By Pautck Cole an authority on i~ernational law. nents' arguments. Prof. James J. with two suggestions to the· Soviet Special Projects Editor The English-spe king U.S.S.R. Unger, director of forensics at team. Ftrst, he recommended that debaters appoint d in Moscow Georgetown University, devised the Soviets return to their country Hesburgh Last June, University President were Prof. Samuel Zivs, senior the debate format. NBC· News and hold a similar debate ou Theodore Hesburgh was part of a researcher of the Institute of State correspondent Edwin Newman national television. Fmally, · he three-man team debating a Russian and Law; Prof. August Mishin of served as moderator. talked about the need for · an squad on the issue of human rights th~ Moscow University Law School; In the opening minutes of the American-Soviet student exchange debates at 'Georgetown University's Gaston and Ghenrih Borovik, a special debate, Hesburgh stressed the program. He said a program Hd. correspondent for the Novosti importance of freedom, saying he involving 10,000 students each year The unrehearsed, face-to-face Press Agency (APN) in Moscow. was "proud that my country is from both countries would help Russians on encounter was the first of its mid, The topic of the 90-minute hosting this first discussion for all achieve a better understanding discussing the controversy of ~­ debate was: "What is the appro­ the nation to see." between the countries. man rights and freedom. Joining priate role of human rights in "When all is said and done," "And if there is a break in peace Hesburgh on the American team Soviet-American relations?" Hesburgh said in his proliminary in the future," Hesburgh said in human were Robert G. Kaiser of the According to NBC News spokes­ remarks during the debate, his concluding remarks, "it'll prob­ Washington Post, formerly the men, the format of the debate "human rights are at the heart of ably be the fault of our generation. Post's Moscow bureau chief and provided for two expository speak­ humanity, and human freedom is So I'd like to plan for the next rights author of "Russia: The People and ers and one cross-examiner. Fol­ · the very fundamental condition for generation to have the experience the Power"; and Prof. Alan M. lowing an argument, the cross­ human rights." of getting to know each other's Dershowitz of Harvard Law School, examiner chdenged his oppo- Hesburgh concluded the debate country ·very well." server an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and st. mary's Vol. XII, No. 5 Monday, September 5, 1977 SU budget in process Gryp pledges experimentation, new ideas by Jack Pizzolato special care in formulating the be less picking apart." power," Gryp observed. "By One program Gryp is not satis­ Senior Staff Reporter Union's budget proposal. SU working together we can help the fied with is the SU Calendar Office. Both Gryp and McGrath feel the dorms do many things they The Calendar Office was estab­ As the Student Union (SU) Commissioners were asked to sub­ mit their projected budgets by July Union's budget is shaping up well. couldn't afford before." lished to coordinate the scheduling prepares to submit its budget 4 and to explain their ideas and "We're not professionals," Gryp Gryp would also like to keep the of activities by dorms, student proposal for this year, SU Director budget requests in detail. All said, "and we'll be looking for LaFortune Student Center open 24 clubs and the Student Union in Tom Gryp has indicated that his budgets were in by the beginning suggestions and advise from mem­ hours a day and spend money order to avoid overlapping and organization is vitally interested in of August. bers of the administration such as bringing in events and activities, conflicts. "We can't get the dorms experimenting with new programs Bro. John Benesh." Benesh is the rather than on renovation. "In the or clubs to come to us," Gryp and ideas. "We wanted more than a simple outline of activities and how much Director of Student Activities. past, things were done as a one complained. "People are going to. In an interview Saturday, Gryp shot deal and no more," Gryp said. have to start realizing that this stated that the past performance of they (the commissioners) thought Yet. Gryp and -McGrath admit they needed," Gryp said. "And," "I," he continued, "want to work thing will be a big waste of. time the Student Union has in many that their budget request will be for a total revival of the Center." otherwise," he added. respects· been an "insult" to the he added, "we've had the advant­ higher than last year's. "I think it students, despite the fact of a large age of looking over these proposals really looks good," McGrath said. One of the ideas