1LQWK6HULHV9RO;,,,1R :HGQHVGD\-DQXDU\ 3DXVD 6DND /2.6$%+$'(%$7(6 (QJOLVK9HUVLRQ 6L[WK6HVVLRQ 1LQWK/RN6DEKD 9RO;,,,FRQWDLQV1RWR /2.6$%+$6(&5(7$5,$7 1(:'(/+, 3ULFH5V CONTENTS [Ninth Series, Vol. XIII. Sixth Session, 199111912 (Saka)] No.8, Wednesday, January 9, 1991IPausa 19,1912 (Saka) CoLUMNS Announcement by Speaker 1 Observation reo receipt of order passed by the High Court of Delhi Motion under Rule 388 1-4 Suspension of Question Hour Written Answers to auestions: 4-466 Starred Question Nos. 41 to 60 4-63 Unstarred Ouestion Nos. 462 to 570, 63-466 572 to 620. 623 to 645 and 647 to 693 Motion for Adjournment 467-558 Failure of Government to uphold provisions of Tehth Schedule of the Consititution-Withdrawn Shri L.K. Advani 467-476 Shri Dinesh Singh 476--480 Prof. Madhu Dandavate 480--488 Shri Hukumdeo Narayan Vadav 488-503 Shri Somnath Chatterjee 503-511 Shri Vasant Sathe 520-522 Shri Jaswant Singh 522 (ii) CoLUMNS Shri Saifuddin Choudhury 522~23 Dr. Debi Prosad Pal 523-527 Shri Indrajit Gupta 527-531 Shri Kamal Morarka 531-537 Shri George Fernandes 537-546 Shri Nathu Singh 546-550 Shri Inder Jit 550-551 Dr. Thambi Durai 551-653 Prof. Saif-ud-din Soz 553-554 Shri Rajiv Gandhi 554-555 Shri Chandra Shekhar 555-556 Papers Laid on the Table 558-576 Messages from Rajya Sabha 576-580 Cantonments (Amendment) Bill, 1990 580 Returned by Rajya Sabha with amendment-Laid Estimates Committee 580 Eleventh Report and Minutes-Presented Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled Castes 581-582 and Scheduled Tribes (i) Third Report-Presented 581 (ii) Reports of Study Groups and Statement 581-582 -Presented Salary, Allowances and Pension of Members of 582-586 Parliament (Amendment) Bill-Introduced Jammu and Kashmir Criminal Law Amendment 587 (Amending) Bill-Introduced (iii) Ca..luIs Statement giving reasons for Immediate legislation 587--589 by Jammu & Kashmir Criminal law (Amendment) Ordinance, 1990 Matters Under Aula..377 589-696 (i) Need to accord sanction for Shillong 589 bye-pass on National Highway No. 40 Shri Peter G. Marbaniang (ii) Need to restore sleeper coaches in Passenger 590 train running between Kotatvalasa and Bailadila Shri K. Pradhani (iii) Need to declare Kota city as a 'B' Grade city 591 Dau Dayal Joshi (iv) Need to construct a railway line between 592 Fatehpur and Etawah in Uttar Pradesh Shri Keshari LaI (v) Need to implement Damodar Action Plan 592-693 Shri San at Kumar Mandai (vi) Need to change the name of Bombay to 593-594 Mumbai in all languages Shri Vamanrao Mahadik (vii) Need to set up sugar mill in Sidhauli 594 Tehsil, district Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh Shri Ram lal Rahi (viii) Need to take necessary steps to 595 cope with the situation caused by IKar Seva' in Ayodhya and Faizabad Shri Mitrasen Yadav (ix) Need to set up a bench Madhya Pradesh 595-596 High Court in Rewa, Madhya Pradesh Shri Yamuna Prasad Shastri (iv) Business of the House 596-697 Extension of the Sitting of Lok Sabha 597 Statutory Resotution fa. Disapproval of Res8fV8 Bank 597-654 of India (Amendment) Ordinance. 1990-Negatiwld Reserve Bank of India (Amendment) 8iR~ and Reserve Bank of India (Amendment Bill, As passed by RaWa Sabha Motion to CDns«lar Shri Ginfhari lal Bhargava 598-600 Shri Yashwant Sinha Shri Ajit Panja 603-610 Prof. Ram Ganesh Kapsa 610-611 Shri Amal Datta 611-617 Shri Taj Narayan Singh 617~19 Shri Jag Pal Singh 619-622 Shri Guman Mal Lodha 622-623 623-625 Shri Harish Rawat 62~27 Shri George Fernandes 627~8 Reserve Bank of India (Amendment) Bift 649-651 Motion to mnsider Clauses 2. 3 and 1 650 Motion to Pass Shri Var.anl Sinha 651-152 Shri Gaarga Fernandes 647-650 (v) Reserve Bank of India (Amendment) BiR, 651-853 As passed by Rajya Sabha Motion to consider Clauses 2 and1 651-652 Motion to Pass Shn Yashwant Sinha 652 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOKSABHA 388 that rule 32 regarding Question Hour be suspended and the adjournment motion for which many hon. Members have given no- Wednesday, January 9, 19911Pausa 19, tice of should be taken up. 1912 (Saka) In addition, I feel that you having declared The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock as to what should be the position I would suggest that we should take up the ad- [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair) journment motion and also the view of the House that this House is of the considered ANNOUNCEMENT BY SPEAKER opinion that in view of paragraphs 6 and 7 of the 10th Schedule of the Constitution re- Obaervatlon rea receipt of order passed garding disqualification of ground of defeC- by the High Court of Deihl tion, the order of the Delhi High Court on 8th January, 1991 to maintain status quo in [English] respect of 37 Janata Dal (S) MPs against whom anti -defection proceedings were