APPENDIX I: ACRONYMS AAAA/HEART Artists Action Around AIDS/Highly Effective Art—South Africa AAAO AIDS Analysis Africa Online AACP Association of African Communication Professionals AAU Association of African Universities AAMCT Asante Akim Multipurpose Community Telecentre—Ghana AAVP African AIDS Vaccine Programme AAWORD Association of African Women for Research and Development AAWS Association of African Women Scholars ABC Abstain, Be faithful, Use a Condom ABMP African Broadcast Media Partnership Against HIV/AIDS ABUBEF Burundian Association for Family Well-Being ACA Advertising and Commercial Association ACAPES L’association culturelle d’aide à la promotion éducative et sociale ACAS Association of Concerned Africa Scholars ACCE African Council for Communication Education ACCORD African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes ACFODE Action for Development ACHAP African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Partnerships ACHPR African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights ACI Africa Consultants International ACP AIDS Control Program ACS Artistes Contre Le Sida ACT-UP AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power ACW African Centre for Women ADB African Development Bank ADD Action on Disability and Development ADMA Advertising Media Association ADMC Association pour le Développement des Médias Communautaires AED Academy for Educational Development AEGIS AIDS Education Global Information System AFA Ark Foundation of Africa AFAFSI Association des Femmes Africaines Face au Sida—Burkina Faso AFCODE Agenda for Community Development—Nigeria AFELP Association Femme, Enfant, Lutte contre la Pauvrete AfH Art for Humanity AfriMAP Africa Governance, Monitoring and Advocacy Project AFRRI African Farm Radio Research Initiative AFWE African Federation of Women Entrepreneurs AFWOSCHO Association of African Women Scholars AGECO Agence de Communication, Madagascar AGEI African Girls’ Education Initiative AGI African Gender Institute 196 Appendix I AHI Action Health Incorporated, Nigeria AHRLA The Association of Human Rights and Legal Aid AHRTAG Appropriate Health Resources and Technologies Action Group AI Amnesty International AIC African Initiated Church AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AIDSCAP AIDS Control and Prevention Project AIDSNET The Danish NGO-Network on AIDS and Development AIDSTECH Technical Intervention for the Containment of AIDS AIF African Internet Forum AIM Agencia de Informacao de Mocambique AIP Association of Independent Publishers AIPPA Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act AIR American Institutes for Research AISI African Information Society Initiative AITEC African Information Technology and Exhibition Conference AJAAT Association of Journalists Against AIDS in Tanzania AJPH American Journal of Public Health ALC Africa Learning Channel AIPPA Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act AITEC African Information Technology and Exhibition Conference ALF Africa Leadership Forum ALTERCOM Association des Femmes pour la Communication Alternative AMAC Art and Media Access Centre—Cape Town AMARC Association mondiale des radio diffuseurs communautaires (World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters) AMCS Mozambican Media Women’s Association AMDI African Media Development Initiative AmFAR American Foundation for AIDS Research AMPS All Media Products Survey AMR Adult Mortality Rate AMREF African Medical and Research Foundation AMSOPT Association Malienne pour le Suivi et l’Orientation des Pratiques Traditionnelles AMUJA Angola Media Women’s Association AMWIK Association of Media Women in Kenya ANAIS Advisory Network for the African Information Society ANC African National Congress, South Africa ANCEFA Africa Networks Campaign on Education for All ANDI Agência de Notícias dos Direitos da Infância (Brazil) ANOCA Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa ANPPCAN African Network for the Prevention and Protection against Child Abuse and Neglect ANSFE African Network for Support to Feminine Entrepreneurship APAC African Population Advisory Council APAS Agence pour la Promotion des Activities de Population APC Association for Progressive Communications APDF Association pour le Progres et la Defense des Droits des Femmes Maliennes APIN AIDS Prevention Initiative in Nigeria APT Amani Peoples Theatre ARBEF Rwandese Association for Family Well-Being ARC AIDS Related Complex ARC AIDS Resource Center (Ethiopia) ARDA African Radio Drama Association AppenDix I 197 ARDI African Rural Development Initiatives—Uganda ARI Acute Respiratory Infection ARSRC Africa Regional Sexuality Resource Centre ART Antiretroviral therapy ART Agence de Régulation des Télécommunications ART Anti-Retroviral Theatre—South Africa ARUPA African Rural Press in Action ARVs Anti-retroviral drugs ASAFE Association for Support