Index Almond, G. A., l plan and budget discussed by, 171, Aragon, L., 113 172, 180 Australia, compulsory voting in, 116 preliminary meetings of representa­ Austria-Hungary, 5 tives in, 182-3 representation in, 163-71; of Com- Bainqen Lama, 179 munist party, 162; of Beck, C., 2 nationalities, 167-8; of Beethoven, L. van, 113 People's Liberation Army, Bertsch, G. K., 2 168; of women, 168; of over­ Blonde!, J., 4, 113 seas Chinese, 168-71 Brezhnev, L. I., 124, 133 Session Presidium in, 175-7, 183; secretariat of, 177-8 Cakrtova-Sekaninova, G., 121, 122 sessional activity of, 162-3, 183-4; Ceau~escu, N., 87, 108 secret sessions, 163 Chen Yonggui, 185 socialisation and informational role China of, 185 Chinese People's Political Consul­ Standing Committee of, 171, 173- tative Conference in, 160-l, 5, 177, 183, 186; powers of, 177, 194 173-4; compared with USSR Common Programme in, 160, 161 Supreme Soviet Presidium, Communist Party, role of, 160-l 174, 184; chairman of, 174; electoral system in, 165, 166, 168 secretary general of, 174, 178; people's congresses, system of, 160 meetings of, 175; Communist China, role of National People's Con- Party in, 175 gress in, 3, 9, 80, 160-89, 194 state bodies formed by, 173 before 1949, 5, 160 State Council in, 171, 173 committees of, 178-81, 187 Chotar, M., 121 Communist Party, role of in NPC, Cohen, L. J., 2 162, 173, 175, 177, 179, 180 Cuba, role of National Assembly in, 5, compared with other communist 194 legislatures, 184 Czechoslovakia constitutional status of, 161-3, Communist Party, role of, 113, 114, 171-3 119, 123 evolution of, 186-9 constitution in, 112, 113-14 groups of representatives in, 181-2, electoral system in, 115-18; 187-8 socialisation impact of, 118 impact of Cultural Revolution on, events of 1968 in, 112-13, 115, 163 117-18 legislative powers of, 168, 171-3 legal system in, 113-14 party representation in, 181-2 political experience of, 5 197 198 Index Czechoslovakia ( Contd.) Huang Shaoxiong, 186 political repression in, lll-12 Hungary, role of National Assembly Czechoslovakia, role of Federal As­ in, 194 sembly in, 3, 80, lll-24, Huntington, S., 6 194-5 Husak, G., 119 and 1968 events, 120-3 Hu Yaobang, 180 committees in, liS, 120 International Study of Opinion Communist Party control of, 119, Makers Project, in Yugoslavia, 123 23 compared with other communist Ionescu, G., 2 legislatures, 114, 118 constituencies, deputies' links with, Jiang Qing, 168 119-20 Kampuchea, 10 deputies, social and political affili­ Kardelj, E., 28 ation of, 118-19; turnover of, Khrushchev, N. K., 112, 126, 147 122 Kodaj, General S., 121 federal system in, 118-19 Kolakowski, L., 42 future of, 123-4; and developments in the USSR, 124 Legislatures in communist states, role increased role of after 1962, 114-15 of, I-ll, 66, 114, 191-5 interpellations in, 121 attitudes of leaderships towards, socialisation impact of, 114 10-11, 194-5 supervision of government bodies committees in, 62, 193 by, 114 communist parties, relationship to, 4, 192 Dalai Lama, 175 compared with legislatures in West, Deng Xiaoping, 165, 166, 168 l, 3-4,79-80, 185-6, 195; and Dong Biwu, 175 committees, 63, 70-l; and female representation, 56, 193 Fainsod, M., 125-6, 134, 144 constituency links of deputies in, 3, 8-9, ll, 193 Ganschow, T., 2 election to, 191 German Democratic Republic, role of functions of, 3-ll, 191-5 olkskammer in, 114 V future of, 194-5 Germany, 5 integrative function of, 8-9, 11, Gheorghiu-Dej, G., 99 192-3 Gierek, E., 49 legitimation function of, 3, 192 Gilison, J. M., 126 policy-making role of, 3-4,7-8, II, Ginsburgs, G., 182 193, 195 Gomulka, W., 5 political recruitment function of, Great Britain, role of Parliament in, 9-10, ll 80 political stability promoted by, 5-6, Gripp, R. C., 2, 127 195 Grosser, J., 122 representative functions of, 3, 7-10, Has, Z., 22, 23, 24, 26 193, 195 Hendrych, J., 119 sessional activity of, 3, 191, 193 Honikova, M., ll2 socialisation function of, 10, ll, 193 Hough, J., 144 supervision of state bodies by, Hua Guofeng, 175, 177, 187 193-4 Index 199 symbolic importance of, 6-7, 8, 11 Democratic Party in, 53-4, 55, 61, topics discussed by, 3, 4-5 71-5 Lenin, V. 1., 7, 146 deputies, attitudes of, 50, 79; com­ Li Suwen, 185 position of, 53-9, 77-8; in­ Little, D. R., 126 cumbency rates of, 54-6; age Liu Shaoqi, 186, 188 of, 56; female representation Loewenberg, G., 6, 8 among, 56; educational attain­ Lomsky, General B., 121 ments of, 58; occupational backgrounds of, 58 Machockova, B., 123 elections to, 