THE COMPARATIVE ARCHAEOLOGY OF UPPER EGYPT TO THE UNIFICATION A Thesís In Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Master of Arts Degree Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research University of Manitoba By C. Christopher Verscheure M¡ ¡¡ L97 L Ìl- ctst , . J'"'.' ,/' 'Io Frances TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES Íii LIST OF FIGURNS. ív LIST OF MAPS vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. vii INTRODUCT ION vi ii Chapter I. THE BADARIAN PERIOD I Pot tery . 2 Badar í 3 Hemamieh 11 Burials. L7 Badar i L7 Ar chí te c ture 18 Badar i 1B Hemamieh 1B Stone Vases. T9 Chipped Stone 79 Badar i L9 Hemamieh 20 Tools and Ideapons 2L 0rnament s 22 Carved Ivory Ground Stone 25 Human Figurines. 26 Comparative Stratigraphy 27 Summary. 29 II. THE NAQADA I PERIOD (AMRATIAN) 32 Pottery, JJ Bur íal s 43 Stone Vases 46 Chipped Stone 47 Ground Stone s4 Page Carved Ivory tr? Tools and l,leapons. 58 Summary. 60 III. THE NAQADA II PERIOD (GERZEAN) 63 Archaeological Opinions on Naqada II 64 Pot terv. 67 Stone Vases. 80 Bur ial s . 84 Mahasna. o+ El Amrah B6 Naqada öt Chipped Stone. 9L Ground Stone 100 Carved Ivory L02 Tools. 103 inleapons. ro4 Human Figurines. 105 Summary. 106 IV. THE PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY OF UPPER EGYPT. 115 Badar Í r15 Naqada IL6 Abydos IL9 Nubia (ear1y Studies) . L2L Summary. L23 V, NATURAL RESOURCES, TRADE, SETTLEMENT AND SHRINES 125 \/T SU},O,ÍARY AND CONCLUS IONS 133 The Badarian Period 133 The Naqada I Period I4L The Naqada II Period r4s FOOTNOTES 148 B IBL IOGRAPHY. 153 11 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1 " 0rientations of Amratian Period Burials 45 2. Comparison of Indices for Upper Egyptian Skul 1 s 12r 111 LIST OF FIGURNS F igur e Page 1.1 Typology of Badarian Pottery. 2 L.L Schematic View of the Stratified Site at Hemamieh l3 1.3 Badarian Pottery Forms. L4 111 Badarian Pottery Forms. l5 't5 Badarian Poctery Forms" L6 r.6 Badarian Pottery Motifs L6 17 Badarian Trait Seríation. 'Q 1Q Badarian Type SeriatÍon 28 2,L The Evolution of l^ihíte on Red Pottery 35 2.2 Motifs on White on Red PotLery. 37 2.3 Special Forms of White on Red Pottery 40 a/, Additíonal Specimens of l^lhice on Red. 40 ,q Naqada I Black-topped Forms 55 t6 A Lypical Naqada I Burial 43 11 Slate Palettes and Ivory Combs. 55 2.8 Flint Implements. 56 2q Sequence Date Seriation of Artifacts Frorn Naqada I 62 As semb lage s 3.1 Frequencies of Pottery Types from El Amrah, 69 3,2 Frequencies of Pottery Types from El Amrah. 70 11 Frequencies of Pottery Types from Armant. 7L 3,4 Red on Buff Pottery 93 3.5 I^lavy-Handled Pottery . 95 1V J.O Rough and Lâte PoËEery. 96 Naqada Il Stone Vases 97 3.8 Naqada Il Burial Assemblages, 88 3.9 Flintlmplements...93 3.10 Carved Slates 101 3.11 Sequence Date Seriation of AitifacËs from Naqada II Assemblages t08 LIST OF MAPS Page Map L. Location of Sites Mentioned in the Text xxvi- ) Egypt's Landf orms and trnlestern Trade Routes. r68 L69 J. Egyptrs Resources 4. Predynastic EgYPt in Relation to Trade Routes of che Ancient Near East L70 Upper Egypt, Predynastic Settlement Distríbution' L7L 6. Location of Major Predynastic ShrÍnes L72 L73 7 , Early Political Capitals of Upper Egypt VA ABBREVIATIONS Amrah Randall-Maclver, D. and A. C. Mace 1902 El Amrah and Abydos (1899-1901). London: Bernara quãitcfr. - A. S. A, E. Service des Antíquites de lrEgypte. Annales. Cairo. Vol. 1- 1900- Bad, Brunton, Guy and G. Caton-Thompson L928, The Badarian Civilization, London. D.A,I.A.K. Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut. MitLeilungen. Abteilung, Kairo. I. E. J, Israel Exploration Journal (Varia). Jerusalem. Vol. l- 1950- J, E. A. Journal of Egyptían Archaeology. London, Vol. 1- 19L4- J. N" E, S, Journal of Near Eastern Studies. continuíng The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, Vols" I-XI, 1884-1895, Vols. XII-LVIII, 1895-L94L" Chicago: Univer- sity of Chicago, 0riental Institute. J. R. A. I. Journal of the Royal Anthropological InstiLute of Great Brítain and lreland. London. Naqada Petr ie, InL M, F , and J. E . Quibe 11 , 1896, Naqada and Ballas. Egypt Exploration Fund Publication No" 1. London: Bernard Quaritch. Z, A. S. Zeitschrift fur Aegyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde" Vol. 1- 1863- v]-1 INTRODUCT ION I. Scope and 0bjectives The broad purpose of the study is to carry out an archaeological review of the Chalcolithic horizons of Upper Egypt in the light of modern research in the 1950rs and 1960's. These horizons, taken to- gether, form the period of Egyptian prehistory known as the Predynastic, Upper Egypt is defined as that portion of the Nile Valley from Aswan, at the Fírst Cataract, northward to Asíyut (map 1), Only the cultures of the Valley are involved. Differing cultures occupied the Western Desert; the