RADIO-TV PROGRAMS FOR TODAY WMAQNBC Symphony oreh. CHICAGO WENRHarry Wismer. WLNDBand of the Week. FREQUENCIES WAITGeorge Bradley. IV-G-N-720 WIJD-1160 WCFLTommy Dorsey, WIND-560 WJOB-1230 5:30 P. M. WILL-580 WEDC-1240 WBBMAnderson's 31113RM. WMAQ-670 WSBC-1240 WBBM-780 5:45 F. M. WCRW-1240 WAIT-820 WMRO-1280 W-G-N, WGNB-11olly'd Quit. WBBMFor Woolen Only. WCBD-820 W.101.-1340 WENRMelody Rendezvous. WENR-890 WGES-1390 WINDMan Came to ;Supper. WLS-890 WRMN-1410 WAAF-950 W/MS-1420 11/GELRace F.esUlts. WCFL-1000 WRFC-1560 WMBI-1110 WNMP-1560 EVENING 6:00 P. M. FM W-G-N, WGNBBob Slegrist, W-G-N-98.7 NVEF31-99.5 WINDNewsz Sweet. SolId. WHEZ-91.5 WFMF-100.3 1Yr-4Ervin Lewis, news. WJ1Z-92.3 WMAQ-101.3 WBB31Y000g Love. WJFL-93.1 WXRT-101.9 WCFLBenny Goodman: WENR-94.7 WMOR-102.7 6:15 P. 31. W5181-95.5 WRGK-103.1 WCHI-95.9 WEAW-105.1 W-G-N--Capital CommentFlatly WBI3g-96.3 WOAK-105.9 Warden, Tribune Washington cor- WBEM-97.1 WKRS-106.7 respondent, with up4o4hc-mlnut WEHS-97.9 WLEY-307,1 comment onthe eventsof MO week at the nation's capital. Presented by THE TRIBUNE MORNING [Central Standard Time] WLSAround Radio. 6:00 A. M. WCFLVaughn hlonvoe. W-G-NFarm hour; news. 6:30 P. M. WMAQNews. WHIMPat Gibson WCE1.-11NIVERSAL BOWLING WCFLThe Dawnbuster. SUPPLY PRESENTS TENPIN TAT- W1SFarm Bulletin Board. TLER PLUS GUEST CELEBRITY. WINDNew Morning Watch %VIMBreakfast Frolic. \V-G--N. WGN/IComedy of WGESSam Evans. Errors. 6:15 A. M. WIIBMVaughn, WLSSunday School. WalAQAreille Andros's. NVLSVisitin' Thor. WMAQTown and Farm. WINDBoh Finnegan. 6:30 A. M. WEJLAse Maria. W-C-NRise and Shine. 6:45 P. M. WLSMac and Bob. WINDSerenade at Dinner. WINDNews; Wake Up Music WCFLFrctidy Martin. 6:43 A. 6:55r.31. W-G-NLeslie Nichols. W-G-N, WGNBJ. E. Rennicly. WMAQFarmin g Business. 7:011 St. WLSBob Lyle, news. WGNBI 0 Questians, WINDYawn Patrol. WMAQifolly'd Star Theater. 6:55 A. N. WISDolph Hewitt. WEBMNews. WCFLChandu. WIl133,1(1cne Autry show. 7:00 A. N. WINI3Nrws; Wr.yne King. W-G-NBIII Evans. WMAQNorman Ross show. 7:15 I', 31. WBBNIWorld News. WLSMac and Bob. WLSSage Riders. 7:21 I', M. WCFLNews. 2:45P. M. WINDNews. WEBNICross Section, U. S. A. WINDNews; Record Shop. 7:50 P. 3f, W.1.1DMosical Views; news. WJJDWake Up. W-G-N, WGNBTake itNa. Chicago. WAAFThe Lucky Hours. 3:00P. M. W111114The GOldbergs. W-G-NS0encer Alien. WalAQTruth or Conan- 7:15 A. M. ti IIIncrs. WBBMNews W131141Meloly Mart. report WMAQLiving. 1050. WLSIlaylott Frollcr. WCFLMornIng Clock, Idaliroom. WCF1.-11oliyw0d /3y-Line. WISKarl and WCF1,Ittlia30 Harty. 44,1.11.1-514:1c Mart. WINDBob Eisen, surrts, .0 WEFMNlusical Favoiltes. 