m-Mjmcmatut R g m u y ■ W r‘irC4W iyttO|yUwyW H^ M-VNCHFSTFR Pun tknn PttentnnnMf- m m a t -» - SPORTS FOCUS m m «m e* . T vp w o rw- ^ ■«SM »s A SBmcc DUHeromr «»wir#d. e>r0«ri«i«(;« «iwtmaw Bat Mt MTOT- 109 Bast IF I UM5MT **v. «w>*w A 9L3S01. t-emwr sirwt. i«€W tr-t&a«A -Sc r b e HS, 1 2 N i D b M c t IR8 ibr OBitiB 3 bCfMlfMeodk iSiniMte AWWPeerypMMstiHg i EM TS LdwH Cone. Wm C lW N a d d H ----------- 'SMAtspcMUlSf t 4 KBPS NwdBtf-Por Bwsl- OOPIMRCdll (* » accounts. Full tlnw, Win dip dby cone m m y s«,(M»«».0l»FarM1ni«, nPHtsed Hom# tbr chiiw ypur iterdUbornddd sslllnp, fWi OMPr 1 . Con onytMid r«M o t businasB. Sot your MNdy itMRf HPiwwihm- Mw -W3K Rymdn,stmrpwimgfedity own hours. Troininv oro- Alt reot eslPte odysrtlsed vufoif. Con; ■rwV OnWBiVy WMlIiy in the Manchester Herald S rkmm hpuiMW cwonbidv powA M -Pr Mam to Siam rControl IS subfect to the Fair stonoord tfm «). ifVr OTiv ffimpr fipom . Houstnp Act of itW , which Owtws Eiechrfc— HPvtng WestefMtrdrriusirtMp. mokes it iiiepoi to adver­ frectrrcoi FroMemsr fe w Sdff. Cm p p , r m , Socrotory nootfod wo- ^ t*w MMfwWqaamy pf •wne i y « *pdnf. A p y tise any preference, iim- ITS o (ongie out iherwt WPpPd lorge or demon ffie Mwpw prwes con, vwmber 1st tor office in itotlon or discriminotlon White ypur out s fa m n « S g P d T WP SpectoB ie w ovfpvwwff Miio jannd049B». Rdwr, SUMP ditd Monehesfer. Hia school based on roce, color, reii- v p w p rW , r n cfeon ypur 2 L dlolomo required. Good ■E^IF m o iw . Pton, sex or notlonol hut ondror prepare d Arf* Lfdflf TruCRtrtd- C d iH fypina swiis. Appiicont ortpln, or on intention to 646-na. iditffroctron dw-i homecoofcedmew. netyr- cettdre,dfWce,pare^e iBaiirhpstrr) v t /'y of Hrrajft must be oMe to work moke ony such prefer­ Mces proyfddd. Cott tm n a a . independontly en<t posess ence, limitation or dis- Cothy, M »m Boner 4pm. IM B S S S S S z r ottsctlve communicofton M fa ra end oppnonces crlminotlon. The Herald movod. O dd robs. vP ry (li«ipyNB« me skills. Soiory ronoe SS.30 will not knowingly accept CwanindeeryfcesotMeretf. WsWSSSL to S7.2S per hour depmd- honest dep'endebre ony advertisement which We«iy, (Pi-weekiy, worker. 2B yeors expo- Oct. « . 1dm Inp upon experience. Is in vfoiotlon of the low. monnny. Upwawe. nptW- Fodorty Sronwre — Bo- Hence M mevkid. 54AMMP SdPm5te**5£^Jl52i' Fleose eon Cothv ot eost- ences. 64f - n t 3 u t 6» m 4l. Mfoom remodMind; m- IW flU V y ww9 9 w w 4 conn, 4SA-3254 for oppllco- 3# Locust Street. 2 Fomlly Wanofion wafer heotere, Wjps.gndfaundaHanre» non. EOE. ■ a a K s s s r : E is rs ir” 4 rooms each, si39,900. parooge dtepoeots; faucet Screened Loom,gravaf- 0 Frlnclpols only. Coll 046- repoim. peMsap. vfso/M- 0 B U n v B i i i ,proceesed gravet,sand^ Shorps Dolby cossette 39 used ceramic moMS. Munson's Chocolates 1426. W ttkdtrfs 9-S. dJJggorgdcgPWA^^ ,stone, ond tin. For route 6 Moiton Is now deck. S4B. 549-19W.O Good condnon $35 takes Reagan calls oeceptino opollcotlens for Government Homes from tferee b o o in ^ C o m p M p oll.54AtS37.o fMme ypur owm price — w liMfV^eMlOpvwr 7iv*7Hv. C j^s Mothes color tv. port nme tPM l suits. The *1 (u repoir). Delinquent Father ond eon. Foet, Cjfre ktchidM a farnout. sps pw menm. WMdMtn 25” Kreen, needs work. Hours ore 4pm-Mam. Mon­ tox property. Reposses­ dependdpie service. o w r * 15 foot Among freeser day nirouoh Fridoy ond $ STRETCH TOUR burger *• convomenny fo^ S5A Can a fltr 3pm 5W- upright, onttque moho- sions. Coll SOSMT-MWext WnfWd/Fjoperhdndlhd A budget B y using one port 1095.0 hours on Soturdoy or G H fW5 for Current repos­ AempyW. Con MnW29r. Odd robs, TruckMd. Heme eofjd Mpwdovdr |near gony server. Lionet Sundov. Totoilnp i5 -» session list. fppofrs. yo u name n, we soy extender to four ports ■oihan, Hebron ifae.ican irolns, Winchester 30/30 of meat. Vour taste buds sep-stas. Wosher/dryer Kenmore tax overhaul hours per week. Coll for ^ n. Free eeffmotes. rifle mod M-iever, Win­ appointment ot 64T-9639. Manchester - Chorming Lookmg for something Insured. 6434B64. won't be obie to ten the (White), excellent condi­ chester i5go shotgun, C •peCtof? Why not run a difference, but your tion, osking $200 eoch. Connote Wo^k skeet mod, 12 Remington C 1WS yictorlon. Beoutifui Any teacher interested in 54 ocre lot, 4 cor garage, ’ WdmM to Buy" od in Detiverrng clean form budget wilii Boost your ixcaranon, tOund Stove, Mogic Chef, ol- rifle, 30 slide. Kodak silds privote tutorinp of hlph wrap around perch, 5 Ciopftfled. The cost is icm n; 5 yards ITS plus fox. budget by selling idle noor, 0«ma. insure, mond, $200, excellent con- prolector and screen. 