![Trij]Roptra}$ Rtrstrarch OES Chtactrae$S](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
trIJ]ROPtrA}$ RtrStrARCH OES CHTACtrAE$S - 8 PROCEEDINGS OF THE EIGHTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE EUROPEAN CETACEAN SOCIETY, MONTPELLIER, FRANCE 2,5 MARCH 1994 EDITOR: P.G.H. EVANS EUROPEAN RESEARCH ON CETACEANS .8 Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Montpellier, France 2-5March 1994 Editor: P.G.H. Evans Date of Publication: December 1994 Place of Publication: Lugano, Switzerland CONTENTS Introduction 6 Cockcroft V. Are protected areas a viable means of conserving dolphins? 7 Carlson, C. A. and Papastavavrou, Y. Review of whale sanctuaries around the wodd: a progress repoft 10 Heide-Jørgensen, M. P. and Diet4 R. The use of a wildlife sanctuary in northwest Greenland by narwhals 11 Berrow, S. D. and Rogan, E. Ireland - a sanctuary for whales and dolphins: the implications of Irelands' sanctuary declaration t2 Creton, P., Allali, P., GuineÇ C. and Ridoux, V. Zonation and regulations for a marine mammal national park proposed from field studies of habitat use by resident marine marnmals: the example of the project Parc National Marin de L'Iroise, Brittany, France t4 Notarbartolo di Sciara, G. The Mediterranean sanctuary for the protection of cetaceans: a difficult transition from paper to reality 18 Birkun' Alexei Jr. and Stetsenko, Nikolai The Ukrainian nafional progrÍürme for the conservation of Black Sea dolphin populations 22 Hoyt, Erich Whale-watching worldwide: an overyiew of the industry and the implications for science and consewation 24 Sears, R. lVhale-watching and its impact on marine mammal research 30 Gordon, J. C. D. Collecting scientific data on whale-watching projects: opportunities and problems 32 Schmidt' R. C. and Hussel, B. Tourists and locals; seals and porpoises - friendly interaction and mutual endangering, examples from the Gelrnan island Sylt, North Sea 36 Heimlich-Boran, J.R., Heimlich-Boran, S.L., Montero, R. and Martin, V. An overview of whale-watching in the Canary Islands 37 Donovan, G. P. and Hammond, P. S. The IWC'sRMP and RWS - acronyms, anachronisms or a management procedure for white elephants? 40 Brownell, Jr., R. L. Large-scale driftnet fishing: where a¡e we after the United Nations moratorium 4l Hall' M. A. Ecological inrpacts of fishing operations: ¿Nsessment and mitigatiion in the eastern Pacific tuna-dolphin interaction 42 Goujon' M., Antoine, L., colleÇ 4., and Fifas, s. A study of the ecological impact of the French tuna driftnet fishery in the North-east Atlantic 47 Moreno, P. Interactions of the Gemtan fisheries wifh small cetåceans in the North Sea: a first approach 49 schmidt, R. c. and Hussel, B. By-catches - fleeting netmarks on small cetaceans 53 Goodson, D. A. Bottom set gill-nets: problems of perception for doþins and porpoises 54 Artov, 4., Pavlov, V. and Zhuravleva, T. Incidental killing of Black Sea dolphins off the crimea and K¡asnodar t€rritory coasts: analysis of official data and outlook 5g Evans, P. G. H., Carson, Q., Fisher, P., Jordan, W, Lirner, R. and Rees, f. A study of the reactions ofharbourporpoises to various boats in the coastal waters ofSoutheast Shetland 60 1 André, M., Ramos, A. G. and Lôpelz Jurado, L. F. Sperm whale acoustic survey off the Canary Islands, in an a¡ea of heavy maritime traffic: preliminary results 65 Fairbairns, R., Booth, J. ,Walnrsle¡ T., Fairbairns, J., MenhenetÇ C. and Gordon' J. Molly: a minke whale in a small loch on the Scottish island of Lewis 66 Wilson,8., Thompson, P., Harmnond, P., and Curran, S. The distribution of bottlenose doþhins in the Moray Firth, Northeast Scotland 67 Gordon, J. C. D. , Fennelly, S., Berrow, S. and Rogan, E. A cetacean survey in the hish Whale and dolphin sanctuary: North Mayo, summer 1993 ó8 Kiely, O., Berrow, S. D., and Holmes, B. Occu¡rence and group size of bottlenose doþhins (Tursiops truncatus) off Kilcredaun head, County Clare, Ireland 69 Tregenza, N. J. C. 'Temporary residence' of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) 73 Tregenza, N. J. C. and Stipala, K. Have you ever heard of the porpoise? A UK survey of public understanding 74 PierpoinT C., Earl, S. and Baines, M. Observations of harbour porpoise in West Wales, 1993 75 Goujon, M., Forcada, J. and Desportes, G. Fin whale abundance in the eastern North Atlantic, estimated from the French program Mica-93 data 81 Cañadas, A. and Sagarminaga, R. Analysis of the role of volunteers in a field study on the distribution and dynamics of cetaceans along the south-eastern coast of Spain 84 Castells, A. and Mayo, M. False killer whale (Pseudorca crassidens, Owen 1846) in Mallorc4 Balea¡ic Islands (Spain) 86 Gannier, 4., Beaubrun, P. and Di-Méglio, N. Cetac¿an occurrence in the Gulf of Lion and surroundings 87 Bompar, J. M., Baril, D., Dhermain, F. and Ripoll, T. Estimation of the Corsican population of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus): is there a real conflict wifh ñsheÍnen? 