United. Nations Nations Unies A/8. 12 January 1946 ASSEMBLEE GENERAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH ASSEMBLY GENERALE ELECTION ~ ME!IffiEBS. OF TEE INTERNATIONjL COURT OF JUSTICE LIST OF CJJIDIDATES NOMINATED BY THE NATIONAL GROUPS In accordance with Article 7 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, the Executive Secretary+ has the honour to submit herewith to the General Assembly and to the Security Council, a list, in alphabetical order, of the persons whO have been nominated by the national groups for election to the Court. 2. The present document is divided into three parts: I, Alphabetical list of candidates nominated. II. Biographical notes on the candidates. III. A list of the members of the national groups of each state and of the candidates nominated by them. +In accordance with Section 1 of Chapter V of the Report of the Preparator,y Commission. A/a Pa.ge2 PART l LIST OF ClANDIDAT:Jre NOMINATED BY Tim NATIONAL GROUHl AOOIOLY - Ambt;asador Eildebranda f::ara.zu) Nominated by the national group of Brazil. ACEVEDO - Dr. Ed.uard.o (Uruguay) Nominated by the national group of Uruguay .ADI.iE - His· Excellency Mostafa (Iran) Nominated by the national group of Iran• AL-F.ARISY - Monsieur Nasr?-t (Iraq) Nominated by the national group of Iraq. ALKHOURI - His Exoe:j.lenoy Faris (Syria) Nominated by the national group of Syria. ALTAMIRA. - Monsieur Rafael (Spain) Nominated by the national group of France. AINAllliZ - Dr. Alejandro (Chile) N'ominated by the national groups of Brazil,Ollile Colombia., Eoua.d.or and Uruguay. ·· ANDERSON - Lioenoiado Luis (Costa Rica) Nominated by the natiorud groups of Costa Rica., Honduras and Peru. AZEVEDO - Dr, J. Philadel:Pbo de. Barros (Brazil) Nominated by the nationill groups of Brazil, Olmada, Chile, Haiti, Lebanon aha Pare.gucy. BADA.WI PASHA - His Excellency Abdel :S:emid (Egypt) Nominated by the national groUJ?s of Egypt,. Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi....A.ra.bia, and Syria. BAILEY - Professor K.H. (Auitralia) Nominated by the national group of··Australia, BAQUERIZO )I!ORENO - Dr. AJ.:rrel'!o (Ecuador) Nominated by the national groUJ? of Ecuador. .A/8 Page3 J;lASDEVANT - Professor Ju1es (France) Nominated by the national groups of' Belgium, Canada, France, Greece, Luxembourg nnd the United States. BEECHE - Licenciado ·octavia (Costa Rica) 'Nominated py the· natiorinl group of' Costa Rica BIIBEL - Professor Cemil (Turkey) NOiilinated by. the national group of' Turkey BRIERLY .:. Prof'essor.J. F. (United KiiJgdom) Nominated by th&• national group of' Ethiopia BUSTAMANTE - Dr;, AntOnio l:lanohez de (Cuba) Nominated by the .national·groups of' Cuba, El Snlvador, Hondurn.s and Pnnc.ma.. CACER:ES - Dr. Julian R, (Honduras) Nominated by the. national group of' Honduras, CARDAHI - P:rof'essor Ohoucri (Lebanon) Nominated by the .. national group of' Lebanon CAUVIN - MonsieUr Viator (Haiti) N ~minated by t~e national group of' Hl3.i ti, CEIENG - Mr. Tien-Hsi (China) Nominated by the national group ..of: the Netherlands. CRUCHA.Gli Y TOCORN!