54A school students In school bedrooms ond porch. Eot- inftotl... the response Mg. Also sond, efone, ana itenm in your home w nno oensed. ftM ta r. Rt< dltlon. Refrigerotor, tS73. or out of school pieose coii in kitchen ond formal 543^2711. trauti. eon ASGtme. low-cost od In classified. Caron. Montgomery Word, ol- ‘a revolution’ East Catholic. MP-S3M. dining room. Hor«dcrafred mond, $100, good condl- RCA colored console tv, non. Con evenings 649- $50. Antique white and firepioces, hardwood 3770. Wonted cleonlnp womon floors and unique detail­ gold French provincioi By Jim Luthdr economy. 1 will oppose with all m y for apartment. 643^673. ing odd on original touch bedroom set. Single bed, The Associdfed Rress might any attempt to raise tax Stove, refrigerotor $50 to this hondssome home. mottress and box spring rates on the American people." T Good Job Opportunities! eoch. Copper tone. Coll not included. Night stand Asking Slt7,dM. Coll Fl- n m m m WASHINGTON - Calling It a T 5435554 offer 4pm. ond dresser included. The new law. at least five years Housekeeplnp/Loundry . ono Reony 545-5200. 0 1 "aweepfnK victory for fairness." FON NENT □ $200/best offer. 5439575. in the making, is one for which both Our housekeeplnp- Presidient Reagan today signed /loundry department Is Placing on od In Clossifled political parties are eager to claim Spacious u A R 0 room Into law a landmark tax overhaul currently occeptinp oppll- Colonial. 4 lorge bed­ Monchesfer-Newer town- 3 ond 4 room oportments, Coventry-4 room, i bed­ Is easy. Just coll 5432711. Anderson cronk out three credit two weeks before the con­ Monehesfer- immocuiote house, 2 bedrooms, 1'/i We'll help you with the that slashes rates, curtails deitac- cotlons. Excellent benef­ rooms, panelled fomlly no appliances,no pets,se- room,, oppnonces, gor- section window wood gressional elections. The president 5 room Ronch, 3 bed­ boths, tally opplionced. wording of your od. tions and cuts taxes for most its, meals Included. Benef­ room, country kffchen, curlty,coll 545-2425. Week- oge, no utilities, no heot, framed with screens 59” had put tax reform at the top of his its pro-rota for port time. rooms, nice lot. $104,500. Smoll complex, low condo dovs A5. wide 43" length. $99. Americans. 2v^ baths. In ground pool, lorge yord, loke prlvel- second-term domestic agenda; the If Interested In lolninp our Strono Real Estate 547- fee, convenient location. 549-1S19.0 "This lax bin is less a reform 54 acre lot. Asking 7553b oges. Coll 742-9543 offer final version of tbe bill was stoff pieose contact the laW OO. u A R Realty $02,500. Owner 545-4320. Two bedroom apartment 4:30 or weekends. iM/ICflMEIIY than a revolution." the president 't*. supported by niost Democrats and housekeepino supervisor 543 -35 W .D for rent. Dishwasher, dis­ l/ M O T O O U said to applause of a crowd of Manchester- Nicely lo­ posal, pool, tennis courts. Republicans in the House and ot 043-5151. M o n d a y Excellent Condltion-3 bed­ aides, members of Congress and through Friday, »om- cated, 0 room, 3 b ^o o m , Near 04. Coll 20A7W0 offer Automollvo Senate. Immaculate older Colon- vinyl sided Ranch. room Ranch, 2 baths, Leof Lowner Sweeper. Al­ corporate officials who gathered 4pm. Crestfleld Convales­ lol with lots of space ond 7:00 pm. or (517) 054-5770 basement, goroge, nice cent Home. EOE. $11t,t00. Strono Reol Est­ x4204doys. most new $35. Coll Anv- for a ceremony on the White House The bill makes the most sweep­ lots of charm. Three gen­ ate 547-7553D vord, heating costs $490. time 5494390. ing changes in federal tax law in at erous bedrooms. Eot-ln No pets. $$50/month. 521- South Lawn. M a lu rt reliable babysit­ kitchen plus huge formal Lots for sole. Manchester 9139. "This is the best anti-poverty least 32 years. Its chief authors. ter wonted. Call 545-5507 Monehesfer- Very Nice, 5 bin, the bet pro-family measure, Rep Dan Rostenkowski. D -I I I . and dining room, 1'/i baths, A 5, 3 bedroom Duplex. - building lots overlooking osk for Emma. garage ond more. Coll golf course. $t0,000 and the best Job-creation measure to Sen. Bob Packwood. R-Ore.. say if Seporote Systems.
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