I ___ Offical Undergraduate A Record of News Organ of Continuous News Service Massachusetts Institute * 4 for ... of Technology Over Fifty Years Vol. LII. No. 21 CAMBRIDGE, MASS., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1932 Price Five Cents ---- I I WHITTON CLEARS SCABBARD AND FACULTY RESERVES I STAFF OF FILTER BLADE WILL HOLD ENTIRE HOUSE'FOR PAPER CHARGE BALL ON APRIL 8 "QUEEN'S HUSBAND" p Makes Statement In Rebuttal Ranny Weeks Will Play For Dramashop Production Given MLISVCPE SE Of Charges Of Publicity; Dance To Be Held At Two Following Nights Harper States View University Club For Public FEW TICKETS STILL LEFT SITUATION REMAINS TENSE I HOLD SMOKER TONIGHT ROGER P. CONGDON Continuing its policy of supporting I I II worthy student activities, the FacultyI In the face of definite charges from sev- Scabbard and Blade, honorary society TO BE SECRETARY Club is sponsoring the opening perform- eral quarters that undue publicity has of the Technology R.O.T.C. post, will hold their annual spring Military Ball on ance of "The Queen's Husband," Drama- been given to rumored publication of a OF ORGANIZATION Friday, April S. University Club, at shop's spring production, on Thursday Filter Paper, Beaumert H. Whitton '33, night, April 7. The entire 150 seats of the editor of THE TECH, made the following Trinity Place, Boston, will be the site of Executive Committee Appoints Commons Room of Rogers Building have statement last night: "To the best of my the important affair. Ranny Weeks and been purchased by the Club for the open- Robert M. Kimball As knowledge there is no member of the staff his orchestra, who played for the Junior ing night. Tickets are offered by the New Treasurer of THE TECH connected in any way with Prom, will supply music from 9 to 2 1 organization to its members and their publication of a Filter Paper and there is o'clock. Admission will be $2.50 per 4 friends at 75 cents per ticket. Formnal ELECTION MEETING BRIEF no one who has any interest in such pub- couple. dress will be required on this opening lication other than its possible news Precedent May Be Changed night. Successful Candidates To Be value." Previous to this year, new members of I Installed At Special Whitton stated that it was his desire the Society were always designated at this Amusing Entertainment Meeting that the undergraduate body be entirely ball by a tapping ceremony. The men "The Queen's Husband," by Robert disillusioned concerning the interest of thus chosen were decked out with ribbons Emmet Sherwood, is an amusing satire on THE TECH in printing stories about the Richard S. Morse '33 was elected presi- and a ceremony was held, during which the position of a Royal family of the dent of the M.I.T.A.A. for the ensuing Filter Paper controversy. "There is no the candidates paraded under an arch of present day. In keeping with the high desire to give publicity to a venture which swords. But this year, Scabbard and standards set in Mr. Sherwood's previous year at a meeting of the association yes- terday afternoon. At the same time, John has been discouraged as thoroughly as has Blade's management has other plans for successes, including the "Road to Rome," I this one," he said, "but there is a lively their organization. They expect to pick and "Waterloo Bridge," "The Queen's D. Rumsey was chosen vice-president, 'and Roger P. Congdon '33, secretary. interest amongst the students which it is out their candidates for membership dur- Husband" is an interesting modern com- of THE TECH to keep informed Morse has been active ill student affairs the duty ing a review of the entire R.O.T.C. unit. edy.I This play has never been produced for some time. Previous to his election to as far as is possible." The aforementioned plan was advanced professionally in Boston. the head of the Association, he had held A further statement in connection with at a recent meeting of the military or- the Filter Papersituation came last night ganization, but conclusive plans have not Tickets Still Available a post in the Budget Committee and wuas manager of the cross-country team. Many in the shape of a letter-to-the-editor from yet been arranged. Officials intimated, On the Friday and Saturday nights fol- RICHARD S. MORSE'33 other activities have claimed his atten- James E. Harper, Jr. '32, former head of however, that the grand field review will lowing this premiere production, the play - tion, including the Beaver Key and the Voo Doo. Harper's letter follows: probably be the method of selecting their will be given for the benefit of the