ARTICULATION OF RELIGIOUS COMMITMENT IN A MINORITY SITUATION: A STUDY OF CHRISTIANS OF PUNJAB FROM 1979 TO 2010 A Dissertation Submitted to the Department of Comparative Religion Faculty of Islamic Studies (Usūlūddīn) in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Submitted by Ms. Taimia Sabiha (66-FU/PhD/F06) Supervised By Dr. Muhammad Imtiaz Zafar Department of Comparative Religion, Faculty of Usūlūddīn International Islamic University, Islamabad. 2016 i ii TO MY MOTHER AND FATHER-IN-LAW WHOSE INCESSANT BENEVOLENCE, ENCOURAGEMENT, AND BENEFACTION MADE THIS WORK VIABLE. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is with deep sense of gratitude to Allah SWT for all His bounties and for the success He grants to us in all our life endeavors. Praise be to Him as does He deserve. طثحُك ﻻ عهى نُا إﻻ يا عهًرُا إَك أَد انعهٛى انحكٛى “Glory be to You, of the knowledge that we have none, save what You have Taught us: In truth it is You who is perfect in knowledge and wisdom.” (Al-Qur‟an 2: 32) We seek refuge in Allah SWT from the evil of our souls and from the wickedness of our deeds. Whoever Allah SWT guides cannot be led astray and whoever is led astray shall find none other to guide him. May the blessings of Allah be upon the Righteous Prophet Muhammad SAW, his Family, Companions and the followers of the guided path (Amen) I am very much indebted to my supervisor Dr. Muhammad Imtiaz Zafar whose thoughtful guidance and valuable support made me eligible to accomplish this task. He has been kind enough to spare his precious time to guide me despite his exceedingly tiring schedule. I am very much thankful to Dr. Muhammad Akram (Head Department of Comparative Religion, International Islamic University, Islamabad) for his astute surveillance and readily available counseling. I further owe a great debt of gratitude to Dr. Tamara Sonn (George Town University, Washington DC), Dr. Ebrahīm Moosa (University of Notre Dame, Indiana), and Dr. Christine Amjad-Ali (Director, Christian Study Centre, Rawalpindi), for their benign guidance and graciously addressing my queries. It is with due thanks to Dr. Muhammad Modassir Ali (University of Qatar, Doha), Dr. Qaisar Shahzad, Dr. Abid Masūd, and Khurshīd Ahmad (International Islamic University, Islamabad) for introducing me to some profound Christian religious scholars and providing valuable sources. My special thanks are due to Dr. Sājid Asdullah (Government Post Graduate College, Faisalabad) for kind assistance and provision of his research on Punjabi Christians. iv I have no words to express my deepest gratitude to Dr. Drakhshān Azam for her continuous stimulation, benefaction and valued academic discourses, which helped me to shape the basic structure of this research. I profoundly acknowledge the academic and technical assistance of the library staff at the Central Library, and Dr. Muhammad Hamīdullah Library (International Islamic University, Islamabad) particularly Mr. Sher Nowrooz (Chief Librarian), Sidra Shan (Coordinator, Lincoln‟s Corner), and Mr. Muhammad Abid (Central Library). I am earnestly thankful to Ms. Mussarat Inayat (Librarian, Christian Study Centre, Rawalpindi) for her incredible cooperation and kindness. Also I am very much grateful to the sisters of The Daughters of Saint Paul at Saint Joseph‟s Cathedral, Rawalpindi for providing me some essential publications. I am thankful to all my friends and colleagues particularly Qudsia, Munazza, Iffat and Ayesha for their kindness, encouragement and a lot of prayers. I extend my heartfelt gratefulness to the warm acknowledgement, enlivening clique, enduring benevolence and sincere prayers of my intimate friend Soumia. I pray for them promising future and success here and hereafter. I also express immeasurable gratitude to my siblings and innocent kids; Abdullah, Musfirah and Hasan, who waited for the long period of my studies with patience, for their earnest prayers, giving me courage and stimulus to work hard. I deeply acknowledge the help of my sisters-in-law; Sadia, Rabeea and Atiya for their every assistance during the course of dissertation writing. All at the top is my husband, Shamsulhaq Khalid whose tremendous motivation and incessant help ultimately enabled me to shape this work. My paternal uncle Zubair Rasul whose deep concern, encouragement, and providing me some essential sources owes my heartfelt gratitude. There are indeed the devout supplications and affection of my grandmother, mother and all kith and kin, which remained with me throughout and enabled me to realize the wish of my late father (ghafara Allahu lahu). v May Allah SWT grant them all, the best of this world and the hereafter. (Amen) vi Abstract التعبير عن اﻹلتزام الديني لدى اﻷقليات (دراسة تحليلية