcpramitmeot UJ public safely, / Coach: /<5rif fiii charged tire councilman .-/-:• ; wi'uV,'niaking "purely political .,i^ family' statements" and hot addressing Remember the Issue; / v- ^ • ;". - Thecouncilman denied tie .. -electioneering charge and the two recalls love the best -continued to verbally spar for .* , approximately 20 minutes, •..,- ":; ^Grifflii Informally disclosed a , Shea gave. T^laiyie^reH^llonljId^durtng fL .- in Allard Westland Chamber of Commerce By Kevin,Brown staff writer By Kevin Brown- liincheOn last January, Pickering, staff writer / beaten byjGrifttfraeariy. four. -: ; : Franklin High School senior John 'yearsago,ihasUlienout /•-;.'.; .V Franklin High quarterback Craig nbn^riaUrtgjp^tltibns;!y}[. ;-\::;/ Shea was remembered Friday In the Westland church where he served as Allard met with his football-coach an altar boy for four years. just a few days before his spring trip 'This was his second family^" the to Florida, where be wai" killed " kennel operators should be aware - March 25. of t*& new cityordihances that -> Rev. Richard McGarry said to more than 400 family members, friends, "He came bouncing In and said, ^^ctly.'a'ffe^t them, and of:.- ; 'Hi Mr. V, what's happening.' He had c^iirii, their four-legged friends. : Franklin students and staff assem­ bled for a funeral mass at St. Ber- that grin on h^s face," coach Arraand ./ Both ordinances were adopted :\ Vigna recalled. last month by the Westland City . nardine of Siena Catholic Church to : honor Shea, 17, who was ''killed Vigna rose to address more than /Council/-^ :-'/'.-^-:/:,:^;.;;. •-]• •- S00 friends and family members at a Ordinance 107-A-4 requires;, > March 25 in Florida. , ""' " : funeral Mass said for Allard, 18, last "owners or cust^lahs" of female "Look around you," McGarry said. "Look at what's taken place in this / Thursday in St. Robert Bellarmlne . dogs to keep the animals confined Catholic Church in Redford. / while they are "in heW' community the last few days, the -the law requires thatsuch : love, caring and support. .That's "You take what you admire, and^ Uaninials be attached to leashes : the good John brought to us." what you love in this young man. iny time they are on streets or in Shea and his best friend, Franklin, You mak^ltpart of your life, let him 7bther public places. : /</ student Craig Allard, 18, were struck • live;thrpttgh'you," Vigna said. - by a speeding car while crossing a Allard andTfls best friend, Frank- •^:i. The law is designed to control / '.' lln basketball co-captaln John Shea, "the city's stray population anjj? ~ highway just outside Orlando, Fla. Both died shortly thereafter. 17rweTe~hit'by a speeding car while 8lmi!air to ordinances on the:. // crossing a highway just outside Or- . books In other towns, according v' The two had traveled with friends, to Florida for spring break. Cando, Fla., where they,had traveled : to Westland' police executive Lt • -with friendsJor spring breaks §oth_ Michael Frayer, / ;> - --:' Rows of folding chairs, set up In- the jear of the church, were not died shortly thereafter. // AseOpndordinance — i67-A-3- "It would be tragic if any of you /~ listulex^iremetns-forthe ""•' ,v^ enough to-aecommodate the number of mourners, some of whom had to people left the church this morning /licensingofdogkennels. /T saying why ;did this happen," -the Requirements include // stand throughout the half-hour ser­ vice. - V JOHNSTORMZANp/iUtfphotpgraphw Rev, John Zwers told mourners. "The reason these things happen, department and police Family /rtembers arid friends of Craig Allard Jeave the chuirch after Thursday morning'* fu^ Please turn to Page 2 o'epartment.Also,outdoor .'i-v rieral service. „_!..._•_ Please turn to Page 2 kennels must be enclosed with : fencing between 4'and 6.feet high. ; • i^her requiremenls address / 'cleanliness of the property and Proposed'new road the animals'health. ghat's inside p | ansjA/ou lcP help"- ease V/ Violation jof either ordinance is - ^eatendarf ^. .5B ^etsJorr^A'v^Irr^ a misdemeanor,' punishable by a Classifieds C.E.F extend Hunter to the fine of up to $500 and/or up to 90 west then soutrrwett days in jail.,, Auto ... ... C,F Index .'.. .' . 8E to avoid weflands Real estate- E business district traffic r SGONtlNENTAL _ ' /- T^ablevision is celebrating lis 25th —E>ng4byment.^-, .- E,F - anniversary and marking Creative living . ... 1E ByTedd8chneider "The road is going to provide in­ and-, utilities in the designated dis­ National Cable Month with - .*. Crossword. 2E staff writer .« creased access for developments tricts, ..-,.;• / 8peclarprogrammlng and a Entertainment 5D built along Central City Parkway," TM PROPOSED two-lane road .promotion aimed at local Obituaries . 5B . Drivers in the city's burgeoning said Tim Schroeder, the city's eco­ will be aligned with either Jfunter or elementary school students. downtown commercial district coula nomic development- director. "We Elmwood. Hunter currently dead­ : Sports. 1C have an easier t|me getting in and feel it will help promote develop^ ends,at Central City Parkway,"We / .The city's cable television Street scene. .. 10 franchise Is sponsoring"a drawing out by the early tWOs. ment within the TIFA district." could make It a natural extension of 'contest for Wayne-Westland Taste . , .. .'. 1B The Westtand City Council has ap­ Hunter, but the rodd would have to . schools In the franchise coverage proved— with^hanges — an admin­ The city designated a-TIFA dis­ be built with a curve to-avoid ao- fcita- Awards will be presented In Newsline >. : .591-2300 istration plan for improvements in trict to help spur development of the area that has been designated as a ceremony broadcast on Channel Sportsline. .' .5914312 the city's TIFA (Tax Increment Fi­ downtown area under state guide­ wetlands (marsh-type land where the ,Cif.CJUt!&lioju *59JUQS«L nancing Authority) district, Including lines introduced in mid-1980s. Under state prohibits development)," Entry deadline Is Wednesday, Classified, .591-0900 "consTrucTlbn of a new cast-west roaa" "the law, cities use money from pro- Schroedersald. between Central_Cjty_PajjwajMm(i[ Jectcd property tax Increases for __^_ __ _j; Please turn toPage2 t •vv. Thfcompany Is also planning Newburgh. "• N capital Improvementsrsiich as" roads : Kan Open bouse {or the public 4*7 p.m. Wadfwsday, April 5, at its We: make it rtjjdloon28O0S.Gtmey, Dearborn Heights. poliGemah Gitytocoiirt ' / f<rt more information^ call : : : ' "' "•''.•''•'•''. - •'''': >/-'•'-:"" ' ' - ' Continental's Weslland office, I:AS oglsl treating him. chiatric' Intervention Center,.near lion, of which Goodlesky is a mem­ By (.'eohard Poflor • '• <• '5»-iQ45. editor -\ :•>-. ."•-...•- A - - GoOdlesky is suing the city of Westland Medical Center. ber.--: •:;••.•- -v'-;. : • •-' • r '-1 • _ . 'I_L i Westland and Its civil service co^m- . Goodlesky insisted that the wom­ The appeal has been assigned to K 4rONVATHJ<,PENhas So easy .to place on J .. - -A Westland police of fleer Iff f Ight^ -mission. an Initiated the kiss and denied that Judge" WullanTJ.
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