don't use up at it all the rice thresher one time rice university, houston texas volume 58, number 5 thursday, october 1, 1970 Senate finances draft counselors, outlines homecoming On a motion by Tom Blocher, free training of its counselors ager, read a proposed By-Law munity associate of Baker Col- secured the approval of the president of, Hanszen, the Stu- and requested a budget of $50 amendment designed to act as lege, and President Norman Senate for, plans for the dent Senate voted unanimously to finance publicity, printouts, the organizational charter for Hackerman will make the pros- rejuvenation of the Houston Tuesday night to subsidize the counselling books, and other Rice University Radio. The. entations. Council of Colleges. The Coun- Houston Draft Information material. Its operations are due non-profit organization is ap- Brevoort also discussed, and (Continued on Page 5) Service. to begin soon. plying for a license for FM op- The Service, chaired by Lew At the same meeting, Buddy eration from the Federal Com- Hancock of Baker, arranged for Trotter, KTRU station man- munications Commission. Funds 69-70 Rice donations increase for the operation of the FM By BECKY STRADEIi the same, about $100,000. The station, which will simulcast Student unrest on the na- development office had been with KTRU-AM (the carrier- tion's college campuses has af- hoping for a larger amount. Sewall Hall mirrors wave station currently heard fected the attitudes of many The year after a large cam- only on the Ric6 campus) twelve Americans towards colleges. paign is usually a "bad year" hours a day, will come from a The decrease in donations to for asking for donations, Os- original physics lab proposed blanket tax increase some private colleges and uni- borne said. Osborne and Blocher of $1.50 per student and from versities has been attributed to felt the development office could Ever wondered what it is caused by strikes and a hurri- advertising revenues of the AM they're building across the quad cane, the building should be campus unrest. Last year, have made a bigger appeal for station. Trotter noted that the Princeton recorded a deficit, alumni funds this year; so any from the Physics Lab? Wonder completed more or less on engineering1 apparatus will al- no more; it is Cleveland Sewall schedule, late next spring. and tliis year an even greater drop in annual donations wen- low the FM station to broad- loss is expected. However, other possible due to the development Hall, a $'4.3 million classroom Fisher Construction Company cast music during the AM com- colleges and universities, for office instead of disinterested building. is the contractor for Sewall mercials. The charter calls for example Yale and Cornell, have alum ni. The five-story building was Hall, which will have, two base- a controlling board consisting had donations increase over Osborne, development offi- made possible through the gen- ment levels and three floors of alumni, administration, fac- previous years. cial in the corporate field, In - erosity of Mrs. Cleveland Sew- above ground. With lower lev- ulty and students to comply Rice University, in particu- lieves the effect of campus un- all, a member of the second els going down 45 feet below with FCC responsibility re- lar, experienced an increase in rest on education donations class, 1917, at Rice. The build- ground, careful precautions quirements. total contributions. In the year would not be drastic in the fu ing is named for Mrs. Sewall's had to be taken against ending June, 1969, contributions ture because potential contribu- late husband, Cleveland Sewall. flooding. Drainage will be ac- Trotter noted that it is an- totalled $4,641,757. Preliminary tors are beginning to accept di • Sewall, a native Houstonian, complished by a system of ticipated that the station will computer figures (all figure- sent, as a way of life on tin died December 25, 1942. At pumps and relief wells. The apply for the license within the cited in this article for the year campus. Contributors realiz" that, time, he was president of exterior of the building will next week and that it hopes to ending June, 1970 are prelim- unrest is not entirely the fault Gordon-Sewall & Co., a whole- mirror as closely as possible inary) indicate that the G9-70 of the. colleges and that com- sale grocery firm, and a direc- that of the Physics Building. begin FM broadcasting by the tor of the South Texas Na- second semester. The amend- total was $5.5 million. The munication lines must be kept The new building will house tional Bank of Commerce. breakdown shows some marked open between college campuses the departments of an tropology ment passed. Sewall attended Sewanee Uni- fluctuations: