SEPTEMBER 30, 1998 WWW. UOGU ELPH. CA/ ATGU ELPH UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH lllllHIS ISSUE 4 I.A.TIN IS coming back into iB Province own1 says language professor. Boosts 4 GUELPH goes the distance to make education more accessible in Cameroon. Graduate 5 A FORMER football Gryphon Research tackles the county-wide United Way campaign. Scholarships target science and technology 6 APPLICATIONS invited for women's campus safety NEW $75-MILLION provincial initiatives. Asc holarship program in science and technology will award up to 46 U of G graduate students up to $15,000 starting this year. Announced earlier this month, Coming the Ontario Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology will be awarded each year for 10 years, be- Home ginning in 1998/99. Football Gryphons "These graduate sc.ho\arships will go a \ong way towatd ensuring meet York Yeomen we have the skilled researchers we - need to secure Ontario's success in ) Emily Cowan, left, and Angela McDermld spend the next summers working National Research the 21st century," said Energy, Sci- OF G's annual Homecoming will three In Council laboratories. PHOTO BY DEAN PALMER/SCENARIO IMAGING ence and Technology Minister Jim UWeekend football game pits Wilson in a news release. The Min- the Gryphons against the York istry of Education and Training University Yeomen Oct. 3 at 2 p.m. wiU co-fund the program, and in Alumni Stadium. The afternoon each university will be responsible will include a number of sideline Two Capture NRC Awards for administering the scholarships diversions like the pre-game kickoff Women in Engineering and Science program 'incredibly competitive' at their own institution. of the University United Way Graduate studies dean Alastair campaign (see story on page 5). the She began considering a career in Summerlee, chair of U of G's En- Gryphon cheerleading squad and HEN A FAMILY friend women to pursue research careers in research after an eight-year-old boy rolment Management Committ~ succumbed to cancer this the under-represented fields of engi- halftime entertainment provided W will oversee the administration of neering, science and math. Individual on her native Manitoulin Island died by the Guelph minor football summer at age 49, Angela McDermid ofa rare form ofmuscular dymophy. the scholarships. He's enthusiastic found that his death had only universities may nominate up to league and Rhythmic Energy, a U of about the funding announcement, three students a year. This year, NRC Reflecting on his death in her letter to G dance troupe. There will also be a strengthened her resolve to get at the but disappointed at the targeted received a record 130 nominations. the NRG selection committee, she student draw for season's tickets. roots of such afflictions as cancer and "It's grooming a generation of wroto:·"I couldn't help but think that nature of the scholarships. As a prelude to the excitement heart disease. "We're absolutely delighted women scientists to be the next lead- with the right knowledge, I could of Saturday's football game, the "It seemed to me like he was too that the government has made this ers of science," says Prof. Frances have seen the connection that no one Gryphon Club will hold its annual young - it wasn't fair," says initiative, and we hope that it sig- Sharom, Chemistry and Biochemis- else saw, that could have prevented Hall of Fame induction Friday McDennid, a second-year biochem- nals a renewed interest in higher try. Along with Profs. Val Davidson, this sorrow." Following this sum- night. This year's inductees include istry student who is eyeing medical education funding and acassibil- Engineering, and Elisabeth Nicol, mer's death, she says: 'Td like to un- athletes Ken Bradford; William school after graduation. ity generally," he says. "The gov- Physics, Sharom review5 WES appli- derstand that everything is being Gay, ADA '36 and DVM '40; John Now armed with a prestigious ernment should be congratulated cations from U of G students each done that could be done." Kelley; and Wendy Lamers, B.A.Sc. award from the National Research - these awards will encourage year. She says the trio was hard- A recipient of numerous awards '92. Council (NRC) of Canada, she hopes many bright •nd gifted students to pressed to select three students from and scholarships, McDermid came to Colin Kelly, who has coached to learn more about such killer dis- continue their research and learn- this year's slate of about 20 "excel- Guelph with a Board of Governors Gryphon soccer for 28 seasons, will eas~ through a hoped-for summer ing at the graduate level, which lent" applicants. Entrance Scholarship and a Regis- also be inducted into the Hall of position next year at NRCs Institute they might not otherwise be able to The award will give McDennid trar's ACCESS Award; this year, she Fame. Head coach since 1970, for Biodiagnostics in Winnipeg. do