1888. CONGRESSIONAL REOORD- HOUSE. 4035 By Mr. HENRY SMITH: Petition of J. H. Haviland and 21. others, The bill (S. 2024) to authorize the construction of a bridge o>er the Mis.sissippi River at or near Clarksville, Mo., and for other purposes­ citizens of Rock County, Wisconsin1 against any change in the .Bureau of Animal Industry~ and in favor of pure food- to the Committee on to the Committee on Commerce. Agriculture. The bill (S. 2536) granting to the Oregon Railway and Navigation By lli. TOOLE: Pe~on of the Montana Society Civil Engineers, Companytheright ofway through the Nez Perce Indian reservation- for the passage of the pending Culloro-Breckinridge bill to establish a to the Committ-ee on Indian A.:.ffairs. bureau of harbors and water ways-to the Committee on Rivers and The bill (S. 2542) to reimburse certain persons who expended moneys Harbors. and furnished services and supplies in repelling inva ions and suppress­ By Mr. WASHINGTON: Petition of James H. Yarborough, and of ing Indian hostilities within the territorial limits of the present State C. W. Hengley, of Davidson Count.y, Tennessee, for reference of their of Nevada-to the Select Committee on Indian Depredation Claims. claims to the Court of Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. The bill (S. 1430) to forfeit certn,iu lands heretofore granted for the purpose of aiding in the construction of railro:tds, and for other pur­ poses-to the Committee on the Public Lands. 7 :Phe following petitions for the repeal -or modification of the internal­ revenue tax of 25 levied on druggists were received and severally I·e­ LEAVE OF ABSE:KCE. ferred to the Committee on Ways and Means: By tmanimous coMent, leave of absence was granted as follows: ByUr. BAYNE: Of A. C. Walker and other ·druggistsofSewickley, To Mr. SAWYER, for Satmday :md Monday, on account of important Pa. ·engagements. By lli. S. I. HOPJ~TNS: Of George W. Allen .and others, citizens of To Mr. DARLIXGTON, until Tuesday, on account of important busi­ Sonth Boston, Va. ness. .By Ur. JACKSON: Of druggists of Cla-ysville, Pa. To Mr. GAINES, for ten days, on account ofimporbnt business. By Mr. P&'fiNGTON: Of JamesM. Gr.tffin and of Jobn J. Ga.llagber WITHDRAWAL OF PAPERS. & Bro., of Wilmington, Del. -On motion of .Mr. O'DONNELL, by unanimous consent leave was p;iven to withdraw from the files of the House papers in the case of The following petitions for the proper protection of the Yel1owstone Nelson Green, Forty-r.inth Congre~s, without leaving copies, I.!O ad >erse National Park, as propo~ed in Senate bill 283, were received and sev- erally referred to the Committee on th-e Public Lands: 1 report having been made thereon. By ltfr. PUGSLEY: Of J. B. McLaughlin and 72 othe:rs, citiz-ens of ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. Ross County, Ohio. · Mr. FISHER, from the Committee on Eru:olled Bills. r-eported that By Mr. SAYERS: Of sundry crtizens of AUBtm, Tex. the committee bad examined and found duly emollcd bills of the fol­ lowing titles; when the Speaker signed the same: The following petition for the more effectual protection of agricult- A b~ll (H. R. 339) for the reli~f of J. E . Pj~cher; . me, by-the means of certainimportduties, was received, n.nd referred to , .A bill (H. R. 671) for the relief of the heu:s of John S. Fillmore, the Committee on Ways and M-eans: deceased; Dy Mr. PHELPS: Of citizens of Bergen County, New Jersey. _ · A bill (H. R. 1473) authorizing the President of the United States v to arrange a conference between the United States of America and the . Republics of 1\fexico, Central andSouthAme1·ica, Hayti, San Domingo, The follo"Wlng petitwn, mdoL3mg the per cliem :rated sernce-pens1on ancl the Empire of Brazil· and bill, based-on the prineipleo~ paying all soldiers, sailors, :md marines of A bill-(H.- R. G831) to detach the county.of .A.-udrain, in the State of the late war a. monthly pensiOn of 1 cent a day for each day they were I Missou:d from the eastern and attach it to the western judicial district in the service, was referred to the 'Committee on Invillid Pem;ions~ of snid State. ' ~ By ~ir. BELJ\IONT: Of ex-Union soldiers of Suffolk Cennty and of 1 PORT OF NEW ORLEANS. Queens Couuty' New York. __ • I Mr. LAGAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanu:nous. consent io ta.K:o :from . ~ . the Reuse Calendar and pnt upon its passage the bill (H. R. 3376) to . The follmvmg_pehtJOn , pmyrng tor the ena~tment of a law ·proYJd- j ext-end the lim:its .of the port of New Orleans. ~~ tempornry rud for common schools, 1;o