to Women Entrepreneurs—Cameroon ASASA Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa ASC Association Sportive et Culturelle ASCAC Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations ASFV African swine fever virus ASO AIDS service organization ATAC African Technical Advisory Committee ATB Atelier-Theatre Burkinabe—Burkina Faso ATR African Traditional Religion ATRCW African Training and Research Centre for Women ATV African Together Vision AU African Union AVEGA Association of the Widows of the Genocide of April (Rwanda) AVU African Virtual University AWARE Association for Women’s AIDS Research & Education AWC African Woman and Child Features Service AWCY Association of Working Children and Youth AWDF African Women’s Development Fund AWOGNet African Women Global Network AWSA Arab Women Solidarity Association AWMC African Women’s Media Centre AYA African Youth Alliance AZT Azidovudine (anti-retroviral drug) BaHiCo Basics for HIV/AIDS Control Project BBC British Broadcasting Corporation BBSAWS Babiker Bedri Association Scientific Association for Women’s Studies BCC Behavior change communication BCG Vaccine to protect against TB BHP Biomedical health practitioners BMJ British Medical Journal BOCAPA Book Café Academy of Performing Artists BOSCO Battery Operated Systems for Community Outreach—Uganda BP British Petroleum BRTI Bio-medical Research and Training Institute C4C Communication for Change (USA) CABA Children Affected by AIDS CADRE Centre for AIDS Development, Research and Evaluation CAFEC Exchange Centre for Congolese Law CAFM Centre Africain des Femmes dans les Medias CAFS Centre for African Family Studies CAJM The Central Africa Journal of Medicine CAMS Commission pour l’abolition des mutilations sexuelles CAPF Coalition for Accountable Political Financing—Kenya CARE Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere CASET Cassette Education Trust, South Africa CATIA Catalysing Access to ICT in Africa 198 Appendix I CATS Compassion, Tolerance and Sensitivity campaign—Ethiopia CATV The Coalition Against Trafficking in Women CAUP Campaign Against Unwanted Pregnancy CBC Community Based Communication CBH Communications for Better Health CBO Community-based organization CBR Crude Birth Rate (annual births/1,000 population) CCAD Centre Culturel Americain de Dakar CCATH Child-centered approaches to HIV/AIDS CCK Communication Commission of Kenya CCMC Communications Consortium Media Center CCP Center for Communications Programs (Johns Hopkins University) CCTAS Community Centre for Enhanced Health Technologies—Senegal CD Country director CDA Community development agent CDC Centers for Disease Control CDD Control of Diarrheal Diseases program CDR Crude death rate (annual deaths/1,000 population) CDSC Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre CE Code of Ethics CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women CEDDERT Centre for Democratic Development, Research and Training CEDOVIP Center for Domestic Violence Prevention CEDPA Centre for Development and Population Activities CEEWA Council for the Economic Empowerment of Women in Africa CEMAC Central African Monetary and Economic Community CERPOD Centre de Recherche en Population et Developpement CESCR Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights CESPA Centre de services de production audiovisuelle, Mali CESTI Centre d´etudes des sciences et techniques de l´information CEWLA Center for Egyptian Women’s Legal Assistance CfDSC Communication for Development and Social Change CFMS-CI La Cellule des Femmes de Média engagées dans la Lutte contre le Sida CGE Commission on Gender Equality CGI Clinton Global Initiative CHAI Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative CHAPS Community Health and Awareness Puppeteers—Kenya CHDC Child Health and Development Centre CHIPS Community Health Intervention Project against STDs CHL Communication for Healthy Living—Egypt CHMT Community Health Media Trust CHOGM Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting CIDA Canadian International Development Agency CiE Circus in Ethiopia CIERRO Centre regional de formation a la radio en Afrique de l’Ouest CLAN Children’s Legal Action Network CLARION Centre for Law and Research International CLC Community Law Center (South Africa) CMC Community Multimedia Center CMR Child mortality rate (probability of dying between 1–5 years under age 15) CMV Cytomegalovirus AppenDix I 199 CAN Cinéma Numérique Ambulant/Mobile Digital Cinema—Benin, Niger, Mali CNRA Conseil National de Régulation de l’Audiovisuel (National Council for the Regulation of Broadcasting) CODE Communication pour de Development, Madagascar CODESRIA Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa COHRE Centre for Housing Rights and Evictions COMBI Communication for Behavioural Impact—Namibia COMNESA Community Media
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