rity. Rehearsal Rooms, Non Union Stagehands, A/V Ops /Engs Electric Productions West In.:. PO Boa 2481. 585 Fourth St . Idaho Falls 83401 Tel Grand Stage Prod'ns d Talent Mgmt. Inc., 9600 S Sangaman. Zip: 60643 tans, Sound Technicians. Cleanup (208) 529 9486 Pres & Agent Jim Bell. VP & Agent . Brent fusser, Tel 238.5953, 327-7690 Pres: Elliott Smith: Agent - John Dubile; Dir.: Admin VP L Agent Peggy Bell Hiram Anderson; PR: Debra Tang Promotes: Rock, Country, Jazz Pros es: Rock, Soul. Jazz, RUB. Tun: Idaho, Mont, Ore., Utah, Wash., Wyo. Terr: Midwestern 8 Southern USA. HAWAII Spectra Prod'ns Inc. PO Box 333, Eagle 83616. Tel: (208) 9394426. AM Prod'ns Ltd...160 N Michigan Ave Zip. 60601. Tel: 1264262. Con. Tern Colo, Idaho: Mont.; N.D.; Ore.; S.D.; Utah; Wash.; We tacts Arny Grave Jerry Nickelson, Fred Ordower. (Contracts w/Aragon Ballroom, Btimnings, Comiskey Park, Park West, Riviera Theatre, Up. FACILITIES town Theatre-all in Chicago, III.) • HONOLULU AREA (Area Code 808) Idaho Falls Civic Awl., 501 G Holmes Ave Zip: 83401 Tel: (208) 529.1396. herames: Rock, Soul, MGR, Country, Jazz, Folk, Religious/Gospel, Clas. Mgr Roger T Ralphs (Seats 1986 permanent. proscenium 24'1(84'033% PROMOTERS sical. Sowed: Yamaha mixer -32 channels. 5 Altec 64 Crown amps; Ntec. Coo Teen- Ariz., Ill.; Ind.; Iowa; Ky.: Mich.: Minn.: Ohio. Creative Source Prod os, 430 Keoniana St. Suite 514. Zip 96815 Tel 946 fury & Frazier speakers, PA-26 inputs White equalizers; Electro-Voice Park West Ltd., 322 W. Armitage. Zip: 60093. Tel. 929 ,1322 Pres.: Dale 3357 Pres Larry Lambed. mikes, Lexicon digital delay Niedermaier; VP: Jeff Niedermaier. (Contract wiAragon 3allroom d Up- Promotes: Soul, Jan, Latin Lighting: Ariel Mies 2-scene board. 2 Troupers; Trouperette; 20 Altman town Theatre-Chicago, III.) leer: Hawaii spots. Scoops, Leos. Immolos: Rock, Soul, Country, Jazz, Folk. Grand Talent Int'l, 1750 Kalakaua Ave Suite 605 Zip 96826 Tel 955 Services/Facilities: Ticket Takers, Ushers, Non Union Stagehands, A/V Tern Midwestern USA. 5758 Pres Mark Nrshimoto. Mgr Kelvin Deng. Ops /Engs . Electricians, Sound Technicians. Cleanup. 9' Grand Piano. Richard Pick Proem, 306 Barberry Rd., Highland Park 60035. Tel: 831. Promotes: Rock, MOR, Jazz Organ. Pit Piano Dressing Rooms. 3222 Owner Richard Pick. Tern: Hawaii Note: Bans rock, insurance required Promotes: Rock, MOR, Folk. K M R Prod'ns, Ilikai Hotel. Rm 2533, 1711 Ala Moana Blvd Zip. 96815 Tent: Midwestern 8. Northeastern USA Tel 916 0010 R M R Prod'ns, PO Box 59346. Zip: 60659 Tel 561 5211. Bus. Mgr.: Carlo Promotes: Rock, MOR. Jazz, Folk. Chassler; Gen Mgr.. Bob Burke. Tern: Hawaii ILLINOIS Primates: Rock, Country, Jazz. Blues Tom Moffatt Prod'ns Mc The Penthouse. 1232 Waimanu St Zip . 96814 Tern Continental USA; Canada. Tel 524.6331 Pres. Tom Moffatt; Exec Ass't Liz Hudson. South Prod'ns Ltd, '0 Box 227. Chicago Ridge 60415. Tel: 5998178, 636 , Promotes: Rock, MOR, Country, Jazz, Folk 1253. Pres. Bud Monaco; VP - Jerry Gamaut Terr Hawaii, Guam. • CHICAGO METROPOLITAN AREA Promotes: Rock, MOR, Folk. Pacific Concert Co , 409 lana St.. Kailua 96731 Tel: 261.7909. Pres John (Area Code 312) Tern Midwestern USA including W.; Ind.; Iowa. F [Kinard Stack k Dollar Proem 8809 S Dante Zip: 60619. Tel, 734.2973. Chm.: Promotes: Rock, Soul, MOR, Country, Jazz, Folk. Classical. PROMOTERS Robert E Williams; VP Natilie Cumming. Ten: Hawaii. Armageddon Talent Assocs, 1604 W lunevray Tern Zip - 60626. Tel: 465- Promotes: Soul, lazz. Folk. Pacific Exposition Inc., 2005 Italia Rd Zip . 