Ghana 2-16 November 2017

Ghana 2-16 November 2017

Ghana 2-16 November 2017 One of the trip´s many highlights: White-necked Rockfowl (Yellow-headed Picathartes). Photo: Tomas Carlberg Participants Tomas Carlberg (tour leader), Stefan Björkert, Viktor Björkert, Musse Björklund, Göran Engberg, Ragnar Hall, Rolf Nordin, Torbjörn Peterson, Lars Thornberg, Patrik Åberg. Guides: James Ntaktor and Ibrahim Entsie This trip report is compiled by Tomas Carlberg ([email protected]) and Musse Björklund (birds and mammals), and Torbjörn Peterson (herpetofauna). All photos ©: Tomas Carlberg 1 ITINERARY 2 to 16 November 2017 Thu 2 Nov Flight with KLM from Stockholm via Amsterdam to Kotoka airport, Accra. Transport to Alexis Hotel near Tema. Fri 3 Nov Birding Shai Hills, Sakumono Lagoon and Winneba Plains. Birding stops at Mankessim and Afienya. Stayed at Rainforest Lodge (Jukwa). Sat 4 Nov Birding in Kakum National Park morning and afternoon/evening. Enjoyed magnificent birding from the canopy walkway. Stayed at Rainforest Lodge (Jukwa). Sun 5 Nov Birding in the Antwikwaa section of Kakum National Park, visits to Abrafo Forest and Pra River (for Rock Pratincole and White-bibbed Swallow). Stayed at Rainforest Lodge (Jukwa). Mon 6 Nov Birding near Kakum NP and Nsuta Forest. D and A Guesthouse (Sekondi). Tue 7 Nov Birding at Nsuta Forest, visits to Takoradi, Abra, Axim area, Shama and Ebi Wetland. Driving to Ankasa. Camping in Ankasa Reserve. Wed 8 Nov Full day birding in Ankasa Reserve. Thu 9 Nov Morning in Ankasa Reserve. Later visits to Brenu beach road, Takoradi, Shama junction, Elmina. Stayed at Rainforest Lodge (Jukwa). Fri 10 Nov Birding Abrafo Forest, driving and birding Cape Coast-Kumasi, visits to Abura Dunkwa and Bonkro (afternoon for Picathartes = White-necked Rockfowl). Royal Basin Hotel (Kumasi). Sat 11 Nov Birding Bobiri Forest Reserve, Atewa farm bush and Nkawkaw. Nelsban Palace Hotel (New Tafo). Sun 12 Nov Birding Atewa Range Forest Reserve. Nelsban Palace Hotel (New Tafo). Mon 13 Nov Birding Atewa farm bush and Kalakpa Reserve. Visits to Volta River, Tafo Akyem. Chances Hotel (Ho). Tue 14 Nov Birding Kalakpa Forest Reserve. Chances Hotel (Ho). Wed 15 Nov Birding Kalakpa Forest Reserve, Volta Dam/Volta River, Kpong-Accra. Late evening flight back to Europe. Thu 16 Nov Arrival back home. 2 The canopy walkway and stunning rainforest in Kakum National Park. 3 Our guides: James and Ibrahim. Our group. Ghana people, Kalakpa Reserve. 4 Species list Legend I = introduced E = Ghana endemic UGE = Upper Guinea endemic � = heard only NT = near thretened VU = vulnerable EN = endangered DD = data deficient BIRDS | AVES IOC 7.3 ANSERIFORMES Ducks, Geese and Swans | Anatidae 1. White-faced Whistling Duck Dendrocygna viduata 25 Takoradi 7.11. 2. African Pygmy Goose Nettapus auritus 3♀+1♂ Takoradi 7.11. GALLIFORMES Guineafowl | Numididae 3. Numida meleagris � Helmeted Guineafowl Numida meleagris galeatus 1 heard Kalakpa RR 14.11. New World Quail Odontophoridae 4. Stone Partridge Ptilopachus petrosus Ptilopachus petrosus petrosus 5 Shai Hills 3.11. Pheasants & Allies | Phasianidae 5. Pternistis ahantensis � Ahanta Francolin Pternistis ahantensis ahantensis 2 heard Kakum NP 5.11, 1 heard 13.11. 