Now Is the Time to Buy City Property—Consult These Ads for B Argains

Now Is the Time to Buy City Property—Consult These Ads for B Argains

Now is the time to Buy City Property—Consult these Ads for B argains Today’s Radio Features CLASSIFIED Business Chance* Livestock iRentals Rates and Rules THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19 (Central Standard\itne) 17 Business for Sale 50 Poultry • Supplies ■ Advertisements win be — .. — -.... 63 P. M. unless Indicated. accepted j Apartments Programs and station lists subject to change. over the phone from those having BABY Wednesday (By The Associated Press/ WOWO WBBM KMOX KMBC KOIL; regular charge accounts. Other CHICKS—Every Halstead's Oreh. — KFH KFJF and 10% on 454.3—WE AF-N BC—660 Only classified advertising must be ac- Saturd.*,? discount all FURNISHED APARTMENTS, con- KDYL KLZ companied by cash Hot«y Totsy orders booked. Cameron • :00—Lumber Jacks—Also WWJ WSAI WOST WXYZ County venient and clean. $20 and $25. 357 9;0C—Trumpeter*—Alao No on an WEN It WLAF WDSU WOWO WFBM WBBM advertising accepted Chiekeries La Feria. Texas T105 West Levee. Phone “until forbid" order A Hungry tc Mm You. 1533W. U48 *:15— Lanin Oreh.—Also WSAI WOW WCCO KMOX KMBC KOIL KFJF specified WDAF number of Insertions must be given KULD KLZ COFFEE SHOP FOR SALE — The Herald reserves COLONIAL — the to APARTMENTS. 6:30—Alica Joy Alan WTAM WSAI 9:30 Parade — Alao WOST WXYZ right Four- place all WDAF WIBA WTMJ KSTP WEBC WBCM WLAF WDOD WRKC WLAC advertisements under the room apartment with breakfast proper and Call room Cameron Hotel WDAY KFYlt WXOX W8RC WDSU WiSN WOWO classification, reject un- 52, Merchandise 1 nook. The kind will and * you ’«e. 6:45 — — Also WWJ WSAI clean or objectionable Texas Goldbergs WBBM WCCO KSCJ WMT KMOX copy. Brownsville. at a reasonable renun. Also a WENR A\ TAM; Stabbing Boys — Only KMBC WNAX KOIL W1BW KFJi Obituaries, resolutions and cards YOU of smaller Call S68-J. KYW WOC WHO WOW WMC AVSB KTRH KDYL KLZ KULD thanks In classified section wtll 52 Household Goods apartment. U12 be WSMB 9:45— Myrt and Marge—Only WBBM taken at the regular classified 21 Miscellaneous 7:00—Valise’s Oreh.—Also WJDX WHO WXYZ KMBC WLAF WCCO KLZ rate. In other part of paper reader JUNCO APARTMENTS—Beautlful- AVOAV rates WWJ WHAS WMC WSAI AVSB KDYL applv. AUCTION ly furnished. Modem tn every WSMB AVEBC KOA KTHS KSL AVOAl 10:00 — Dance — Also The Publishers are respon- Oreh. WBCM not THE respect; gas. water, lights, fngidalre. WSM WOC AVAPI AVTAM KSD AVBEN WLAF WDSU KSCJ WMT WIBW sible for omissions, WINE-GR. brick is here; Mr. copy typo- Nov. IS A. M. Reasonable. KI’RC WTMJ KSTP WKY AA BAP KFH; WISN Lawyer graphical error or unintention- Port. Claret. Friday. 