without these scholarships. But her first real taste of laboratory re- received an award for attaining the Kelley has been named coach of the She and fellow biochemistry stu- a significant downside is that the search. Enrolled last year in U of G's highest average in first-year chemis- year in the OUAA west division dent Emily Cowan were among only scholarships are directed at certain Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, try. 1990, 25 second-year undergraduates re- programs only, according to a list three times. Jn he took the and Computing and Information Sci- Like McOermid, Cowan intended Gryphons to the national champi- cently selected from Canadian uni- decided on by the government" ence (MPC) program, she found to major in biochemistry when she onships. He is also the first Cana- versities by NRC under its Women in Accompanying the announce- Nicol's investigations into super- entered U of G last year as a Presi- dian to receive the International Engineering and Science (WES) pro- ment was a list of disciplines the conductors particularly memorable. dent's Scholar. But she's changed her Committee for Fair Play Diploma gram. The recipients of what Wayne government deems to fall within "It's fascinating to see what re- mind following a summer stint as an Marsh, U of G director of research the realm of "science and technol- of Honour in 1993. searchers are doing," says McDermid, assistant in her faculty mentor's plant Also joining the Hall of Fame services, calls an "incredibly com- ogy." The preliminary list includes whose budding interest in science agriculture lab. She helped develop petitive" award are guaranteed a engineering, environmental sci- are the 1958 and 1959 champion- crystallized when she and fellow ele- molecular methods to diagnose fun- ship football teams. Known as "The summer position in an NRG labora- ences (including agriculture and mentary school students built a gal diseases in strawberries, a new tory during the second, third and toxicology), biological sciences, Big Red Machine," these teams won model of the Saturn V rocket and project of Prof. Judith Strommer, fourth years of their undergraduate epidemiology, human kinetics. back-to-back championships in the travelled. to Texas to present it to who herself straddles two disciplines program. On average, the award is nutrition, food science, chemistry, Ontario Intercollegiate Football Walter Cunningham, one of the few with a joint appointment in the de- worth $11,000 a year. Conference and in 1959 made the American astronauts to set foot on Introduced in 1991, the WES pro- Su: TWO on page 6 See SOCIAL on page 6 first Redmen appearance in the At- the moon. lantic Bowl. gram is intended to encourage AT GUELPH 1 SEPTEMBER 30, 1998 t1ENATE REPORT U.S. Looks University cautiously optimistic about 1998/99 budget situation NEW FALL SESSION of Senate began Sept 15 with words of cautious fall enrolment target by 325 students in an effort to increase revenue and help Northward Aoptimism about U of G's budget situation for the coming fiscal year. counteract the effects of government funding cuts that have helped create an President Mordechai Rozanski told senators that although the University is ongoing $6. ?-million budget problem at U of G. Guelph also set three other O NORTH. That's what the still facing several unknowns. he felt a "$ense of comfort" in saying that a enrolment targets - maintaining the number of returning students, main- GU.S. publication Kiplingtrs budget clawback will not be needed at this time if budget proposals are taining graduate enrolment and marginally increasing the number of inter- Personal Finance Magazine adopted. national students. The enrolment picture on registration day showed that recommended recently to U.S. high The unknowns involve student enrolment figures, which, although posi- full-time new semester-one registrations were about 12 per cent above last school students looking for a tive at 3,086 new semester-one students, will not be finalized until Novem- year and registrations for retliming undergraduate and graduate students quality university education at a ber, said graduate studies dean Alastair Summerlee, chair of the Enrolment were slightly above budget target, said Summerlee, but it's what develops be- reasonable cost The magazine Management Committee. F.arlier this year, the University raised its first-year tween now and November that is key. described Canadian universities as "a bargain" and profiled U of G as Missing from the picture are the employerpensioncontnbutionholi- structuraldeficit,makingitapriority league was prompted by a number of one of five universities worth impact of any changes in part-time day that will save $4.7 million and an to meet negotiated obligations for factors, including a delay in the deliv- considering north of the border.
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