~.:'~ - ~ .. \t.: ' -11 9 2 5J- THE ANNUAL 1925 DETROIT CITY COLLEGE:. 1 tOPYRIGHT BY , \lAlTER HORTHCOTT EDITOR L[ONARD HARDinG BUSINESS MANAGER IDlll' ntuif of till' AUltuul of 1925 renpl'dfully 1I1'1Iirutl'n tllin boolt to tllOnl' nhtlll'utn tullO 11UUl' till' uniqul' Ilonor of rompt'ining 141' firnt gl'Ulluut. ing dunn from till' (!lolll'gl' of till' (!lilll of j!)droit. QIuntrntn Foreword ... 5 111 UrrlUUrll Annual StalT .. 6, 7 Foll owing tradition, the Annual makes its yearly Scenes .. 8- 12 bow to the students sponsored by the Juniol' C lass. Classes. 13- 29 'The staff feels confident that this book is beHer (-han 30,31 Faculty . any of its predecessors and we hope that future stalfs Pharmacy .. 32 will end eavol' to keep up the good work It has taken O ll t if Literary. 33- 48 much time a nd e/To rt to put this Annual, but it has youI' approval, the staff will feel fully COlllM Organiza~ions. 49- 99 penso ted . Social. .. 101'-114 - Editor . SPOI·!S. 11 5- 138 Humor. .. .. ... ........ .. .......... ... .. .139- 148 I --~----- . -- 4 5 : .Annual ~taff Editor-in-chief. Waltcr Northcott Business Nlanagel' .. · . Leonard Harding lVla naging Editol'. Ray Pel'l'ing News Editor ... · ... Helen Parker News Editor .. · . David \Vieterson Snap Editor .. · .. Vesta.sweitzer Li terary Edi tor. .. .. ......... Helen Deutsch ,f, Sport Editot, . ... , """ , . , , ',' ,', . .... Thelma Siebel't Sport Edi tot' . · ... Orville Linck Art Editor. ..... Dorris Selleck Personal Editor .. Celia Sosensky HUlnor Editor. · ... ,Walter Carey Business Assistant. , . Philip Gen tile lIluntlty .!\lIuiunru EditOl'iai. .. 1Vll'. ]Vl. l\'lcLal'cn Blisiness. ... .. J\'h, R. Cunliffe Jhmi01' Q1.ltlllU .!\lIuiuury illourll Ted E ngli sh ; I-Ielen Deutsch; Orville Linck; Jack i\llilliga n; \"aIte!' O'Neil; Ray PelTing; Leonard I-larding M. Pillsbur.Y H. Par\{e[' W. Carey D. Selleck H. Deutsch R. PelTing W. Northcott L. Harding O. Linck 1'. Siebert D. Weitcrson V. Sweitzer C. Sosensky P. Gentil e G 7 ~ , • I. ,~');i. " - 1· ' ~" 4:.,}:"' I I 8 9 10 11 ., . ...., [132.5) 13 12 Senior Class Committees ANNUAL Senior Class History l"larion Pillsbury, Chairman Ray Pillsbury A history and review of the activities of the Senior Class is extremely difficult BANQUET to express inasmuch as this year's class is the first graduating class of the Newman Ertell, Chairman co ll e~e, The members of the class have been attending this institution since Virginia Fair the Junior College days and to relate all of the activities of the class, it would Venit Fail' be necessary to review, marc Ol'less, the history of the college itself, CAPS AND GOWNS \Ve are the pionecr graduating class of the College of the City of Detroit, l\'icycr Blatt, Chairman l''lost of us, along with a lot of others, entered the college four years ago as naive i"laurice Ayel's Freshmen, when our alma mater was known as Junior College and only a two E li zabeth Long year course was offered. \Ve came, we saw, we stuck, and we conquered, that is those who now make up the Senior Class surely did, and the college authorities CLASS IVIEi\10RIAL decided to sign our BachelOl' of Arts diplomas as a mal'le of achievement. We Jack Duncan, Chairman had the distinction of being the uppel'class of the college during Olll' sophomore, Hazen Dever junior, and seniol' years, for when the majority of us became juniors the college FINANCE course was extended to include third year students, and when we became seniors Russell Lightbody, Chairman the college was ready to give tiS fourth year instruction and a degree. Lucille Lang Our class is honored to include students whose efforts while undergraduates Ray Pillsbury aided in mal{ing a four year college a reality, and the class has honored them. Helen Lee' Among our present fifty odd members are some who had completed the two­ GENERAL COi\\i\lENCEMENT year course before the scope of the college was extended, who then waited or Leonard Grinnell, Chairman went to other institutions, but who returned to have the distinction of receiving Committee Chairmen as members degrees at the initial commencement of the College of t?e City of Detroit, PICTURE lYlany of those who were with us in 1922 and 1923 left for other institutions \Valter Gleason, Chairman and professional schools, and consequently the Senior Class is not large. To Vent Fair some of us who graduate, the city-owned college has been a godsend. PIN \Ve have some plucky and industrious students and leaders among us, and they, Lucille Lang, Chail'man and we hope all of us, realize that Commencement Day is only commencement Evelyn McElveen day, as Dean