May 27, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1117 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING OUR ARMED FORCES our Nation and its Armed Forces on this Me- country as the Chaplain for Suffolk County Air ON MEMORIAL DAY morial Day. The respect and debt of gratitude Force Base in Long Island; Cancer patients in we owe these honorable men and women for Long Island; the Boy Scouts Councils in Wis- HON. STENY H. HOYER preserving our Nation and our freedom is im- consin, Long Island, Philadelphia, and Penn- OF MARYLAND measurable. sylvania; and Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Rabbi Gold has had an amazing life and an incredible career. He has touched the lives of Thursday, May 27, 1999 TRIBUTE TO DR. AARON S. GOLD: many people and has served our country well. Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to RABBI, TEACHER, SCHOLAR, I congratulate Rabbi Gold on all of his accom- recognize and remember the millions of SPIRITUAL LEADER plishments and wish him the best in his retire- women and men who have given their lives to ment. serve in our Nation's Armed Forces. Their HON. BOB FILNER f courageous efforts have been honored at this OF CALIFORNIA time of year since the fighting of the Civil War. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CHELTENHAM ELEMENTARY During the Civil War numerous families began Thursday, May 27, 1999 SCHOOL, McKINLEY ELEMEN- their heartfelt commemorative efforts and TARY SCHOOL, AND THOMAS Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker and colleagues, I FITZWATER ELEMENTARY since then the countless events which fol- rise today to congratulate Rabbi Dr. Aaron S. lowed have generated an uncompromising SCHOOL ARE WINNERS OF THE Gold on his retirement after serving the Rab- BLUE RIBBON SCHOOLS AWARD level of respect and reverence for our beloved binate for 50 years, and for his dedication and soldiers. service to the San Diego community. Rabbi Yet we must not forget the reasons for Gold has been a spiritual and community lead- HON. JOSEPH M. HOEFFEL which our Armed Forces have fought for our er to many individuals in San DiegoÐand I OF PENNSYLVANIA Nation: to preserve and protect the blanket of would like to take a moment to honor him and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES freedom under which we have rested with se- his accomplishments. Thursday, May 27, 1999 curity for over 200 years. Since the end of the Rabbi Gold was born in Poland and came to Civil War so much has changed, and yet so America during the depression years, prior to Mr. HOEFFEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to much in our society remains the same. Those World War II. He graduated from Wisconsin recognize the outstanding efforts of three ele- Soldiers fought to protect our inalienable rights State College with Highest Honors in the mentary schools in Pennsylvania's Thirteenth as humans and have continued to do so from English and Speech Departments. He later re- Congressional District, which I am proud to that day to this. ceived his M.A. from Columbia University represent. Even today our men and women sacrifice where he studied Education for Marriage and On behalf of the entire Montgomery County their lives to protect our interests overseas. Family Life, and later completed his Ph.D in community, I congratulate these schools for We must remember them in these times of Family Education. winning a national competition to earn recogni- conflict. Our sentiments go out not only to the Rabbi Gold came to San Diego in 1974, and tion as Blue Ribbon Schools of excellence. soldiers who have fought in our conflicts of immediately became an active community The U.S. Department of Education recently yesteryear. We must include today's Armed leader. He was invited to join the boards of named Cheltenham Elementary School in Forces in our thoughts and our prayers for the United Jewish Federation, Jewish Commu- Cheltenham, Pennsylvania; McKinley Elemen- they continue to struggle and rightfully defend nity Relations Council and the Bureau of Jew- tary School in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania; and our beliefs in life, liberty, and freedom in Eu- ish Education. He is particularly known for his Thomas Fitzwater Elementary School of Wil- rope and around the world. work in promoting spiritual harmony and un- low Grove, Pennsylvania as 1998±1999 win- Entering into the 21st century we look for- derstanding among all religions, and has been ners of the prestigious Blue Ribbon Schools ward to a time of peace in which our decisions active with the National Conference of Chris- Award. to take direction are reserved for reflection. I tians and Jews and the Ecumenical Council. The Blue Ribbon Schools Program was es- remind you Mr. Speaker that we do not re- He has also appeared on a number of radio tablished by the U.S. Secretary