west ADELAIDE football INC. & west ADELAIDE footballers’ club INC. wafc Annual GENERAL MEETING WEST ADELAIDE FOOTBALL CLUB INC. & WEST ADELAIDE FOOTBALLERS’ CLUB INC. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGS AND ELECTIONS Notice is hereby given to all Members that the Annual general Meetings of the West Adelaide Football Club Inc and the West Adelaide Footballers Club Inc will be held in the Sturt Pea Room on Monday February 25 at 7.00pm. The date has been revised to allow all parties time to make the necessary arrangements given the changes to Constitution made in December of 2018. No meeting will occur on the previously advised date (February 11). In accordance with the Constitution all Directors of the Club will retire at the Annual General Meeting. Following the retirement of the current Directors, five Directors nominated by the Nominations Committee (‘Nominated Directors’) and two Directors elected by the Members (‘Member Elected Directors’) will be confirmed as the Board of Directors for both the West Adelaide Football Club Inc and the West Adelaide Footballers Club Inc. A member wishing to bring forward any special business at the Annual General Meeting must give notice of such special business in writing to the Chief Executive Officer 28 clear days prior to the AGM. Ben Hopkins Chief Executive Officer west adelaide football club (1897 - 2018) CHAMPIONS OF Australia 1908, 1911 foXTEL CUP CHAMPIONS 2013 sanfl Premiers 1908, 1909, 1911, 1912, 1927, 1947, 1961, 1983, 2015 Runners UP 1922, 1954, 1956, 1958, 1959, 1962, 1991, 2003, 2012 PERMANENT STAFF CHIEF EXecutiVE OFFICER Ben Hopkins Administration Bridget Aiston, Gayle Dolphin, Rhianon Reese facilitY manager Rod Harwood Football DEPartment Andrew Marks, Jason Porplyzia LICENSED Club Steve Skinner, Kirsty Mansell, Cara Magier SUPPort auditor MGI group banKers (NAB) National Australia Bank alt sanfl director Graeme Barton no.1 ticket holders Hon. Rob Kerin, Hon. Steve Georganas MP Patron Mayor John Trainer MP 1 OFFICE bearers SPonsors 2018 board of directors MAJOR Partner OVAL NAMING Partner PREMIER coterie Partner President VICE President legal director PeoPLE AND Culture FINANCE director football director sanfl league & womens football lEE HARRADINE GRAEME barton director director JOHN lEvy kristen DEMETRIOu KEY corPorate Partners VENUE AND FACILITIES JUNIOR football ASSET MANAGEMENT communitY DIRECTOR director DIRECTOR director MICHAEl MEMMlER MARK beswick troy abbott DR JOSEPH masika (dec. april 2018) *part year oam women’S MAJOR Partner womens Partners commercial membershiP DIRECTOR JUNIOR football director NICK HuEzenroeder director robert tidswell *part year RICHARD Sykes *part year 2 3 PLAYER SPonsors League PLAYER list & stats JacK Agostino Regency Showerscreens JOSH RYAN 2 Bro’S catering PLAYED: 18 won: 8 lost: 10 DREW: 0 FINAL POSITION: 7th PLAYers USED: 36 KENNY KARPANY THE Westonians Zac Bates Abbott INvestments IzaK RANKINE lIFESTylE SA TYLER MCPherson GAllagher INSuRANCE Coach : GAVIN colVILLE JONO Beech vIlI’S JOSH SCHILLER SERAFINO Wines CAPtain : tom Keough AN LYNDON HUPFELD COPyworlD JacK EVANS RAPID Response Locksmiths wafc wafc seasons SP CHRIS Burgess DR DARREN Waters Lachie RYAN