■ TAKE­ PRIDEIN United States Department of the Interior AMERICA ·- NATIONAL PARK SERVICE P.O. BOX 37127 - -. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20013-7127 - IN ll£PLY a1na TO: The Director of the National Park Servlc~ Is pleased to Inform you that the following properties have been entered In the National Register ofHlstoric Places. For further Information cal I 202/343-9542. WEEKLY LIST OF ACTIQ,,IS TAKEN CN PROPERTIES: 12/21/92 ll-ROl.0-1 12/25/92 KEY: state. county. Prc,perty Name.' Address/Boundary, city. vicinity, Reference NulTber l+iL status. Action. Dale. Multiple Name CALIFORNIA. ALAMEDA ca..NTY. Cloyne court HOtel, 2600 Ridge Rd .. Berkeley. 92001718, tfJMINATIQ,,I, 12/2 ◄ /92 CALIFORNIA. SANTA BARBARA COLNTY. LOS Banos del Mar. 401 Shoreline Dr .. Santa Barbara. 92001726, r-i:>MINATIQ,,I. 12/2 ◄ /92 COLORADO, 80.JLDER COLNTY. Thunder take Patrol cabin. Thunder Lake. Estes Park vicinity. 8700112 ◄. AOOITIQ,,IAL OOCUMENTATICN, 12/24/92 (Rocky Mountain National Park MRA) · COLORADO, LARIMER COLNTY. TWin sisters Lookout. on TWin Sisters Peaks. Estes Park vicinity, 92001670. NOMINATIQ,,I. 12/24/92 (Rocky Mountain National Park MPS) . COLORADO. LARIMER COLNTY. vat lie Agnes shelter. NW of Longs Peak-along E. Longs Peak Tral I. Estes Park vicinity, 92001669, t<>MINATIQ,,I, 12/24/92 (Rocky Mountain National Park MPS) CEORCIA, POLK CCJ..J,,ITY, Cedartown conmerclal Historic District. Roughly bounded by East Ave. ands. Philpot, Cibson and COi lege Sts .. cedar town. 92001715, t«>MINATIQ,,I, 12/24/92 MASSAa-«JSETTS. HAMPDEN COI..NTY, fl.lOrlh High street Historic District (Boundary increase), 233--411 High st .. HOiyoke, 92001725. BOL.tOARY INCREASE. 12/2 ◄ /92 ·MASSAOfJSETTS. MIDDLESEX COLNTY. Haven Wilbur Fiske, House. 339 Pleasant st .• Malden. 92001659. l'IOMINATION, 12/17/92 NEVADA. CLARK <XllNTY. ·Moulin Rouge Hotel, 900 w. Bonanza Rd .. Las Vegas, 92001701. NOMINATICN, 12/22/92 PEl'NSYLVANIA. BUCKS COLNTY. HOugh lohn and Phineas HOUSe. io MOyer Rd .• Lower Makefield Township. Yardley, 92001721. NJMINATIQ,,I. 12/24/92 PEt-NSYLVANIA. Q-IESTER ca..NTY. Paradise Valley Historic District. Roughly, Valley creek Rd. from us 322 to Ravine Rd .• east Bradford Township. Marshal I ton vicinity, 92001724, t-DMINATICl',I, 12/24/92 · PEt-NSYLVANIA, FRANKLIN co..NTY. creencastle Historic District. Roughly bounded by Washington. PA 2002. Jefferson. Mifflin. Chambers. crant and Allison. and Baltimore N to spring crove. creencastle. 92001122. N'.lMINATIQ,,I, 12/24/92 PEt-.NSYLVANIA. CREENE COLNTY, Rlce·s Landing Historic District. Roughly bounded by the Monongahela R.. water. second. Bayard. Carmichael. High, Main and Ferry including Pumpkin Run Pk .. Rice;s Landing. 92001723. NOMINATIQ,,I. 12/24/92 PEN',ISYLVANIA. PHILADELPHIA ca.NTY. Young Smyth Field Cgnpany Building. 1216--1220 Arch St .• Philadelphia, 92001720, l'«lMINATION, 12/24/92 PEl'-NSYLVANIA, YORK ca..NTY, us Post orftce--Hanover. 141 BroadWay, Hanover. 92001719. N'.)MINATIQI.I. 12/24/92 PUERTO RICO. ·UTUAOO MLNICIPALITY, caguana ceremonial Bal I courts Site, PR 11. Km. 12.3, utuado, 92001671. t--OMINATIQ,,I. 12/17/92 UTAH, UTAH co..NTY, Moyle HOuse and Indian Tower. 606 E. 770 North. Alpine. 92001689. NOMINATIQ,,I. 12/23/92 VIRGINIA, TAZEWELL COLNTY. wynn 1ames HOuse. 