29, Sharp 1149 S. E. Washington. Bing Crosby—Only WTAQ any Reisling, Champagne WDAF al error 510 St. Charles St. AVMAQ KMBC 'KolJ KMJ KDYL KLZ that may occur, farther types. Fastest selling on E. T240 — commodity 6:00— Dramatic Musicals Also AVTIC _ 10:15—Jack Miller—Alao WDSU KVOB than to correct In the next Issue the market AVKE! — today; Distributors WSM AVOAl AVKY KOA WRAP 10:30 Quarter-Hour (Repeat)—Only after It Is brought to their atten- We have In this sale the con- BEAUTIFUL APARTMENTS for WAVJ WSAI KYW wanted who can take over KSD WDAF AVEBC KDYL Kf.Z Mr. Doctor tion. All advertising order* ar* ac- sale in of a six-room house, and rent the sea shore. Electric AVOAV WSM — — tents by AV.IDX AVOC WHO AVAPI 10:45 Belatco Oreh. Alao WBCM cented on this basis only. exclusive territory. WTAM WSB KSTP A\ KSL WHAS you are sure to find what lights, cook and heat with Hot MC WLAF WDSU WISN KSCJ WMT Telephone No 9 and dictate your CALIFORNIA just gas. AVTMJ AVSMB VINEYARDS CO. KFH KDYL KLZ advertisement to an you have been looking for. Bed- and cold water. Winter surf bath- — experienced — 6:30 Sherlock Holmes Also KSD — 1511 Santa Pe Texas 11:00—Lombardo Oreh. Alao WBCM "l-salfled writer. Bldg. Dallas. room room in warm Gulf water. AVTAM AVOAV WDAF furniture, dining ing Fishing AVOC WHO WISV WCCO WMT KFJF KVOK Mr. To Insure U158 Professional Man publication same dav and WCSH WWJ WSAI WENR furniture, book case, oak rock- hunting. Reasonable rates. Only KDYL KLZ WOKO copv should be presented not tater s Oreh.—Also AVWJ WSAI 11:30— ers. odd chairs, a few minutes from Brownsville. 6:00—King 3iaale Oreh.—Alan WBCM WISN than 1ft a. m. for Sunday refrigerator, AVBAP KSD AVOW WKY AVUAT KOA Copv WCCO WMT KFJF KDYL KLZ issues kitchen 9x12 rugs, Paved Del Mar Incor- KSL WTMJ WHAS WMC AVSMB should be In not later than cabinet, good highway. < 00 n Mar. AVJDX KVOO WDAF KPltC AVTAM 394.5—WJZ-N BC—760 Mr. m Saturdays to Insure proper large leather davenport, Vtc- porated. Del P O- Texas. U137 — Merchant class’ fiest’on. WEBC WSB AVFAA AVOC AVHO WIBA 6:15 Jeatera — Also WLW WCKY ; trola, books, dishes, toiletware, CLASSIFIED* » di’TSKTISTNO Business Services KSTP KTHS W .. ■■■•■ "■ WHAS KPHC WSM REN* ——"... * etc. 64 Rooms 10:00— 6 — RATES Ralph Kirbery—Also KSD WOW I 30—Phil Cook Alao WENR KWK I rrr.ii and pitch AVOC AVHO WREN words or less, one Insertion «0c 10:05—Coon-Sanders* Oreh.—Also KSD 6:45—Fallaciea of Bualneaa—Also WLS Over 30 words, one Insertion 23 Cleanr’s, Hattr’s, Tlrs. Auctioneer* ATTRACTIVE ROOM In modem Mr. Business Man f .. AVHO WOC WCKY WREN WEBC KOA per word .3c home. Reasonable. 235 Washington, — — Subsequent Insertions run con- 10:15—Alice Joy (Repeal)—Onlv KSD 7:00 Oiy>0 Spiritual Singer* Also LADIES' FIXT HATS 54 For Sale Miscel. 621. T124 AVOC AVHo AVOW WHAS WSM WMC WJR WCKY WLS WENR KWK secutively. per word.t*«-e phone AVSB AVSMB AVJDX KTHS KVOO WHEN KFAB Minimum ... 10 goeds Remodeled, any style for seventy- AVFAA 7:15—Rin Tin Rv ner COMFORTABLE bedroom Ameri- KPRC Tin—Alan WJR WLW month, word 30c five cents. Satisfaction guaranteed. For Sale At An 10:30—Jesse Crawford — Also WWJ WLS KWK WREN KFAB No classified advertisement ac- can home. month. The Reliable Hat Shop, phone 288. Garage. $15.00 KSD WOC AVOW WHO 7 30—Pickard Family—Also WL8 WJR Will find to cepted for les« than .