THE GLENGARRY NEWS ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1925 VOL. XXXm—No. 42. $2.00 A YEAR. Ottawa (Two Members), McClenaghan, Con. Chabot, Con. former labor Member Rev. A. McLean Now Pester Enibusiastic Reception len- Oxford North, Sutherland, Con. fEDERIL BimiE UNDECISIVE Oxford South, Sutherland, Con. ParkdalCv(Toronto), fepence, Con, Collapses at Meeiiop At Mount Lehman, R.C. dered Rtlon. Arthur Meighen Parry Sound, Arthurs, Con. Cobalt, Oot. 26—Angus McDonald, Nows has been received from Rev. Peel, Charters, Con. The much advertised visit to Glen- IN THNNSDirS EEECTION who represented the Riding of Tim- A. McLean, late of Dunvegan, that he garry, in the interests of Mr. Angus Perth North, Wright, Con. iskaming in the last House of Com* has settled at Mount Lehman, British Perth South, Sanderson, Lib. McGillis, Conservative candidate, of mona, collapsed while addressing a Columbia.* Tlie congregation of the Peterboro West, Peek, Con. the Opposition Leader, Right Honor- uiccunK in Kirkland Lake last night, place voted in favour of union, but Opposition Leader May Yet Have Majority of One or Twro-Prime Port Arthur-Thundcr Bay, Laueworthv. able Arthur Meighen, is an event of and now is confind to his room in a the minister was an anti-unionist with Con. ■■ .. the past and it is generally conceded Minister King and Eight Cabinet Ministers Defeated-Mr. Arch’d. nOi/Cl Luere. His condition, while im- a few of the members of the church. the reception- accorded that gontleman Prescott, Evauturcl, Ind.-Lib. piOvcu, is giving is to concern. He Ho and they organized a non-concur- Prince Edward-Leiinox, Hubb. Gon_ and the members of his party, was ♦ haa progressed more than half way ring congregation and got a building J. Macdonald Redeems Glengarry For Liberals. Renfrew North, Cotnam, Con. characteristic of good old Glengarry, his address when he dropped erected with help from '.Vancouver. Renfrew South, Maloiwljy Con. on Wednesday of this week. back lu a chair. He sw'ooned and re- It was opened, on the last Sunday of Russell, Goulet, Lib. ' 'f;.,;.- . The arrival of the morning train jiiaiiiea in a semi-conscious condition September and on the following Sun- RESULTS OF THE GENERAL ELECTION BY RIDINGS. Simeoe East, Thompson) ;.Çon. from Ottawa was anticipated by a for more than an hour. Dr. Harris, day the minister left the flock to Simcoe North, Boys, don. large crowd at the station which in- hurriedly summoned, rendered medi- take care of itself, as he had been cluded the; candidate, officers of the After one of the cleanest but hardest 'or a gain of 12 seats over what they Stormont, Hamilton, Con. cal assistance, and the fomer M.P. was called to a nibre promising field. Mr. Liberal-Conservative Association and fought campaigngj seen in Glengarry held at dissolution. Timiskamirig -Nortli, O’Neill, Con. taken to the hotel. McLean reports that he has a very other prominent members of that party for many years, victory finally des- The result in Ontario is not grati- Timiskamtiig Sout^ Armstrong/ Con. Since the nomination of Mr. comfortable manse and' a very much including many ladies. After the ex- cended on the Liberal banners and fying from a Liberal standpoint par- Toronto- East R\*^man, Con. Welch to contest the riding Angus easier parish than he had at Dunvegan. change of greetings a procession was Archie John Macdonald the popular ticularly when we study the figures for Toronto-East Cent^'b, Bristol, Con. McDonald has been his chief assistant. He has organized a new congregation formed headed by the Pipe Band and and efficient clerK of the Township the eastern district, where the Conser- Toronto-High Park, Anderson; Con. Together they have carried on the work of the United Church of Canada at a a tour of the town made, the visitors of Irâ.ncaster was elected yesterday vatives captured nine, the Liberals two Toronto-Northwest, Baker, Con. of campaigning the riding and the point seven miles away to which he ultimately being escorted to the resid- as member for Glengarry by the close and one returned an Independent Lib- Toronto-Northwest, Church, Con. eral In South Renfrew Dr, Maloney strain of moving over the extensive has 'to walk at present. Mount Leh- ence of Mr. J. A. Macdonell K. C., margin of 16^1 votes over his Consef\’’a* Toronto-Searboro, Harris, Con. district to be covered has reacted man is up the Fraser valley, half way tive opponent Mr. Angus McGillis and won a decisive victory over Hon. T. Toronto-South, Geary| Con. Honorary President of the Association, A. Low. In Ottawa both ridings arc against the former representative. between Vancouver and Chilliwack. who entertained at luncheon, > 264 votes over the Progressive cOjndi* Toronto-West Centre,^;iHocken, Con. He is very delighted with himself date Mr. Wilfred Kennedy. now credited to the Conservatives.