~L - Dr. Miguel (Chile) Nominated by the. national group of El Salvador DmJ.RY - His Excellency Dr. Jl.hmad· Matine (Iran) Nominated by the national group of Iran, DAVIS - Mr. Justice R.P.B~ (Union of' South kfrica) Nominated by the nationaf. group of' the Union of' South .1\.f'rica DELGADO - Judge Francisco (Philippine Commonwealth) Nominated by the national grou;p of' the Philippine Commomvehl th. A/8 Page 4- DI:EZ DE MEDINA - Dr. Eduardo (Bolivia) Nominated by the national group of El Salvador FABEIJ, JJCFARO - Licenciado Isidro (Mexico) Nominated by the national groups of' Bolivia, Chi.le, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dor.linicnn Re:gubic, Ecuador, Haiti, Mexico, Nicaragua, .Panama, Paraguay, and Uruguay. FAJNOR - Dr. Vladimir (Czechoslovakia) Nominated by the national groups of Czechoslovakia and Ukrainian S.S.R. FALlA ARIS - Dr~ Jose (Guatemala) Nominated by the national group of Guatemala. Fllm/ICK - Dr. Charles G. (United States of America) NomiT.k~ted by the national group of Venezuela GALLEGO - Congressman .Manuel (Philippine Commonwealth) Nominated by the national group of the Philippine Commonwealth, GARCIAS Si'UJ>ZAR - Monsieur .1\.rturo (Peru) Nominated by the national group .of Peru, GUERRERO -Dr. Jose Gustavo (El Salvador) Nominated by the national groups of Australia, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, o.nd Nicaragua, H!i.CKWORTH - The Honourable Green H. (United States of America.) Nominated by the national groups of Nicaragua, Turkey and the United States of.America, BEEVER - :Mr, Justice F,P, van den (Union of South Africa) Nominated by the National group of South .1\t'rica, BSU- Dr, Mo (China) Nominated by the national group of China., HUDSON - Mr• .Manley o. (United States of America) Nominated by the n;l.tional groups of Argentine, Canada, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, and Panama, HURST - Sir Cecil (United Kingdom) Nominated by the national groups of France and Greece. l!./8 Page 5 JABUR - Mo)1Sieur Saleh (Iraq) Nominated.by the· nationc~l group of Iraq. KLAESTiiD '-Dr, juris Helge (Norway) Nominated by the mtionc.l groups of Australia, Deillllll.rk 1 Netherlands, New Zaaland, Md Norway, KONSTANTil\TOVIC - Dr, Mihnilo ( Yugoshvia) Nominated by th<J n'ltional groups of Byelorussian S.S.R., Czechoslovakia and Yugosluvia. KORETSKY -Dr, Vladimir Mikhailovioh (Ukrainian S,S,R,) Nominated by the nationcl group of Ukrainian s.s.R. KRCMAR - Dr, Jan . (Czechoslovakia) Nominated by the national group of Czechoslovakia. KRYLOV- Professor Sergei Borisovich (U.S.S.R.) Nominated by the no.tional groups of Poland anc the u.s.s.R. LANGROD - Momieur Je:r:zy (Polo.nd) Nominated by the. national groups of Poland,. the Ukrainian s.s.R. and the U.s.s.R. LEG-ER -Monsieur Abel (Haiti) Nominated by the national group of Haiti. LOGRONO - Lioenciado Arturo (Dominican Republic) Nominated by the national group of the Dominican Republic. LOP:EZ PTIIEDA. - Dr, Julian (Honduras) Nominated by the national group of Honduras. LOZANO Y LOUNO - Dr, Carlos (Colombia) .Nominated by the national groups of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rioa, GuD.temala, Pana.mn., Paraguey1 Peru, and Venezuela, MoN(JR - Sir Arnold Duncan (United Kingdom) Nomina.te.d by the national groups of Argentine, Australia, Belgiwn, l'lew Zealnnil, Turkey, und the United Kingdom, A/8 Page 6 Mi.RIDiJCIS - Professor George (Greece) Nominated by the national group of Greece, MARTJJIEZ - Dr. Martin C, (Uruguay) Nomilli'1:ted by the national group of Uruguay MYERS·~· Sir Michaei {New Zealand) Nominated by the. national group of New Zealand, . '• . PARRA PEREZ.