6. Double-spurred Francolin Pternistis bicalcaratus Pternistis bicalcaratus bicalcaratus 2 heard Shai Hills 3.11, 1 Winneba plains 3.11, 1 heard Brenu beach rd 9.11 and up to 5 Kalakpa RR 13-15.11. PODICIPEDIFORMES Grebes | Podicipedidae 7. Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis Tachybaptus ruficollis capensis 2 en route Rainforest lodge - Nsuta forest 6.11 and 2 Takoradi 7.11. 5 PELECANIFORMES Ibises, Spoonbills | Threskiornithidae 8. Spot-breasted Ibis Bostrychia rara 1 Nsuta forest 6.11. Herons, Bitterns | Ardeidae 9. Dwarf Bittern Ixobrychus sturmii 1 Ankasa NP 9.11. A Dwarf Bittern was standing on the road in Ankasa Reserve, just in front of our vehicle. 10. Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax Nycticorax nycticorax nycticorax 10 Mankessim 3.11. 11. Western Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis First 2 Afienya 3.11, common most days. 12. Grey Heron Ardea cinerea Ardea cinerea cinerea 1 Sakumono lagoon 3.11. 13. Intermediate Egret Ardea intermedia Ardea intermedia brachyrhyncha 5 Sakumono lagoon 3.11, 1 6.11, 3 7.11 and 3 Kalakpa RR 15.11. 14. Western Reef Heron Egretta gularis Egretta gularis gularis 2 en route Rainforest lodge - Nsuta forest 6.11. 6 SULIFORMES Cormorants, Shags | Phalacrocoracidae 15. Reed Cormorant Microcarbo africanus Microcarbo africanus africanus 100 Mankessim 3.11, 2 en route Rainforest lodge - Nsuta forest 6.11, 2 Takoradi 7.11 and 1 en route Takoradi - Cape Coast 9.11. Anhingas, Darters | Anhingidae 16. African Darter Anhinga rufa Anhinga rufa rufa 1 Sakumono lagoon 3.11. ACCIPITRIFORMES Kites, Hawks & Eagles | Accipitridae 17. Black-winged Kite Elanus caeruleus Elanus caeruleus caeruleus 2 en route Afienya - Shai Hills 3.11, 1 en route Koforidua - Ho 13.11, 1 Volta River Crossing 13.11 and 1 Ho 15.11. 18. African Harrier-Hawk Polyboroides typus Polyboroides typus pectoralis 1 Shai Hills 3.11 and 2 Kakum NP 4.11, 3 there 5.11, 10 6.11, 5 7.11, 1 8.11, 2 9.11, 1 11.11 and 1 13.11. 19. Palm-nut Vulture Gypohierax angolensis 1 Kakum NP 4.11, 2 Nsuta forest 7.11, 1 Atewa Range Forest Reserve 12.11, 1 Atewa farm bush 13.11 and 1 Kalakpa RR 14.11. 20. European Honey Buzzard Pernis apivorus 2 Kakum NP 6.11 and 1 Ankasa NP 8.11. 21. African Cuckoo-Hawk Aviceda cuculoides Aviceda cuculoides ssp 2 Shai Hills 3.11 and 2 Nsuta forest 7.11. 22. Hooded Vulture Necrosyrtes monachus EN 10 en route Afienua - Sakumono lagoon 3.11, 10 en route Kakum - Pra river 5.11, 1 Nsuta forest 7.11, 1 Abra 7.11, 1 Axim area 7.11, 2 Takoradi 9.11, 2 en route Cape Coast - Kumasi 10.11, 5 Nkawkaw 11.11, 2 Atewa farm bush 13.11, 3 en route Koforidua - Ho 13.11, 2 Kalakpa RR 14.11, 1 there 15.11 and 3 en route Ho - Kalakpa 15.11. 23. Congo Serpent Eagle Circaetus spectabilis Circaetus spectabilis spectabilis 1 Abrafo forest 5.11, 1 heard Nsuta forest 7.11, 1 heard 8.11, 1 heard Atewa Range Forest Reserve 12.11 and 1 Kalakpa RR 14.11. 24. Bat Hawk Macheiramphus alcinus Macheiramphus alcinus anderssoni 2 Atewa farm bush 11.11. 25. Crowned Eagle Stephanoaetus coronatus NT 1 Atewa Range Forest Reserve 12.11. 26. Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus 1 Kakum NP 4.11. 27. Cassin's Hawk-Eagle Aquila Africana 3 Kakum NP 6.11. 