Te Shutle June 2016 The Next NASFA Meeting Is the More-or- Less Annual Cookout/Picnic; 2P; Sue’s House Concom Meeting During the Picnic/Cookout, 18 June 2016 • October: Con†Stellation Postmortem. d Oyez, Oyez d • December: NASFA Christmas Party (location TBD). ! Stay tuned for other months and for info on a likely New The next NASFA Meeting will be 18 June 2016, but it will Year’s Eve party. not be at the regular meeting location or the regular time. FUTURE ATMMs The June meeting will be the More-or-less Annual NASFA We need After-The-Meeting Meeting volunteers for all future Picnic/Cookout. This year it will be held at Sue Thorn’s house months in 2016 except possibly November. In particular, we need —see the map at right if you need help finding it. This will a volunteer for the Christmas Party at or in lieu of the December subsume the meeting, program, and ATMM. Folks will start meeting. Also stay tuned for a probable New Year’s Eve party. Westminster Way Westminster gathering at 2P. A (possibly rather pro forma) Business Meeting Pl Point Madison ~3.6 miles may be held some time during the gathering. south of US-72 Carnette Dr JUNE PROGRAM & ATMM Dr Bibb See above RE the Program & ATMM being subsumed in the More-or-less Annual NASFA Cookout/Picnic. CONCOM MEETINGS Maplewood Dr Maplewood Glenwood Dr Glenwood Red Oak Rd Oak Red Oak St Oak Pension Row Pension The will be a (probably informal) Con†Stellation XXXIV Hwy Triana Wall aka Concom Meeting held during the 18 June 2016 Cookout/Pic- Mill Road nic. Exact timing will depend on (e.g.) who is there, when. Street Sullivan Going forward, it is expected that concom meetings will continue to be on NASFA meeting days, at least until we get close enough to the con to need to meet twice a month. FUTURE PROGRAMS 308 Red Oak Road Several future programs have been set: Madison AL 35758 • August: Les Johnson will give a talk as well as reading from his new book On to the Asteroid <tinyurl.com/OttA-Ama- Map To NASFA zon>(co-authored with Travis Taylor). The book will be re- ~1.8 miles leased 2 August 2016. Cookout/Picnic north of I-565 Continuing Our 36th Year of Publication Inside this issue… ! News & Info ...............................................................................2 British Fantasy Awards Nominations ........................................4 Minutes of the May Meeting .....................................................3 Awards Roundup ........................................................................5 NASFA Calendar ........................................................................3 Letters of Comment ....................................................................7 Chesley Awards Nominations ....................................................4 Kepler-186f Travel Poster from NASA JPL .............................9 Deadline for the July 2016 issue of The NASFA Shuttle is Monday 27 June 2016 FUTURE CLUB MEETING DATES vance Supporting Membership fee is $35. Two future 2016 NASFA meetings have been changed off of The 2018 Worldcon bids are for New Orleans LA (for 22–26 the normal 3rd Saturday due to convention conflicts: August 2018) and San Jose CA (for 16–20 August 2018). The • The August 2016 meeting will be on the 13th, one week ear- Advance Supporting Membership fee is $40. lier than usual due to the KC Worldcon. HUGO PACKET AVAILABLE • The October 2016 meeting will be on the 22nd, one week Members of MidAmeriCon II who are eligible to vote for the later than usual due to Con†Stellation. Hugo (and Retro-Hugo) Awards may download a packet of CHANGING SHUTTLE DEADLINES many of the Hugo Finalists. See details at <mac2-hugo01.mid In general, the monthly Shuttle production schedule has been americon2.org/packet.php>. moved to the left a bit (versus prior practice). Though things FURTHER HUGO NOMINATION CHANGES? are a bit squishy, the current intent is to put each issue to bed Regular readers of the Shuttle will recall that there are about 9 days before each month’s meeting. amendments to the World Science Fiction Society Constitution Please check the deadline below the Table of Contents each pending possible ratification at MidAmeriCon II (including month to submit news, reviews, LoCs, or other material. “E Pluribus Hugo”) that would change the method of selection JOINING THE NASFA EMAIL LIST finalists for the Hugo (and Campbell) Awards. A number of All NASFAns who have email are urged to join the NASFA discussions are now occurring as to whether further changes email list, which you can do online at <tinyurl.com/ may be desirable. See, for instance, several threads at news-site NASFAEmail>. The list is usually low traffic, though the rate is File 770 (e.g., <file770.com/?tag=e-pluribus-hugo>) if you are rather variable. Generally the list is limited to announcements interested in understanding the possibilities. about club activities plus the occasional message of general SLF