408 s. Elk st .. Tazewell. 92001368, t<>MINATION. 10/28/92 WEST VIRGINIA. KANAWHA COI..NTY. starks Samuel House. 413 Shrewsbury St .. Charleston, 87002526. AODITl~Al OOOJMENTATION, 12/24/92 TAKE • PRIDEIN United States Department of the Interior AMERICA - NATIONAL PARK SERVICE • P.O. BOX 37127 - - WASHINGTON. D.C. 20013-7127 - IN REPLY REFER TO· The Director of the National Park Service is pleased to inform you that the fol lowing properties have been entered in the National Register of Historic Places. Fo r f u r t he r i n f o r ma t ion ca I I 2 0 2 / 3 4 3 -9 5 4 2 . JAN WEEKLY LI $1 Qi ACTIONS TAKEN ()N PROPERT If S 12/28/92 THRCXJGH 1/01/93 KEY: stale. county_ Property Name. Addre~~/Boundarv. Cl tv. vIcInIty, Reference Number N-il status. Act ,on. Date. Multiple Name CALIFORNIA. ALAMEDA co..NTY. sacred Hearl (Roman catholic) Church. •001 Martin Luther King Jr. way, at JCt. with 40th st .. l'-M corner. Oakland. 92001716. OWNER OBJECTION. 11/30/92 CALIFORNIA, SAN OIEOO co...NTY, Thomas HOuse. 208 E. Fifth Ave .• Escondido. 91001684, l'IOMINATION. 12/30/92 COLORAOO. DENVER CCI..NTY. Beierle Farm. Hudson Rd. just N of Irondale Rd .• Watkins vicinity, 92001673, "°"''NATION. 12/23/92 (Denver International Airport MPS) FLORIDA. DlNAL ca,,rrv, Buckman and Ulmer Building. 29--33 w. Monroe st .. Jacksonville. 91001694. l',O,I.\INATION, 12/30/92 (DoWntown Jacksonville MPS) FLORIDA. DlNAL c:o..N'TY. church of the 1nmaculate conception. 121 E. ouval st .. Jacksonville. 92001695. N:>MINATION, 12/30/92 coowntown Jacksonville MPS) FLORIDA. DlNAL COL.NTY. croover--stewart Drug company Bui lcting. 25 N. Market st .. Jacksonville. 92001696. l',()MINATION. 12/30/92 (Downtown Jacksonv1 I le MPS) FLORIDA. DUVAL_qx..NT'.'r. Mount Zion .AME Church. 201 E ·sea'tler ·st .• ,_.·Jacksonville. 92001697. l\()MINATION. 12/39/92 (Oo~mtown JacksonvI lie MPS! FLORIDA. Dl.,VAI COL.NTY Plan Hotel. 35) t. Forsyth SI . 1acks"onv1 I le. 92001698, l'-OMINATl"ON, 12/30/91 (Downto.... n Jacksonv1 I if• MPS) FLORIDA. L)l.NAL COL.NTY. south Al lanl IC Investment corporal ion BUI ld1ng JS--39 W Monroe SI Jacksonville. 92001699 NOMINATION. 12/30/92 (Downtown Jacksonv1 I le MPS) MISSOURI. ClA-Y COl.NTY_ Clay count) SilVtngs AssocIatIon Hu1ld1ng_ 104 f franklin SI. Liberty, 92001675 NOMIN-\TION 12/").8/92 ( L I be r t y MPS l MISSOURI. CLAY CC!l.NTY Hughes Frank Memorial LlbfilfV. 210 E Frankl In SI . Liberty_ 92001676, NOMINATION. 12/28/92 (Liberty MPS) MISSOURI, CLAY COU"TY. IOOF Liberty Lodge NO 49, 16--18 Franklin SI. Ltberty_ 92001677, NOMINATION. 12/28/92 (Libert\ MPS) MISSOURI. CIAY m..NTY. M('tJOr Hole I. ll2 !- Frankl ,n SI IIberty, 92001678, l\()MINATION. 12/28/92 (Liberty MPS) MISSOURI. CLAY COL.NTY. Miller Burld1ng_ 2 ( Franklin SI Liberty_ 92001679_ "-OMINATJON. 12/28/92 (L1ber1v MPS) MISSOl-RI. CLAY COl.NTY, south liberty courthouse squilre HIstorIc [)IqrIct 2 S Milin SI 10 E Kansas SI 1--17 I K,HlSil~ st .. Liberty_ 92001680. "-OMINATION 12/28/92 (l Iberty MPS) MISSOl;RI. CLAY COLNTY, west I Iberly courlllOLJH' squilrP fllS!OrtC 01slr1cl 12--16 N Marn SI .. Liberty, 92001681 NOMIN-\ll()N 12/28/92 (LrDerly MPS) NEVADA. WASHOt COl.NTY Immaculate concept I0n CIHHCh 590 Py1amId Wil\ Sparks 92001700. 1'.