Km J 3 you wnnt toilny's ir j The Hawaiian Star IV hit he gong news today yon can find paper that into: Utile homes Jif llniinlntiil ; It only In THE STAlc. J the circulation sho'vi-'- THE till HAWAIIAN STAR. that. VOL. V. HONOLULU, H. T., THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1S98. No. 1475 , CERTIFICATE OF THE MINISTER OF THE INTERIOR In Re. m 1 ra. t unrs puis BANK HAWAII, mm THE OF LIMITED. 11 mm ran n I," 'JAMES A. KING, Minister of the H. MACFARLANE it. THE FIRST TO SENDS WORD TO AUTHORITIES HE II H WRITES TO MORGAN! Interior of the Republic of Hawaii, do SENATOR TIME NEAR WHEN LEGISLATORS DRIVE ACROSS. WILL SURRENDER. A hereby CERTIFY that in accordance hTii.UilCTlU POSITION. WILL BE BL'TTON-H- O M! I) Leaseholdin w'ithtthe requirements of Section 12, The New Road Practically Completed Is Now in tlie Koolau Mountains He Chnpter XXIIT, of the Session Laws Points Out the Value of the Islands John Lot Kauiukou is Mentioned as a of 188,4, .thO'Same bdlng an "Act to An Excellent Driveway Sonic Wants to See His Family Before Go In the Case of Dismemberment of Possibility for the Speakership Mr. provide for the Incorporation of Blink- Figures on the Engineering' Feat. ing to Molokai. ing Companies," China. Manson's Good Chances. At n very low figure, 1,500 acres of I have cxnmined Into the condition of the "BANK OF HA To Henry Macfatlane, of Ahuimanu, Knluna, a middle land in the District .of North Konn; aged Hawaiian, WASHINGTON, December 30. Col. WAII, LTMITED," a corpora tI6n. form- Kooluu poko, fnllsAhe honor of .being who iWns discovered to be :i But one short month intervenes be- 15S are subleased to responsible par the to new years Charles T. Eagan, assistant commissa- fore the opening of ed under said act and located in the first drive over the Pali erul ago, and escaping the police ry general of the Island Legis- road I11 a buggy. He came up yester- subsistence of the army, lature in tlie Executive, building. ties at a good rental; S00 acres arc City of Honolulu, and I am satisfied mmiormcs, lieu 10 mo Koolau moun who lias been a resident of the Pacille day with a span, and completed the tains, on this Island, has at eon There is every likelihood that Acting planted with coffee, in good that said corporation has fully compli- last Coast for twenty-fiv-e years, bus writ- condition, uscent in just one half hour. The sented to nntw-iinlil- President Cooper will submit the Ex- surrender ten a letter to Morgan, advo- 1xf2 ed with the provisions required by bridge by old He Senator ecutive's message as from to 414 years old; 50 acres are the water hole was not sent word to this effect by a close cating the annexation President Dole said Act, to be complied with before quite completed, but it was opened in friend on. Tuesdnv. fn Wllllmn Tton. of tlie Hawaiian does not plan on returning from In old cofTec, and all of remaining Islands, which will be the commencing the business of Banking, order to allow .Mr. Macfarlane's team ry, tax assessor for tlie Koolau district submitted by Washington until the trip of the Rio . the Alabama Senator to the Senate, do Janeiro, 1,100 acres are suitable for the plant to pass. Carriages have been taken ami 11. of Cir-cu- it due here on February VJ. and the said Corporation, the "Bank ivciicii, .ir., clerk tlie when he discusses annexation. Is over the Pali, upon the old road, Court. These gentlemen imme- It quite probable that lie will ing of coffee. of Hawaii' Limited," is hereby au- but Col. Eugim after referring to the fact not It is tlie first time that a wheeled ve- diately notified Executive Oliicer Rey- leave Washington by that time. Hawaiian 1 The party purchasing will only be thorized to commence business. hicle has been driven nolds of that trade was the lifeblood he .Ministers of the various denart actually over the Health Department. to ban IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have. tlie road without difficulty. Mr. Mac- Knluna has offered to lay franclseo during the recent meats are hurr.vinir ui their Mlllltlfl liable for the taxes on improvements down his years of depression says that claim To hereunto placed my hand nnd Official farlane reports that tlie grade is good, trusty rifle and surrender'hiinself to the reports to lie sent the Legislature on the property, no rental to be paid. and tlie is well that annexation will Injure beet sugar They will also mnk,. , ,...,.,,,,,,..,i,.m,..." Seal, this 23rd day of December, A. D. that road macadamiz- the people under certain