2 0 1 6 M A R Y L A N VOTERS GUIDE D his Voters Guide is published by the League of Women Voters. The League has a long tradition of publishing the verbatim responses of P candidates to questions important to voters. TThe League off ers this Voters Guide to assist citizens R in their decision-making process as they prepare for I participation in the presidential primary season. M The League of Women Voters A does not support or oppose R any candidate or political party. Y VOTE IN THE MARYLAND PRIMARY ON APRIL 26 2 | MONDAY, APRIL 18, 2016 | VOTERS GUIDE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES Ground Rules for Presidential Candidates Q All qualified presidential candi- ter. How Elected: Every four years, po- Duties: The President is the head dates were invited to provide biograph- Q If a candidate did not respond by litical parties nominate candidates to of state of the United States of America ical information and responses to five the date of publication, “Candidate has run for President of the United States and is the Chief Executive Officer and specific questions. Candidates quali- not responded.” is printed. in a general election that is held on the Commander in Chief of all military fied if they met the following criteria: 1. Q The League of Women Voters is the first Tuesday, after the first Mon- forces. The powers of the President are The candidate must have made a public where hands-on work to safeguard de- day in November. Although all par- described in the Constitution and fed- announcement of her/his intention to mocracy leads to civic improvement. ties use conventions to nominate their eral law. Subject to Senate approval, run for her/his Party’s nomination for Learn more at www.lwv.org and www. candidates, in most states the Demo- the President appoints the members of President; and, 2. The candidate must VOTE411.org. cratic and Republican parties also run the Cabinet, ambassadors to other na- meet the Presidential Election Cam- state-wide primary elections or cau- tions and the United Nations, Supreme paign Fund Act’s minimum contribu- ABOUT THE cuses. The results of the primary influ- Court Justices and federal judges. The tion threshold requirements for quali- OFFICE OF PRESIDENT ence how the delegates to their respec- President, along with the Cabinet and fying for matching funds, based on the tive party’s convention will cast ballots its agencies, is responsible for carrying most recent data publicly available on Salary: $400,000 per year for candidates for President. The degree out and enforcing the laws of the United the FEC website. Term: Four years. Limit of two to which the result of the primary influ- States. The President may also recom- Q Responses were limited to 400 terms. ences the votes of delegates at conven- mend legislation to the United States characters and were truncated thereaf- tions varies from state to state. Congress. THE CANDIDATES DEMOCRATS Campaign Website: http://berniesanders.com Candidate does not meet the participation criteria Campaign Email: info@bernie Website: www.johnkasich.com Hillary Clinton Campaign Phone: (802) 862-1505 Donald Trump Biographical Info Campaign Address: Bernie 2016 Occupation: Businessman Occupation: Former U.S. Secretary of State PO Box 905 Burlington, VT 05402 Campaign Website: http://www.donaldjtrump. Campaign Website: http://www.hillaryclinton. com/ com DEMOCRATS WHO HAVE DROPPED OUT: Lin- Campaign Email: [email protected] Campaign Email: [email protected] coln Chafee, Martin O’Malley and Jim Webb. Campaign Phone: (646) 736-1779 Campaign Phone: (646) 854-1432 Campaign Address: Donald J. Trump for Presi- Campaign Address: Hillary for America REPUBLICANS dent, INC PO Box 5256 New York, NY 10185 Ted Cruz 725 Fifth Ave New York, NY 10022 Campaign Website: http://www.tedcruz.org Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente Campaign Address: Cruz for President CANDIDATES WHO HAVE DROPPED OUT: Candidate does not meet the participation criteria PO Box 25376 Houston, TX 77265 Jeb Bush, Ben Carson Chris Cristie, Carly Fiorina, Website: www.rocky2016.com Candidate has not responded. Jim Gilmore, Lindsey Graham, Mike Huckabee, Bob- by Jindall, George Pataki, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, Mar- Bernie Sanders John R. Kasich co Rubio, Rick Santorum and Scott Walker. Occupation: United States Senator Party: Republican PARTY PRIMARIES IN MARYLAND Party primaries in Maryland are “closed” primaries. You as Green Party members with their Board of Elections may gmail.com or Montgomery County Green Party at P.O. Box must be a member of a political party to participate in that participate. 