Stonecraft Imports ames 2018oals 2018 NICK FAVretto ACE IT COuriers KYLE KIRK SA Brewing DOB CMS Kgs G G games goals league CAREER Aaron FIELKE Bl Shipway Matt Eastman Cool or COzy AGOSTINO, JACK A 11/06/1997 179 69 16 2 51 5 4 2015 -18 KAINE STEVENS HARvEy NORMAN TOM LYNCH COCA colA ANDERSON, AARON W 20/08/1991 177 85 18 9 45 16 5 2012 - 2015, 18 MURRAY WAITE Avl HIRE JaKOB HEITMANN CITy OF West Torrens BATES, ZACHARY R J 30/04/1995 175 73 14 14 28 23 2 2017 - 18 JaKE WILSON ADElAIDE Image Printing COuNCIl BATLEY, NATHAN S 16/09/1992 188 79 17 1 35 7 2 2017 - 18 JOHN NOBLE WAFC Past PlAyers Lachlan EVANS con MICHAlAKIS BEECH, JONATHON S 09/11/1990 188 88 13 20 142 167 9 2008 - 2015, 18 HUGH HAYSMAN WAFC Isaac JOHNSON TRENCHless PIPElines BURGESS, CHRISTOPHER D 26/11/1995 190 82 18 18 47 24 3 2016 - 18 LOGAN HILL EFEX JONTY INGLIS STEvE Georganas MP DUNKIN, ELLIOT J 27/06/1998 182 76 2 0 2 0 1 2018 TOM Keough AGI Elliot DUNKIN SOuTHERN Cross TRAIlers EVANS, JACK A 6/02/1995 180 75 10 1 15 1 3 2016 - 18 Jason PORPLYZIA CITy MAzda CHOL MAJOK KAlyMNOS Paisteries EVANS, LACHLAN J 30/03/1997 189 75 9 1 9 1 1 2018 SHANNON GREEN GREENzown Electrical JOSH HollidaY HARRADINE and NORRIS FIELKE, AARON W 14/11/1988 185 78 3 2 166 159 12 2007 - 18 Brett TURNER FRAME Connection GREEN accountants GREEN SHANNON J 16/09/1987 184 82 14 10 146 92 11 2007, 09 - 18 MASON Middleton RJKM OLIVER JOHNSON Statewide SuPER HEAD, DUSTIN B 18/09/1991 183 78 8 0 9 0 2 2017 - 18 Nathan BatleY FowlER SIMMONS CONOR NOONAN Zorich GrouP/sports HILL, LOGAN D 23/01/1988 178 80 18 3 137 25 10 2008, 10 - 18 Dustin Head FlERuREu MIlK Company power HUPFELD, LYNDON J 21/02/1998 192 90 2 1 2 1 1 2018 errin wasleY-black XBlades KEELAN Laube MCDonalDS JOHNSON, ISAAC L 23/02/1998 183 75 2 1 2 1 1 2018 Aaron Anderson PFD FOODS NIGEL OSBORN Westies BAR and Bistro karPanY, kenneth G (Jnr) 12/10/1997 173 68 18 15 37 25 3 2016 - 18 DANIEL WEBB IDM Sports TEEJAY HALKIAS WAFC CHEERleaders KEOUGH, THOMAS A 10/10/1991 193 91 18 10 91 37 6 2012 - 15, 17-18 ANDRE Parella TElco Store GOuGER ST BEN MILLER 1800 on holD LAUBE, KEELAN M 23/11/1999 191 73 1 0 1 0 1 2018 31/01/1996 200 98 5 1 16 2 2 2017 - 18 TOM PILLION Totally Workwear PatricK FAIRLIE Hotel ROyAl MCPHERSON, TYLER J MIDDLETON, MASON K 26/07/1994 190 96 16 30 72 81 5 2014 - 18 RICHMOND NICK Jaensch MuEllER SERvices NOBLE, JOHN A 25/03/1997 178 68 18 6 36 17 3 2016 - 18 Lachlan PETER BRIAN Munro Signs NOONAN, CONOR P 13/04/1998 182 73 2 0 2 0 1 2018 PARRELLA, ANDRE J 21/09/1997 204 107 12 0 12 0 1 2018 PILLION, THAMAS D 16/07/1997 182 65 2 1 8 6 2 2017 - 18 PORPLYZIA, JASON K 27/11/1984 177 84 11 2 117 83 11 2002 - 07, 10, 13, 15 - 16, 18 RANKINE, IZAK J 23/04/2000 178 67 10 15 23 33 3 2016 - 18 RYAN, JOSHUA G 17/04/1996 196 95 13 0 15 0 2 2016, 18 RYAN, LACHLAN T 17/04/1996 192 83 2 0 2 0 1 2018 SCHILLER, JOSHUA B 09/07/1992 184 82 18 2 101 18 6 2013 - 18 STEVENS, KAINE H J 20/09/1992 184 82 16 9 88 64 5 2014 - 18 TURNER, BRETT A 11/01/1996 185 70 11 3 40 22 3 2016 - 18 TURNER, GIBSON 22/07/1993 180 84 1 0 1 0 1 2018 WAITE, MURRAY J 07/05/1997 184 75 7 1 17 2 3 2016 - 18 WASLEY-BLACK, errin n 20/01/1995 188 86 12 3 64 27 4 2015 -18 WEBB, DANIEL J 20/09/1989 196 95 