GRANT ANNOUNCED interest to north-Alabama sf/f/h/etc. fans. Non NASFAns are The Speculative Literature Foundation <speculative both encouraged and welcomed to join the list, but please only literature.org> has announced that the 2016 Working Class do so if you’re interested in the above restricted topics. Writers Grant was won by Lilliam Rivera. The $750 grant is NASFA CALENDAR ONLINE given “to assist working class, blue-collar, poor, and homeless NASFA has an online calendar on Google. Interested parties writers who have been historically underrepresented in specula- can check the calendar online, but you can also subscribe to it tive fiction, due to financial barriers.” and have your Outlook, iCal, or other calendar automatically ! updated as events (Club Meetings, Concom Meetings, local sf/ ! f/h/etc. events) are added or changed. You can view the calen- ! dar! online at <tinyurl.com/NASFACal>. ! ! SFPA POETRY CONTEST OPEN The 2016 Poetry Contest for the Science Fiction Poetry As- News & Info sociation <sfpoetry.com> is open. Entry (fee: $2/poem) is ! available to members and nonmembers through 31 August DUFF WINNER 2016. There are 3 length categories—see <sfpoetry.com/con In an uncontested election, the 2016 Down Under Fan tests.html> for further details. Poems must be unpublished. Fund <downunderfanfund.wordpress.com> race was won by Winners will be announced by 1 October 2016. Clare McDonald-Sims. She received 33 of the 36 votes, with HWA ESTABLISHED YA ENDOWMENT two No Preference votes, and one for Hold Over Funds. In the The Horror Writers Association <horror.org> has created an lower slots of the preferential ballots, there were also two write- endowment fund <horrorscholarships.com/young-adults-write- in votes. The site notes that, “Just over now-endowment-program> to “provide up to five endowments AUD$400 was raised in the voting of $500 each per year for selected libraries to establish new, or process.” support ongoing, writing programs” for teen writing programs. McDonald-Sims will travel from MAKING LEMONADE KINDNESS Australia as the DUFF Nalo Hopkinson has announced she is creating the Lemon- representative to attend ade Award “to foster joy and welcome to this community.” this year’s Worldcon— Details are still being worked out but the award will initially be MidAmeriCon II <mid administered by Sherryl Vint (Science Fiction and Technocul- americon2.org>, to be held 17– ture Studies, University of California Riverside) with fundrais- 21 August 2016 at the Kansas City Conven- ing by Hopkinson. The latter is quoted as saying, “There are tion Center and Bartle Hall (plus nearby ho- many people who do good in this field, who perform small and tels) in Kansas City MO. large actions of kindness and welcome every day. I'd like to WORLDCON AND NASFiC SITE SELECTION OPEN encourage more of that.” Site selection voting has opened for the 2018 Worldcon and Donations may be made through the Speculative Literature 2017 NASFiC <midamericon2.org/home/hugo-awards-and- Foundation <speculativeliterature.org/donation-info> but you wsfs/wsfs/site-selection>. You must be a member of this year’s must also notify <[email protected]> of the dona- Worldcon to vote in either election. For each, an “Advance tion for it to be properly passed along. Supporting Membership fee” must also be paid. This secures ANOTHER GENRE BOOKSTORE TO CLOSE you a Supporting Membership in the winning bid, no matter Joining a long list of genre bookstores to close their doors, who you vote for. The elections (and memberships) are inde- the 40+ year old Mystery and Imagination Bookstore (Glendale pendent between the races. Voting for either is by mail or by CA) will be closing up their physical shop. They appear to be ballot delivered at MidAmeriCon II. selling stock at a drastic discount (70%) at the physical store. The 2017 NASFiC bids are for San Juan PR (for 6–9 July However, the business plans to continue doing business online 2017) and Valley Forge PA (for 17–20 August 2017). The Ad- <www.mysteryandimagination.com> for the indefinite future. #2 07 Eid al-Fitr. May Minutes 07–10 Play On Con—Birmingham AL. by Steve Sloan 08–10 LibertyCon 29—Chattanooga TN. ! 16* TENTATIVE Con†Stellation XXXIV Concom Meet- The May meeting of the North Alabama Science Fiction ing—3P at .Willowbrook Madison. Association was called to order on Saturday, May 21, 2016, in 16* NASFA Meeting—6:30P Business, 7P Program, at Wil- the Madison satellite location of Willowbrook Baptist Church lowbrook Madison. Program: TBD. ATMM: TBD. at 6:36:07P by President Mary Lampert and the gavel. Your 23 Diecast and Toy Show—Memphis TN. OCD secretary made the mistake of writing “6:35” but people 24 BD: Jay Johns. kept talking until it was “6:36” and he was annoyed that he had 24 Parents’ Day. to change it. 29 BD: Mark Paulk. OLD BUSINESS 29–31 Fandomfest—Louisville KY.
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