53-4, 77 Mao Zedong, 160, 161, 162 formal powers of, 47-8, 49 Marx, K., 7, 28 party representation in, 53-4 Maurer, G., 87 plan and budget considered by, 52, Mesa-Lago, C., 2 65 Mikova, M., 119 Polish United Workers Party, role of, 53-4, 55, 59-61, 70,71-5, Nelson, D. N., 192 76-9; attitudes of leadership Novotny, A., 112, 121 of, 47, 48, 49, 76, 79, 80; con­ Novy, V., 121-2 trol over elections of, 53, 77 sessional activity of, 50-3, 77 Olson, D. M., 10, 194 stages in development of, 48-9, 75-80 Paris Commune of 1871, 7, 28 United Peasants Party in, 53-4, 55, Patterson, S. C., 8 61, 70, 71-5 Pelikan, J., 122 Political culture, and legislative PengZhen, 180,182 bodies, 5 Podgomy, N., 144 in China, 184-9 Poland, role ofSejm in, 1, 3, 5, 10, 11, Powell, G. B., l 47-80, 114, 191, 193, 194 as 'minimal parliament', 48, 52-3, Romania, role of local councils and 70, 77 Grand National Assembly in, Catholic political associations in, 3, 5, 9, 80, 85-108, 191, 194 53-4, 55 committees in, 109 n.l4 committee officers, party affiliation constituency links of deputies in, of, 59-62 93-4 committees in, 50, 52, 62-75, 78-9; deputies, composition of, 88-9, number and size of, 63; 107, 109 n. 7; classification of, frequency of meeting of, 63; 90-3; educational background referral of bills to, 65-6; state of, 92; party affiliation of, 92, budget considered by, 65; ad­ 99-101, 102, 107, 109 n.ll; ministration supervised by, attitudes of, 93-4, 98-9; in­ 66-7, 78; field trips of, 66; volvement in political life of, 'requests' of, 66; 'opinions' of, 101-4, 107; organisational 67; legislative impact of, 67- membership of, l 04-7 70; party representation in, 67, electoral process in, 85-8, 107, 109 70-5 n.l3 compared with USSR Supreme nomination of deputies to, 88-9, Soviet, 52-3, 63, 67, 69, 79-80 92-3, 107 constituency links of deputies in, 78 participation and 'modernisation' 200 Index Romania (Contd.) 131, 156; representation of promoted by, 97, 106-8 nationalities among, 131-3, Romanian Communist Party, role 156 of, 86-7, 107, 109 n.l3 differing assessments of, 125-7 sessional activity of, 88, 109 n.l4 electoral process in, 125 Socialist Unity Front in, 86-92, influence of, 143-55; legislation as 102, 107, 108 indicator of, 145-7; changes in budget as indicator of, 141-55, Shapiro, J., 2 156-7 Simon, M. D., 10, 194 interest articulation in, 134-43 Skilling, H. G., 2 interpellations in, 136, 156 Smrkovsky, J., 120 legislation, considered by, 137-8, Song Qingling, 175 147; and standing com­ Stalin, J. V., ll2, 113 missions, 141-2; and let­ Subrt, J., 121 ters from public, 141; output Sulety, 0., ll9 of, 145-7, 156 Svec, A., 122, 126 meetings, frequency of, 125, 134, 156 Tan Zhenlin, 180 non-unanimous votes in, 157 n.2 Tatu, M., 127 Presidium, role of, 140, 141, 143, 146 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, recall procedure in, 125 role of Supreme Soviet in, l, 3, sessional activity of, 134-8, 156 6, 8, 9, 62, ll4, 125-57, 193 budget and plan considered by Vietnam, role of National Assembly 136-7, 138, 140-l, 147-55, in, 175-6, 176, 184 156-7; changes introduced in Volgyes, I., 2 spending categories, 152-3, 156; as between union republics, 153-5, 156-7 Wesson, R., 2 committees in, 126-7, 138-43, 156; Wichterle, 0., 122 consideration of plan and budget by, 140-l, 149; initi­ Ye Jianying, 175 ation and amendment of legis­ Yugoslavia, role of Assembly in, l, 2, lation by, 141-2, 156; supervi­ 3, 5, 9, 11, 14-42, 61, 79, 191, sion of government bodies by, 193, 194 142-3, 156 committees in, 34 Communist Party, role of, 6, 125, compared with other communist 129-30, 144, 155, 194 legislatures, 14, 35, 35-6 composition of, 131 constituencies, links of deputies constituency links of deputies in, with, 40-l 153, 157 'deprofessionalisation' in, 15-16, deputies, composition of, 128-33, 39-43; before 1974, 17-27; 156; educational background after 1974, 29-39 of, 129; female representation deputies, recruitment of, 16-27 among, 129; representation of (before 1974), 27-39 (after older people among, 129, 156; 1974); professionalisation and party affiliation of, 129-30; oc­ participation of, 21-23 (before cupational background of, 1974), 29-39, 41-3 (after Index 201 1974); participation and in­ popular participation in, 14, 16-17, fluence of, 23-7 (before 1974), 28-9,35,36-8,42 27-39 (after 1974) representative system in, 14-15, League of Communists in, 15, 17, 28-9 19, 25-6, 35-9, 40-2 policy-making role of, 40 Zemenko, N.
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