92 Forcada, J. Striped doþhin habitats in the Northwestem Mediterranean 95 Forcada, J., Aguilar, A,., Hammond, P. S., Pastor, X. and Aguilar, R. Striped dolphin abundance in the Northwestern Mediterranean 96 Gannier, A. and Gannier, O. Abundance of Grampus griseus in Northwestern Mediterranean 99 Franco, f. and Mas, J. Distribution and evaluation of cetaceans in the Alboran Sea (S.E. Meditenanean) 103 Boutiba, Z. Cetaceans in Algerian coastal rvaters IM Chakroun, F. Ståtus of cetaceans in Tunisian marine waters t07 Carpentieri, P., Marini, L. and Consiglio, C. A cetacean survey in the Aegean Sea: work in progress 108 Politi, E., Airoldi, S. and Notarbartolo di Sciara, G. A preliminary study of the ecology of cetaceans in the waters adjacent to Greek Ionian Islands 111 Pulcini, M. and Angradi, A. M. Observations of Cuvier's beaked whale Ziphius cavirostris (Ceøcea, Odontoceti) in the Ionian Islands of Greece 116 Ilolcer, D. Prospective of cetology in Croatia t20 Artov, A. A. The harbour porpoise (Plncoena phocoenn relicta) in waters off Crimea 122 2 Silva, A. G., dos Santos, M. E, Ifarzen, S. and Viallelle' S. Cetacean sightings from a vantåge point on the Azorean island of Pico during the summer of 1993 tu Aguilar,4., Calzada, N., Grau, E. and Lockyer, C. Striped dolphins from the Mediterranean and the Sea of Japan: two sides of the same coin? rn Calzada, N. and Aguilar, A. Geographical variation in body size in westem Mediterranean striped dolphins Stenella coeruleoalba 128 Valentini, T., Marini, L. and Consiglio, C. Analysis of the variability in the pigmentation of striped dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba (Meyen,1833), in the central Tynhenian Sea r32 Lockyer, C. H. Teeth of marine mammals: tools for age deter¡nination and much more t36 Desportes, G. Preliminary comparison between average age at fifst ovulation and at ñrst lactation in long-finned pilot whales off the Faroe Islands t37 Desportes, G., Saboureau, M. and Lacroix , A. Seasonality and social maturity in male long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) off the Faroe Islands 141 Desportes, G. Andersen, L. W. and Bloch, D. Va¡iation in foetal and posmahl sex ratios in long-finned pilot whales 142 Di-Méglio, N. and Collet, A. Reproductive parameters in striped dolphins from the Mediterranean and Atlantic coast of France 145 Kaarstad, S.8., Bjørge, 4., LindstedÇ I. and Balbuena, J. A. Growth patterns of the ha¡bour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in Norwegian and Swedish waters 148 JaqueÇ N. and Whitehead, II. Spatial organisation and distribution of sperm whales Physeter mncrocephalas in the South Pacific t52 Herzing, D. L. The contextual natu¡e of underwater behaviour and vocalizations in Atlantic spotted dolphins Stenella frontalis 156 Brunnick, B. J. Vocal pattern of two captive male bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncalus 1,59 Mahadevan, S., Datta, S. and Goodson, A. D. Feature extraction analysis of dolphin whistles 160 Sturtivant, C., Datta, R. and Goodson, S. A. A review of echolocation resea¡ch on the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) and the common doþhin (Delphinus delphß) t& Chappell, O. and Gordon, J. Harbour porpoise acoustic surveying methods: development of equipment for automatic recognition and computerised logging of voc¿lisations 169 Evans, P. G. H. and Chappell, O. A comparison of visual and acoustic techniques for surveying harbou¡ porpoises 172 Gordon, J. C. D. A simple photogrammetric method for measuring ranges to cetaceâns at sea 176 Relini, L. O., Relini, G., Cima,C., Palandri, G. Relini, M. and Torchia, G. Meganyctiphanes norvegica and fin whales in the Ligurian Sea: new seasonal patterns 179 Azzali, M., Casini, L. and Lamberti, C.V. Relationships between dolphins, type of prey aggregation, and their geographic distribution 183 Liret, C., Allali, P., Creton, P., GuineÇ C. and Ridoux, V. Foraging activity pattern of bottlenose dolphins around Ile de Sein, France, and its relationships with environmental parameters 188 Relini, O. L., Cappello, M. and Poggi, R. The stomach content of some bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncalus) from the Ligurian Sea 192 3 Blanco, C., Aznar, F. J. and Raga, J. A. Food habits of S/¿¿ ella coeruleoalbø in tìe western Mediterranean during the 1990 die-off, with special reference to squids 196 Rogan, E., Berrow, S. D. and Maloney, M. Stomach contents of small cetaceans from Irish waters 199 Jensen, J. An abnomral minke whale caught at West Greenland 200 Androukaki, E and Tounta, E. A study of the disfibution and pathology of ceúaceans in Greece 203 Lipscomb, T. P. and Kennedy, S. An outb'reak of morbillivirus disease in Atlantic bottlenose dolphins of the Gulf of Mexico 207 Schulrnan, F. Y., Lipscomb, T. P. and Kennedy, S. A revaluation of the United Søæs 1987-88 Attantic coast bottlenose dolphin morølity event with evidence for a viral etiology 208 Ross, H. M, Reid, R. J., Howie, F. E. and Gray, E. W. Herpes virus infection of the general tract in harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena 209 Aguilar, A.
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