6 2 127 86 11 2008 - 18 WILSON JAKE B 01/12/1991 193 94 15 3 23 3 2 2017 - 18 RETIREMENTS/dePARTURES FROM 2018: Jason Porplyzia, Shannon Green, Daniel Webb, Aaron Fielke, Jake Wilson, Nick Favretto, Izak Rankine (AFl), Chris Burgess (AFl) arrivals 2019: Chris Schmidt, Will Snelling, Patrick levicki, Jade Cleeland, Dallas Willsmore, Tom Morrish, Reed Stevens, Tom Gallaway 4 5 League awards & milestones reserVes PLAYER list, stats & awards 2018 neil kerleY medal PLAYED: 19 won: 11 lost: 8 DREW: 0 FINAL POSITION: 5th PLAYers USED: 43 1st Place: KAINE stevENS / 112 votes Coach : MINERVINI, D 2nd Place: josh SCHIllER / 111votes 3RD Place: tom keough / 108 votes games goals games goals BATES, ZACHARY 2 3 MAJOK, CHOL 15 1 CRUMP, MYLES 1 1 MAY, SAM 1 0 DUNKIN, ELLIOT 18 0 MCPHERSON, TYLER 6 2 EASTMAN, MATTHEW 15 18 MILLER, BEN 7 2 EVANS, JACK 4 0 NOONAN, CONOR 11 1 EVANS,LACHLAN 9 0 OSBORN, NIGEL 12 9 FAIRLIE, PATRICK 19 4 PARRELLA, ANDRE 3 0 FIELKE, AARON 2 1 PETER, LACHLAN 19 13 GUTSCHE, WILLIAM 4 0 PILLION, THOMAS 17 23 HALKIAS, TEEJAY 7 1 PORPLYZIA, JASON 2 0 HANNAGAN, NOAH 4 3 RANA, ANGUS 6 0 HAYSMAN, HUGH 5 4 RYAN, JACK 5 0 SHANNON GREEN elliot DUNKIN HEAD, DUSTIN 5 2 RYAN, LACHLAN 17 4 Presidents award KEITH REYNOLDS HEITMANN, JAKOB 12 1 STEVENS, JOSHUA 4 2 MEMORIAL troPHY HOLLIDAY, JOSHUA 12 20 TURNER, BRETT 8 5 HUPFELD, LYNDON 17 15 TURNER, GIBSON 12 29 INGLIS, JONTY 5 1 VASSALLO, ANTON 3 0 JAENSCH, NICHOLAS 14 3 WAITE, MURRAY 11 8 JOHNSON, ISAAC 12 7 WASLEY-BLACK, errin 3 1 JOHNSON, OLIVER 13 10 WEBB, DANIEL 6 12 KIRK, KYLE 17 9 LAUBE, KEELAN 15 3 LYNCH, THOMAS 19 2 ANDRE PARRELLA MASON middleton JOSH SCHILLER JOSH RYAN sam SUCKLING SHIELD rodger luders award GRANTLEY FIELKE award BILL downs MEMORIAL best first Year PLAYER leading goal KICKER troPhY - most imProved 2018 bob lee memorial troPhY 1st Place: patrick fairlIE 2018 milestones 2nd Place: Elliot Dunkin 3RD Place: lachlAN PETER awards KYLE KIRK DEVeloPMENT team coaches troPHY PICTURED FROM LEFT: PATRICK FAIRLIE, ELLIOT DUNKIN, LACHLAN PETER, KYLE KIRK NIGEL OSBORN JacK agostino JOSH SCHILLER bloods footY award - 50 leaGue Games 100 leaGue Games selected BY leadershiP grouP & coaches 6 7 sanflw PLAYER list, stats & awards under 18 PlaYer list & stats PLAYED: 10 won: 5 lost: 5 DREW: 0 FINAL POSITION: 4th PLAYers USED: 31 PLAYED: 18 won: 3 lost: 15 DREW: 1 FINAL POSITION: 8th PLAYers USED: 55 Coach : MARKS, A Coach : STREATFIELD, P MOON, S games goals games goals games goals games goals BOUGHEN, BAILEY 2 0 KENT, TYSON 10 5 ARMITSTEAD, SOPHIE 4 0 MARTIN, HANNAH 8 0 BOYLAN,AIDAN 4 2 KEWELL, TOBY 1 0 BALLARD, ABBIE 10 2 MARTIN, RACHELLE 10 1 CAMACHO, JAVIER 1 0 LAUDATO, MICHAEL 4 2 BATLEY, KIMBERLEY 9 2 MARTINO, MARIE 10 0 CARUSO, NATHAN 18 3 MAY, SAM 7 1 BIDDELL, CHELSEA 10 10 MASIERO, SARAH 2 0 CHAMBERLAIN, BAILEY 8 3 MILDE, JACOB 13 0 CULHANE, KASIA 8 0 MASON, ALEXANDRA 9 1 COUROUPIS, NICHOLAS 6 1 MOORE, ETHAN 10 5 CZABAYSKI,ALEXANDRA 4 0 MESECKE, COURTNEY 8 1 DALGLEISH, JACK 16 5 MORELLI, SAUL 12 3 EDWARDS, PHOEBE 5 0 NEWMAN, MADISON 5 0 DAY, WILL 2 0 NEUMANN, MITCH 9 2 ELSEGOOD, MELANIE 9 3 O’DOHERTY, KATIE 1 0 EARL, JACOB 14 0 NUNAN, BEAU 17 18 EVANS, ALLISON
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