Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Joint Waste Local Plan 2010 - 2026 Adopted March 2013 Planning Committee Site Visit Protocol www.staffordshire.gov.uk Contents Foreword 1 1 Introduction 2 What is the role of the Joint Waste Local Plan? 2 Structure of the Joint Waste Local Plan 3 What has been done so far in preparing the Joint Waste Local Plan? 3 Does the Joint Waste Local Plan identify specific sites aste Local Plan 2010 - 2026 for development? 4 W 2 Context and Conformity 6 rent Joint Statement of compliance 6 Community engagement 6 European Directives and national strategies, policies and guidance 6 dshire and Stoke-on-T or Regional plans, policies and programmes 8 Local and sub-regional plans, policies and programmes 9 sion Staff er Cross boundary and partnership working 11 V Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) 11 Adoption Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) 13 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) 13 3 The Spatial Portrait: 'Staffordshire and 15 Stoke-on-Trent today' General characteristics 15 Production of waste- types and quantities 21 Waste management facilities and their location 23 Cross border movement of waste 24 Future facility need 26 Key issues 31 Contents 4 The Vision and Strategic Objectives: 'Staffordshire 36 and Stoke-on-Trent by 2026' Adoption The Vision 36 Key Diagram 37 V er sion Staff Strategic Objectives 38 or 5 The Planning Policies 43 dshire and Stoke-on-T National Policy: Presumption in favour of sustainable development 43 A strategy for managing waste 44 Policy 1: Waste as a resource 45 rent Joint Policy 2: Targets and broad locations for waste management facilities 56 W aste Local Plan 2010 - 2026 Policy 3: Criteria for the location of new and enhanced waste management facilities 73 Policy 4: Sustainable design and protection and improvement of environmental quality 80 6 Implementation and Monitoring 105 Implementation 105 Monitoring framework 108 Glossary 121 Figures Figure 3: Estimated controlled Waste Arisings in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent 22 Figure 4: Key Diagram 37 Foreword 1 Foreword In Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent, we recognise the importance of dealing with the waste that we all generate in our everyday lives, at home and at work, and the value that waste has as a resource. This strategy will guide the way we manage the sustainable development of waste management facilities up to 2026. We see this strategy as an opportunity to support investment in the waste industry that will help our economies to grow, whilst protecting local communities and our natural, built and historic environments. aste Local Plan 2010 - 2026 We have identified the broad locations where we want new waste management W facilities to be developed, and set the standards we expect to be met. Our success in achieving the vision and strategic objectives in this strategy will rent Joint depend on individuals, organisations and industries reducing the amount of waste produced and providing good environmental solutions to deal with the waste we all generate. We now encourage you to play your part. dshire and Stoke-on-T or sion Staff er V Councillor Mark Winnington Councillor Ruth Rosenau Staffordshire County Council Lead Stoke-on-Trent City Council Cabinet Adoption Cabinet Member for Environment and Member for Regeneration, Planning Assets and Transportation Councillor Andy Platt Stoke-on-Trent City Council Cabinet Member for Green Enterprise and City Services 2 Introduction 1 Introduction 1 What is the role of the Joint Waste Local Plan? Adoption 1.1 Staffordshire County Council and Stoke-on-Trent City Council (hereafter referred to as "we"), act as Waste Planning Authorities throughout their administrative areas, with the exception of that part of the County that falls V er inside the Peak District National Park (which has its own separate waste sion Staff planning authority). We are responsible for determining planning applications for waste management facilities in accordance with policies in the Development Plan as well as taking into account national planning policy. We have a Waste or dshire and Stoke-on-T Local Plan that covers Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent (1998 - 2011) which was adopted in 2003. However there is a need to review and update the strategy and policies of the Local Plan, to take account of changes in the provision of waste management facilities in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent, alterations to waste planning policy, and broader changes to our economy, our environment and our communities. rent Joint 1.2 The Government has introduced changes to the land-use planning system which affect the look of, and the way we prepare, the plans that guide the location and type of new waste development.We have prepared this new Joint W aste Local Plan 2010 - 2026 Waste Local Plan, referred to in earlier stages of plan preparation as the Joint Waste Core Strategy, for our respective administrative areas in accordance with the provisions of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and the Localism Act 2011.The new Joint Waste Local Plan will replace the existing Waste Local Plan and is a plan for how to manage all the waste produced in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent up to 2026. The original Waste Local Plan policies however remain 'in force' by a direction from the Secretary of State until such time that they are replaced by the Joint Waste Local Plan. Appendix 3: Replacement of Waste Local Plan policies provides further information. 