E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 158 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2012 No. 159 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was stimulus spending and an increase in tional civilian or military service. The called to order by the Speaker. the debt limit without any cuts or re- Order’s motto, ‘‘Honor and Father- f forms. That’s not fixing our problem. land,’’ reaffirms a celebration of patri- Frankly, it’s making it worse. On top otism and service for its recipients. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE of that, the President wants to raise Victor DiCarlo was drafted into the The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the tax rates on many small business own- Army 2 months after he graduated order of the House of January 17, 2012, ers. Now, even if we did exactly what from Pittsburgh’s Schenley High the Chair will now recognize Members the President wants, we would see red School in 1944. He arrived in France in from lists submitted by the majority ink for as far as the eye can see. That’s 1945 and was assigned the responsi- and minority leaders for morning-hour not fixing our problem either; it’s mak- bility of aiding the Allied Forces in re- debate. ing it worse and it’s hurting our econ- versing gains made by the German The Chair will alternate recognition omy. Army. He first saw combat in the Mo- between the parties, with each party I think the Members know that I’m selle region, helping the Allied Forces limited to 1 hour and each Member an optimist. I’m hopeful that we can by breaking through the heavily for- other than the majority and minority reach an agreement. This is a serious tified infamous Siegfried Line, a 390- leaders and the minority whip limited issue, and there’s a lot at stake. The mile defense system set up by the Ger- to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall American people sent us here to work man Army along the country’s western debate continue beyond 1:50 p.m. together towards the best possible so- border that contained a series of tank f lution, and that means cutting spend- traps and manned bunkers. FISCAL CLIFF UPDATE ing. After successfully breaking through The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Now, if the President doesn’t agree the Siegfried Line, Victor headed north in order to provide assistance to the LATOURETTE). The Chair recognizes the with our approach, he’s got an obliga- undermanned and underequipped Allied gentleman from Ohio (Mr. BOEHNER) tion to put forward a plan that can for 5 minutes. pass both Chambers of Congress. Be- Forces during the famous Battle of the Mr. BOEHNER. Mr. Speaker, last cause right now the American people Bulge. He also saw combat in the week, Republicans made a serious offer have to be scratching their heads and Rhineland region and all around cen- to avert the fiscal cliff, and most of it wondering: When is the President going tral Europe throughout the duration of was based on testimony given last year to get serious? World War II. His division also helped by President Clinton’s former Chief of f to liberate two concentration camps, one in Austria and one in Germany. Staff, Erskine Bowles. As Mr. Bowles RECOGNIZING VICTOR DICARLO himself said on Sunday: ‘‘We have to Upon receiving an honorable dis- cut spending.’’ Well, he’s right. Wash- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The charge from the service, Victor was ington has a spending problem. Let’s be Chair recognizes the gentleman from awarded the Bronze Star by the United honest: we’re broke. The plan that we Pennsylvania (Mr. ALTMIRE) for 5 min- States for his committed, meritorious have offered is consistent with the utes. service to his country during World President’s call for a ‘‘balanced ap- Mr. ALTMIRE. Mr. Speaker, I rise War II, a fitting honor for a patriot of proach.’’ today to recognize Victor DiCarlo for Victor’s caliber. This year, on Sep- A lot of people know that the Presi- receiving the National Order of the tember 27, 2012, Victor added another dent and I met on Sunday. It was a nice French Legion of Honor, the highest decoration when he was awarded the meeting, it was cordial; but we’re still decoration that France bestows for French Legion of Honor during a cere- waiting for the White House to identify meritorious service. I also want to mony here in Washington, D.C. at the what spending cuts the President is commend Mr. DiCarlo for his unwaver- French Embassy. He was given the willing to make as part of the ‘‘bal- ing service to his country during World honor for his military service in help- anced approach’’ that he promised the War II. It’s truly a privilege to be able ing to secure the liberation of France. American people. Where are the Presi- to honor a constituent who so exempli- The determination, bravery, and self- dent’s spending cuts? The longer the fies patriotism and the American spir- lessness of Victor DiCarlo and so many White House slow-walks this process, it. like him is why we consider his genera- the closer our economy gets to the fis- Established by Napoleon Bonaparte tion the greatest. After the war, Victor cal cliff. in 1802, the National Order of the returned home, earned an engineering But here’s what we do know: we French Legion of Honor is a merit- degree from Tri-State College in Indi- know that the President wants more based distinction awarded for excep- ana, and worked as an engineer until b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6681 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:14 Dec 12, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11DE7.000 H11DEPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with H6682 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 11, 2012 his retirement from Westinghouse in and which I think in this body, given the same tax cut that everyone does. 1989. He and his wife have five children, the right to vote for it, would have So it is 100 percent of the American 13 grandchildren, and one great-grand- overwhelming support. people get a tax cut, the upper 2 per- child. Up until now, everybody in the coun- cent are asked to pay a little bit more. I ask my colleagues to join me in try—in fact, in the world—has been So I thank the Speaker for finally at celebrating an individual who is em- talking about what’s going to happen— least uttering the words on the floor of blematic of the greatest armed forces those who pay attention to such mat- the House about what the decisions are in the world. World War II is filled with ters—what’s going to happen in the that need to be made. Again, we have stories of heroism, triumph, and patri- budget debate in the Congress and with committed to the cuts, we have acted otism; and it is truly an honor to share the President. At last, that subject upon the entitlements, the President Victor’s story with my colleagues comes to the floor. has more in his budget, all of this would be a down payment for as we go today. b 1210 I again want to commend Victor forward into the next session of Con- DiCarlo for his commitment to his What I would do to respond to what gress to talk about tax simplification country and join with his family in the Speaker has said, though, is to set and fairness, how we can perhaps lower congratulating him for being awarded the record straight. The fact is that rates while plugging up loopholes and the prestigious National Order of the the President has, and Democrats having a Tax Code that encourages French Legion of Honor. agree with him, agreed to around $1.6 growth in our economy. trillion in cuts in the Budget Control But that is a longer discussion as we f Act and other acts of Congress in this address the issue of how we strengthen BIDDING FAREWELL TO OUTGOING particular Congress, $1.6 trillion in our entitlements not by diminishing OHIO MEMBERS cuts. Where are the cuts? They’re in benefits but by getting more for what The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bills that you, Mr. Speaker, have voted we are spending. So if it’s Social Secu- Chair recognizes the gentleman from for. rity, any changes in Social Security Ohio (Mr. TURNER) for 5 minutes. Secondly, on the issue of the entitle- should be left to strengthen Social Se- Mr. TURNER of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I ments with the Affordable Care Act curity. If it’s Medicare, any changes am here today to extend my sincere and with legislation, suggestions and should be there to strengthen Medi- and best wishes as five of my fellow provisions in the President’s budget, it care, not to underwrite and subsidize Ohioans will be leaving the House at amounts to over $1 trillion in savings tax cuts for the wealthiest people in the adjournment of this Congress. in Medicare, over $1 trillion in savings our country. Ohioans have benefited greatly from which have been redirected to pro- So, again, I welcome the Speaker’s statement that he wants to solve the the dedication and service of Rep- longing the life of Medicare, making it problem.
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