JllviirrWP'ri11 1i wil~lm 'UIIIPIMIW'"! ! i lot 11111 !~E" ,': q!i'!, .rT"fwww!,q wwl 1inuiH CANNEtSSSSMENT REPORT S PHASE I REPORT ARBORWAY CORPORATION 3593-3651 WASHINGTON STREET JAMAICA PLAIN, MASSACHUSETTS 4 'MIA M1151r'Imnyu'r I1I1'rrI_'r uu ir'wtEIwrI ':;t ti Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering - Potential Oil/Hazardous Material Release Site For DEQE Use Only PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT REPORT Case No. File Name Date Listed PROPERTY NAME AND LOCATION (See Supplementary Instructions) Olapoolion Property Name' Arboay Corp. UTM Coordinates M Address 3593-3651 Washington Street N 4685350 E 325850 M Latitude/Longlitude Municipality' Zip Code uSGS aod(s)4 42 18 ' i" N Jamaica Plain 02130 Boston South, MA 71 06' 43" W II. OWNERS/OPERATORS Present Owner Arborway Corp. Oate Specific Proprty Use/Activityo Address: 3593-3651 Washington St. Acquired #2 Fuel Oil Storage/ cnctTel.Jamaica Plain - - 3/80 Terminasic#_a i % ActiveRenal.roperty L_1 Inacave Richard T. Horan, Sr. 617 327 4600 3/8 ACIn Present Operator ArborAy Corp. Date Specific Property Use/Activity Address: 3593-3651 Washington St. Stated Same As Above Contact Jamaica Plain Tel. - 3/80 sic a - Active 0 Inactive Robert A, Baxter, Jr, 617 524 8158 Previous Owner. Atlas Oil Corp. From/To Specific Property Use/Activity Address: Allied Drive Dates probably same ham Tel 12/79 SICprobb y same - 3/80 SIC# Previous Operator General Oil Burner Inc. From/To Specific Property Use/Activity Address: and others Dates 12/79 N.AN.A. Not Available Tel. - - - 3/80 SIC a - Additional Owner/Operator Information is: L Attached Unknown Not Pertinent III. GENERAL PROPERTY/AREA INFORMATION Site Locus Map Attached 7 Property/Area Use Property Present Property Past Surrounding Area Check ifproperty is or ever was a known: Industrial Refuse/waste Disposal Area Commercial . ..X .. Gasoline (Service) Station Residential y-... Fuol Storage Depot Agricultural - Industril Manufacturing Facility Undeveloped .- Check If Property is Planned for Development IV. REVIEW OF AVAILABLE RECORDS/INFORMATION Municipal: DateeReviewed 10/9JS 9y .4 ayr lCIN ERG Information Source(s): Boston Fire Department Contact Person(s) Inspector Isaac Hendricks Telephone: 6177253622 State: 0 Date Reviewed10/4/89 Sy Kay Reddy ERG Information Sourc e(s): DEP - Northeast Region, Woburn, MA Contact Person(s): Tolephone: 617-935-2160 9 Owner/Operator '0 Date Reviewed /2989By Edward J. Warner Web Encrineerin Assoc. Information Source(s): Arborway Corporation .................... %vl, Contact Person(s)): Robert A. Baxter, Jr. Telephone: 617-3832305 Other 1 Date Rieviewed 1 0 / 5 9 Eyv Kay Reddy of ERG Information Source(s): Boston City Hospital, Office of Environment al Affairs contact Por on(s): John Shea Totephone: 617-424-965i Additional Information/Information Sources are attached: E Yes C No. D IV. SURVEY OF AVAILABLE RECORDS/INFORMATION (Continued.) Based upon records and available information, have petroleum products or hazardous matorials boon used, treated, stored, or disposed of, on the property? SYes O No Petroleum Hazardous Materials Undorground Storage Tanks: " Records/Evidenceof Preent/Formor Use: IM Yo No Indicate Numbor of Tanks: Gasoline Fuel Oil Wasta/Oth Oil Hazardous Maidalo Unknown Presently On-site . 0. Romovod p With Capacity 1100 Gallons 0 _ 0 _- Over 10 Years Old - - Total Number. 0 4 0 Wcatmator' Goncrold? Compooltion Disposal Procont YO ao No 0 Unknown 0 Sanitary 0 Industrial 0 MunicIp SIoer 0 On-Ott 0 Other pact O Yco No 0 Unknown 0 Sanitary 0 Industial Municipal Sower 0 On-ce Other Commontr In there currently on on-oe water supply wall? 0 Yesn No 0 Unknown. Active? 0 Yes 0 No. Othoroxoilng means for sampling groundwater? 1 Yes No Indico e Proosnt or Paot Federal/Statio Environmental Prmits/Regulations at the Property. 0 N.P.D.E.S. C] Groundwater Otoharge 0 R.C.RA Generator O n.C.RA. TSo 0 Air Quality 0 Other Commems DEP Case #EIRB-N88-1697 Islare there any record(s) of Criminal. Civil, or Administratlve Actions, at the property due to (alleged) violations of environmental statute or regu- lation? ] Yesa No Comments: V. PROPERTY RECONNAISSANCE Property Reconnaissance by Owner/OperatorA . - (Circlo one.) Date 9/29/89 By ward J. Warner o Web Engineerina A-;cr-r Evidence of a Release of Oil or Hazardous Materialo? R Ye N O 0 Potntial if Yes/Potential, Based upon: 0 visual 0 ofactory analytc al/cocr ning comments: See Phase I Report FOR DEQE USE ONLY: - On-oite RAeconnoa ance Off-site Roconnalooence By EPA/DEQE/Contfrctor. (Circle one.) Date By Of Evidence of a Release of Oil or Hazardous Materiols? O Yes 0 No 0 Potential Comments: L2U r~i !Y '1'urrmIur wrI£v111r"2 ' I.wrrr '1 'yr uwrwiglwuifggw nfW ---- a I I a, C U U- C=- i C -o I E V C Wg E E .. .. I I , 1 4 n ... a Os O I I O. rE - OC~,C 0 d . '" = I - ... , ,, ii * I I I I S Ra 2= J -4J H 44' OArH- 4J4 rr - t - - - S- ~_ a~ I ~ U - 1 -J - a - .-.- 4--------- .