THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 2010 GILFORD, N.H. - FREE Smaller Hannaford GES project planned for next fall will require BY LAUREN TINER struction time is unknown [email protected] though signs are pointing to additional Hannaford Brothers Su- a completion date of fall permarket will see a new 2011. funds look and a new location in “There are not too many Gilford come next year,when hurdles because all the site BY LAUREN TINER [email protected] the store is planned to be con- improvements are in place, structed on Winnipesaukee but there are slight changes The Gilford Elementary Crossing complex, by the to a smaller building,” said School maintenance project Lowe’s and Papa Gino’s. Ayer. currently underway was The relocation has been in With a smaller building originally budgeted at the works since 2005, and there will also be fewer park- $45,000, but after a recent now that the current Han- ing spaces, and because of building assessment it was naford store lease is coming the drive through window, a clear that more steel will be about at the Walmart com- driveway will also be added needed to support the build- plex in Gilford, Hannaford is to the site plans, changing ing for an additional $7,200. making final touches to its the dynamics of the building The steel columns will plan and is scheduled to meet structure. support the outside wall of with the Planning Board lat- “The Planning Board’s the building and help sup- er this month. main focus will be to review port the overall safety and The proposed 47,000 the drive through window soundness of the building square foot store is approxi- and the building’s architec- when construction is com- mately 9,000 square feet ture, which will also look dif- pleted mid-fall. The repairs smaller than it was original- ferent,” said Ayer. PHOTO BY LAUREN TINER were approved by the School ly planned in 2005, while the The building will be fin- Candy castles Board last Wednesday morn- current store is slightly larg- ished with clapboard rather ing. er at 53,000 square feet. Maya Belge frosts a coated candy to place on the winning edible sandcastle she and her siblings creat- The new store will have a SEE HANNAFORD PAGE A10 ed during the contest last week. See story on A6. SEE GES PROJECT PAGE A10 drive through service win- dow by the pharmacy, a fea- ture the current building does not have. They’re fun to look at, but ‘Don’t feed the bears’ Gilford Town Planner BY DONNA RHODES John Ayer said the majority [email protected] to fatten them up. In the hot- stroying them in the process of the site plan has already ter months the vegetation di- of getting at the sunflower been approved throughout LAKES REGION — Sum- et they ate all spring begins and other seeds. the last five years, but since mer in New Hampshire to harden and is not as at- Timmins said removing the architecture of the build- means picnics, cook outs and tractive, forcing them to seek them is vital to keep bears ing has slightly changed, the camping, activities that can out alternative foods, which from becoming accustomed Planning Board will have to also generate tasty treats for often times are part of their to human food sources. review the plans once again. some four-legged residents natural diet. “A fed bear is a dead bear” If the board approves the who, come June and July,are “About 90 percent of the has become the slogan most recent architectural just dying for a tasty treat. complaints we receive are for around Fish and Game as changes, the building will be Bears pull these manmade bears getting into garbage bears become increasingly ready for construction by the snacks from garbage cans and birdfeeders,” Timmins more brazen when they find time the Hannaford lease is and other residential loca- said. ready-made meals in up in the plaza on Lakeshore tions each summer as they Birdseed is especially at- garbage cans and backyards. Road. await berries and other nat- tractive to the creatures Timmins said officials are “All of the work is done in ural foods in the woods to since it is more nutritious dealing with an ongoing sit- the (Winnipesaukee Cross- ripen. The problem is that and helps them gain weight. uation in North Conway ing) complex except for the eating human food can actu- Fish and Game recommends where a woman had been building itself, which al- ally jeopardize a bear’s people cease feeding birds on purposefully feeding bears ready has a spot waiting for health. April 1 when the birds have in her yard. As a result