Murray State's Digital Commons Fulton Daily Leader Newspapers 4-1-1947 Fulton Daily Leader, April 1, 1947 Fulton Daily Leader Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fdl Recommended Citation Fulton Daily Leader, "Fulton Daily Leader, April 1, 1947" (1947). Fulton Daily Leader. 624. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fdl/624 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Fulton Daily Leader by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. •It 31. 1917 FORECAST: Kentisoity—Partly cloudy and N Purge continued mild tonight, with r few scattered showers in North tthizers portion. Wednesday cloudy, with scattered showers, little ch•rige Singh HI110 In temperature. lave been the utton nib) rtatctr the anti-At, endence Lea te during th, Volume XLIVIII Associated Press Leas;d Wire Fulton, Kentucky, Tuesday Evening, April I. 19.17 Fire Cents Per Copy No. on on, is fadIn 00' es as the r. my which on Smoke Billows From Iceland Volcano Graves Native I gave Unitgr. Boy Scout Drive A Success; .Kin" George Of cos<:ce Dies; illigence on. 00. deportath., Fulton Citizens Gave $1,579.53 Killed by Truck ppine goverc. Prince Pwil Will Replace Him . case agulns! Pryorsim rg Resident the Germ To Help Finance Year's lilt On Highway In .Att e proscrutio 'Work an advertise R. W. Burrow Was "IIIIIIVoillahle Accident" In Nation's Most Critical Hour ack Comptu., Mayfield-...John Wesley La- le fall of 11 tham, 77, resident of the Pryors- 'o the Local Chairman Martin Lady burg community, was killed ut- aetorious Greeks M ust Beware Red Rule,4 king Of rw. Of Fund Drive most instantly at about 8 Dies lit Fulton o'clock yesterday morning when 1)4.04)ris; OTHER GIFTS LISTED he was struck by a Stale High- way Department truck RS he was Congressional Leaders Warn Ilad 114.4.11 Exiled OMPL Under direction of Robert Services To Be Thursday crossing the highway near NT Burrow, finance chairman el For Mrs. 0. R. Kindred Pryorsburg Washington, April 1 AtilVIIS that Prince Paul, the NVIDIN IS SADDENED eeds," the Dry Lake District, a success- At Church In Martin Mr. Latham, Highway patrol- , The death of King George Slog s brother. is II) be sworn ful drive for Boy Scout funds men said, had been to a garage Greece provoked today Congre, Ili/ is his puce...soots thus leavine Atilt:its, April 1 tiltt -King has been concluded, in which Mrs 0. B. Kindred of Martin, in Pryorsburg and was walking donel it din/in!tlonx t the the vountry still under the con- George It riled unexpectedly Co- TCHER1 Fulton citizens north on Highway 45 returning umattlit t nil ati). it a heart nilnient et a 183 contributed $1.- Tenn., died at 8 o'clock this Greek people must guard of a monarelor 579.53 toward the Four Rivers morning in the Fulton Hospital fo his home. A friend stopped a Communist attempt to adlige critical period In is nation's Hine Martin ilt-It- Council budget of $18,000. after a brief illness. on the opposite side of the high- control of that country's shaky Speaker Itimuny, and hi, 45-year-old bro- , I Mass r ••ii id t hat George's death The council includes an The 1ldy will lie in state in way to offer him a ride, and as govern ther Prima, Paul was called to " "prebably have no effest" prea reaching from the Cum- the chapel of the Hornbeak Fun- Mr. Latham crossed the road he The immediate reaction to the the throne walked into the path of the berland to the Ohio and Mis- eral Home until Thursday at Greek monarch's death found "Pb" II"' bill 56-year had been truck, which was The id king sissippi Rivers, and from Obion 10 o'clock, at which time it will driven by few legislators of the opinion Pep Vorys IR-Ohloi agreed. reeently of pain Junes Felts, of compluiiiing county, Tenn., to Smithland, be taken to the First Methodist the Clinton that It. would materially t fleet -lit detniierseles." he sad. "we en- garage. from angina pectorir , an Ky. The Dry Lake District is church in Martin, where it will action on Pre/ Went Truman's believe In a government of lawa ment arising from a disease of composed of Fulton, Carlisle and remain until the services at 3 A corener's jury returned a $400,000,000 aid proposal to __not of men Then•etore, this the coronary arteries, former ckman counties. o'clock. The funeral services will verdict ad "unavoidable accident" wark Greece and Turkey against should make no differenve hi premier George Papandreou said. be conducted by the Rev. 0 A. Yesterday afternoon Communism, our advlee and as Pupandreou the monarch The