be ~sbursed on th-e_ baSl.S of The bill was read as follows: illiteracy, were severally referred to the .Comllllt:tee on Education: ' .Be it enacted, etc., That th~ •limits of the port of entry of New Orleans, Lo.. By Mr. FORNEY: Of M. E. Dozier, George F. Gaither, and Patrick shall be, and t.he same-are hereby, extended so as to inalude that portion ofth~ Tucker, committee of organized labor in Alabama. parish of Jefferson lying between the Mississippi River, [..a.ke Pontobartro.1n, tl!e By ]')fr. LIND: Of 66 citizens of Brown and Rock Counties, Minnesota upper line of the parish of Orleans, left bank, and a line rllDning parallel thereto. commencin~ at the Mississippi. River nt a point2 miles above the up.pe;: line of the said par1sh of Orleans, and extendiJlg to Lake Pontchartrain. The SPEAKER. J:s there objection to the reqnest of the gentleman HDUSE OF REPltESENTATIVES. from Louisiana.? Mr. BRECKINRIDGE, of Arkansas. I think there ought to bet:omc SATURDAY, May 1.2, '1888. explanation of that bill. Mr. LA.GAN. Mr. Speaker, the Southern .Pacific Railroad having The Honse .m-et at lJ o'clock a.m. Prayer by the ·Chaplain, RevA W · been extended through from Texas, they found it necessary to procure H. MILBUBY, D. D. space for wharves at New Orleans. They could not be.accommodated in The J ournaJ of the proceedinga of yesterday was read.and approved. the city within the limits of the port, and in consequence they had to SENATE BILLS REFEBRED. purchase property beyond, and they now wish to have the limits of tho The SPEAKER laid before the House 'bills of the Senut"-8 of the fol­ port extended so as to take them in. lowing titles; which.were severally read twice, and referr-ed to the com­ Mr. BRECKINRIDGE, of Arkansas. Is this concurred in by tho mittees indicated: Secreta1·y of the Treasury? The bill (S. 269) to grant to the Fort Smith and El Paso Railway Mr. LAGAN. Yes; they are working now under permission from Company a right of way through the Indian Territory, and for other him to receive goods. purposes-to the Committee on Indian Aft:'lirs. The SPEAKER. Is there objection? The bill (S. 449) for the erection of a monument to the memory of Mr. BRECKINRIDGE, of Arka.nsas. I bn•e no objection, Mr. Maj. Gen. Henry Knox at Thomaston, Me.-to the Committee on the Speaker. Library. · The bill was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time; and being The bill (S. 658) for the erection of a public building at the city of engrossed, it was accordingly read the third time, and passed. Beatrice, Nebr.-to the Committee on Public Duildings and Grounds. Mr. LAGAN moved to reconsider the 'Vote by which the bill was The bill (8. 1322) pronding for the erection of a public building at passed; and also moved that the motion to recuns.iLler be la.id on the the city of Hastings, Nebr.-to the Committee on Public Buildings table. ' and Grounds. The 11.tter motion was agreed -to. The bill (S. 1507) providing for an additional associate justice of the rUBLIC BUILDITG, I:::llPORIA, KAKS. supreme court of the Territory of Utah, and for other purposes-to the Ur. RYAN. I ask unanimous consent to take from the Spe!aker's Committee on the Territories. tahle the bill (H. R. 191~) and pnt it on its passage. The bill (S. 1725) for the relief of the legal representatives of Lewis The SPEAKER. The Chair will send for the bill and will recognize W. Washington, deceased-to the Committee on War Claims. the gentlemn.n later. The bill (S. 1813) for the relief of Susan B. Hopkins, widow of AITah Hopkins, late of Tallahassee, Fla.., deceased-to the Committee on OLD UXITED STATES COURT BUILDIKGS, UTICA, N. Y. Claims. Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. Spea.ker, I ask nnanimons con ent tbat the The bill (S. 1929) to authorize the purchase of five manuscript vol­ Committee of the Whole be discharged from the further consideration ~mes (being letter-books) of William Vans Murray, formerly minister of the joint resolution (H. Res. 103)) and that it be nmv put :upon its at The Hague and at Paris- to the Committee on the Library. passage. ..: 4036 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-~ HOUSE. MA_y 12, The joint resolution was read, as follows: Mr. MILLS. Five days have been granted for the consideration of Resolt:ed, etc., That the Department of Justice be, and is hereby, authorized public-building bills, and besides that other days have been set aside and directed to tran fer and relinquish to the city of Utica, State of New York, for that purpose.
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