SUYER MAY PLEAD Thousands Flock To Morgrue; Fail To Identify Trio BOARD WITHOUT MALTBIE PROPOSES POWER TO A a ‘‘UNWRITTEN LAW A COUNTY SYSTEM ONCH^JOB Stadeot Cleric Shooto His PLAN OF TOWN Appointee, Mrs. G. T. WiO- FOR STATE COURTS Girl Bride and Priest in son, WiU Continne— Dis- STORE TABLED Chief Justice of State Sb* New York H6teL After DOMESTIC STRIFE close Manchester FERA Drinkinc Boot— Attorney BYSQICTMEN preme Court Would Re- FEARED IN REICH Men Work EIsevYhere. moye AO Political Control Plans Jostilication De- Cost for Operating Store Powerless to do, anything about fense-^ Yoant Wif e, Hol- Hitler Believes Rivnl Military from Minor Tribunals -r* Would Be $4,000 to the appointment of Mrs. George T. Willson of Wapping aa an investiga- lywood Dancer, Prompted Organization WQl Start One Plan WonU Hare the / $5,000 a Year— Action tor for the local charity department, because o f circumstances centering Pdrehase of Weapon. Trouble in Near Future. Judges of Superior Court on Local Water Bonds. about the F E R A which are beyond their control, the Selectmen last night took no action on the matter. Make the Selections. New York, Nov. 37.— (A P )— Dl- Berlin, Nov. 27.— (A P )—The Mrs. Willson will continue her work /sheveled and apparently on the After nearly eight hours of con- German army and the natiob’s po- here at a salary of $125 a month and / verge o f complete collapse, Joseph tinuous discussion on several im- lice forces are operating under a New Haven, Nov. 21—(A P )—Re- automobile expenses of seven cents portant subjects, the Board of a mile. virtual declaration of a state of moval from all political control and L. Rtelnmetz 22-year-otd theologi cal student, was arraigned in homi- Selectmen closed at 3:45 this morn- emergency, reliable sources disclos- domination of the appointment of Three Recommended ed today. clde court today on the charge that ing, what was said to be the longest It developed during an informal Judges of all courts was called for he shot to death yesterday hls 17- meeting ever held to act on local All Christmas furloughs for by Chief Justice William M. Haltbla hearing preceding the regular busi- members of the Reichsweh. (arm y) year-old bride and Rev. Joseph J. civic protilems. The Board spent a of the Supreme Court of Errors to- ness session that Town Treasurer and military po,lce have been sus- Leonard, Catholic priest. large part of the Ume trying to day In addressing a Joint meeting George H<'Waddell had recommend- pended. Drilling of Nazi storm Shortly after he was remanded solve the complicated and contro- of service blubs in N ew Haven, ed for the Job Mrs. Gardner Stanley troops has been intensified It was versial FERA social service investi- Thousands passed the biers o f the three little girls'found dead near Carlisle, Pa., In a mystery to which Appointment of all Judges by tbs without ball for a hearing next Mon- ol 521 East Middle Turnpike, Man- reported. gator appointment and acted on sev- no clews have been found, but none could Identlfjf the victims. Here is shown part of the curious and Legislature on nomination by the day, Steinmets's attorney, Meyer chester Green; Miss Jlleanor I. Dwy- The domestic situation apparent- morbid throng which beat at the doors of the (jarllsle undertaking parlor where the bodies were taken In governor, or the adaptation of an Machlis, Intimated he might use the eral other major items. er o f 23 Strickland street and Miss ly was responsible' fo r the order. Its an effort to establish Identity. Several tentative idenUfleations were found to 1>e wrong and appeals were English system o f county courts, “ unwritten law " as a defense for his Town Store Flan Marjorie Keith, daughter of former possible significance In relation to sent to all parts of the country for possible clews. the Judges of which to be named by client. The flnal dlsposiUon o f the town Selectman George E. Keith. With the foreign situation was mini- the Judges of the Superior Court, Through his attorney, Stelnmets store plan suggested at a former the exception of Miss Keith, who mized. declared he found hls bride of leas meeUng as a necessary chsuige from were offered by the chief Justice as was not available for the work be- Fears that a smouldering feud alternatives for the present system than a month "in an embarrassing the existing system, was tabled cause she is In London, England, the between the Relchawlehr and the of naming town, city, borough and situation" in the priest’s hotel room after long discussion. Earlier in the FE!RA officials felt’ tlie other two Schutz StalTcl (picked Nazi police court Judges. yestefiday before he seized a pistol evening