ICOM 9 9th International Conference on Mycorrhiza Book of ABstrActs Prague, Czech Republic 30th July – 4th August 2017 9th International Conference on Mycorrhiza 30th July – 4th August 2017 | Prague, Czech Republic BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Abstracts presented at this conference have been reviewed by members of the scientific committee. However, the contents of the abstracts are entirely at the responsibility of the author or authors concerned and do not necessarily represent the views of the organ- isers of the conference. 2 ICOM 9 CONTENTS PLENARY SESSION: Establishing and maintaining mycorrhizas: The molecular interplay...……………………..…………………………………………………….….……. 4 CONCURRENT SESSION: Mycorrhizas in agro- and agroforestry ecosystems………………... 12 CONCURRENT SESSION: Soil and climate feedbacks in mycorrhizal biogeography and ecology ................................................................................. 118 CONCURRENT SESSION: Acquisition, assimilation and transport of nutrients and carbon in mycorrhizal symbioses ............................................... 179 PLENARY SESSION: Diversity and biogeography of mycorrhizal symbioses ..................... 231 CONCURRENT SESSION: Mycorrhizas in plant and fungal invasions ................................ 239 CONCURRENT SESSION: Population genetics/genomics/DNA polymorphism ................ 258 CONCURRENT SESSION: Modelling of mycorrhizas .......................................................... 277 CONCURRENT SESSION: Advances in biological conservation through a better understanding of mycorrhizal ecology ...................................... 285 CONCURRENT SESSION: Emerging technologies to make new discoveries in mycorrhizal physiology and ecology ......................................... 322 CONCURRENT SESSION: Mycorrhizal carbon fluxes, carbon sequestration ..................... 340 WORKSHOP: In-situ mycorrhizal function – how do we get relevant data from a messy world? ............................................................................................. 358 WORKSHOP: Species concept of Glomeromycota ............................................................ 359 WORKSHOP: Mycorrhiza for human welfare – Past, present and future ........................ 363 WORKSHOP: Common mycorrhizal networks – how common and how important they are? ....................................................................................................... 373 WORKSHOP: Specificity in mycorrhizal symbioses: an evolvable trait? ........................... 380 PLENARY SESSION: Belowground diversity and ecosystem functioning .......................... 399 CONCURRENT SESSION: Integrating mycorrhizas into plant community ecology ........... 409 CONCURRENT SESSION: Mycorrhizal microbiomes .......................................................... 456 CONCURRENT SESSION: Molecular programming of mycorrhizal symbioses.................. 495 PLENARY SESSION: Genomics for understanding mycorrhizal evolution and ecology .... 522 PLENARY SESSION: Perspectives ........................................................................................ 530 AUTHOR INDEX ................................................................................................................... 533 CL = Contributed lecture, HT = highlight talk, IL = Invited lecture, KL = Keynote lecture, P = Poster, ST = Speed talk, ST+P = Speed talk with poster 3 9th International Conference on Mycorrhiza| 30th July – 4th August 2017 | Prague, Czech Republic PLENARY SESSION: Establishing and maintaining mycor- rhizas: The molecular interplay Chair: Paola Bonfante KL (ID 512) Reprogramming root cells and altering lipid metabolism to accommodate arbuscular my- corrhizal fungi Maria J. Harrison (Boyce Thompson Institute, Ithaca, NY, USA) Most vascular flowering plants have the ability to form endosymbioses with arbuscular mycor- rhizal (AM) fungi from which they generally gain mineral nutrients while providing carbon to the fungal symbiont. Development of the symbiosis is complex and is initiated by signal exchange that enables growth of the fungus into the root and subsequently into the root cortical cells. Here, reorganization of the cortical cell, coordinated with terminal differentiation of the fungus results in a branched hypha called an arbuscule, enveloped in the plant periarbuscular mem- brane. This interface is the site of nutrient exchange between the symbionts. We are interested in the molecular basis of development of arbuscular mycorrhizas as well as the mechanisms underlying nutrient exchange between the symbionts. We use Medicago truncatula and Brachypodium distachyon, along with AM fungi, Glomus versiforme and Rhizophagus irregularis, for our studies. Recently, we used a phylogenomic profiling approach to identify plant genes conserved for AM