City of Las Vegas employees Supreme Court rules Harley stunner spikes retaliate against states can require online tension with Trump Las Vegas Tribune sellers to collect sales tax over trade policy PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 Volume 20, Issue 18 June 27-July 3, 2018 lasvegastribune.com Supreme Court upholds President’s travel ban By Lydia Wheeler PXOWLDJHQF\UHYLHZ³WKDWHQWU\ The Hill of the covered aliens would be The Supreme Court in a 5-4 detrimental to the national interest,” ruling on Tuesday upheld President Roberts wrote in the opinion. 7UXPS·VEDQRQQDWLRQDOVIURPÀYH Justices Anthony Kennedy, Muslim-majority countries from Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito entering the United States. and Neil Gorsuch joined Roberts In a majority opinion authored in the majority, with liberal Jus- by Chief Justice John Roberts, the tices Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan, court said the president has broad Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader discretion under immigration law Ginsburg dissenting. to suspend the entry of people into The president immediately took the United States. to Twitter to announce the news. “The president lawfully exer- “SUPREME COURT UP- cised that discretion based on his HOLDS TRUMP TRAVEL BAN. ÀQGLQJV³IROORZLQJDZRUOGZLGH Wow!” he tweeted. The decision is a significant victory for Trump, who issued the My Point ÀUVWWUDYHOEDQ³ZKLFKGHWUDFWRUV of View (See Travel Ban, Page 3) By Rolando Larraz When Lou Toomin is looking Can a Nevada law pass for someone to have lunch with he always comes to me because he knows that I feel sorry for him, and even if I do not order anything to eat, I have an ice cream or a glass constitutional muster? of iced tea. By Thomas Mitchell The case was a challenge to No one wants to be bothered Our federal and state constitu- a Minnesota law that requires a with Lou Toomin because he is tions are meant to lay the ground divorced spouse to be automati- “losing it” according to former rules for what our governments cally dropped as a life insurance friends and associates; he is “se- can and cannot do, spelling out the EHQHÀFLDU\³DODZWKDWWUHDGVRQ nile” and a pain in the neck, accord- rights of the individual to be free the U.S. Constitution’s Contracts ing to another alleged friend. from the dictates for well-meaning Clause, which states, “No State /RXVWDUWHGFRPLQJWRP\RIÀFH but overweening lawmakers. shall … pass any Bill of Attainder, one or two times a week, and then A recent obscure and little-noted ex post facto Law, or Law impairing ended up coming almost on a daily Supreme Court case out of Min- the Obligation of Contracts …” A basis because he does not like to nesota tore the heart out of one of life insurance policy is most assur- lunch alone and no one else appears WKRVHULJKWVE\ÁLSSDQWO\GLVPLVV- edly a contract. to want to have lunch with him. LQJWKHVLJQLÀFDQFHRIRQHRIWKRVH Nevada has a similar law, NRS One day we were coming back rights and claiming the outcome is 111.781, passed in 2011, that states from lunch and a car hit his SUV. what is best for the lackadaisical DOOOLVWHGEHQHÀFLDULHVRQOLIHLQ- We were at the scene of the “al- peons. surance policies are automatically leged” accident when a friend What other rights might be in UHYRNHGRQFHDGLYRUFHLVÀQDOL]HG called him to let him know that he jeopardy? (See Nevada Law, Page 4) was “in serious trouble” and he was going to lose his driving privileges. I wonder how that “friend” Why the children crossing America’s knew about the accident and how he would know that, because of his age, that he would lose his driver’s license, but I did not say a word. borders should be treated differently A short time after the accident, By Rolando Larraz These Cuban children came to a police detective called Lou to tell Las Vegas Tribune the United States under Operation him that he had lost his driver’s Operation Peter Pan (or Op- Peter Pan that began to take shape license; in the meantime, another eración Pedro Pan) was a mass exo- in Washington in mid-1960. (It was person called him to tell him that dus of over 14,000 unaccompanied called that because Peter Pan had he was an attorney representing the Cuban minors to the United States taken the three Darling children man who hit his (Lou’s) SUV and between 1960 and 1962. Father away to Never-Never Land.) The if he could “come up with $50,000, Bryan O. Walsh of the Catholic name was sadly ironic, for many of he’d make the problem “disap- Welfare Bureau created the pro- those children who were sent out of pear”; from 50 thou the offer got gram to provide air transportation Cuba, the United States would be a lowered to $5,000, but I told Lou to the United States for Cuban land from which they would never, that