We fiope you enjoy your visit to Cobourg. sfiould you ever wisfi to relocate fiere, let us assist you. As Cobourg's leading real estate company, it would be our pleasure to welcome you to tfie Community. After all, we're tfie .neigfibourfiood COOO professionals. The Official Guide Book of Cobourg An overview of Cobourg's history, events, recreation, 0n1u~ accommodation, restaurants, shopping, antiques, transportation, led nrr21® entertainment, the performing ALL-PRO REALTY LTD. arts, points of interest, maps and much more! 102 WALTON STREET 262 DIVISION STREET PORT HOPE, ONTARIO COBOURG, ONTARIO 885-2416 372-3355 RY DRESSLER HOUSE DINING An essential part of Cobourg's heritage and your visit Welcome to Organization ofmate~i~1in this INDEX m~kes.no distinction between advertlsmg and edltonal content. Accommodation, Camping. 33-45 Historical Interest Points 32 Antiques 44 Town Centre 25 Art Gallery, Music 2,29 Miscellaneous 31 Automotive services 31-32 Open Sunday 30 Boats, Harbour 27 Parks 36-37 Banks, Financial institutions 32 Plazas 26 Buses, Bus routes 25 Port Hope 40 Churches 28, 29, 33 Recreation 21, 37-39 Dining, Restaurants 33-45 Shopping, retaiL 7-24 Events (major) 24 Theatre: Performing arts 2, 29 Famous people Cinema 30 Fine food at moderate prices of Cobourg 34-35 Further Information 44 Grafton village .41 Emergency Numbers - licensed patio Historical overview Fire 372-2233 - air conditioning of Cobourg .4-21 Police: Cobourg 372-2243 - ample parking at the rear Maps: General. 21-22-23-24 OPP 372-5421 - casual dress welcome Accommodation, restaurants. 43 Ambulance 372-6841 Automotive services 30-31 Hospital. 372-6811 Buses 25 Coast Guard 372-6297 DRESSLER The Birthplace of HOUSE • Marie Dressler I wish to extend my sincere appreciation for the patronage and en- Fine dining in elegant thusiastic support from the Town of Cobourg, Chamber of Commerce, 19th century atmosphere Cobourg B.LA., Diamond Triangle, Share Info, Haynes Printing and the many individuals that made this publication possible. o 212 King St. West, Cobourg A special note of thanks also to my editor Maureen McCallum· DINING (416) 372-5243 On behalf of all concerned, I welcome you to Cobourg and hope that your stay is a rewarding experience. Welcome to C060urg. TFianK you for visiting our town. Wt Fiopt tfiat tacFi timt you rdurn you will notia many improvtmmls in our tourist facilitits wFiich will maKt Hour visit mort tnioya6k. So pkast come 6acK again soon On behalf of our membership, it 1S a pleasure to welcome visitors and new citizens to our area. Cobourg represents a v1ta1 cog in the economy of Ontario's lakeshore. We boast a vibrant business community supported by industries which are outstanding corporate citizens. Wh11e being steeped in tradition, this area has a unique character which handily accommodates all manners of secular transition. By being blessed with· marina facilities which promise to evolve into one of the largest harbours on Lake Ontario coupled w1th an attractive quality of life, one can easily see that Cobourg is positioned for tangible long-term growth. We invite you to experience our area and learn why we have such unabashed pride. We are sure you will enjoy your sojourn here. Feel free to call upon the serV1ces of our Chamber for information and ass1stance at a~y time. c&)~ C. Michael Allison, President Cobourg & District Chamber of Commprce Corporation of the Town of Cobourg The r Cobourg's Art & Music Voice of The Art Gallery of Northumberland, located 3rd floor of Victoria Hall Northumberland offers the visitor a continuous yariety of contemporary and traditional fine art exhibits. Open: Tuesday-Friday 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday & Sunday 1 p.m.-5 p.J:Il.,(Saturday 11a.m.-5 p.m. during July & August). • News Cobourg Opera & Drama Guild is best known as sponsor of the "White • Weather Rose Concert Series". It provides Cobourg with excellent professional • sports performances. • Farm reports The Northumberland Players, Cobourg's Prize amateur theatre group, • Marine weather was established in 1976 and performs dinner theatre, musicals, come- • stock markets dies and drama, • Blue Jays Baseball The Northumberland Symphony Orchestra, Northumberland Philhar- TIlE SOUND OF monic Choir and the Northumberland String Ensemble (students), are A DIFFERENT DRUMMER administered by the Northumberland Orchestra Association which .SPOil- chuc sors public concerts: 1450 CFMX-FM 103.1 R.do lor the 6K-dnc Istene<. The Town Hall Theatre group brings four professional productions to ""Mt, mosaic of rne art rlYOlJ"kn, Broad- woy cb.ulcs andcood jw. """",,,eel Victoria Hall this season. See page 29. 