«0e 757 W. St. Francis. U1Q — — it invest 10:45 Calloway Oreh. Also WWJ WLW WREN very profitable LOCAL READER RATES 113 Washington SU, between 1st KSD WOC WHO 7:45— Siatera of the Skillet—Also WJR Readers, per word .«r and 2nd. Attractive Price U36 COMFORTABLE BEDROOM in 11:00—Florence Richardson Oreh.—Also WLW WLS KWK WREN Readers, per Inch .11.35 — modem AVAV.T KSD AVOC W HO AVOAV 8 00 Fanderson and Crumlt — Second and third 3'-c per American home. Garage. Alao a dav*. 26 Florist • Nurseries 1-McCray Refrigerator 8 x 10 x 10 11:30— Moss Oreh.—Also AVAV.T AVOC Wl'KY in Ad in these read word; fourth fifth and sixth days 415-W. TIT! Daily of 8 to 10 Beeves. Telephone — closely capable AVHO KSD WENR AVSM WSB KPRC 8 30—Orchestra Melodies Alan WJR 3c per word; 7 consecutive days 3*ic holding KOA WI.W KYW KWK WREN WTMJ ner word, per day. LOS EBANOS Greenhouse Co. I Complete with coils. Also 1-Lipton KSTP 65 348.6—WABC-CBS—860 WEBC WHA8 WSM WMC WSB Legal notices lc per word each in- Phone 1588. Flowers, plants, trees 2 cylinder ce machine complete. Houses WAFI WJDX WSMR WBAP KI’RC columns. sertion. ’A— shrubs. S29 M Bing Crosby—Also AA'OST AVBCM WOAI WKY KOA KSt v lap SMALL modern furnished house wood wrec wlac avnox 8:00— Gypsies Dance Oreh.—Also WJR Co. WBRC AVDSU WFBM AVCCO KSCJ WLW KYW KWK WREN CUT FLOWERS and bouquets for Walker-Craig for rent, Call 981-J. T155 WAIT KMOX AVXAX KOIL WlltW 9:30—Clara, Lu and Em — Alao WJR all occasions. We telegraph flowers. 8142 KFI1 KFJF KTRH KTSA KI’.LD WLW WON KWK WREN WMAQ Bowvcr. 1142 West St.' FOR RENT OR SALE: ^Modern — Florist, V. — 8:30—H. Kaltenbom A Do AVXYZ 9:45 Farit Life — 1 Night Also KYW * bungalows. Mrs. Stafford. 1718 WFBM AVBBM WCCO KMOX KMBC WREN Charles. U144 Hays, Announcements or KOIL: Between the — 1187 Book-Ends—Only 10:00 Amos *n* Andy — Onlv WMAO APPLES phone AVDSU KFJF KDYL WENR KWK WREN WDAF KFAR 27 — Heat., Plb’g, Roof’g 8:45 Quarter-Hour — Also AVXYZ WTMJ KSTP WEBC WIBA WHAS AMERICAN neighborhood, newly WMAQ KMOX KMBC KOIL WSM WMC WSB WSMR WJDX Very fine Arkansas apples for finished and furnished house, two — — ANYTHING In sheet metal work 7:00 Mills Brothers Also WCST KTHS* FA NOW Attractive Rates A KPUC WOAI WKY KOA Special Monthly sale at SI 23 bushel. On bedrooms, hot and cold water, gar- AVXYZ AVBCM WEAR AVPOD AVREC KSL AUCTION or roofing. Repair and Job work per WLAC age. fruit. Phone AVNOX WBRC AVDSU WFBM 10:15—Tooies in Brief — Onlv WENR Valley Sheet Metal Works. 9th and vacant lot east of Miller Hotel Reasonably priced. AVCCO KSCJ WMT KMOX AVXAX 183. U180 KWK WREN KFAB WEBC WDAY Phone 8 or Call at Office— Elizabeth U113 the KOIL RVUIAV KFH KULD KTRH KFYR Friday, Vov. SO. 10 A. M. Sharp by Gateway Bridge. U151 KTSA WACO — KFJF 10:30 Ruse Columbo — Also 540 E. St. Charles St. FOR — WREN RENT; ii-room cottage. 515 f:15 Lyman’s Band — Alan WORT KFYR WSB KOA 28 Moving, Trucks, Storage AVXYZ AVREC If out of town write St.

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