96815. Tel: 922-2014. Pres Iry 3373 Agency Owner 8 Dir.: Gail Smith. Personal Mgr.. Fred %ken: Of. Torr: Chicago Metropolitan Area. III. Weled (Contract w/Hilton Hawaiian Village-Honolulu, Hawaii) lice Mgr.: Donna Doss. (Contract wiTurner Hall-Quincy, III.) Cal Starr Ents 2624 W 99 St , Evergreen Park 60642. Tel 4223535. Pees. Promotes: Rock. Soul, MOR, Country, Jazz Premiss: Rock. Cal Starr, VP Dan Valloni, Sec'y: Olive Jansen. Tent Hawaii Tun Central III. Promotes: Country. FACILITIES Countryside Opry, :127 8 Mannheim Rd.. Suite 212, Westchester 60153. Ten: Chicago, 111 Aloha Stadium, PO Box 30666 Zip 96820. 99 500 Salt Lake Blvd , Area Tel 681-4714. Contact: Paulette Zero. Weldon Prod'ns, 209 W. Hill St. Zip. 60610. Tel: 2646600. Owner Edward Promotes: Country. 96701 Tel: 487-3838 Mgr. Charles A. Bessette. Deputy Mgr George M C Weldon, Contact . Paul Caldwell. Amimoto. (Seats 50.000 permanent. platform 60'x40') Tern: Midwestern USA (18 state area). Promotes: Rock, MOR, Folk. Feeley Des., 400 1 Randolph St Zip: 60601. Tel: 467.1390. Pres: lint Sound: Alter mixer & PA Tem. Midwestern USA Feeley VP: Surlily Feeley. (Contract w/Condesa Del Mar-Nsip, Ill.) Light*: 2 Gladiators Promotes: Rock, Soul, MOR, Country. Jazz. Folk, Latin. Religious/Gospel, FACILITIES Semites/Facilities: Promotion. Ticket Takers & Printing. Ushers, Seca. Aragon Ballroom, 1106 W. Lawrence Ave. Zip . 60640. Tel - 561.9500. (Seats rity, Rehearsal Rooms, Electricians, Sound Technicians. Cleanup. Classical 5500) Neal S. Blaisdell Center, 177 Ward Ave. Zip. 96811. Tel 536-1331. (Blais- Torn Midwestern USA. Larding: 3 Supe, Troupers dell Arena seats 5451 permanent, 3351 portable, portable platform Festivals Inc., 600 E. Grand Ave . Navy Pier. Zip . 60611 Tel - 7444202. cPurers. Tom Dolias; Entertainment Mgr Lou Volpano; Mktg. Mgr Joe Pe Serrices/Fociiitim: Ticket Takers, Ushers, Security, Relearsal Rooms, 264"164 .x63"; Theatre.Concert Hall seats 2011 permanent. Ill port IATSE d Non-Union Stagehands, An Ops./Engs., Electricians. Sound able, stage 80'145'). Promise: Rock. Soul, MOR, Country, Jazz, Folk, Latin. Religious/Gospel, Technicians, Cleanup. Saud: (Anna) Ntec amp, speakers, mikes; Marantt amp, Arre Crown Theatre/McCormick Flace, 23 St. d Lake Shore Dr Zip: 60616 Lighting: (Arena) 10 Super Troupers; house lights. Classical, Comedy. Tom Chicago, III.; St. Paul, Minn.; Philadelphia. Pa., Memphis. Tenn.. Tel: 791.6000. Mr.. E Kearns (Vile Crown Theatre seats 4319 perma- Services/Facilities: Ticket Takers. Ushers, Electricians, Sound Tech nent, proscenium 904,48') mans, Cleanup, Catering, Piano Tuner, 2 Locker Rooms, 3 Dressing Milwaukee. kV's_ Front Row Prod'ns Inc 6017 N Kilbourn Zip 60646 Tel 2839705. Co Auditorium Theatre, 70 E. Congress Pkwy Zip: 60605. Tel: 922.2110/6634. Rooms. Boxothce (Seats 4000 pernanent, proscenium 100'x641. Note: Promoter posts bond owners Thomas Dase, Nick Mullo. % W m Rock. Soul. Folk. Chicago Stadium. 