public I Beaver Club, the Walker Club, the Circus prospective men. Iat large. Seats for the Friday night pre- "Editor of THE TECH: sentation are nearly exhausted already S. A. E. SEES NEW Committee, and class track teams. A Dear Sir: From recent reports it seems Hold Smoker Tonight The Faculty Club was going to take the graduate of Worcester Classical High that some bawdy sheet on the "type" of Coffee and doughnuts and a dugout house for that night, until, they learned FORD AT MEETING School and the Suffield Preparatory School, Morse enrolled in Course VI-C. t the Filter Paper will actually be issued. environmentI is promised for the smoker that the demand for seats was so great The most unfortunate part of this will be that Scabbard and Blade will have to- that Dramashop would rather have them Members Will Be Guests During His home is in Worcester. He is a member of the Theta Chi Fraternity. the dubious fate of the perpetrators. night in the Grill Room of Walker Memo- onI Thursday. Tickets may be obtained Special Preview Of The newly-elected vice-president is a In past years the Filter Paper has been rial at 8 o'clock. Colonel Guthrie will for1 one dollar apiece, from any member New Cars native of Dulutth, Minn., living at present issued by a society composed of the upper- speak at the gather ng, and all members of4 Dramashop, or from Professor Dean in the Delta Upsilon fraternity. A grad- classmen of Technology's four official 4 Fuller, in Room 2-176. of the R.O.T.C. unit are invited. All the details of the new eight- and II uate of the Duluth Central High School, publications. Most of it was good-natured - I - four-cylinder Ford cars will be reviewed razzing, and the effect of the 'borderline' Rumsey is a member of Course III. He by Mr. C. A. Esslinger, New England material was minimized by the fact that has been basketball manager for the past I manager of the Ford Motor Company, at the issue was sold only at the Institute. Committee Announces Details As season as wrell as secretary of the Mining a meeting sponsored by the Society of But, as always happens, some personal and Metallurgy Society. A member of Automotive Engineers and the Techl venom and stinking-of-filth material were the freshman swimming team in 1930, Students Await Night Of Carnival Engineering News. This meeting will be outcroppings. Rurnsey was subsequently elected to the I held next MIonday, April 4, at 3 o'clock, In spite of the fact that it is the initiates Beaver Key and Beaver Club. houette movies which Dramashop will in Room 10-250. Roy C. Haeusler '32, who have to do the 'dirty work' in putting Congdon is likewise a member of Thleta Sponsor. Techniqu(e will run a game of chairmnan of the S.A.E., will preside. out the Filter Paper, the mentioned so- LARGE VARIETY OF Chi, hailing from East Greenwich, R. I. skill; the T.C.A. will be on lland with hot It is expected that Mr. Esslinger will ciety, for two reasons, has not published Before his election to the secretary's post, dogs and peanuts and T.E. N. will run use movies to assist him in bringing out a Filter Paperthe past two years: (1) Fac- FEATURES OFFERED he wvas manager of the hockey team and a a free lunch counter and bar. Voo Doo, to all the changes that have been made in ulty tension over hurt feelings, sexy jokes, member of the Points System Committee. be different, has refused to divulge the the four-cylinder model, as well as the etc., as a result of past issues and the Plaque To Be Given To Group Congdon is a graduate of Passaic State nature of its concession but promises that features of the new eight. Immediately illegal nature of the publication itself, Having Best Exhibit High School in New Jersey, and the Deer- it will be unique and interesting. after the lecture, there will be a new Ford have made it prudent to let the matter In Carnival field Academy. Residents of the Dormitories plan to on exhibition in Building 31. This ex- 'slide' for a year or two; (2) Advertising In addition to these elections, Robert run a chariot race and two ball-throwing hibition and lecture will be open to all and circulation of the official Institute In the spring a young Technology stu- affairs, in one of which the effigies of pro- M. Kimball '33 was appointed to the post students. I publications had suffered reduced receipts dent's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of fessors will serve as targets. THE TECH of treasurer by the Executive Committee. as results of past Filter Papers. popcorn and red lemonade.
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