VOLUME 24 1 93 4 ^ * i/A/ITEO % Washington, Wednesday, March 25, 1959 Sec. CONTENTS Title 5— ADMINISTRATIVE 39.304 Continuous civUian service. 39.305 - Waiver of limitations on training of Agricultural Marketing Service Fa&e employees through non-Govern­ PERSONNEL ment faculties. Proposed rule making; Chapter I— Civil Service Commission 39.306 Agreements to continue in service. Milk in certain marketing areas: 39.307 Failure to fulfill agreements to con­ St. Louis, M o._______ 2307 PART 6— EXCEPTIONS FROM THE tinue in service. Toledo, Ohio________________ 2308 Rules and regulations: COMPETITIVE SERVICE Subpart D— Expenses of Training Milk in certain marketing areas: Department of State 39.401 Determination of necessary expenses Columbus, Ohio______________ 2294 of training. Dayton - Springfield, Ohio; Effective June 1, 1959, paragraph 39.4Q2 Exceptions from prohibition on pay­ (f) 11) of § 6.102 is.revoked. ment of premium pay. miscellaneous amendments. 2293 39.403 Protection of Government’s interest, Agricultural Research Service (E.S. 1753, sec. 2, 22 Stat. 403, as amended; incomplete training. 5 U.S.C. 631, 633) Rules and regulations: 39.404 Records of training expenses. Rinderpest and foot-and-mouth U n it e d S tates C i v i l S er v­ Subpart E— Contributions, Awards, and disease; non-existence in ic e C o m m is s io n , Payments Channel Islands___________ _ 2302 [ seal] W m . C. H u l l , 39.501 Scope. Executive Assistant. 39.502 Acceptance of contributions, awards, Agriculture Department and payments. See Agricultural Marketing Serv­ [F.R. Doc. 59-2496; Filed, Mar. '24, 1959; 39.503 Authority of departments to author­ ice; Agricultural Research Serv­ 8:49 a.m.] ize acceptance. ice; Commodity Credit Corpo­ 39.504 "Identification of organization when ration; Commodity Stabilization more than one participates. Service; Forest (Service. 39.505 Delegation of authority to authorize PART 39— TRAINING REGULATIONS acceptance. Atomic Energy Commission _ 39.506 Records. Notices: 1. Effective upon publication in the -A u t h o r it y : §§ 39.101 to 39.506 issued under Aerojet - General Nucleonics; Federal R egister, §§ 39.1 and 39.2 are sec. 6, 72 Stat. 329. Interpret and apply Pub. amendment to facility license revoked. Law 85-507 and E.O. 10800, Jan. 15, 1959. and construction permits____ 2316 2. A new Fart 39 is added as set out be­ . North Carolina State College; low, effective as of July 1, 1959, with the Subpart A— General Provisions construction permit_________ 2317 following exceptions, which are effective § 39.101 Definitions. Walker Trucking Co.; byproduct upon publication, in the F ederal R e g is ­ and source material license to ter: §§39.101; 39.203(b); 39.208; Sub- For the purpose of this part : (a) The term “Act” means the Gov­ provide radioactive waste dis­ part C, with the exception of § 39.302; posal service_______ 2316 Subpart D; and Subpart E. ernment Employees Training Act, Public Law 85-507 (72 Stat. 327). Civil Service Commission Sec Subpart A— General Provisions Cb) The terms “ Government,” “ de­ Rules and regulations: 39.101 Definitions. partment,” “ employee,” “ Commission,” State Department; exceptions “training,” “Government facility,” and from competitive service_____ 2289 Subpart B — Establishing Training Prog rams “non-Government facility” have the Training regulations__________ 2289 Through Government and Non-Government meanings given to these terms by section Facilities Commodity Credit Corporation 3 of the Act. Rules and regulations: oq o01 Review of training needs. (c) The term “ training by,, in, or Mohair; payment program------ 2293 39.202 Scope and general conduct of train- through Government fa cilities means qq big programs. training that is conducted (1) by civilian Commodity Stabilization Service .jT™ Selection and assignment of trainees. or military personnel of the Government Mohair; payment program (see Utilization of trainees, acting in their official capacities, and (2) Commodity Credit Corpora­ on Evaluation of training, tion). oo Interchange of training information. on property owned or substantially con­ ^•207 Reports. trolled by the Government. All other Customs Bureau •208 Utilization of other Government training is “training by, in, or through Rules and regulations: facilities. non-Government facilities.” Cigars imported by mail; collec­ Subpart C— Training by, in, or Through Non- Subpart B— Establishing Training Pro­ tion of tax and duty________ 2304 Government Facilities grams Through Government and Defense Department 9-301 General prohibitions, training Non-Government Facilities See Engineers Corps. through non-Government fa- go- cilities. § 39.201 Review o f training needs. Engineers Corps Rules and regulations: 2 Selection of non-Government fa- (a) In conducting the reviews of 39 am n cillties for training. Public use of certain reservoir Computing time, in