MR. SPEAKER: I had informed the pending with the Speaker, should be totally House yesterday about the order passed by the High Court of Delhi on the stay application ignored to uphold the dignity of the Consti- in Civil Writ Petition No. 3871 of 1990 direct- tution. (lnt8rruptions) ing that all the petitions presented before me under the 10th-Schedule of the Constitution SHRI L.K. ADVANI (New Delhi): With "shall not be proceeded with or pursued by your permission I move: the petitioners" before me. IIThat this House do suspend Rule 32 I have discussed the matter with the of the Rulesof Procedure and Conduct leaders of parties and groups this morning and it was unanimously agreed upon that the of Business in Lok Sabha in so far as it orders of the High Court be ignored. Accord- provides for the first hour of the sitting ingly I am ignoring the order of Delhi High being made available for the asking Court. and answering of question, in its appli- cation to the Adjournment Motion re- garding the failure of the Government 11.01 hr•• to uphold the provisions of the Consti- MOTION UNDER RULE 388 tution in regard to disqualification of M.Ps contained in Schedule 10 of the Suspension of Question Hour Constitution which put the issue outside the jurisdiction of any court." [English) PROF. MADHU OANDAVATE MR. SPEAKER: Shri Satya Prakash (Rajapur): I have given a notice under rul. Malviya. 3 /~tion. under rule 388 JANUARY 9, 1991 Written Answ91S 4 ( Interruptions) once again request the whole House to reconsider my suggestion of having qua- MR. SPEAKER: I have called upon Mr. tion hour and after that we can take up this Malviya to speak. matter at 12 O'clock. (/ntemJptions) ( Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: The Minister of Partia· mentary Affairs is not opposing the motion. [ Translation] The whole House is unanimous that the question hour may be suspended. THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM AND CHEMICALS AND MIN~STER OF PARLlA· [English] MENTARY AFFAIRS (SHRI SATYA PRAKASH MALVIYA): Mr. Speaker, Sir, I So, the question is: would like to draw the attention of the House to the fact that for today Question Hour was -That this House do suspend Rule 32 not stated, but only on the suggestion of Mr. of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct Advani that since the House was not going to of Business in lok Sabha in so far as sit meet on 31 December and 1 January, the provides for the first hour of the sitting questions to be answered on those days being made available for the asking may be replied to during the Question Hour and answering of questions, in its ap- on 9 January. plication to the Adjournment Motion regarding failure of the Government to PROF. RAM GANESH KAPSE: We did uphold the provisions of the Constitu- not know at that time that such a situation will tion in regard to disqualification of M. Ps. be created by the contained in Schedule 10 of the Con- Government. .. (Interruptions) stitution which put the issue outside the jurisdiction of ~ny court." SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA: This Government does not want the House to The motion was adopt9d function smoothly and the defector Ministers are themselves doing such things. (Inter- MR. SPEAKER: Question Hour is sus- ruptions) pended. [English] PROF. RAMGANESH KAPSE: We want 11.09 hrs. to censure the Governm ent ... (Interruptions) [ Translation] WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS MR. SPEAKER: All of you please take [English] your seats, I am listening to the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs. Deployment of Para·Mllltary Forces In U.p. SHRI SA TV A PRAKASH MAL VIVA: My only submission is this that I have no objec- ·41. SHAI PYARELAL tion to the motion for suspension of question KHANOElWAl: hour. ( Int9"uptions) SHRt SHANKERSINH MR. SPEAKER: First please listen to VAGHELA: him. Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased SHRI SATYA PRAKASH MAlVIVA: I to state: 5 Written AnswetS PAUSA 19, 1912 (SAKA) 6 (8) the nurnberof battalions of C.R.P.F. posts in different groups and the reasons for and other a para-mititary forces deployed the backlog; and in Ayodhya and other places in Uttar Pradesh during October, and November, 1990 and (c) the steps taken to fill up the backlog the overall.xpenditura incurred thereon; of reserved vacancies and the time by which the backlog is likely to be cleared? (b) whether thasa forces stridly fol- lowed the general instructions of not shoot- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE ing at the protestors above the knees in PRIME MINISTER'S OFFICE (SHRr KAMAL Ayodhya;and MORARKA): (a) to (c). The Groupwise details of backlog of vacancies reserved for (c) if not.
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