372-5401 widl-. _ther and!pOrU. The Sweet Adelaines of Cobourg meet Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m. in St. lio... Mary's School on Burnham Street. Barnum House, built in 1817 by (which would survive as Canada's ol- Eliakim Barnum is located 11 km east dest weekly newspaper, now a daily), Cobourg by the lake; yours to enjoy on Highway 2. Barnum, originally reflects the spirit of the time. "It re- from Vermont, built a log house on the mains but to say, that in the conduct Leopold of Saxe-Coburg, Germany in site in 1808 and aside from establish- of this paper neither expense nor ex- 1819. ing a milling and distiller business, be- ertion will be spared to make it a Little remains in the town from this came a Justice of the Peace and source of usefulness and prosperity to earliest period except the stone struc- Colonel of the 3rd Northumberland the district, and entitle it to be es- ture on Durham St., used during the militia. teemed a friend and welcome guest at war of 1812 as an army barracks and The house burnt during the war of every fireside." The Poplars, 18 Spencer St. East. 1812while it quartered British soldiers. They were genteel times in which Barnum rebuilt and this fine Geor- "Messrs. Anderson and Paxton beg to Built in 1827 by John Spencer, the gian home remains one of the inform the public that they have now county's first sheriff, The Poplars re- Province's outstanding examples. It is on hand, a quantity of superior Mould tains its original exterior character. now a museum and houses an exatrodi· Candles, which they will dispose of at This Regency style home has bow front nary collection of typical household unusually low prices, for Cash." Cobourg since 1798; windows which are quite rare in Cana- utensils, farm implements, clothing And for those who weren't so civi- da. IJ is being made into a museum. First it was Amherst and furniture from this pioneer period. lized "TWO DOLLARS Just on the outskirts of town on REW ARD- Whereas, on Friday night Highway 2 West however~ is a Ne- last, some evil-disposed person fired a United Empire Loyalist Eliud oclassic frame house built between Cobourg from 1819 Nickerson has the distinction of being gun at the house of the Subscriber at the first settler in the Cobourg area. to the early 1830s present occupied as a School House, Amherst, which would grow and in the village of Cobourg, whereas up- change its name to Hamilton and then By the early 1830's, Cobourg had wards of twenty squares of Glass were finally to Cobourg in 1819, was found- become one of the most important broken ... " ed in 1798. towns in Upper Canada both econom- With the completion of the east pier At that time the present town site ically and socially. Optimism and af- of the harbour in May, 1832, which was no more than a cedar swamp, but fluence had come quickly for the 1000 would be followed by the centre and as the land was cleared the water table residents who could boast of 150dwell- west piers in the early forties, the town dropped and the settlement flourished. ings, 20 stores, three taverns, two had a period of rapid expansion and The first store opened in 1808 and by schools, two churches, two distilleries, prosperity. a tannery, brick works, a woollen mill Lumber became the main export, 1817 the influx of half-pay army The Poplars, 18 Spencer St. officers and retired Northwest Compa- and some smaller industries. The followed by wheat, flour, pbtash, ny fur traders had begun. 1815 and 1830 by the Burnham fami- streets were unpaved but, Cobourg did barley, oatmeal and potatoes. The har~ The lnhabitants renamed the settle- ly. It was called Whitehall. Asa Burn- have boardwalks! bour would continue to play an impor- tnent Cobourg to honour the marriage ham became mayor of Cobourg in The words of R.D. Chatterton, who tant role in the history of Cobourg of Princess Charlotte to Prince 1861. established The Cobourg Star in 1831 right up to the present day. lence in Upper Canada. However, by its builder D' Arcy Boulton after his there were many citizens of Cobourg marriage to Emily Heath in 1838, is who built lasting reminders of an age said to be one of the finest Regency vil- During the period between 1832 and and sciences and graduated Dr. Augus- in which both craftsmanship and a las still remaining in the Province. The 1857, there seemed little to dispel the ta Stowe in 1888 as the first woman sense of style prevailed even if their matching wings were added shortly af- beliefthat Cobourg was destined to be- doctor trained in Ontario. By 1892 veptures were somewhat less ter the turn of the century. It is now come a great city. Competion with however, the classrooms and labs were ambitious. known locally as The Dumble house Hamilton and York (Toronto) as a vacated as the school became part of 250 Mathew St., for example, built after the family who lived there follow- cultural and industrial centre seemed the University of Toronto and the about 1840 by Mathew Williams re- ing: the Boultons.
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