he should not do that. children. (See Border Crossing, Page 3) I told him that he is better off to go through the legal system if he already lost his license and his driv- ing privileges, and that if, according Bias in the media? We’re shocked! By Thomas Mitchell obscure Nye County commissioner who has been accused of sexual enhancement. WRWKH´GHWHFWLYHµKHZDV´ÀQLVKHGµ Did a political columnist for the disendorsing Republican guberna- harassment, but totally ignored a In fact, the same day’s paper because of his age, why should he morning newspaper just accuse his torial candidate Adam Laxalt for press release two weeks ago from carried a lengthy story about the pay any amount of money? own publication of political bias? failing to endorse the Republican Republican Sen. Dean Heller accus- commissioner’s disendorsement Before his last birthday he re- Columnist Victor Joecks noted primary winner in Assembly Dis- ing Democratic primary senatorial of Laxalt along with quotes from newed his driver’s license without that the media jumped all over an trict 36, brothel owner Dennis Hof nominee Jacky Rosen of resume (See Media Bias, Page 5) a problem, and so far he is clear of any problem, and the man who hit his SUV went back to California and as far as I know Lou never 7DULIIVDUHVHHQDVZD\RIÀJKWLQJ heard from him again. Well, now, after the accident disappeared, and no one was able to Chinese intellectual property theft take any money from Lou Toomin By Thomas Mitchell something between $225 billion (thanks to me, and my talking to China is accusing Trump of to $600 billion worth of fashion two judges, and my being full of using bullying tactics by imposing designs, pharmaceutical formulas lunchtime iced tea), I got a call billions in tariffs on goods import- and new technologies from U.S. from Lou asking me if I was using ed from the communist country, companies every year, according his Social Security number to get a according to CBS News. to the Commission on Theft of loan on my house. A spokesman for the Chinese American Intellectual Property,” I thought he was joking; how Commerce Ministry said accusa- she writes. can a man that I have always treated tions of forced technology transfer Meanwhile, at The Wall Street with respect disrespect me so badly, and intellectual property theft Journal, Peter Navarro, an assistant but then I realized that Lou repeats “seriously distorted the history to the president for trade and manu- everything he is told and he did not and reality.” facturing policy and director of the mean any wrong by that question. But Betsy McCaughey, writing White House National Trade Coun- Lou knows that I don’t have at Townhall, notes that the tariffs cil, reports that American com- a house; in fact I do not own any are being called a theft tax, because panies are being forced to accept property at all. I have nothing under the Chinese government policy has technology transfers just to gain my name, not even my underwear, been to steal or extort American access to the huge Chinese market. (See My Point of View, Page 2) intellectual property. “China steals (See Chinese Tariffs, Page 6) Page 2 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / June 27-July 3, 2018 City of Las Vegas employees retaliate against Las Vegas Tribune By Alexandra Cohen cil meeting while acting as Mayor to all the cars parked on the street Las Vegas Tribune Pro-Tem, ordered City Marshals to because they may be visiting that For quite some time the Las remove Las Vegas Tribune Founder VSHFLÀFKRPHDQGWKH\FDQQRWIRO- Vegas Tribune has been reporting and Publisher, Rolando Larraz, low every car on the block. on an area of the city’s Ward One out of City Hall screaming on the A hit and run car destroyed for allowing business to operate record that Larraz is a racist because the corner home in question, but in a residential area and without a she did not like the newsman’s instead of looking for the predator, business license. opinion during an open forum seg- Hangman cited the homeowner for A mechanic’s shop operates ment of the meeting. the damages caused by the careless openly in an area of the city, Ward As a disclaimer, Larraz’s rela- driver who witnesses claim they One, controlled by City Council- tives live in the corner house in that saw that driver turn the corner at an woman Lois Tarkanian and a group area and his family has been target- excess speed of 70 miles per hour of code enforcement agents acting HGE\FRGHHQIRUFHPHQWRIÀFLDOV in a residential area. like Gestapo police, most likely such as Anthony Roger, AKA Tony A police sergeant taking a 3-hour under Tarkanian approval or at least Roger, and now a female named report of the accident explained to with her blessing.
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