symbiosis that we predict should play significant roles in symbiotic develop- ment and/or function1. This approach revealed at least 138 genes conserved for symbiosis and initial evidence suggests that some of these genes function together in small modules to modify aspects of root cell biology or metabolism to accommodate the fungus within the cell. One such module is comprised of two genes, FatM1 and RAM22, that encode enzymes of lipid biosynthe- sis. Analysis of M. truncatula fatm and ram2 mutants provided evidence that FatM and RAM2 redirect lipid biosynthesis in the colonized cells to generate C16:0 b-monoacylglycerol, a class of lipid that is typically exported from the cell3. Furthermore, the phenotype and lipid profiles of an ABC transporter mutant, str, suggests that this transporter, which is also conserved for AM symbiosis, may be responsible for export of C16:0 b-monoacylglycerol across the periarbuscular membrane3. Two previous studies have predicted that AM fungi may lack the capacity for de novo fatty acid biosynthesis and therefore may depend on the plant for a supply of fatty acids4,5. Thus, our data support the hypothesis that expression of AM symbiosis-conserved genes ena- bles the root cell to modify lipid biosynthesis to generate a molecule for export to the periar- buscular apoplast, for subsequent access by the fungus. References: 1Bravo et al., (2016) Nature Plants. DOI:10.1038/NPLANTS.2015.1208. vol 2. 2Gobbato et al., (2012) Current Biology, 22:2236-2241. 3Bravo et al., (2017) New Phytologist doi:10.1111/nph.14533 4Trepanier et al., (2005) Appl. and Environ. Micro., 71:5341-5347 5Wewer et al (2014) Plant Journal 79:398-412. 4 ICOM 9 IL (ID 67) Effector warfare: the role of effector proteins in the establishment and maintenance of mycorrhizal interactions Jonathan M. Plett (Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, Western Sydney Univer- sity, Richmond, Australia), Krista L. Plett (Hawkesbury Instittue for the Environment, Western Sydney University, Richmond, Australia), Maira Pereira (INRA, Nancy, France), Johanna Wing-Hang Wong (Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, Western Sydney University, Richmond, Australia), Sara Hortal (Western Sydney University, Richmond, Australia), Claire Veneault-Fourrey (INRA, Nancy, France), Annegret Kohler (INRA, Nancy, France), Francis Martin (INRA, Nancy, France), Ian C. Anderson (Hawkesbury In- stitute for the Environment, Western Sydney University, Richmond, Australia) In forest ecosystems the roots of most trees and shrubs are colonized by mutualistic ec- tomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi. Like other mycorrhizal fungi, ECM fungi provide their host with growth limiting nutrients in return for photosynthetically fixed carbon. Thanks to massive community efforts in genomic and transcriptomic sequencing, the last decade has brought us unprecedented understanding of the mechanistic nuts and bolts of how these interactions are established. One of the most striking hallmarks of the ‘symbiotic toolbox’ encoded by ECM fungi are genes that appear to encode effector-like proteins. Effectors are typically small (<300 amino acids), secreted proteins induced during symbi- osis that bear little homology to any other characterized genes. The proteins classified as effectors have been labelled as master regulators of symbiosis due to their ability to ef- fect a change in host signalling or physiology to foster (or force?) symbiosis. I will discuss some of our most recent advances in understanding the biological significance of these enigmatic proteins in establishing and maintaining symbiosis with their host plants. I will finish off with discussing a question that continues to intrigue – if these master regulators are so ‘effective’, why have ECM fungi not made the evolutionary leap to become path- ogenic? Keywords: protein-protein interactions, hormone signaling, host specificity 5 9th International Conference on Mycorrhiza| 30th July – 4th August 2017 | Prague, Czech Republic IL (ID 115) Nitrogen metabolism in endomycorrhizal symbioses: is orchid mycorrhiza unique? Silvia Perotto (Dept. Life Sciences and Systems Biology, University of Turin, Turin, Italy), Vale- ria Fochi (Dept. Life Sciences and Systems Biology, University of Turin, Turin, Italy), Annegret Kohler (Lab of Excellence ARBRE, Unité Mixte de Recherche 1136, INRA-Nancy and Lorraine University, Champenoux, France), Mariangela Girlanda (Dept. Life Sciences and Systems Bi- ology, University of Turin, Turin, Italy), Raffaella Balestrini (Institute for Sustainable Plant Pro- tection (IPSP), National Research Council (CNR), Turin, Italy) Orchids are peculiar among flowering plants because they form a heterotrophic pre-seed- ling structure, the protocorm, highly dependent on
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