()MINATION_ 12/23/92 (f)('j on11cllam;1, Freder I ck J lR l L;TAH, L,TAH COl.,N1'r_ lf't)I ~,r111 W.-Hd Mert111gnot1~P 121 N 100 1as1 ii DD r o \I mii I e I \ I eh 1 . 9 2 0 0 1 6 8 8 . NOM I N .\ 1 I ON 12/30/<Jl VIRGINIA, SHfNAr--oGAH COt..NT'r I dnll 1-ul I 614 ~ M.-tlf1 <;: (l." 11 l WOOd\tOCf.. 92001711. NOMINATION. 12/30/Q2 TAKE • • PRIDEIN · United States Department of the Interior AMERICA NATIONAL PARK SERVICE P.O. BOX 37127 - -. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20013-7127 - IN REPLY REFER TO: The Director of the Natic ,al Park Service is pleased to inform you that the follo, ~ng properties have been entered in the National legiater of Historic Places. For further in: \rn,ation call 202/343-9542. JAN I 5 1993 -~ WEEKLY LIST OF ACTIONS TAKEN ON PROPERTIES: 1/04/93 THROUGH 1/08/93 KEY: State, County, Property Name, Address/Boundary, City, Vic;n;ty, Reference Nllli>er NHL Status, Action, Date, Multiple Name ARIZONA, MARICOPA COUNTY, Encanto-Palmcroft Historic Distr;ct, Bounded by N. 7th and N. 15th Aves., McDowell and Thomas Rds., Phoenix, 84000696, ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION, 1/08/93 . ARIZONA, MARICOPA COUNTY, Professional Building. 137 N. Central, Phoenix, 85003563, NOMINATION, 1/08/93 (Phoenix Comnercial MRA) CALIFORNIA, ALAMEDA COUNTY, Cowell Memorial Hospital, 2215 College Ave., Berkeley, 92001730, NOMINATION, 1/06/93 CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, Mount Lowe Railway, N of Altadena in Angeles NF, Altadena vicinity, 92001522, NOMINATION, 1/06/93 • CALIFORNIA, MENDOCINO COUNTY, Willits Carnegie Library, 85 E. Conrnercial St., Willits, 92001756, NOMINATION, 1/07/93 (California Carneg;e Libraries)· CALIFORNIA, SACRAMENTO COUNTY, fastern Star Hall, 2719 K St., Sacramento, 92001757, NOMINATION, 1/07/93 CALIFORNIA, SAN BENITO COUNTY, ~~nterey Street Historic District, Monterey St. and intersect;ng stieets between 5th and B Sts., Hollister, 92001740, NOMINATION, 1/07/93 CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO COUNTY, Hotel Charlotta, 637 S. Upas, Escondido, 92001752, NOMINATION, 1/07/93 CALIFORNIA, STANISLAUS COUNTY, Turlock Carnegie Librarv. 250 N. Broadway, Turlock, 92001753, NOMINATION, 1/07/93 (California Carnegie Libraries) FLORIDA, HIGHLANDS COUNTY, Lake Placid A. C. L. Railroad Depot. Old, 19 Park Ave. W., Lake Placid, 92001733, NOMINATION, 1/04/93 FLORIDA, LAKE COUNTY, Clermont Woman's Club, 655 Broome St., Clermont, 92001747, NOMINATION, 1/07/93 HAWAII, HAWAII COUNTY, Volcano Block Building, 27--37 Wianuenue Ave., Hilo, 92001748, NOMINATION, 1/07/93 IOWA, JONES COUNTY, Farm No, 1. Jowa Men's Reformatory, Co. Trwik Hwy. E28 W of Buffalo Cr., Ahnamosa vicinity, 92001664, NOMINATION, 12/18/92 (Mwiicipal, Cowity and State Corrections Properties MPS) IOWA, JONES COUNTY, Iowa Men's Reformatory Cemetery. Co. TrLl'\k Hwy. E28 Wof Buffalo Cr., Anamosa vic;nity, 92001665, NOMINATION, 12/18/92 (Municipal, Cow.ty and State Corrections Properties MPS) IOWA, JONES COUNTY, Iowa Men's Reformatory Historic District, N. High St., Anamosa, 92001667, NOMINATION, 12/18/92 (Municipal, CoLl'\ty and State Corrections Properties MPS) IOWA, JONES COUNTY, State Quarry. Iowa Men's Reformatory. Umamed rd. along E s;de of Buffalo Cr.
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