of Education member in joy, but in sorrow. We do not re- and television shows to promote interfaith ac- in 1982 with three goals in mind: identify and flect with happiness, we reflect in pain. The tivities. recognize outstanding public and private millions of men and women dedicated their His initiation of a joint Thanksgiving Service schools across the United States, offer a com- lives to fight so that we can look forward to a with the San Carlos United Methodist Church prehensive framework of key criteria for school time in which we shall fight no more and we was so successful that it became the annual effectiveness, and facilitate the sharing of best must never forget them. Thanksgiving service for the Tifereth and practices among schools. Over the years, the Since the first official commemoration of our many churches of the Navajo Interfaith Asso- program has developed a reputation of offer- soldiers of war on May 30, 1868, as Decora- ciationÐhe is lovingly called ``our Rabbi'' by ing a powerful tool for school improvement in tion Day, our Country has devoted a contin- the members of the San Carlos United Meth- addition to providing recognition. uous and conscious effort to support our odist Church. His ecumenical efforts have Before winning the national Blue Ribbon troops and the battles they have fought. In been recognized with a number of plaques Schools Award, Cheltenham, McKinley, and 1971, to recognize the weight of their impor- and citations. Thomas Fitzwater Elementary Schools all tance, Congress declared Memorial Day a Na- Rabbi Gold has also reached out to the were named as Pennsylvania Blue Ribbon tional holiday. youth in our community by helping establish schools and were nominated for national rec- Mr. Speaker, to continue our recognition of the Coalition for the Jewish Youth for San ognition by the Pennsylvania Department of our soldiers' tireless efforts, I am currently in- Diego, San Diego Jewish Academy and the Education. Each school had to work very hard troducing a bill to grant the Korean Veterans Community High School of Jewish Studies. to earn the Blue Ribbon status, going through Association a Federal Charter. Granting this He also served as the President of the San a demanding self-assessment experience that Federal Charter is a small expression of ap- Diego Rabbinical Association for two years, involved the entire school community, includ- preciation that, we as a Nation, can offer to and he and his wife Jeanne were Rabbinic ing students, teachers, parents, administrators, these men and women to show our continued Couple for Jewish Encounter weekend in the and business leaders. support, one which will enable them to work San Diego area, where they helped 1,000 Each of these schools have been judged as a unified front to ensure that the ``Forgotten couples enhance theirs and their childrens' particularly effective in meeting local, state, War'' is forgotten no more. lives. and national goals. In addition, each school Please join with me in expressing full rec- In addition to his many contributions to the displayed strong leadership, clear vision and a ognition and thanks to those who have served San Diego community, he has served our sense of mission shared by the entire school · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E1118 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks May 27, 1999 community, high quality teaching, challenging INTRODUCTION OF THE MEDICARE include expanded coverage for physical and and up-to-date curriculum, policies that ensure COMMUNITY NURSING DEM- occupational therapy, health education, routine a safe environment conducive to learning, ONSTRATION EXTENSION ACT OF assessments and case management serv- family involvement, and equity in education to 1999 icesÐall for an average monthly capitation assure that all students are helped to achieve rate of about $89. In my home State of Min- high standards. HON. JIM RAMSTAD nesota, the Health Seniors Project is a CNO serving over 1,600 enrollees in four sites, two Blue Ribbon schools do not rest on their OF MINNESOTA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of which are urban and two rural. laurels. Each is committed to sharing best These demonstrations should also be ex- practices with other schools, and to helping to Thursday, May 27, 1999 tended in order to ensure a full and fair test identify their strengths and weaknesses. Mr. RAMSTAD. Mr. Speaker, as a strong of the CNO managed care concept. These demonstrations are consistent with our efforts Special congratulations are due to Chelten- supporter of home- and community-based to introduce a wider range of managed care ham Elementary School for designing a cur- services for the elderly and individuals with disabilities, I rise to re-introduce legislation options for Medicare beneficiaries.
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