in public session. Dr. FRENCH DEPUTIES did not possess the social service Guards) might burst into flame at CHILDREN’S IDENTITY Although he did not specifically and slew her and the cleric. Thomas H. Weldon of 300 Porter qualifications required for the Job of any time are held in some quarters mention it. Chief Justice MaltUe’s Urged Buying of Gun street objected to the store plan as to be chiefly responsible for the investigator In a town the size of discussion was seen as a prelimin- Machlis said Mrs. Stelnmets, placing “worthy people” In a posi- APPROYE BUDGET Manchester. Miss Dwyer, however, measure. ary to an effort by the Judicial former dancer in Hollywood, had Uon where they would be singled out IS STILL A MYSTERY is acquiring experience in social The step indicated that Chancel- Council to bring the district court ilvi known the priest for seyeral days. publicly os recipients o f charity. service work in Avon. lor Hitler, as he did during the into being as a substitute for the "blood purge” of Nazi ranks June “I don’t want to go into that now,” Dr. WUdon said that he didn’t Cook ScM Mrs. Miller present town, city, borough and po- he added. intend to support any plan that Chairman Aaron Cook interviewed 30, is again depending on those con- lice courts. Ministers Ask That Air sidered "reactionary” by hls own A Msarre twist to the honeymoon would hurt worthy people by hav- Police Checking Up On Story CRIME SITDATION Mrs. Marguerite Miller, district It had been anticipated the coun- men, since the army is not funda- tragedy was given by the attorney’s ing them go to a charity store even FERA supervisor in Hartford yes- cil would again recOmmbnd to the statement that the slain bride bad If It did save a few dollars. Dr. Wel- Forces Be Increased and mentally a political organization. governor the establishment of tba terday, and learned that if any resi- Much Discontent urged her husband to purchase the don said that he would rather pay a Told by Mas - - Idestilies CONFERENCE TOPIC dent o f Manchester possessing the district eburt system in (Connecti- gun used in the kUlinga. Mrs. Stein- little more In taxes than have a Discontent has been rumored in cut. necessary qualifications could have ranks of the Nazi storm .troops, metz “ took a liking to It," and Steln- plan o f this kind initiated. Dr. W el- Plane Factories Separated In his opening words Chief Jus- Victim of Suicide-Murder been found, the Job would have been whose leaders were summarily exe- metz bought It for her In Douglas, don was the only Individual appear- awarded to this person. Before being tice Maltbie criUciaed “ indiscrimin- Arts., Machlis said. ing against the town store plan. cuted during the "purge.” ate criticism of the legislature” as- assigned to Manchester, Mrs. Will- A spokesman for the propaganda Through hls lawyer, Stelnmets, System Reviewed Case. Paris, Nov. 27. — (AP) — The serting that it “ arouses In me a Attorney General Cummings son had been slated for similar ministry flatly denied the emergen- who wrma studying for the Presby- In executive session later in the feeling of Impatience, if not anger.” me French Chamber of Deputies today duties In Suffield. cy report saying ”we are quite ig- terian ministry, denied reports that evening, the enUre system of town completed Its approval of a defense The fact was brought out last Acted Fairly norant of it” and ”I cannot imagine “In a great majority of cases tbw he and his bride bad not been happy store management as seen by sev- (Carlisle, Po., Nov. 27.— (A P ) — Calls on Experts to Dis- night that certain Manchester.resi- such an eventuality-” - — budget for next year totalling i^- (the 'tieglslatbra) Intend to' imd w> during their brief wedded life'. On eral members of the board delegated Police seeking the identity of three dents at present are engaged In proximatoly $783,073,000. It was learned, nevertheless, the act fairly and honestly and with the contrary, they were “very hap- at a recent meeting, were reviewed. F E R A work in other communlUes of measure is being enforced so vigor- little girls found dead in a lonely cuss Important SnbjecL sound Judgment” he said. py” , he said. It was the concensus o f opinion that It quickly agreed to N avy and the state. This had an important ously that ail marriegea of army Wood last Saturday studied a cross- As far aa the town, city, borough Steinmetz’s Story the subject should be studied fur- aviation budgrets as presented by men or police. Irrespective o f their bearing in the matter, aa it was in- and police court Judges are con- Stelnmets gave this account of the ther.
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