و نقدية لوضع المسيحيين في بنجاب من ٩١٩١ إلی ٠٢٩٢ الميﻻدي) قد نعة اندٍٚ دٔرا ْايا فٙ ذكٍٕٚ انًجرًع اﻹَظاَٙ يُذ تداٚح انحعارج اﻹَظاَٛح عهٗ اﻷرض٠ٔ قد ذأثز انزٔح اندُٙٚ تإَرشار فهظفاخ شرٗ فٙ انقزٌٔ اﻷخٛزج. سٚادج ذأثٛز عهى اﻹجرًاع ٔاﻷَثزتٕنٕجٛح أدٖ إنٗ ذقٛٛى أطض دراطح اندٍٚ ٔتزسخ أطانٛة جدٚدج فٗ دراطح انعﻻقاخ تٍٛ اﻹَظاٌ ٔ اندٍٚ ٔ انًجرًع يٍ خﻻل أطض انعقٛدج ٔ قٛى اﻷخﻻق ٔانزيٕس اندُٛٚح عهٗ يظرٕٖ انفزد ٔ انًجرًع . نى ٚرًكٍ نعهًاء عهى اﻹجرًاع أٌ ٚجًعٕا عهٗ ذعزٚف شايم نهدٍٚ نكُٓى أجًعٕا عهٗ أًْٛح اندٍٚ كأطاص رئٛظٗ فٙ انًجرًع. حأند ْذِ اندراطح رصد ذأثٛز حزكح انُٓعح اندُٛٚح انعانًٛح نثٛاٌ انٕظع اندُٙٚ انًظٛحٙ عهٗ يظرٕٖ تاكظراٌ. ٔاﻹنرشاو اندُٚٗ ْٕ انٕفاء ٔانشعٕر تإَرًاء انفزد ندُّٚ ٔ ﻻ ٚعُٗ انطاعح فٗ يعُاْا انثظٛط ٔنٓذا ٚصعة فٙ تعط اﻷحٛاٌ ذحدٚد قدر انردٍٚ فًٍ انًًكٍ أٌ ٚكٌٕ انفزد يردُٚا فٙ أحد انجٕاَة يٍ انحٛاج دٌٔ اٜخز. ٚزكشْذاانثحث فٙ انثداٚح عهٗ تٛاٌ يفاْٛى اﻹنرشاو اندُٙٚ يٕظحا اﻹذجاْاخ اندُٛٚح اﻹجرًاعٛح انًعاصزج ثى ُٚرقم إنٗ دراطح ذارٚخ انًظٛحٍٛٛ فٙ يجرًع انثاكظراٚ .َٙرُأل انثحث قعٛح اﻹنرشاو اندُٙٚ انًظٛحٙ ٔ أتعادْا تصفح خاصح ٚٔحرٕ٘ عهٗ تٛاٌ انثعد انعقد٘ ٔانعًهٗ ٔ انثقافٙ ندٖ ْذِ اﻷقهٛح اندُٛٚح.ٔفٙ َٓاٚح انثحث ٚعزض انرحدٚاخ انرٗ ذٕاجّ انحٛاج اندُٛٚح نهًظٛحٍٛٛ فٙ يُطقح انثُجاب . vii Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................ iv Abstract ......................................................................................................................... vii Table of Contents ......................................................................................................... viii INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 1 Chapter 1 ....................................................................................................................... 15 THE RELIGIOUS COMMITMENT: MEANING AND APPROACHES ............. 15 1.1 The Functional and Substantive Approaches in a Retrospect: .......................... 18 1.5 The Denial of Religion: .......................................................................................... 24 1.6 Secularism and Secularization- A Conjunction between Religion and Irreligion: ...................................................................................................................... 26 1.7 Being “Religious Committed” – Meaning and Determination: ......................... 31 1.8 Glock-Stark Model of Religious Commitment: ................................................... 32 1.9 Religious Consciousness Approach: ..................................................................... 33 1.10 Rosabeth Kanter’s Model of Commitment: ................................................ 34 1.11 Attitudes of People towards Religion: ................................................................ 35 Chapter: 2 ...................................................................................................................... 39 THE CHRISTIANS OF PAKISTAN: A SOCIO-HISTORICAL OVERVIEW .... 39 2.1 Advent of Christianity in the Indian Subcontinent: ............................................ 42 2.2 The Christians of Indian Subcontinent- Resurgence in the Modern Era: ........ 44 2.3 Pakistani Christian Settlements: ........................................................................... 45 2.4 Christianity in the Punjab: .................................................................................... 46 2.5 Punjabi Christian Colonies: .................................................................................. 50 2.6 The Christians and the Foundation of Pakistan:................................................. 51 2.7 The Christians in Pakistan- An Epoch of a Religious Minority: ....................... 52 2.8 Punjabi Christians in Pakistan: ............................................................................ 53 2.9 Religious Organization and Education: ............................................................... 55 2.10 Christian Study Centers- An Overview: ............................................................ 57 2.12 A Survey of the Major Publications of Christians (Catholic and Protestant) in the Punjab: .................................................................................................................... 61 Chapter 3: ...................................................................................................................... 64 viii RELIGIOUS COMMITMENT OF THE CHRISTIANS IN THE PUNJAB: MAGNITUDE AND DIMENSIONS .......................................................................... 64 3.1 Christian View of Religious Commitment: .......................................................... 67 3.2 Socio-Religious Factors Shaping the Christian’s Religious Formation: ........... 70 3.4 The Devotional Dimension:
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