mountainous Eastern Regions were virtually uninhabited. The Predynastíc period ended about 3200 B.C, and may have begun as much as a thousand years earlier. Our understanding of the Predynastic period is hampered by the lack of a reliable radiocarbon chronology. The few dates that are known are given at the end of this chapter" The samples from which these dates were derived had lain exposed lo the smog-laden atmosphere of London for 50 years. Some authors have taken this to mean that the specimens vTere contaminated and that physicists cannot compensate for the presence of mod.ern carbon ín the samples (Arkelt and Ucko, 1965: L52a) . Ongoing research over the last four decades has led to changes in the conception of the Predynastic period from the time when Lhe individual site reporLs vTere written. Since the publication of the early reports, the Predynastic period has been a neglected area of Egyptology' Only in vlll the last ten years have modern techniques, r¿hich were developed during the Nubia salvage archaeology projecLs, been applied to the earliest periods e¡ Egyptian prehistory. Much of this work is ongoing and is not yet published. The other types of studies that have gone on in the intervening years have been restudies based upon the site reports and other materials. The present ínvestigalion is a synthesis of the early sources, taking into account the new insÍghts into predynastic cultural developments yielded by the work of such scholars as Baumgartel (1955, 1960) and Kaiser (1956,L957). Thus, the present study is a bridge between Lhe work done in the last two decades and the work in progress. The present synthesis is a summary of the strengLhs and weaknesses of the archaeological work that has been done in Upper Egypt as a body of source mater ial . II. Changing Views of the Predvna_stic Period Ejtrl iest i^lork The predynastic sites of Upper Egypt vr'ere excavated between 1896 and 1938 by the British School of Archaeology in Egypt at a time \^rhen scientific archaeology was still in its infancy" The outstanding figure connected with these excavations is Sir I^Iilliam Matthiew Flinders Petrie (1853-L942) who invented a relative dating scheme called Sequence Dating, the forerunner of modern statistical seriation. It is unfortunate that the orígÍnal excavators rvere forced to be speedy and exhaustive in their investigations in order to keep ahead of the local inhabitants who were plundering the sites in search of artifacts which could be sold to 1X tourists and to local antiquarians. At Naqada, for example, few of the 3000 burials in the cemetery \ùere untouched. inlhen the predynastic sites \,üere excavated, absolute dating methods had not yet been developed and consequently typological seriation v/as the major tool of archaeological investigation. The early image of the pre- dynastic period as built by Petrie and later workers \Âras of a succession of culture periods (Tasian, BadarÍan, Amratian, Gerzean, and Semainean), Mid- centurv I,rIork In the 1940's, typological re-studies assimilated the Tasian cul- ture into the Badarian, and the Semaínean into the Gerzean (Kantor, L944) , At the same Lime there \^ras a revival of Petriers terminology replacíng the Amratian and Gerzean horizons, respectively, with "Naqada I" and "Naqada II". Thís Lerminology was based upon Petriets demonstration of the typological development occurring in the 3000-grave cemetery at Naqada" The work of trnlerner Kaiser in the 1950's has taken this idea a step farther. Kaiser has argued that Naqada was the centre for the artifact types associated with the predynastic period (exclusive of the Badarian horizon)(1956,1957>. Kaiser had disputed on stratigraphíc grounds the rígid sequence of the predynastíc culture as shov¡n by the single strati- fied site for the period. Thus, the mid-century trend in predynastic research was toward seeing the predynastic Chalcolithic horizons as being partly contemporary in their or¿n disLricts. The present study has followed up this line of thinking by a rigorous archaeological analysis of the artifacts. It is the conclusion expressed below that the amount of chronological overlap may have been much greater than was previously suspected although the actual length of time cannot be known in the absence of absolute dates for the entire occupation of the predynastic siLes, Ongoinq Research It was soon observed in the course of preparing thís study that the traditional published reports are totally inadequate to support the requÍrements of modern archaeology which is using quantitative metrical and chemical analyses, The inescapable conclusion is that the applica- Lion of modern techniques in Egyptology must be based upon ne\^l original research without expecting help from previously published reports.
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