28. Lizard Buzzard Kaupifalco monogrammicus Kaupifalco monogrammicus monogrammicus 2 Winneba plains 3.11, 2 Atewa farm bush 13.11, 1 Kofiridua 13.11, 2 en route Koforidua - Ho 13.11, 1 Kalakpa RR 14.11, 1 there 15.11 and 3 en route Ho - Kalakpa 15.11. 7 29. Urotriorchis macrourus � Long-tailed Hawk 1 heard Abrafo forest 10.11. 30. Red-chested Goshawk Accipiter toussenelii Accipiter toussenelii macroscelides 1 Kakum NP 5.11, 1 there 6.11, 1 heard Atewa Range Forest Reserve 12.11 and 1 Atewa farm bush 13.11. 31. Shikra Accipiter badius Accipiter badius sphenurus 3 Shai Hills 3.11, 1 9.11 and 1 13.11. 32. Red-thighed Sparrowhawk Accipiter erythropus Accipiter erythropus erythropus 1 Ankasa NP 8.11 and 1 Bobiri FR 11.11. 33. Black Sparrowhawk Accipiter melanoleucus Accipiter melanoleucus temminckii 2 Kakum NP 5.11, 1 Nsuta forest 6.11 and 1 Atewa farm bush 11.11. 34. Western Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus Circus aeruginosus aeruginosus 1♂ Winneba plains 3.11. 35. Yellow-billed Kite Milvus aegyptius Milvus aegyptius parasitus First 5 Shai Hills 3.11, common almost daily. Yellow-billed Kite, a common bird in Ghana. 36. Red-necked Buzzard Buteo auguralis Up to 4 Kakum NP 4-6.11 and 1 Atewa farm bush 13.11. 8 Red-necked Buzzard GRUIFORMES Flufftails | Sarothruridae 37. White-spotted Flufftail Sarothrura pulchra Sarothrura pulchra pulchra 6 (2 seen) Kakum NP 5.11, 2 heard there 6.11. Rails, Crakes & Coots | Rallidae 38. Nkulengu Rail Himantornis haematopus 1 Nsuta forest 7.11 and 2 heard Kalakpa RR 14.11. We were lucky to get a glimpse of the rail running on the road… 39. Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus Gallinula chloropus meridionalis 6 Takoradi 7.11. CHARADRIIFORMES Stone-curlews, Thick-knees | Burhinidae 40. Senegal Thick-knee Burhinus senegalensis 2 Sakumono lagoon 3.11. 9 Stilts, Avocets | Recurvirostridae 41. Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus 10 Sakumono lagoon 3.11. Plovers | Charadriidae 42. Spur-winged Lapwing Vanellus spinosus 3 Sakumono lagoon 3.11. 43. African Wattled Lapwing Vanellus senegallus Vanellus senegallus senegallus 10 Sakumono lagoon 3.11, 7 Brenu beach rd 9.11 and 2 Sakumono lagoon 15.11. 44. Common Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula Charadrius hiaticula ssp 1 Sakumono lagoon 3.11. Jacanas | Jacanidae 45. African Jacana Actophilornis africanus 5 Sakumono lagoon 3.11, 1 en route Rainforest lodge - Nsuta forest 6.11, 5 Takoradi 7.11 and 1 Volta Dam 15.11. Sandpipers, Snipes | Scolopacidae 46. Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus Numenius phaeopus ssp 1 3.11, 1 Elmina 9.11. 47. Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos 5 Sakumono lagoon 3.11, 3 Pra River 5.11 and 1 Ebi Wetland 7.11. 48. Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola 5 Sakumono lagoon 3.11. Coursers, Pratincoles | Glareolidae 49. Rock Pratincole Glareola nuchalis Glareola nuchalis liberiae 4 Pra River 5.11. Gulls, Terns and Skimmers | Laridae 50. Royal Tern Thalasseus maximus Thalasseus maximus albididorsalis 6 Sakumono lagoon 3.11. COLUMBIFORMES Pigeons, Doves | Columbidae 51. Rock Dove Columba livia Feral Dove Columba livia var. domestica I First 3 en route Afienua - Sakumono lagoon 3.11, up to 30 almost daily. 52. Western Bronze-naped Pigeon Columba iriditorques 1 Ankasa NP 8.11.

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