l''lacleenzie is wont to emphasize, Robert Ross Among our number, as the modest records of attainments alongside the PUBLICITY photographs declare, are men and women who have achieved college fame as Virginia Fair, Chail'ln~Ul orators, actors, literary lights, and as mighty men of sport. Eugene Magnell The C lass of 1925 has not neglected social affairs OL' the opportunity of estab­ SKIP-DAY lishing precedents. A number of noteworthy functions were held during the Robed Ross, Chairman final semester. On April 18, an informal dinner dance was held at the Detroit Florence \Vilson Yacht Club, On l\'lay 26, Swingout Day, we Seniors appeared dignifiedly in the caps and gowns of Bachelors of Art fOl' the first time for the edification of the SOCIAL college, l\'lay 28, to show that we could, we bolted school and went on a picnic. Francis Rhoades, Chairman June 14 to 18 inclusive marked Commencement \Veek The ~.- Senior Class Evelyn IVlcElveen Banquet was held on the last day of Commencement \\Teek Tllese occasions Robert Ross served to add to the store of blessed college memories for the fuhil~G . Virginia Gordon All things must have a beginning, and all beginnings are difficult. But a SWINGOUT short time has elapsed since the inception of the college that will soon become Hazen Devcl', Chairman full-fledged. \Ve have struggled and may have felt reshicted at times by neces­ Lucille Lang sal'y limitations. But within us we carry a love fOI' the Green and the Gold, Robert Ross and a vision of the splendid and broadened college of the future, in whose interests, Florence \Vilson we, as her first a lumni, hope to be active. INVITATION Florence \Vilsoll, Chairman Elizabeth Long -119251= Donald S. Leonard President SClliol' C lnss, 4; President Freshman Class, I ; President SopholllOl'c Class. 2; President Junior Clnss, 3; M c mbcl' Student Council , I, 2,3, 4; President Student Council, 2, 3, 4; Captain Debate Team, 1, 2, 3, 4; ManHgc r, I, 2, 3, 4; Mcmbcl' S tudent Club Cabinet, I; Spo.'t Editor Collegian, 1, 2,3; Chief ESC I'ibo, C. H. C., I, 2, 3; Vi rginia Fair CIHlil'lllan Vigibnce Committee, 4; Coll ege Opera, G lee Club, I, 2, 3; Vicc Presid cnt 2; Studcnt 2; President Pi K"J.? pa Delta National Honor Council, 4, Society, 4; Winnel' lJavidow Awnnl 1'01' Debate and Oratory, 3; Genel'nl Chnil'man J Hop, 3; Chairman Aci"isOI'\' BOIlre! Anllunl, 3 ; J' l cmhcl' College Social CO ; ~ lmitt cc, I , 2, 3, 4; Gencr<li CllOli rnwll Soph Prom, 2; Anllunl Slnff. 2; Cha il'mall Four Year College Co mmittee. 1. 2, 3; Sphinx Club, Florence \Vilson Lucille Lang ScniOl' C lass Vice-Prcsidcnt; Soph Prom Committce 2; Fl'Osh Frolic Committce,.), 4 ; Studcnt Counci l, Frcnch Club, 2;An.Tilt·Lil{, 3, 4; Scniol' Pin Com­ 3, 4; Sccrctary 3 ; Coll cgc Socia l Committec 3, 4; mittcc; SeniOi' Mcmbcl' Student COlillci l; Sccre· j Hop Committcc, 3; An- Tik- Lilt, Sccretan', 3 ; tary, 4. Vicc-President, 4; Annual I\tivisory Boarel, 3; Vicc-President Junior C lnss ; Gcncl'ni Chairman Matinec Onnccs; Chail'man SeniOl' Invitation Comm" Commcnccmcnt Committcc. l" \al'ion Pillsbury Raymond Pillsbury Scnior Class Secretary; Dralllntic Arts Socich', I, House of RC]2l'cscntativcs, I, 2; Tmclt, l, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4; SCCl'etm'Y Cabinet", 2; Baslwtball , L 2; Capfain, 3; UI'.\lnatic ,hts Society, I, 2, 3, 4, Frosh F roli c Committce, 1; FI'cllch Club; Soph Prcsidcnt, 2, 4; Junior C lass Trca s ul~ c l'; College Prom Committec, 2; Coll ege Social Committce, 2; Opel'n, 2; Studcnt Council, ,4; C. H, G.; "D" Club; Student COlln cil, 3; Assistant Editor Coll cgian, I. French Club; Collcgian Staff, 2; Senior Finance 2; Snat? Editor Annual, 3; All- Tilt- Lilt, 4; W. S. Committec. G. J\. Cabinet, 4; Chairman Stylc Show, 3; Senior Class ,\ nmml Editor, 4; University.of Michi ga n, 3, Russel Lightbody j\'laul'ice Ayers TrcasUl'cr Scnior C lass; King G. H . C., l, 2, 3, 4; Football, 1,2; Basltctball, 1,2,3,4; Cnptain, 2,3,4; Student Club Sccrctm'y; D. ;\. S., 3, 4; Spanish "D" Club; Sphinx C lub; Treasurer Soph Class, 2; Club; Chcss and C hccltcl' C lub. Senior Financc Committec. J. Digby Duncan ll'!eye," Blatt Football, I, 2, 3, 4; Trac\t, 1,2; Cns HOllsc Gang; Captain Basltc{ ball team, 1, 2; Football, 1; Sphin x; Prcsidcnt "D" Club; Spanish Club; Studcnt Council , 1, 2, 3; Cosmof)olitnn Club; Scnior Mcmbcr Studcnt Council; Scniol' Mcmorial Scniol' Cap and Gown Committec C mirman; "D" Committcc, Club. 16 17 :119 2 5 1~ Newman El'tcll Wm. Boyd Prcm icl' C. 1-1. G., 1, 2,3,4; Foo llx dl 1, 2,3, ' 4; Football, 1,2,3,4; "0" Club.
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