217, Kensington, MD 20895. Ballots must be received by the party’s primary, though all voters may vote for nonpartisan The ballots for the Green Party primary will be published Party no later than 5 PM, Saturday, April 30. Green Party offices such as the Board of Education. If you have not pre- on April 2. All candidates seeking the Green Party nomina- voters in Baltimore may vote in person from 9 am to 6 pm viously registered to vote, you may register during early vot- tion within a voting district (congressional district, city, on Sunday, May 1. For additional information, visit the Green ing (April 14-21) at an early voting center in your county, and or city council district) will be on the ballot in that district, Party website for Maryland, http://www.mdgreens.org or choose a party at that time. For those already registered, whether the race for an office is contested or not. Voters the City of Baltimore, http://www.baltimoregp.org, or call you may correct your address or other information during may also choose “None of the above,” but no write-in candi- the Baltimore Green Party at (410) 402-5083. early voting, but you cannot change your party registration dates are allowed. at that time. Green Party primary ballots will be sent to party mem- In Maryland, only the Republican and Democratic can- bers only upon request, which must be submitted before NOTICE didates appear on official ballots published by the Board of midnight on Sunday, April 17. The request should be sent to Due to candidates dropping out of the election, your Elections. This year, however, the Green Party of Maryland [email protected] or to Baltimore Green Party, ballot will have more names on it than are currently will be conducting a primary to select its nominees for P.O. Box 22857, Baltimore, MD 21233. Montgomery County seeking office. offices at the state and local level. All voters who are listed residents may also submit their requests to mocogreens@ TABLE OF CONTENTS Board of Education .................................................................................................. 4 6th District House of Representatives Republican Primary ............................... 14 Circuit Court .............................................................................................................6 8th District House of Representatives Democratic Primary .............................. 17 U.S. Senate Democrats .............................................................................................7 8th District House of Representatives Republican Primary ............................... 19 U.S. Senate Republicans ..........................................................................................10 Democratic Convention Delegate Elections .........................................................22 6th District House of Representatives Democratic Primary .............................. 13 Republicans Convention Delegate Elections ........................................................ 22 POLLS ARE OPEN FROM 7 A.M. TO 8 P.M. • IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT VOTING, CALL 301-600-VOTE VOTERS GUIDE | MONDAY, APRIL 18, 2016 | 3 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES Hillary Clinton Bernie Sanders Donald Trump QUESTIONS QUESTIONS QUESTIONS Q: How do you propose to address the Q; How do you propose to address the Q: How do you propose to address the most important challenges facing our coun- most important challenges facing our coun- most important challenges facing our try? try? country? A: I have laid out four fights to face our A: I will address the most important chal- A: I think the most important issues greatest challenges: we lenges facing our country facing this country are must create an economy by bringing people togeth- economic recovery, that raises pay and creates er to reinvigorate democra- immigration and na- good jobs, ensuring those at cy. Middle class and work- tional security. I have the top pay their fair share. ing families and low-income proposed an excellent We have to support fami- people. White, Black, His- pro-growth tax policy, lies by expanding access to panic, and Native American. have taken the stron- health care and other vital Men and women. Straight gest stance on immigra- services. We must maintain and gay. Native born and im- tion reform and have our leadership for global migrant. This is the only way addressed how we will peace and security. Final- recapitalize our military Clinton to address the major eco- Sanders Trump ly, we must stop the flow of nomic, political, social, and to attain the readiness secret money that corrupts environmental challenges necessary to achieve our politics. facing our country. and protect our national interests. A strong economy must be first. Q: In building a vibrant U.S. economy, Q: In building a vibrant U.S. economy, would you emphasize helping companies would you emphasize helping companies ex- Q: In building a vibrant U.S. economy, expand and earn more or addressing in- pand and earn more or addressing income would you emphasize helping compa- come inequality? inequality? nies expand and earn more or address- A: The deck is stacked against ordinary A: To rebuild the middle class and reduce ing income inequality? Americans. That is why I have laid out plans income and wealth inequality, we must un- A: Good economic policy will help both to raise the minimum wage and to close un- lock the economic potential of all Americans. companies grow and invest in America, fair tax loopholes that benefit companies that As President, I will: demand large corporations and improve wages and living standards shift jobs overseas.
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