Holy Orders For Lay People Religious Life for the Laity Following in the Footsteps of St. Francis of Paola —The Third Order of Minims— By Anne Tschanz f all the Third Orders men- called: An den heiligen Franziskus von tioned in this series of ar- Paula (To the hallowed Francis of Oticles, the Third Order of Paola). The two Francises are among Minims is probably the least known the most renowned religious brothers today. Most of the Minim houses are on the Church calendar. in Italy, the birthplace of their found- Francis of Paola was born c. 1416 er, St. Francis of Paola, with others in Paola in the southern part of Ita- scattered around the world. Their ly. His parents were poor but devout name, the Order of Minims (Ordo people. Childless for several years, Minimorum), derives from Latin min- they pleaded through the interces- imus (least), alluding to Matthew sion of St. Francis of Assisi for a son 25:40, “Amen, I say to you, whatever who would give glory to God’s name you did for the least of these brothers and were blessed with Francis, named of Mine, you did for Me.” St. Francis after the saint. At age thirteen, he of Paola used to call himself “il min- was placed in a Franciscan convent imo dei minimi,” basically the littlest where he embraced an austere life- of the little. Pope Leo X, in the Bull that showed him walking on water. style and carefully observed the rule, for Francis’ canonization, said that According to tradition, when Fran- though he was not a member of the the Minim’s name should exemplify cis was denied boat passage across community. After a pilgrimage with the great humility of members of this the Straits of Messina on the coast of his parents to Assisi and Rome, Fran- mendicant Order. Certainly, it accu- Italy, he laid his cloak on the water cis was given permission by them to rately portrays the humbleness and and used it as a sail to cruise across retire in solitude to a hermitage in austerity of their hermit founder. the sea. In a letter to the compos- 1432 when he was only 15 years old. St. Francis of Paola was very er Richard Wagner, Lizst said: “On He took upon himself the most beloved in his time and known as a his outspread cloak he strides firm- austere way of living. He did not wonder-worker. Franz Liszt, the Hun- ly, steadfastly, over the tumultuous eat meat or animal products such as garian composer and his namesake, waves, his left hand holding burning eggs and milk, and generally ate one composed two solo piano pieces (the coals, his right hand giving the sign of meal a day, usually herbs or bread Deux legends) in honor of two Fran- blessing, his gaze is directed upwards, and water. This lifestyle was incor- cises—St. Francis of Assisi and St. where the word ‘Charitas,’ surround- porated into the fourth vow (the vita Francis of Paola. Liszt was inspired ed by an aureole, lights his way!” Liszt quadragesimalis) that all Minims pro- by a picture of St. Francis of Paola also composed a second choral work fess, which is a perpetual Lent. The July/August 2019 13 7-10 July-August2019 2.indd 13 7/10/19 2:34 PM purpose of this fourth vow was to atone for the laxity and lukewarm- ness prevalent among Christians. This Lenten life is a “total conver- sion to God, deep participation in the expiation of Christ and a call to Gospel values of detachment from the world, the primacy of spirit over matter and the urgent need for pen- ance, which entails the practice of charity, love of prayer, and physical ascesis” (Constitutions, 3). People might conclude that this made Francis unapproachable but it is significant that he adopted Chari- tas as the Order’s motto, for his way miracle-worker who cured the sick himself for a happy death. Louis did, of evangelization was not one of fire and raised the dead. He could hold dying in the Saint’s presence a year and brimstone but one of loving pres- hot coals in his hand without being later. Francis wrote: “The glory of ence “in situations of intense spiritu- burned, stating, as documented in this world is false and its riches are al poverty,” bearing “that transparent the Bull: “All creatures obey those fleeting…happy is he who worries image of the chaste, poor and obedi- who serve God with a pure heart.” more about a pure conscience than ent Christ which alone attracts and Other men joined him, forming a full coffer (Rule, Ch. IV) wins over those who are seeking truth a community known originally as The King’s successors prevailed and peace” (Pope John Paul II, 2000). the Hermits of St. Francis of