A NEWSPAP KODAK COMPANY Vol. 8, No. 46 Copyrtgbt 1948 by Eastman Kodak Company. Rochester. N . Y. November 18, 1948 $13,000,000 Wage Dividend Voted ,..----EK Products at Work--------------------. Huge X-ray Probes Heart of Steel 51,500 l(o_dak Folks To Help Produce Stronger Castings To Share tn Payment $13,000,000. A 250,000-voll X-ray ··eye" T hat's the a m ount of W age D ividen d 51 ,500 Kodak men and t hat can look through 4 inches women in the W estern Hemisphere will receive next March as ol steel is helping to develop a result of the action of the Com- r--------------­ nc:w metal castine techniques and pany's Board of Directors this week the Company on or prior to Oct. 1, :.peed immection of quality castings lt will be the largest in total 1948 and who are at work at the at the Welltin~house Foundry and amount or money in the history of year's end Will get a Wage Divi­ Coopc:r Mill at Linhart. Pa. the Company, surpassing I as t dend. Those starting after Oct. 1, Recently Installed along with a year's record-breaking payment of complete X-ray laboratory, the $11.600,000. 1948 but before Jan. 1, 1949 will machine, <Jn mdustrial jib crane be entitled to a Wage Dividend U unit devel,.,ped and manufactured Rate is 2 1/• Per Cent still with lhe Company on the date nt the Westinghouse X-ray Divi­ The Wage Dividend rate of 2¥4 of payment next March. Nion in Baltimore, wtll be used to per cent is the same as last year. This will be t.he 37th Wage Divi­ inspect finished castings. This means that. according to the dend payment since the Company In connection with the gigantic formula, Kodak people will receive started the plan back m 1912 and X- rny apparatus. Westinghouse 21 '.1 per cent of wages earned in UFcs Kodak Industrial X-ray Falm, the five-year period, 1944-48. Dol­ brings t.he total umount shared by Type K, m 8 by 10, 10 by 12 and lanvise, the payment will amount Kodak folks to $103.000,000. H by 17 sizes, In large quantities. to $22.50 for each $1000 earned. The percentage o! the Wage Kodak X-ray f\lm exposure hold­ Approximately $9,000.000 will be Dividend payment was determined crs, 0 lm comer cullers. JiqUJd X­ received by the more than 32,000 when the Board of Directors de­ ray f\xer and replenisher and X-ray Rochester people, compared to last clared a dividend on the common developer and replenisher also are year's $8,200,0(}(). stock of 50 cents for the quarter, U!'cd In the large operation Kodak men and women who have bringing to $1.60 the total cash Dual Role been with the Company five years dividend th1s year, the same <IS last. by the end of 1948 will receive a The X-ray unit will perform its Wage Dividend of about 5:11 umes Baaed on Stock Dividend dual role in development and in­ their average weekly earnings for spection by providing X-ray pic­ _This 250.000-volt jib crane X-ray machine, which The Wage Dividend formula IS X-ray Giant the last five years. Those who based on this total amount or ca.sh tures revealing the Internal struc­ w as d eveloped and manufactured at tlte West­ have been with Kodak less than ture of the castings. Formerly inghouse X -r ay Division in Baltimore, is b eing used to inspect castings dividend on the common stock. For five years will receive amounts each 20 cents by which dlvidcnds "~onmpl " castings were machined and h elp develop n ew casting techniques at the LinharL P a., plant of proportionately. declared on the common stock ex­ to destruction-literally torn apart Westinghouse. It takes X -rays through 4 inches of sieel. All Kodak folks who came wilh - to l"eveol any internal flows. ceed 70 cents, the Wage Dividend ''ln developing a new casting rate is lh of I per cent <.005l or techn1que," W. J . Laird, foundry all earnings within lhe five cnl- eep ates ean endar yearc; preceding the date of llupcrmlendcnl, explained, "t.he RCA Savants 6 Entries K SI CI payment. Orst or pilot costmgs will be X­ rayed, and if internal flaws are .gn Since this year's cnsh dividends revealed, the foundryman can Confer at J(P In State Safety Campal total $1.60, thJs is the way the for­ study the radiograph and alter the mula works: $1.60 minus 70 cents production method so that the de­ Three of the key men of the Six of K odak 's entries still had perfect marks this week as they which equals 90 cents. Dividing fect 1s eliminated or minimized. Radio Corporation o! America in moved into the second half of the 13-week statewide Accident this by 20 cents gives 4.5. Mult1ply Preven tion Cam paign. 