1800 W Madison Zip 60612. Tel: 733.5300. (Seats Waikiki Shell, 2805 Monsarrat Ave Zip 96815 Tel 521.2911. (Seats 1958 ltigo Terr. III.; Ind., Iowa: Kan.: Mo Neb permanent, 446 portable. 5506 on grass, stage 86'.45"). Note: Management operates out ol the Neil S Blaisdell Conter- Hono• lulu, Hawaii. SOUND & LIGHTING Alto Inc., 2855 Koapaka. Zip. 96819. Tel: 836.1191/3852/3858. Audio Hawaii Inc.. 712 Emily. Zip: 96813. Tel: 5312657. Audissey. 679 Ain't, St. Zip' 96813 Tel: 5214791 Eggshell Lighting Co.. 1120 Hele St., Kadin 96734 Tel: 262.9605. Hawaii Stage & Lighting Rentals Inc.. 690G Kaltoi St Zip: 96819. Tel: 836- 0651. Nutt Bros Sound Eng'g, 299 Ohe. Zip: 96813. Tel: 5334736. Sound & Stage, 599 Polnikaina. Zip . 96813 Tel: 5314915/7179. (Sound) r« Walter's Sound, 1381 Queen Emma St. Zip 96813. Tel 533.4556. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT SALES, RENTALS & TRANSFERS Audissey. 679 Auahi St. Zip: 96813. Tel 521-6191. Metronome Music, 76 S. Hotel St. Zip: 96813. Tel 533-2834. 538.6380. Nutt Bros Sound Eng'g. 209 Ohe. Zip: 96813. Tel: 5334736. Sound Servs. 1001 Kawalahao. Zip: 96811. Tel: 524-0860. CD Sound & Stage, 599 Pohukaina. Zip 96813. Tel: 5314915/7179. Thayer Piano Co Ltd.. 116 S. Hotel St. Zip: 96813. Tel: 536-6161. the ultimate convenienc? REHEARSAL STUDIOS A F M, Local 617, 949 Kapiolani Blvd. Zip: 96814. Tel: 521.1881. CHAUFFEURED CADILLAC AND LINCOLN LIMOUSINES FOR ALL OCCASIONS Audissey. 619 ken St. Zip: 96813. Tel: 5214791. Nutt Bros Sound Eng'g, 209 Ohe, Zip: 96813. Tel: 5334736. Sound Sens. 1004 Kawmahao. Zip: 96814. Tel: 5249860. Sound & Stage, 599 Pohukaina. Zip: 96813. Tel: 5334915/7179. • 24 hour service • uniformed chauffeuts • hour. CHARTER SERVICES day or weekly availabilities Aloha Airlines Inc Honolulu Intl Airport. Tel: 8364101. Grayline Hawaii Ltd, 2255 Kuhio Ave. Zip: 96815. Tel: 922.8222. • licensed by the city of Chicago Hawaiian Airlines, 1161 Bishop. Zip: 96820. Tel: 5245511. Hawaiian Discovery Tours Inc. 2270 Kalakaua Ave., Suite 109. Zip: 96815. • the largest fleet of elegantly appointec Cadillac Tel 922.4985. and Lincoln limousines in Chicago Royal VSP Sem. Inc, 1/77 Ala Moana. Rm 223 Zip: 96815. Tel 9497989, 917.1011. (Bus) LIMOUSINES V SP Limousine Sers. 1771 Ala Moan& Rm. 223. Zip: 96815. Tel 949. For Reservations And Information. Call 7989 TOLL FREE OUTSIDE OF ILLINDIS Village Tours Inc . 2005 Naha Rd. Zip: 96815. Tel: 947.2607. 800-621-7307 TICKETS BASS Tickets, 190 S King St. Suite 890. Zip: 96813. Tel: 521.2992. WITHIN ILLINOIS NImnr.1.,41 Kimpopo Promos Inc. 1232F Waimanu Zip 96814. Tel: 5234482. Village Tours Inc, 2005 Katie Rd lip 96815 Tel: 947-2607. 312-726-1035 UNIONS A F M. Local 677, 919 Kapiolani Blvd bp 96814. Tel: 521.1881. IDAHO PROMOTERS Magic Mountain Music Co. PO Box 1498, Sun Valley 83353. Tel: (208) 726 8383 Promotes: Rock, Soul, MOR. Country. Jazz. Folk Tent: Halley. Ketchum, Sun Valley. Idaho. Billboard 1911-19112 International Talent And Tearing Directory Page 75 .
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