Supplementary Information Supplementary Methods 1: Gene editing in zebrafish to produce the psen1 K97fs mutation. A1. PRESENILIN and PS2V protein structure. The lipid bilayer is shaded grey and the transmembrane domains are indicated by black ovals. The site of the Homo sapiens (Hs) PSEN2 K115fs and Danio rerio (Dr) psen1 K97fs mutation is indicated in red. A2. A section of the Hs PSEN2 and Dr psen1 nucleotide alignment around the K115fs (K97fs) mutation site. A3. Section of genomic Dr psen1 sequence around the GA target site with TALEN binding sites indicated and the single stranded oligonucleotide sequence below. B1. Flow diagram for creation of the Psen1 K97fs heterozygous mutation model. Upper agarose gel image is of amplified genomic DNA from 24hpf uninjected (u) embryos, injected (i) embryos and water negative control (-). PCR reactions containing either wild type (wt) detecting or mutation (mut) detecting primers. Lower agarose gel image is of amplified genomic DNA from adult tailclips from a wild type (w), a K97fs heterozygous germline mutant (m) and water negative control (-). The amplified DNAs are from PCR reactions containing either wild type (wt) detecting or mutation (mut) detecting primers. B2. Chromatographs of a section of genomic psen1 sequence around the K97fs deletion site for wild type DNA and for K97fs heterozygous mutant DNA. Red sequence is the altered DNA sequence after GA dinucleotide deletion. B3. A K97fs heterozygous mutant (red stripes) was pair mated with a wild type (Tübingen) to produce a tank of fish that is ~1:1 mutant:non-mutant. At 6 months and 24 months of age, brains were removed from female K97fs heterozygous mutant adults and non-mutant adult siblings. Mutant and non-mutant brains were subjected to either RNAseq or LC-MS/MS procedures followed by downstream analysis of the data. 6 months 24 months 6 months 24 months and Wild type A a Mutant Wild type Mutant b Wild type Mutant Wild type Mutant rnps1 si:dkey−19f4.2 2 her4.1 2 CR847895.3 mblac1 sox9b 1 1 nfyal si:dkey−147f3.4 barhl1a 0 bada 0 U2 mastl hey1 zgc:173570 −1 si:ch211−107e6.5 Genes shown in the −1 ZNF189 (1 of many) zgc:165551 RELATIVE EXPRESSION RELATIVE EXPRESSION −2 vamp5 −2 zgc:101100 Metazoa_SRP gb:eb993102 ptger1b 6-month-old mutant vs. 6- stard9 CR847563.1 A. hist1h4l tesca . nupr1 B FAILURE TO DOWNREGULATE krt15 lats1 myhb ttn.2 psen1 lfng amotl2a sord zgc:114130 sertad2b rerglb CABZ01087568.1 mknk2a gtf2a1l CU984600.2 gpr146 PAMR1 erf kdm6ba zgc:158463 tiparp HEPACAM (1 of many) rtkn2a dhx58 si:dkey−85k7.12 si:ch211−108c17.2 cabz01093075.1 myhb sdhda RNPS1 (1 of many) ) siblings at 6 and 24 months of age. si:ch211−189k9.2 ms4a17a.11 ssh1a +/+ pim3 FP074874.2 cmklr1 errfi1b CABZ01015815.2 slc38a4 psen1 si:ch73−158p21.3 lgals3bpb FAILURE TO UPREGULATE tagapb usp2b ankrd45 CU681842.1 usp2a adi1 ackr3a si:ch211−195b13.1 CR847563.1 irs2b mcee rbms1a snx22 fold change > 0.5 for the following comparisons: gpr63 2 btg2 fam107b cyp1c2 fosab serpinh1b slc25a25b ier2a chodl nfil3−5 CR855274.1 aftphb zgc:175088 nudt19 dnajb1b hoxb3a mpdu1b hoxa4a urp1 mettl1 hoxb5a tnfrsf11a hoxa5a si:ch73−380l10.2 hapln1b pkd1l2a ) zebrafish compared to wild type ( phox2bb arrdc2 hoxc1a hoxb8a K97fs/+ fosb INAPPROPRIATELY DOWNREGULATED hoxb5b hoxc5a rgs5a foxg1b -value < 0.05 and absolute log mrc1b psen1 cmklr1 stk40 p fam208b adrb2b hif1al tdh si:dkey−27j5.5 hsd11b2 nt5dc2 si:dkey−13p1.4 zgc:174944 pfkfb4b fkbp5 abcf2a eif4e1c nfkbiab