Gryp is consid­ Gryp noted that he was giving budget. Last year's budget totaled and reflecting on them for over a "Were taking a few chances this ering is the installation of a his commissioners alot of leeway in $51 thousand. month now." year, experimenting with various video-tape system in LaFortune. putting together their own pro­ This year, Gryp, SU Associate The Student Union must present new things," she added. Concerts, comedy specials, football grams. "I won't pretend, as others Director Jodie Korth and SU Con­ its budget for approval before the highlights and special taped events in the past have, that I · know troller Colleen McGrath are takin student government's Board of Two major projects the Union as well as educational programs everything and that I'm going to Commissioners. The Board con­ hops to pursue are co-sponsored would be shown on a continuous run everything," he stated. "They sists of the student body president, activities with the dorms and what basis. "It's very important that (the commissioners) report to me, I Darby's Place student body vice-president, stud­ Gryp termed "a revival" of the we get input from the students on make . suggestions and then they ent body treasurer, the chairman of LaFortune Student Center. programs like these," Gryp point­ make their decision," he re­ reopens tonight the Hall President's Council and "Because there are no fratern­ ed out. marked three members from the Student ities here," Gryp concluded, "life Darby O'GW, proprietor of Life Council. at Notre Dame is centered in the Darby's Place, has announced · Budget hearings should be sche­ dorms." He cited a recent outdoor Hunger Coalition to begin through his press agent, Fr. concert that was sponsored jointly Robert Grifftn, that Darby's duled by the Board in late Sep­ tember or early October. ''If we go by the Student Union and Howard Place wiD officially open tomor­ Hall as an example. "We have the daily campus collections row at midnight. in with a more detailed budget," · McGrath pointed out, ''there will experience, money and man- by Florenceanne Strigle pledge forms will be distributed by the end of the week. The receipts from these two The daily collections of the activities for this semester will World Hunger Coalition begin probably be going to special pro­ tonight in front of the North and jects throughout the United States. South Dining Halls during the Suggestions as to which projects dinner hours. should be funded are now being Last semester over $2000 was researched. collected and most of this was sent Other events being undertaken to the Third World through organi­ by the World Hunger Coalition this zations such as the Catholic Relief semester include a Walk for Global Service; CORE and UNICEF. The Development, tentatively sche­ remainder of the money remained duled for Oct. 16, and the publica­ in South Bend and was distributed tion of a textbook on world hunger. to the needy through the Peace and These projects are designed to Justice Center. draw the South Bend and ND-SMC In the hope of raising more communities together to raise a­ money this semester, Karen Pacifi­ wareness of and money for the co and Cathy Gallagher, two coor­ Third World countries. dinators of this year's coalition, The coalition's four committees have already organized committees are also continuing their regular to renew the collecting and fasting project.s this semester. Calvin programs. AI Rabideau (288-8798) Bell's Educational Committee is heads the Collecting Committee planning campus-wide lectures and and is seeking volunteers. Bob workshops on hunger-related top­ Froehlke (1421) is in charge of the ics as well as planning the program fasting program wherein a student for the annual World Food Day. pledges to give up his Wednesday Cathy Gorman's Community Com­ night meal at the dining hd in mittee is starting preparations for return.for a 75 cent donation paid to its vegetarian meals, served three the coalition by the dining hall. times each semester. According to Jim Cycon, the The Research Committee, under third coordinator for this year's Ann Titus, is reviewing sugges­ coalition, the meals given up by tions for projects to be funded by last years Wednesday night fasters the coalition's money and Bob brought in $6800. This amount will Jacobs' Public Relations Commit­ also be sent to Third World tee is looking for ways to boost countries. campus awareness of world hunger Proposals for this year's fasting and the coalition. program still awaiting administrat­ Anyone interested in working 'on While the <Allier gave his voice a break, square dancers did the "bunny hop" behind the ive and dining hall approval.
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