1.3 The Joint Waste Local Plan is not about who collects waste or on what day waste is collected but, it does relate to how waste will be managed after it has been collected from homes, offices, factories, farms or construction sites. The Strategy addresses issues for all types of waste and not just waste collected by local authorities from households and offices. The aims of the Plan are to ensure that there are sufficient opportunities for the provision of waste management facilities to manage the waste produced in the area, and also to manage the change in the type of facilities that are required to re-use, recycle and recover more from the waste produced. The Plan is for the next 15 years and it is inevitable that there will be further changes in the waste that is produced and the ways in which that waste can be managed. Therefore the Plan is flexible to accommodate these changes but it also gives clear guidance to developers about whether their proposals to develop new waste management facilities are likely to be acceptable. Introduction 3 1.4 The Joint Waste Local Plan provides a new vision highlighting what is to be achieved in terms of developing facilities to improve the way in which waste is managed. Furthermore, the Plan includes a set of updated policies that 1 identify the ways in which the vision for the Plan can be delivered. 1.5 The Joint Waste Local Plan is part of the Staffordshire Minerals and Waste Development Framework, and the Stoke-on-Trent City Council Local Development Framework. More detail on the range of new planning documents that are being prepared can be found in the Local Development Scheme (LDS) produced by both planning authorities to programme plan making work. Appendix 1: Virtual Library is where documents and evidence can be found underpinning production of the Joint Waste Local Plan. aste Local Plan 2010 - 2026 Structure of the Joint Waste Local Plan W 1.6 There are six sections to this document: rent Joint Section 1 : Introduction; Section 2: Context and Conformity sets out European, national, regional and local considerations; Section 3: The Spatial Portrait: 'Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent today', describes the current waste planning issues and the challenges ahead dshire and Stoke-on-T or over the next 15 years for Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent; Section 4: The Vision and Strategic Objectives: 'Staffordshire and sion Staff er Stoke-on-Trent by 2026',describes what needs to be achieved by 2026 V to address the current issues and challenges ahead associated with developing waste facilities. Adoption Section 5: The Planning Policies, contains the four broad policy areas to be used when determining planning applications for waste development, and non-waste related development when applicable, that will deliver the strategic objectives and vision over the plan period; and Section 6: Implementation and Monitoring, describes how we will check the progress we are making towards our vision over the plan period. What has been done so far in preparing the Joint Waste Local Plan? 1.7 In relation to preparing the Joint Waste Local Plan, in accordance with The Town and County Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, since 2007 the following consultations have been undertaken: 4 Introduction Issues and Options 1 (Regulation 18 Public Participation, March 2007) 1 Issues and Options Part 2 (Regulation 18 Public Participation, September 2008) Adoption Emerging Joint Waste Core Strategy (Regulation 18 Public Participation, August 2010) V er (1) sion Staff Revised draft policies for Joint Waste Core Strategy (April 2011) Publication (Regulation 19, September 2011) or dshire and Stoke-on-T Submission (Regulation 22, January 2012) 1.8 All comments received during these consultations have helped shape this document. The 'Consultation Statement' and 'Statement of Representations Received', submitted with the Joint Waste Local Plan (refer to Appendix 1: Virtual Library, Regulation 30 (1)(d) and Regulation 30 (1)(e) statements), rent Joint contain further details of the previous consultations. Does the Joint Waste Local Plan identify specific sites for development? W aste Local Plan 2010 - 2026 1.9 It is not proposed to identify specific sites for development in the Joint Waste Local Plan but rather to base the Strategy on the identification of broad locations, shown on the Key Diagram and Policy Map, and provide locational criteria for new and enhanced waste management facilities that are sufficiently precise to enable developers to assess where they would be likely to receive permission, if other relevant considerations were satisfied.
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