COQ10A rnf144ab nr1d2a plxnc1 dpp7 csrnp1a tnfrsf11a rgcc pik3r3a mcl1b foxg1b klf9 si:dkey−13p1.4 rassf9 si:dkey−201c13.2 bgnb zgc:162730 nocta rps6kb1a zgc:122979 usp2a gadd45ba si:dkey−27j5.5 zgc:110340 slc16a9a si:dkey−242g16.2 24-month-old mutant vs. 24-month-old wild type zebrafish brains. Gene expression patterns for the opposite age group are also shown in both nfkbiab npas4a B. INVERTED ddit4 zgc:122979 slc13a5b nfil3−6 tsc22d3 nr1d2a trib3 slc16a9a plekhg5a si:ch211−232b12.5 si:dkey−242g16.2 pgp DTX3 ddit4 pik3r1 sox11b . Gene expression changes in the brains of mutant ( cebpd ip6k2b cdkn1d her8a siah2l unm_sa1261 si:ch211−9d9.1 stk35 ube2al jdp2b nocta csrnp1b gadd45ba csrnp1a pdk2a ghsrb klf9 si:dkey−201c13.2 pik3r3a MMADHC (1 of many) fkbp5 slc16a12b (not in black boxes). Genes are hierarchically clustered with Euclidean distance measure. Biological interpretations proposed for the clusters of genes Supplementary Figure 1 heatmaps are restricted to those with False Discovery Rate [FDR]-adjusted month-old wild type zebrafish brains. B a b 6 months 24 months 6 months 24 months Wild type Mutant Wild type Mutant Wild type Mutant Wild type Mutant Nuclear distribution protein nudE−like 1−B (ndel1b) Phenylalanine−tRNA ligase alpha subunit (farsa) Adenylosuccinate synthetase isozyme 1 (adssl1) Serrate RNA effector molecule homolog (srrt) Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 8 (krt8) Poly(U)−binding−splicing factor PUF60−B (puf60b) Betaine−homocysteine S−methyltransferase 1 (bhmt) Hypoxia up−regulated protein 1 (hyou1) RNA binding protein fox−1 homolog 1 (rbfox1) Laminin subunit gamma−1 (lamc1) Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 (mt−co2) Calcium uniporter protein, mitochondrial (mcu) V−type proton ATPase subunit d 1 (atp6v0d1) Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 (mt−co2) Neuronal−specific septin−3 (sept3) Probable 2−oxoglutarate dehydrogenase E1 (dhtkd1) CUGBP Elav−like family member 2 (celf2) NADH−ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 4 (mt−nd4) Interferon−inducible dsRNA−dependent ... activator A (prkra) Serine/threonine−protein phosphatase 4 ... subunit B (ppp4cb) ATP synthase protein 8 (mt−atp8) Protein tweety homolog 3 (ttyh3) Paraspeckle component 1 (pspc1) L−lactate dehydrogenase B−A chain (ldhba) Triosephosphate isomerase B (tpi1b) Actin−related protein 2−A (actr2a) Secernin−2 (scrn2) Guanine nucleotide−binding protein subunit beta−2−like 1 (gnb2l1) Protein LZIC (lzic) Glutaredoxin 3 (glrx3) Protein DJ−1zDJ−1 (park7) Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 12A (ppp1r12a) Carbonic anhydrase (cahz) SH3 domain−binding ... protein 2 (sh3bgrl2) RNA−binding protein 4.1 (rbm4.1) Isoaspartyl peptidase/L−asparaginase (asrgl1) Malignant T−cell−amplified sequence 1 (mcts1) Protein C10 (si:dkey−29f10.1) Actin−related protein 2−B (actr2b) Superoxide dismutase [Cu−Zn] (sod1) Dynactin subunit 2 (dctn2) Anamorsin (ciapin1) Anamorsin (ciapin1) Neural cell adhesion molecule L1.1 (nadl1.1) Apolipoprotein Eb (apoeb) SUMO−activating enzyme subunit 2 (uba2) SUMO−conjugating enzyme UBC9−B (ube2ib) Nascent polypeptide−associated complex subunit alpha (naca) Histone−binding protein RBBP4 (rbbp4) RELATIVE ABUNDANCE RELATIVE ABUNDANCE Phospholysine phosphohistidine ... phosphatase (lhpp) Guanine nucleotide−binding protein subunit beta−1 (gnb1) -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 -2 -1 0 1 2 COP9 signalosome complex subunit 3 (cops3) Prostamide/prostaglandin F synthase (fam213b) Adenylosuccinate synthetase isozyme 1 (adssl1) Apolipoprotein A−I (apoa1) KH domain−containing ... protein 2 (khdrbs2) Lissencephaly−1 homolog A (pafah1b1a) 60S ribosomal protein L24 (rpl24) Phosphatidylinositide phosphatase SAC1−B (sacm1lb) Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit M (eif3m) 3−hydroxyisobutyryl−CoA hydrolase, mitochondrial (hibch) Dynamin−1−like protein (dnm1l) V−type proton ATPase subunit C 1−B (atp6v1c1b) SLIT−ROBO Rho GTPase−activating protein 2 (srgap2) tRNA−splicing ligase RtcB homolog (rtcb) 60S ribosomal protein L10a (rpl10a) COP9 signalosome complex subunit 5 (cops5) LanC−like protein 1 (lancl1) Citrate synthase, mitochondrial (cs) 60S ribosomal protein L27 (rpl27) Mitochondrial Rho GTPase 1−A (rhot1a) Brain acid soluble protein 1 homolog (basp1) V−type proton ATPase subunit C 1−A (atp6v1c1a) NEDD8−activating enzyme E1 regulatory subunit (nae1) Neurocalcin−delta A (ncalda) RNA−binding motif protein, X chromosome (rbmx) Neuropilin−1a (nrp1a) mRNA cap guanine−N7 methyltransferase (rnmt) Selenium−binding protein 1 (selenbp1) Nck−associated protein 1 (nckap1) WD repeat−containing protein 26 (wdr26) PI−PLC X domain−containing protein 3 (plcxd3) Casein kinase I isoform gamma−1 (csnk1g1) ADP−ribosylation factor−like protein 8B−A (arl8ba) UPF0568 protein C14orf166 homolog (zgc:56576) Synembryn−A (ric8a) Sideroflexin−4 (sfxn4) RELATIVE ABUNDANCE RELATIVE ABUNDANCE -2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2 Supplementary Figure 2. Proteins distinguishing mutant (psen1K97fs/+) zebrafish brains from wild type (psen1+/+) siblings. A. Differentially abundant proteins between mutant and wild type brains at 6 months of age. B. Differentially abundant proteins between mutant and wild type brains at 24 months of age. Proteins are considered differentially abundant if the False Discovery Rate [FDR]-adjusted p-value of their moderated t-test < 0.05. The protein abundance of the opposite age group is also shown in A and B. Colours of heatmap cells represent relative protein abundance levels, scaled across the samples in each age group. Supplementary Figure 3. Average expression (logCPM) of gene markers for various neural cells (astrocyte, microglia, neuron, oligodendrocyte) in mutant and wild type zebrafish brains. Representative marker genes for microglia were obtained from Oosterhof et al. 1 while gene markers for the remaining neural cells were obtained from Lein et al. 2. The number of genes used to calculate the average gene expression (in logCPM) was 41 (astrocyte), 99 (microglia), 77 (neuron) and 78 (oligodendrocyte). Overall, the average expression of gene markers for the major neural cell types is approximately constant in each of the biological conditions, and no obvious outlier samples are evident Supplementary Table 3. Summary of functional enrichment in different sets of genes identified from differential gene expression analysis of zebrafish brains. Up to the top three functional terms are included in this table; see Supplementary Table 3 for full analysis results. Functional terms are considered significantly enriched when the Bonferroni-adjusted p-value < 0.05. The 18,296 genes remaining after filtering in the differential gene expression analysis form the background gene set. Only genes with Entrezgene identifiers were included in the functional enrichment analysis.
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