a bear it,” said Ayer. “There are New Hampshire Bear Pro- plenty of feed in the fields became brazen enough to ac- three standard buildings and ject leader, biologist Andrew and woods. Bears will seek tually enter her home on two this will be the middle one.” Timmins, said bears prefer out feeders in the spring and occasions, prompting a call PHOTO COURTESY OF ERIN CONNOLLY Bears, like this one found trying to dismantle a birdfeeder in the Lakes Ayer said the exact con- high quality foods that help summer months, often de- to wildlife specialists. The Region, are especially attracted to birdfeeders during the months of June same bear, a sow (female) and July before the berries ripen in the woods. Fish and Game advises with cubs, has since created people to remove the feeders from their yards by April 1 to prevent bears problems in eight other from being accustomed to finding food in residential areas. “A fed bear is a dead bear” is the motto they are trying to relay, as bears acclimat- SEE BEARS PAGE A10 ed to humans can become a safety issue. Small businesses slowly dusting off application forms BY LAUREN TINER good. These rates are higher local businesses, has main- [email protected] than normal levels for New tained their success and LAKES REGION — Ac- Hampshire – we are not used number of employees over cording to the U.S. Depart- to these high levels of unem- the past two years. ment of Labor, New Hamp- ployment, yet compared to Owner of Lee’s Candy shire has the second-fastest the rest of the country, it’s Kathy Fagan said the fact growing job rate in the na- not bad,” said Nielsen. that she is a small business tion, yet many smaller local Job growth is happening, also means she doesn’t need businesses are still strug- but many people still find a boatload of help. gling when it comes to hir- themselves unemployed, “We have been appropri- ing. with businesses still in the Statistics show that 8,900 process of recovering finan- SEE BUSINESSES PAGE A10 jobs have been created over cially and racking up clien- the last year, from June 2009 tele or customers again be- RGERY• to June 2010. Annette Nielsen fore investing in help. SU RE • ST S O of the Economic and Labor In the Lakes Region, some IC R T A E Market Information Bureau businesses are doing better T H I V T ) ) E for the New Hampshire De- than last year, and thanks to S E ( ) • A partment of Employment Se- the weather more costumers P R • E S V curity said the employment are coming into their stores, T H E N N A T L rate for the region is going in meaning longer hours and a A P T I M I V E the right direction compared need for extra employees. • to a few years ago and should Nielsen said the true test improve as the summer goes for the Lakes Region will Dr. Hugh’s Dental PC on. come in September,when the Hubert W. Hawkins IV MPH DDS 209 Cottage Street, Littleton, NH COURTESY PHOTOS In June 2009, the unem- summer season is over, and (603) 444-4141 ployment rate in New Hamp- the improved job growth Brightening up the Big Lake shire went from 6.2 to 6.4 per- trend will either continue to As always, Urgent care is Two weeks ago, Winnipesaukee Yacht Club hosted their first annual Winnipesaukee Race Week series, cent in and June 2010 from grow or taper off. available by appointment. including the J/80 race, which sported colorful sails that Thursday evening. 6.4 to 5.9 percent. Lee’s Candy Kitchen in DrHughsDental.com “This is good and not Meredith, unlike many other A2 THE GILFORD STEAMER ALMANAC AUGUST 12, 2010 Low rainfall and high temps prompt statewide concerns BY DONNA RHODES [email protected] Fall could also bring more concerns though; Skarupa Is it hotter and drier than said it is actually another normal or just your imagi- fire danger time as leaves nation? WMUR meteorolo- build up on the ground. Dry gist Kevin Skarupa says it is conditions at that time of not your imagination as tem- year can be just a problem- peratures over the past atic as the dog days of month have been above nor- summer. mal and rainfall is falling be- “You really need to be cau- low the average. tious then if we get another “If you look over the dry spell,” he said. whole year to date we’re Until the region is hit with about at normal levels, but a a few days of steady rain of- shift in the weather pattern ficials are asking that people in mid-June has made the be very careful with any out- summer hotter and drier door fires and grills and than usual,” said Skarupa.
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