training through training needs required by section 5 ol areas; miscellaneous amend­ non-Government facilities. (Continued on next page) ments______________________ - 2306 2289 2290 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS-—Continued CONTENTS-—Continued Federal Communications Com- Pase Treasury Department Page FEDEMLWREGISTER mission— Continued See Customs Bureau. '»3« Rules and regulations: Wage and Hour Division Frequency allocations and radio Notices: treaty matters; type accept­ Learner employment certifi­ Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, ance_____________ 2306 cates; issuance to various in­ and days following official Federal holidays, by the Federal Register Division, National Federal Power Commission dustries____________________ 2314 Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ Notices: Proposed rule making: ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ Hearings, etc.: Resignation and appointment of thority contained in the Federal Register Act, Jefferson Lake Sulphur Co. public member on certain approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as et al________ ______ 2319 committee__________ 2311 amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8 B ), under regula­ Kerr-McGee Oil Industries, tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Inc., and Texas Co. et al___ 2318 CODIFICATION GUIDE the President. Distribution is made only by Federal Reserve System A numerical list of the parts of the Code the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Rules and regulations : of Federal Regulations affected by documents ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Discount rates; miscellaneous published in this issue. Proposed rules, as T in Federal Register will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 amendments_______ 2302 opposed to final actions, are identified as per month or $15.00 per year, payable in such. Federal Trade Commission A Cumulative Codification Guide covering advance. The charge for individual copies Rules and regulations: (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to the current month appears at the end of each the size of the issue. Remit*check or money Cease and desist orders: issue beginning with the second issue of the order, made payable to the Superintendent Puget Sound Brokerage Co__ 2303 month. of Documents, directly to the Government Stuttman, H. S., Co. et al____ 2303 Page Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Thompson Products, Inc___ ?_ 2304 5 CFR 6 ______________________ The regulatory material appearing herein Food and Drug Administration 2289 is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, 39________ _____________ 2289 which is published, wider 50 titles, pursuant Proposed rtfle making : to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Samsoe cheese; standard of 6 CFR amended August 5, 1953, The Code of Fed­ identity____________________ 2311 468____________________ _ _ _ _ 2293 eral R egulations is sold by the Superin­ Substance containing piperonyl 7 CFR tendent of Documents. Prices of books and butoxide and pyrethrins in or pocket supplements vary. 971 on whole cheese; petition for- I _ 2293 There are no restrictions on the re- 974__________ ____ _ _ 2294 publication of material appearing in the issuance of regulation estab­ lishing tolerance-___________ 2312 Proposed rules: Federal R egister, or the CcSde of Federal 903 . 2307 R egulations. Rules and regulations : Canned fruits, artificially sweet­ 930_______________ 2308 ened; order establishing iden­ 9 CFR tity standards___________ ___ 2304 94 CFR SUPPLEMENTS 2302 Forest Service 12 CFR (As of January 1, 1959) Rules and regulations: 224____________________ 2302 Timber; miscel&heous amerid- The following supplement is now ~ments________________________ 2305 16 CFR available: Health, Education, and Welfare 13 (3 documents)______ 2303,2304 Title 9, Rev. Jan. 1, 1959 ($4.75) Department 19 CFR See Food and Drug Administra­ __ — 2304 Previously announced: Title 3, 1958 Supp. tion. ($0.35); Title 8 ($0.35); Titles 22-23 21 CFR ($0.35); Title 25 ($0.35); Title 38 ($0.55); Interior Department ^ 27___ ___ __________ 2304 Titles 4 0 -4 2 ($0.35); Title 46, Parts 14 6- See Land Management Bureau. Proposed rules: 149, 1958 Supp. 2 ($1.50); Part 15<Mo Interstate Commerce Comnfiis- 19_________________ _____ 2311 end ($0.50); Title 47, Part 30 to end sion 121________________ __ 2312 ($0.30); Title 49, Parts 9 1-164 ($0.40) Notices: 2 9 CFR Order from Superintendent of Docu­ Fourth section applications for Proposed rules: ments, Government Printing Office, relief_________ ___________ ,___ 2339 601 __ 2311 Washington 25, D.C. Motor carriers: ftf)2 _ 2311 Alternate rou te deviation 603 — 2311 notice___ ______ _______ __ 2319 Applications___
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