conditions. growers is absolutely false, ed, and speaks highly of the work He asks that he be as the on the improvements to be carried nut This is a splendid chance for a pnr- - 1397. permitted to visit L'nited States will always, need more done by the contractors, Wilson & his wife and children on Kauai, iiuring tlie ensuing two years. A caie-f- ul -- that cane sugar ty with the necessary capital to make (Signed) (J. A. KING, Whitehouse. He said this morning: he might ljid than Hawaii produces estimate of the revenues during them a last farewell. He He draws to Minister of the. Interior. "It was the best trip I ever also desires to dispose attention the fact that this year Is being made by Minister of an investment that is sure 'to bring a made tip of some prop- the temperature is lower in Hawaii the Pallond t have been over the roadi erty interests on the Garden Island, Finance Damon and the' Goerimient .large return on the money-invested- , than in tlie hot valleys of California, must THE BANK OF HAWAII, LIMITED. .many hundred times." The roads be- and arrange his business matters in keep within them. and, quoting from the San Francisco From the as you have in thisStract all climates, At a meeting of the Incorporators tween Ahuimanu and the foot of the ne inicresi 01 ins lanilly. Educational department, Pali and between top Executive Olllcer Chronicle of December 13th, shows will come urgent appeals for more and elevations, suitable for all kinds of the Bank of Hawaii, Limited, held tlie of the Pali Reynolds has been that there are enormous possibilities and town are very muddy, but now invested with full authority bv schools; from the Health department in Honolulu, December 17, 1897, it was the for the country outside of cane pro a petition for a sewerage of coffee. voted to accept the Charter granted that the main work is accomplished, Hoard of Health to grant these con- and drainage rest soon ditions to duction, when once it comes under the system, and from the Interior depart- by the Minister of the Interior. the will follow. Kalinin. That olllcer todnv Hag. He The work of notified Henry mid American declares that, wa ment a request that certain Honolulu Tor further particulars, apply to Tile following oflicers have been actual road buildlngl Kellett 'to Inform ges for white labor are higher was completed last .Monday, the Kaluna's lhessenger that his requests than in street improvements and road exten- elected to serve for the first year: but tins country. All re- sions on road cannot be over to gov- are granted. He other nations, he the other Islands be carried GEO, McDOUGALL SOUS, President, P. C. Jones. turned the must go to Kauai in marks, have their eves on Hawaii, and out. k Vice: President, J. B. Atherton.' ernment and opened to the public un- tlie custody of an, olllcer and when ills its value as an outpost cannot be over- It is thebpinion n Cashier, Edwin A. Jones. til the fence now under construction business there has been transacted of number of Leg- Kailua, North Kona, Hawaii. is completed, is to estimated. islators that the bus-In-,- to be trans- Secretary, C. II. Cooke. and that will be about he be taken Immediately' to the As to the middle of next week. Molokai the value of the Islands in tlie acted at the coining session of the I O Box 3. All of whom' are directors. Eighty per settlement. Word is expect- ease of war, and especially as Legislature Directors H. Waterl'iouse, T. May, cent of tlie work has been approved ed from Kalinin by Sunday. the dis will not be affected to anv memberment of China seems to-b- In great extent by an- C. Bosse, F. W. Macfarlane, E. D. Ten-ne- y. by the government and paid for and Knluna was a cowboy in' the the action on the PIANOS. employ sight, which might place an enemy on nexation treaty in a cheek for the niun-e- y of Mr. Lane at the dis- the l'nited States All, styles of Kroeger. pianos for sale, remainder of tlie time lie was the other side of us, Congress. Auditor, Georgp R. Carter. will be placed In Mr. Whitehouse's covered to be a leper. He the Pacific from Should annexation carry it for cash or on plan. Immediately he says: "We should a Gibral- will a the installment C. COOKE, hands within a armed himself n make be fully year, according to Sen- Old instruments exchanged for new II. fortnight. with shotgun and at tar of .Hawaii. We ator Morgan, Secretary. Tlie building of is once warned the would use Hawaii before the formal turn- ones.
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