1960-61 VICTORIA FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING BOARD OF VICTORIA FOR THE PERIOD I ST JULY, I 958, TO 30TH JUNE, I 959 PRESENTED 'fO BOTH HOUSES 01'' PARLIAMENT PURSUA-~T '1'0 SECTIO~ 5 (3) OF THE TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1958 [4ppro~male Cost of Repott.-Preparatlon, not given. Printing (1,100 copies), £130.] By Authority : A. C. BROOKS, GOVERNMENT PRINTER. MELBOURNE. No. 33.-{ls. 9d.].-9766/ 60. Town and Country Planning Board FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT 61 Spring-street, Melbourne, C.l. The Honorable the Minister for Local Government, 61 Sping-street, .Melbourne, C.l. SIR, 1. In accordance with the requirements of Section 5 (3) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1958 (No. 6396), the Board has pleasure in submitting to you for presentation to Parliament, the report on its decisions, recommendations, and other transactions during the twelve months ended 30th June, 1959. The Board regrets that because of heavy pressures of other work and staff shortage this Report has been so much delayed. 2. The Board held 42 meetings, as well as being represented at a number of conferences in both metropolitan and country centres. THE ACT. 3. As a part of the general consolidation of Victorian Statutes, the Town and Country Planning Acts were consolidated during the year. The new Act, which is cited as the Town and Country Planning Act 1958 (No. 6396), came into operation by proclamation of the Governor in Council on 1st April, 1959. 4. It is regretted that the various machinery amendments for which the Board has been pressing for a number of years were not able to be passed before the consolidation of the Act. 5. Whilst these amendments are not of a particularly urgent nature, they will, when enacted, ensure the smoother operation of the Act by removing anomalies which exist under the present legislation. REGULATIONS. 6. Town and Country Planning Regulations No. 9 were approved by the Governor in Council on 17th September, 1958, and published in Government Gazette No. 87, dated 24th September, 1958. 7. These Regulations make a minor amendment to Clause 19 and the Twelfth Schedule to Town and Country Planning Regulations No. 7 with relation to the issue of certificates that land described in an application is or is not within an area in respect of which an Interim Development Order or a planning scheme applies. 8. Consequent upon the establishment of a new procedure for the approval by the Governor in Council of the documents comprising a planning scheme, amending regulations are accordingly required. These amending regulations, Town and Country Planning Regulations (No. 10), have been prepared and are at present awaiting the approval of the Governor in Council. 9. The new procedure set down in these proposed regulations is referred to in detail in clauses 12 to 18 of this Report. 4 PLANNING SCHEMES-GENERAL. 10. Details of planning schemes commenced, in course of preparation, or approved as at 30th June, 1959, are set out in the following pages. The Board has under constant review the planning schemes contained in list " C " with a view to recommending the revocation of the relevant Interim Development Orders unless assurances are given that the pa:ticular planning scheme will be further advanced in the near future. The schedules compnse :- List "A "--Planning Schemes Approved-comprises schemes which have been approved by the Governor in Council. The date of approval and notification of such approval in the Government Gazette is shown in each case. List "B "--Planning Schemes Proceeding Satisfactorily-comprises those schemes in the preparation of which satisfactory progress has been maintained during the past twelve months. List " C "-Planning Schemes Officially Recorded as Commenced--comprises those municipalities which have resolved to prepare planning schemes but on which no progress has been made during the year. A number of schemes which had been commenced were subsequently discontinued when the areas affected were included within the metropolitan planning area or under the planning control of a joint committee, and these are not included in the list. PLANNING SCHEMES COMMENCED, IN COURSE OF PREPARATION, OR APPROVED AS AT 30TH JUNE, 1959. LIST "A"-PLANNING ScHE!