~ __________ I. __________ I . I -i.. r II II I " li 1 " * -- 0*$ ______________________________________________ tililyr III~iII 1 'E!rLPlrNwl ~, uA]LIlrlin'n* ir' *- ~~~*'- 1* "- -' ''r"rlwr'wwr -''" TI ID Vll. CONCLUSIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS Baoed upon all available information angata, pursuant to MGL Chapter 21E, Is there evidence that a release of oilor hazardous materials hao or to occurring at the property? ZI Yes O No [ Unknown at this time Do property conditions constitute a threat of release? O Yes No C Potontial If adwr of abovo Is "Yo", aro immediate alto actions necosnory to abate on Imminent hazard to public hoolth, coty. wct, or tho environment due to: Proximity to knotn potable water supplies? O Yen E No Potential for direct human contact and exposure? C Yea R No Potential for fire or oxplosion? 0 ye -1 No Proximity to flahcrtI/cltical habitats? 0 Yec fm No Other O Yca CM No f aionwohoon bcon onirmcd.cro mmcdiato actiononecconaryto initlato obotmcnl, contaninmntor recovery actions, in orerto ovoid a dluaton w~hao a dday in remedial octions will ubotanutally docroaca the fficioncy and/or dogrco of ultimob clanup? Yco IMlNo Have rcmediail octions alrody boon taken at the oto? IM YC3 13 Ne NOTE: If immediate aoctlons oaro ncodd. or If rmmodial actions hove already bon token at theaolto, append complct details on naturo of problom and prpocsd/compltcd sitoeactiono. 9OpVrWor/Privt Party (Circo ano.) P onal Environmental Conuttant Nme chard . Horan. r. Name J er Tite President Trie Geoloqist Company Arborway Corporaticn Firm Web Engineering Assoc. Inc, OWs - / 90 Date /- /A- 90 Property Affiliation Owner 2 Additional Information aached to Form Indiaco Namc(s) of Environmental Asosooment Report(s) prepared for Pre inary Assessent and Phase I Reports prepared by Web Engineering Assoc, If Form completed by Private Party and/or Professional Environmental Consultant, placo sign: I horeby c that the information fumirned In and with this Form, to the beat of my knowicdge, In true accurate, and complete. Signare' - La!LSignature: P t 4 VIII. DISPOSITION OF CASE FOR DEQE USE ONLY: Form compicod by-. PRP/ConouItant/DEQE/DEQE Contractor/Other (Circle one.) Date Rococlved: If not complied by DEOE,tis provided Information: C Adequate Insufficiont naccurot Concluslon- 0 No Evidence of R =onew 0 R ase Confirmed Poential Acnoats - Further Irnotgatlon Required Dtpootion of Coan: NOAction C Ro-do PA C Pero , 0 prform IRM 0 ottr Enforcement Poosition: C N.A. O Send N.O.R 0 N.O.fR. cent O whr Comndcnft DEQE STAFF: TITLE SIGNATURE DATE. 185 Industrial Road Franklin P.O. Box 617 Ucensed and Permitted in the Pu m p ing Wrentham, MA 02093 United States and Canada Service Inc. TEL 508-384-6151 FED. EPA ID #MAD084814136 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE PROFESSIONALS November 22, 1988 Mr. Bob Baxter Arborway Corp. 3607 Washington Street Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Dear Bob: Enclosed please find our quotation and associated analytical work in reference to the contaminated soil generated from an oil spill. Upon review of the analytical work, it is determined that the soil will have to be disposed of out of state. JD Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact my office. Sincerely, Raond R. Franklin Sales Representative RRF/vr Enclosure £ThJIIY!TtIT TH!1UPIllPPI 1 Iiu1R:BIEUl s, * P i *"Y nh .. 1r' Franklin 185 Industrial Road P.O. Box 617 Licensed and Permitted in the Pumping Wrentham, MA 02093 United States and Canada Service Inc. TEL 508-384-6151 FED. EPA ID #MAD084814136 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE PROFESSIONALS November 22, 1988 Arborway Corp. Quote #1472 3607 Washington Street Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Attention: Bob Baxter QUOTATION Load, transport and dispose of contaminated soil. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSPORTATION: $ 1,000.00/trip © DISPOSAL: (Includes Mass. Hazardous $ 72.00/ton Waste Transporters Fee) MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES: Liners $ N/C Loading (if required) $ 65.00/hour THIS QUOTATION IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Unless otherwise noted all prices are quoted before any fees and taxes. Applicable fees or taxes will be billed separately on your invoice. Arborway Corp. hereby certifies the waste shall be in conformance with analytical data and other specifications provided to Franklin Pumping Service, Inc., prior to pick-up. To the extent the waste does not conform, Arborway Corp. shall indemnify and hold Franklin Pumping Service, Inc., harmless from all liability and damages arising therefrom and Franklin Pumping Service, Inc., shall be released from all its obligations under this agreement. Arborway Corp. is solely responsible for the appropriate DOT and EPA markings, labels, and construction specifications of waste containers. L::I I 11IF4JUgr, q' 'uu'inn rl1' liut, r;ur.!i' jfl3'Iar ;7 IwIgTwr ** Arborway Corp.
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