Of the total in and the outside world. This is and sociology, economics and versity and was a graduate of In other business, Frank Bre- 19f>9, alumni contributed $944,- supported by the fact that business administration, educa- the University of Texas Law voort, SA vice-president, and 87S; of the total in 1970, only foundations nationwide have School. tion, art and art history, and member of Lovett College, an- $447,00(1 came from alumni. been donating more, and that political science, as well as Sewall Hall was designed by nounced the outline of plans However, in 1969 foundations in most institutions, alumti Lloyd, Morgan and Jongs, who NROTC, for the Homecoming coronation gave $1,393,000; in 1970 they contributions haven't decrease,'! also designed Allen Center, It will feature a sunken sculp- at halftime of the California gave. $'2,800,000. Gifts from drast ically. Jones College, the addition to ture court on the upper base- football game Saturday. Wil- friends other than alumni alse Cohen House and the remodel- ment level and an art gallery liam Ballew, president of the increased in 1970. Alumni Association and a com- ing of Lovett Hall last year. and lobby on the first floor. Development officials Mike Big deficit boms The building will have nearly The gallery and four drawing Blocher and Timothy Osborne .117,000 square feet of floor studios will be skylighted. felt that the way they were space. Of this total, some 96,- Cleveland Sewall Hall will sCirs'c/ handled at an institution de- 000 will bo interior area, 5,000 have laboratory space for ar- termined their efect on contri- By JOHN F. MAI LDIN will be covered exterior and chaeological, anthropological, butors. Rice's financial situation A loss of $'1,278,0(H) has been 15,000 will be uncovered exte- and sociological research. In does not seem to be affected projected for Rice Universev rior. addition, the building will have significcntly by campus unrest. for fiscal year 1970-7 L The Construction was begun in G2 faculty offices, eight lecture Blocher and Osborne suggest shortage has been causd by the May 1969, and despite delays halls and four seminar rooms. one must look deeper for rea- cutback in federal funds and. sons to explain the fluctuations the overextension of present in the breakdown. programs, according to the ?? For the year ending in June, president's office. The budget 1909, $2.7 million of the con- for 70-71 is $12,321,000. Players present "Little Murders Hackerman's office cited one Has the world gone mad? tributions was for current op- erend Henry Dupas (David Nis- ar). Alfred appears on stage systems grant of $350,000 for The Rice Players production of erations and $1.9 million was sen) is the hippie minister of bruised, and he is bruised be- the education department that Jules Feiffer's play, "Little designated Tor building funds. the First Existentialist Church, cause he won't hit back when was cut. When a grant is stop- Murders," leaves one with the The fact that construction is and his wedding ceremony (with attacked. He doesn't make the ped the university has to sup- feeling that maybe — yes, may- occurring on campus may be commentary) is well calculated lofty claim to be a pacifist. ply the money, a spokesman be — it is a mad, mad, mad, one of the reasons why founda- to make the mother of the Rather, he says, he is an apath- reported. mad world. tion giving is up. Pledges for bride faint and the audience ist. When attacked, he simply The budget increase over the Of course, the play is hu- these building purposes are now double up with laughter. Lt. day-dreams and lets his as- last year was $550,000. This morous. Feiffer's characters arc- being paid off as Rice needs Practice (Donald Bayne) turns sailant beat him up. Why both- amount is less than five per intrinsically funny, and the Rice them. Foundations nationally out to be the Dr. Strangelove er? Mr. Newquist calls .him a cent of the budget, and is par- Players, directed by Neil Hav- have increased their giving in of the New York Police Depart- nihilist. Patsy says he has no tially attributable to inflation. ens, project the humorous side the past few years, possibly due ment. feeling — which is not a very Because of the stock market of tihese characters well. Mr. to the increased need in educa- Realty good condition for one who is decline, the university lost over Newquist (John Merkling) is tion. (Some foundations may But in the midst of the hu- about to be married. $22 million on paper from its saddled with the name of Carol, mor frightening reality emer- have been giving away more Reformation endownment fund last year. The a.nd he likes it about as well as ges.
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