- The Vic'tpria, Stinson, Com At two 0 ’clock, a Public Meeting among the mountains and valleys with was held in the Armouries, and the The Liberal party at the beginning Progressives lost' two seats in this Waterloo North, Eul^, Lib. glimpses of the sea. very large crowd present was an in- of the campaign was severely handi- territory, Glengarry and Froutenae-Ad- Waterloo South, Edvv^rds, Con. Pleasantly Remembereil dication of the desire of electors gen- capped by lack of organization due dington. In the neighboring county of Welland, Pettit, Com erally to hear the issues of the day largely to the inroads which had been Stormont, Dr. Hamilton, Conervative, Wellington North, Sinclair, Con. made by the Progressive group in the was elected by a majority of 437 over Wellington South, Guthrie, Con. On Fiftb Anniversary ria Live, Stoek ' discussed from a Qonservative stand- rural polls, but' the candidate Archie G. I. Gogo, Liberal candidate. Corn- Wentworth, Wilson, Con. point by Mr. Meighen, Mr. Ferguson, J. Macdonald working day and night wall town gave Hamilton a majority York North, Lennox, Con. A very pleasant event took place Premie/ of Ontario and others. The several addresses in French and Eng- by a consistent personal canvass made of 610, while the ruraPtownships went York South, Maclean, Con. on Monday evening, October 26th, Shippiny (lull lish, were of , a high order and punctu- a number of friends in all parts of Libei^l. Mr. Gogo put up a wonder- York West, Drayton,^ Con. when upwards of one hundred friends ful fight against great odds. Russell gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. The cattle market was about steady ated by applause. The order was ex- the County who joining with the Lib- British Columbia 14 Members eral organization put forth a united and Prescott counties remain in the Joe C. McDonald, 3rd Lochiel, to cele- with last week, with possibly a slight- cellent as might be expected in a con- effort ' which •• finally resulted in a Liberal column. Cariboo, Fraser, Con, brate the fifth anniversary of- their ly easier feeling on the canner and stituency where harmony and good will victory for the Liberal colours. Con- Standing of tho Parties Comox-Alberni, Neill, Prog.-Lib« wedding. It came as a complete sur- cutter grades. A number of cattle prevail at all times. trary to the general belief Mr. Wilfred The standing of the parties at 9 a.m. Fraser Valley, Barber, Con. prise to 'them which made the evening •were sold for Export purposes. Prices Kennedy who for the past six years was :— MR. ARCH’D. J. MACDONALD .. Kootenay East, King, Lib. a real merry one. Among the many on calves were steady to a shade had put forth untiring lefforts as Conservative .... .. 119 M.P. elect for Glengarry.' Kootenay West, Esling, Con. and useful articles presented to stronger. Good veals sold geiferally To Reliue Ontario Gold member in the House of Commons on Liberals 92 Nanaimo, Dickie, Cou. them was a magnificent reed rocking ajPound 10 cents with a few choice Dorehestef, Cannon, Lib. behalf’' of his native County polled the Progressives 12 New Westminister, McQuarrie, Con. chair. Dancing and singing were kept ones up to 11. Medium veals were from Drumnioiid-Arthabaska, Girouard, Lib. smallest vote; the Conservative Pro- Independent 1 Skeena, Stork, Lib. up to the wee hours of the morning. 9 to 10 and heavy pail-fed calves rang- Gaspc, Lemieux, Lib. ' At Ollawa gressives having apparently flocked Not Reported 21 Vancouver Burrard/ Clark, Con. ed from 6 to 8%. Grass calves,were back to their old party. Both Mr. We append the vote recorded by Hochelaga( Montreal), St. Pere, Lib. Vancouver Centre, Stevens, Con. from 4 to 5 cents, bulk 4% to 5. Ottawa, Oct. 28.—Arrangements have, Kennedy and Mr. McGillis are to be wards in the Glengarry contest and in -Hull, Fontaine, Lib. Vancouver North, Donaghy, Lib. The hog market was weaker. Mixed been made by the Ontario. Mining As- Jacqiie-Cartier, Montreal Rheaume, Lib congratulated on the clean hard fight doing so might draw the attention of Vancouver South, Ladner, Con. The Late Parliament lots of good weight gold for from 11^ sociation on behalf of the gold pro- Jolictte, Denis, Lib. they put up and upon the man^y way our readers to the fact that while 10986 Victoria, Tolmie, Con. to 11% with the bulk to Packers at ducers of Ontario for the metal to be in which after their defeat they united adults were entitled to vote in Thurs- Karmouraska, Bouchard, Lib. Yale, Stirling, Con. The standing of the parties at dis- 31^. Selects realized 11%. Sows refined at the Ottawa branch of the, in congratulating the victor and wish- day’s election, but 7904 exercised their Labelle, Bourassa, Ind.
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