- Dr. C~cciolo (Venezuela) Nominated by the national group of Venezuela and the United States of Jun.,rica. PERETERSKY - Dr. Ivan SergeeVich (u.s.s.R) Nominated by the National group of the U.S.S.R. ·PEREZ ·~ Dr. Nestor Luis (Ven8zuela) NOIJin,'1:tod by the mtionnl group of Venezuela PILOTTI - Dr. l:lhssimo (ItnJ.;y) Nominated by the national group o:f'.Franoe, PODESTA COSTll - Dr. Luis (Argentine) N·omimtted by the national group of Argentine • .POLYANSKY - Dr. Nikolai NikolaeVioh (Byelorussian S,S,R) Nominated by the national group of Byelorussian S.S.R. PRADO S01t.R:rn - Dr. Miguel (Guat~la) Nominated by the national group of Guatemnln REbD - Mr. John E. (Canada) Nominated by the national group of Canada. SALMON - Monsieur Julio (BoliVia) Nominated by the national group of llolivia SEVIG- Professor Muammer Rasit .(Turkey) Nominated by the na ti anal group of Turkey, SPIROPOUID'3 - Professor John (Greece) Nominat<-d ·by the national groups of Glreece and United States of Junerica, TAW..XO - Dr. Jose Luis (Ecuador) Nolllina ted by, tJ:f1. lJ;!l,:tl)ilo~. gr?c"W", o"t' ~aor ... A/8 Page 7. TORRUNTE - Dr. Cosme de la (Cuba) Nominated by thu national group of' Cuba :IRONCOSO DE Lt. CONCHA - Dr. Manuel de Jesus (Dominican . Republic) Nominated by the national group of' the Dominican Republic. URQUIDI - Monsieur Jose Macedonia (Bolivia) Nominated by the Mtional group of' Bolivia. URRUTIA - Dr. Franoisoo Jose (Colombia) Nominated by the nn.tional group of' Colombia. VELAZQUFZ - ·Dz:. Colao R. (Paraguey) Nominated by the Mtional group-of' Paraguay. VERZIJL - Professor J.H.W. (Netherlands) NomiMted by the national groups of' Belg:i.l.11ll, Luxembourg and Netherlands. VILLARt.N - Dr •. ¥anuel Vicente (Peru) Nominated by the Mtional group of' Peru. VISSCHER - Dr. Charles de (Belgium) Nominated by the national groups of Argentine, Belgium,. Ethiopia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, and United :r<ingdom. WINIARsKI - Mons:j:_eur Bohdan (Poland) Nominated by the national group of Poland. ZJ;FRULL!ili K!L)N - Sir Mohamed (India) Nominated by.the national groups of India and the United Kinj;dom. :>ill:E'EDA ~.Dr. Marlmo H. (Nioaragua) Nominated by the national group of' NicaragUa. ZOB!CIC - Dr. Milovan (Yugos;I.avia) NoJ!li.Mted by the national. groups of' the Ukrainian s.s.R., the United Kingdom, the U;S.S.R. ano Y'tigoslav;ia. ZlJiiFICAR J?s.sha - His ExceJ.lancy Youssef' (Egy:p.t) Nominated by the national groups of' Egypt, Iraq, Sal~M•Arabia and Syria. b./8.' page 1.Q. Congress of ,ill!G:t"ico.n Historians in New York. ..ppointed Director of Primary Education and, in 1913, Professor of the History of Mod.ern Colonisation o.nd of Modern .hmerican Political History in the University of Madrid. From 1919 to 1920, wns Spanish arbitrator to the International Col!llllission on·mining disputes in Morocco. F.rom 1916 to 1923 represented as Senator the University of Valencia. :. member of the Committee of Jurists for the preparation of the draft statute of the Permanent Court of Intern~tional Justice, ;;n associate of the Institute of International LLW, In 1 920, Chairman of the Spanish-American Institute of Comparative Law. Since 1922, has been a judge of the Permanent Court of International Justice.
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