Assisi upon him to remain in France for the In his penitential life, St. Francis of and many additional houses were next 20+ years and he died in Ples- Paola was taking on the burdens of established in Italy. King Louis XI of sis-les-Tours on Good Friday, in 1507, others to bring them to Christ. France, in dread of death and decay- age 91, while the Passion of the Gos- But, paradoxically, the more ing in body, convinced Pope Sixtus pel of John was being read to him. His Francis humbled himself, the more IV to command Francis to come to incorrupt body was desecrated by the God greatly exalted him in the his aid in Plessis-les-Tours which he Huguenots in 1562 but some relics eyes of men. He was sought out by did in 1482. Francis explained to the were recovered and were sent to vari- princes for he had the gift of proph- impatient and ill-tempered King that ous churches, including one in Paola. ecy, including foretelling the fall of the lives of the greatest and the least He was canonized in 1519. the last Christian emperor in Con- had appointed limits and instead of As an aside, something else jour- stantinople. He was a documented asking for a cure, he should prepare neyed to France along with Francis, the Bartlett pear. Francis present- THE THIRD ORDER OF MINIMS ed seeds to the King and today it is known as the “poire bon Chretien” Founder: St. Francis di Paola in 1233 (good Christian pear). In Germany, Motto: Charitas (“charity”) his name lingers on as well in Pau- laner Beer, originally brewed by the External Sign: Minim cord Munich Minims. Francis’ profile is Spirituality: Penance, humility and charity still on the company logo. Mission: To bring about a spiritual renewal in the family, One of the most famous Minim the workplace and society tertiaries was St. Francis de Sales. Born in Savoy, France, in 1567, Formation Program: Novitiate (1 year) Francis had a crisis of faith while We b s i t e : SanFrancescodaPaola.com in college over the issue of predes- tination. Worried that he might be 14 July/August 2019 7-10 July-August2019 2.indd 14 7/10/19 2:34 PM destined for eternal damnation, The Generalate of the Minims Francis prayed that he might love is in Rome at the Church of San God in this life if he was unable to Francesco di Paola ai Monti. There love Him in eternity. However, af- are over 300 priests and religious ter praying a Memorare, all fear and All Minims take around the world as well as a Feder- doubt left him. After this momen- a fourth vow of ation of Minim Nuns and Third Or- tous event, he dedicated his life to der fraternities. There are two stat- God and became a Minim tertiary. “total conversion ues of Francis erected at St. Peter’s Shortly before he became Bishop to God, deep in Rome—on the south colonnade of Geneva, he made a pilgrimage participation in the and a founder statue within the Ba- to Plessis-les-Tours to pray at the silica itself. The Minim Basilica of founder’s shrine. expiation of Christ and Sant’Andrea delle Fratte in Rome is Another famous Minim tertia- a call to the Gospel where the Blessed Mother appeared ry is St. Joan of Valois, patroness of to the French Jew Alphonse Ratis- the Minims, who came under the values of detachment bonne in 1842 (the most famous direction of the saint. Joan was the from the world, the conversion story associated with the daughter of the aforementioned Miraculous Medal), and also where King Louis XI who, hoping for a son, primacy of spirit over St. Maximilian Kolbe celebrated his was very unhappy with his physical- matter and the urgent first Mass in 1918. ly deformed daughter. Her arranged In a letter to his confreres Fran- marriage was a deeply unhappy one need for penance.” cis wrote: “Death is certain, and life but Joan was faithful despite her is short and vanishes like smoke. husband’s neglect and ingratitude. remaining faithful to the Minim Therefore, you must fix your minds When he ascended to the throne as charism, and seek to be leaven in on the Passion of Our Lord Jesus King Louis XII in 1498, he petitioned the world to bring about spiritual Christ who so burned with love for successfully to have the marriage renewal in the family, the workplace us that He came down from Heaven annulled. Joan responded: “God be and society. Their spirituality is char- to redeem us.” In the Rule, Francis praised Who has allowed this, that acterized by penance, humility and urges his followers to attend Mass I may serve Him better than I have charity.
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