4.5 by .005 and this gives the Wage "Any localized flaw, such as a development or Ultra!ax came to 97 cavity, lnclusl()n or cruck that has Rochester last week to confer with The seventh week, just com- per cent and two have per cent. Dividend rate of 2¥-t per cent. ,1 mtmmum dtmens10n ot the o1•der Kodak Pa rk scientists on phases of pleted, was the first one of the AU or ~hem still are eligi?le for To determine un Individual's campaign in which no lost-time awards If they conhnue t.hetr safe- Wage Dividend, his e"rnings during of one per cent or the thickness the system. "d ty efforts. .. of the obj('-Ct, con be detected. In "Hot photography." the high­ acc1 ent was reported by the EK Safety leaders throughout Kodak 1944-48 are mult.Jplied by this rate. addHion to revcuhng mternal flaws speed f\lm-processing method de­ contestants. are exhortmg their people to sale- The Board of Directors also de- without destroying lhe casting, veloped by Kodak in wartime by The campaign, ~h1ch is sp~n- guard themselves and the1r associ- clared a stock dividend on the 1 udiographlc Inspection Is quicker the Kodak Research Labora tories, sored by lh,e AssociDted lndustnes Iales in the plants and Office not outstanding common stock or one thnn otht•l te. t methods and pro­ has a ' 'ita ! part in Ultrafax. The or !'lew '!: ork State, closes on only during the campaign but as share for each 20 held, In udd•tloo \•tdi!'s a p~rmuncnt record." RCA communication system is cap­ CJ:lrtstmos ~ay , Dec. 25, when the a continuing practice at aU lime• to t.he cash di\•1dend. L:11rd c1 t('d a rec nt experience ... ble or sending a million words a WllUlers will be chosen. Awards __ __ .___ _ In developtng a casting method !or minute, as demonstrated recently normally are presented a t a big an alummum 1iWitchgear handle in the L1brary 01 Congress at dinner meeting in March at the wllh an Iron m ert, 3~> an example Washington. Chamber of Commerce. of how X-ruy speeds up the job The \'isitors were Donald Bond. Still clinging to t.helr 100 per tConllnul!d on Pare 4) tContlnued on Pa•e 4) cent ratings ".·ithout a reportable lost-time accident were t.he Navy I Ordnance D1v1sion and Roll Coat­ ing Dept., FiniShed Film and Sun­ dnes Dept., Service Depts.. Re­ !>earch D1vts1on, and the Cine Proc-~ essmg Dept., the last five of KP. Hawk-Eye 99 Hawk-Eye, which won the grand award for the 19-li campaign, ls down to 99 ~r cent but sttll was lstn\in~ to keep 1ts record !rom further blemish. The score for Camera Works also stood nt 99 gomr: mto the eighth wt'i!k ot the camp.. lgn. Last year C\\' wun u ~pec1a l cltall~'n !or comp1hng a record of I ,640,411 man-hours of exposure before a lost-ume nccl­ d~nt \\as reported. H \\k-Eye'­ recurd " s 1,797.396 man-hours. The Cme Processmg Dept. at KP, wh1ch was runnt>r-up h> Hn\\ k-E)e 1n the camp::~ign last year. was t11l 10 the 100 ~r ~m brocket tht Science Parle y _ Kodak •d•llhm get togetbu wi.Jb a trio of eek for the 19<lB compctltton. This RCA men ai Kodak Park to eonfu oo Ult:n­ Yo.: r they ar hooun for the top f •• rha high·•P"d c:ommuolcation qa.tem d•••IoJ»d by RCA wi1h Lowest mark of the Kodnk en­ th ~Jcl ot &JIC. FTom leh, ex.mioing tpeoal tW>.a UMd m the syPea.\. lrles in the 13-\H•ek C":Jmp:ugn 1 I Joe Bach. f ...y IUJ"rTLscr at ih. lfaYT re Ch tl KUD.L t.ebolc:i&n. and T. Geatry Ve&l. reMarc:h usoci.ate 96, listed for two KP uml.! S t St ay Sa Ie T0 d ay. - Ordna.nee DIYislon. poinb out MOD I .,.,_ of tb• &X R...arc:h Laboratorl - Donald S. Boac!. It. J_ Na9Duaoo ve 99 ~ ~ nl, t\\o rt.>pon 9 feet mark thus fat in the ml•wide Acadeni Pr•••ntloo Camp 19'0 to and Cb tl•• J. Young, of tbe RCA l&b aJ PTtnc:•ton.. N.J.
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