District quota for suggestions 1947 Marrs, with burial in the East Funeral services irere held to- This viewpoint appeared the appliratian of democratic at '2:30 p ni. via $2,000. Approximately $350 died a. ni•, dide cemetery, in charge of day at 2 o'clock at Mt. Olive strengthened by a report from prInciplen in Oreere Central Standard lime/. Was raised for the Scouts in Hornbeak's. Huge clouds of smoke rise from Mount Nokia near Reykjavik, church, with the Rev. Charley • Hickman, $250 in Clinton and Mrs. Kindred leaves her hus- Iceland. The peak erupting for the first time since 1845, has Farmer In charge. Burial was "Tilt. only &Inger." he added. Fritter Paul was to take the $75 in Bard well. band; two sisters, Mrs. R. C. spread thousands of tons of lava, rocks and ashes over a wide In the church cemetery Truman Favors "la an attempt by tome minority royal oath at 730 p. in. It was Whitnel of Fulton and Mrs. He group-- and I'm thinking id the announced that the government A summary of the amounts area, making coastal navigation difficult and polluting drink- leaves one son, Ruble Alice Newsome of Martin; Communists to set up an in- and Putil later would Issue mes- donated in the remainder of the and ing water. Latham; one daughter. Mrs. numerous nieces and nephews. lerim government tinder min- sages to the people. Council territory follows. Colley Acree. both of Pryors- She was the daughter of the burg, and five sisters Mrs. Sugar Control ()My contros We would dig- Paducah and vicinity, 17.200; The desth of the king came late Rev. T. J. McGill, well- Emma Cole, Mrs. Frank Bur- oppreve of that " Mayfield and Graves county, $2,- six months after his return to known Methodist aninister of Fulton High Junior-Senior gess, Mrs. Frank Sees Danger In Drowning 700; Marshall, Calloway and Mason, all of Senator George ID-Cia ,. ;twin- hi, throne from London after the Methodist conference. She Graves Livingston counties, $2.000; county. Mrs. Della Bur- Restrictions Oel. 31: ber of the Senate Foreign At- a plebtscite favoring the moo- made her home in Martin un- gess. East Prairie. Mo., and Mrs. Obion county, $2,000; special May Ask For a New I.10V fairs Committee, said the mon- archv. gifts, $1,000. til 1921, when she went to Trip Arrangements Completed Lona McClendon, Hickman. alarcidh;sprIewartnhin *iniiirntneasswiisyt,. tahs.e Alamagordo, N. M., for the bene- Fulton workers and amounts Washington. April 1 ,,11-- He died id a time when the received: fit of her health. She returned Arrangements for the Fulton Cardwell, Betty Carter, Lou 1 Sugar rationing gained a new turning that a stable government explosive "Greek question' was to Martin two years ago. junior-senior trip President's Term M. E. Etheridge, Joe Treu, high school Emma Cheniae, Dorothy Camas, seven-month lease on life to- can be formed there." being debated in Washington and weekend Sidney Rose, J. R. Hogan, $88.50. to New Orleans next Betty Ann Davie, Betty Ann day. but President Truman— in tile capitals ot the world. and morning. To Be 1948 Issue Joe Hall, Hugh Fly, L. Kluinow, were completed this Easley, Martha Gholson, Bobbie: fearful of "disastrous economic when his country's bloody Karr- $234.50. Roads To Cost Two Pullmans have been secured Grisham, Miriam Grymes, Pearl consequences" from such u short chairman of the committee. tilla warfare wan being inves- who, Frankfort, Ky.. April I—UPI-- Louis for the 45 boys and 45 girls Glasco, Jane Huffman, Edith extension—announced he might withheld comment for the time t Isted by n United Haltom Weeks, B. J. Pigue, will A proposed amendment to the $103.55.' will make the trip, and they Lancaster, Marilyn Lynch, Joan seek longer controls. being. So did Undereeeretary of coin M isli011. leave Fulton at 7:46 p. m. Thurs- McCollum, Jauan Queen, Betty United States Constitution limit- State James Meacham, Charles The sugar act, which also car- Acheson. $33 Millions day, April 10. L. Roberson, Harare ing future Presidents to two Cieorge took over the rein of Looney. $72.50. Roberta, ries sugar price control to The group will arrive in New Elizabeth Ann Roper, Pat Sub- elected terms will be referred Oc- Rep. Mundt IR-SDI exdrea- Greece in 1022. When his father. Leroy Latta, Warren, tober 31, was approved by James State's '4748 Budget Orleans at 9 o'clock Friday lett, Marie Willey, Mary Willey, to Kentucky's 1948 General As- Con- red hope that the Greeks 'will Constantine, abdicated in 1917.
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