\-IES APPROVED. lloard's Report Date of t,o Minister Approval by Seheme. Pursuant to ('x-Overnor in Date. Section 18 (2) of the Act. Council. Cities. Ararat (7,900) 15.12.53 15.11.55 870 24.10.56 *Broadmeadows, Part 1 13.9.50 14.10.52 833 22.10.52 *Broadmeadows, Part 1, Amendment No. 1 26.2.54 4.5.54 333 12.5.54 *Broadmeadows, Part 1, Amendment No. 2 30.3.54 30.11.54 1148 8.12.54 *Broadmeadows, Part 1, Amendment No. 3 4.3.55 27.4.55 233 4.5.55 *Brunswick, No. 1 10.6.49 25.10.49 879 26.10.49 *Brunswick, No. 2 .. 25.7.52 25.8.53 768 2.9.53 *Brunswick, No. 3 .. 21.5.54 16.6.54 587 23.6.54 *Brunswick, 1956 27.3.57 22.10.57 264 4.12.57 *Brunswick 1956, Amendment No. 1 2.12.58 22.12.58 7 21.1.59 *Camberwell 14.12.56 8.10.57 252 30.10.57 *Coburg, No. 1 19.3.51 21.8.51 843 22.8.51 *Moorabbin, Section l 20.2.52 9.12.52 3 7 .1.53 *Moorabbin, Section 1, Amendment No. 1 18.8.53 15.9.53 777 16.9.53 *Moorabbin, Section 1, Amendment No. 2, 1956 23.7.57 20.8.57 243 18.9.57 *Moorabbin, Section I, Amendment No. 3, 1957 14.3.58 1.4.58 41 14.5.58 *~'Ioorabbin 1952 .. 23.11.54 31.5.55 409 29.6.55 *~'Ioorabbin 1952, Amendment No. 1, 1955 17.9.56 13.11.56 1029 12.12.56 *Moorabbin 1952, Amendment No. 2, 1956 17.9.56 13.11.56 1029 12.12.56 *Moorabbin, 1952, Amendment No. 3, 1956 2.7.57 20.8.57 243 18.9.57 *Moorabbin, 1952, Amendment No. 4, 1957 22.4.58 10.6.58 53 18.6.58 *Moorabbin, 1952, Amendment No. 6, 1957 22.4.58 27.5.58 52 11.6.58 *Moorabbin 1952, Amendment No. 7, 1958 28.1.59 24.2.59 20 4.3.59 *Nunawading 30.8.50 15.5.51 515 23.5.51 *Nunawading 1954 .. 8.8.55 19.6.56 721 11.7.56 *Sandringham 1948 . 3.11.48 26.4.49 328 4.5.49 *Sandringham 1948, Amendment No. 1 30.4.51 28.8.51 910 29.8.51 *Sandringham 1948, Amendment No. 2, 1956 .. 21.1.58 1.4.58 113 17.12.58 Shepparton (12,500) . 12.7.54 17.5.55 315 25.5.55 Shepparton 1953, Amendment No. 1, 1956 6.8.57 18.12.57 5 29.1.58 Boroughs. Moe-Newborough 1951, Amendment No. 1 18.6.58 2.7.58 65 16.7.58 • In metropolitan area. ) Population in area. 5 LisT "A"-PLANNING ScHEMES APPROVED-continued. Board's Report Date of to Minister Approval by Governm"nt Scheme. Pursuant to Governor in Gazette Date. Section 18 (2) No. of the Act. Council. i I Shires. *Altona 18.4.57 25.3.58 24 2.4.58 *Altona 1958, Amendment No. 1 9.12.58 22.12.58 13 4.2.59 Ballarat (3,700) 14.8.57 29.1.58 10 19.2.58 Benalla (portion of planning area now within Borough of 4.10.54 11.1.55 7 19.1.55 Benalla) (500) I Benalla 1953, Amendment No. 1 22.7.58 5.8.58 84 17.9.58 Cobram (2,000) 11.10.49 19.12.50 I 1051 20.12.50 Morwell (Boolarra) (300) 1. 6.56 27.5.58 I 13 4.2.5H Morwell (Morwell Township) (13,000) 31.8.55 15.1.57 109 20.2.57 Morwell 1954, Amendment No. 1 5.9.58 7.10.58 108 3.12.58 Morwell 1954, Amendment No. 2 6.2.58 5.5.59 77 26.8.59 Morwell (Yinnar) (500) 6.2 ..56 27.5.58 13 4.2.5\1 Narracan (Moe-Newborough) (major portion of area now 12.2.54 12.10.54 933 20.10.54 within Borough of Moe) (15,500) Warragul (Warragul Township) (5,500) 20.6.57 4.2.58 42 21.5.58 Prepared by the Board pursoont to Section 5 of the Act. Club Terrace (Shire of Orbost) {150) .. 6.5.54 24.5.55 330 1.6.55 Eildon Sub-Region {3,500) 19.12.52 26.5.53 484 27.5.53 Eildon Sub-Region, Amendment No. 1, 1955 16.8.55 6.3.56 264 21.3.56 Eildon Sub-Region, Amendment No. 2 10.4.58 8.5.58 42 21.5.58 Latrobe Valley Sub-Region (comprising portions of Shires 26.2.51 24.7.51 710 25.7.51 of Morwell, Narracan, Rosedale and Traralgon) (5,000) Latrobe Valley Sub-Region, Amendment No. 1, 1953 4.1.54 22.6.54 634 30.6.54 Ocean Road Planning Scheme {5,500) .. 12.7.57 15.4.58 33 30.4.58 Tallangatta Planning Scheme 1956 (900) "I 5.5.58 25.6.58 61 9.7.58 Tyers Township (300) 1 5.10.53 14.2.56 226 22.2.56 Yallourn North (comprising portions of Shires of Morwell I and Narracan) (1,500) . 18.6.53 24.5.55 409 29.6.55 I • In metropolitan area.
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