2.7,a4 `. a 3:15I'.Si, WX11TEvoilng Concert. - W-G-NGet More Cut of Life 7:41 P. 31. wimmAge ot hydrogen WINDTwilight Tunes. i7 t /Iamb. 8:00 P. M. WJJDRoacquary Wayne, ba3 g 314 3:30 P. M. WC1,1,--Northwestern as.Illinois W-G-NSinal Temple dedica-basketball genie.Tune in Joe Bo- tion. land's accurate and vivid 'suer( of WF,NRmciropolitan Opera. this basketball highlight from Chi- WMAQThe World We Wont. rago Stadium, Sponsor: Studebaker 12:15 P.51. Sales Company of Chicago. WCFLVic Damone. WI3BalReot. from Overseas. cY6'am. zi wiNDRee;:kA Shen. 2g WJJDAl Benson. WMOpera Guild, W-G-N, WriN11-3,1cet Your § 12:30 P. M. .pleg4-g 7;423 0.xi.0,?4:14diPVZ:41Cioplii>'?Hzuziu2HvAc>, Match. 11.0-NSwing at Sugar Bowl. 3:45 P.M. WMAQYour lilt Parade. >> W.LIDSwing Down lane, TgE7. 77,_=1 WBBNIGive atd Take, WI11131Gang Busters. WINDNews; Lunch Melodies. WBBMAdv. Jr. Science. W1.1ZNational Barn Dance. WAAFNews; Symphonic hour. M. WINDNews: music. 3:50 P. IN LSNews. WENRJacqucs Fray, WOARThe Podium. WAITTable Talks program, 4:00 P. M. 11TE:11Evening concert, WMAQYour Income Tax. 8:10 P. M. r).1 024 g2a 0224bg W-G-NBaket's Sunnite. WCFLGuest Star. WCFLMarly Hogan. WINDIndiana II. S. tourney. 32:45 P. M. 3VI11141-000ce orchestra, 8:15 P.nt. WCFLMarty Slogan. WMAQArn. Forum of Mr. WJJDPrairie RimMets. WINDEddie Howard. WINDNews: Spike Jones 8:30 P. M. WLSFarming Business. W.L1DMusic Mart. W-G-N, wGNIILombardoland. WAIAQNelm WEDCHeadliiies in Chemis. WMAQDennts Day show. 12:55 P. NI. W211331Goarcy Direst, WINDIndiana State It. S. WEFA1Artists' Album. 0:00 P. M. 4,nT 4:05It.M. basketball tourney, WENR-51ufleal program. TI1EATER 1:00 P. M. 4:15I'.M. ENtv...--p_gEg'2%.- THE Alit W-G-NTeens and Tunes. W-G-NMarshall Kent. starsVirginia liaskins WLSMetropolltan Opera. WINDIfarry James. , and Bruce Foote In Vinzent You. ,.cza,3 WMAQVoices and Fvents. WCFI.Gene V:rupa. I man's " No,Ni,, Nanette." CO, WBBNICcAtnty Fair. WMD-1160 Ballroom. RobertIt.McCormick,speaker. WCFLModern Mood, Sports. prE-z4 W.LIDMusical MeM03, WENSTops tr. WI--Slag It Again. 1:15 P. M. 4:30 P. M. WMAQJutly Canova. WJJDNaval Air Reserve. W-G-NCollecbr's Corner. WM.Evening concert. 1:30 P. M. WBBNIalabe Way for Youth. WI.SNallonal Barn Dance. A.(..-N-5th Army )and. WMAQWitt!nburg college WEFMMusical Memories. W:JDOwens and Ga..-ity. chAr. W111012Sheryl Leonard shOse. WCFLMarty Hogan. WCFLMerry Go Round. 0:15 P. M. WBBMGet More Out of Life. WENRWaltt. Dreams. WINDOft the Record. WMAQYour Symphony WINDNewsd T. Dorsey. tranb4.-4 0;nb (,q22n..-4 AlxTAAA 0:30 P. M. Scrapbook. WJJDStats on Parade, WAIAQGrand'Ole 1:45 P.51. 4:45 P.M., WI.sThe Buccaneers. WMAQU. N.Story. WMAQBrcadway Correspdts WINDNews; Dance with Best. 1VCFLPeggy Lee, WINDForenicst Music. WCFI,./trnmy Evans. a WJJDStar Time, WENRIlero's to Vets. WEFAIComposers' hour. 2100 P. M. WJJDSpPilight Tunes, WXRTGreat Opera MeantntS. W-G-NJohn Steele. 5:001'.M. 0:45 P. M. WBI3MPaul Gibson. W-G-NTrue or False, reports. 174E WMAQPioneets of Music. WMAQNews. ATA"IgTAdral"Wlq,12"1414,kik'll WIND--Itecord Silt/Rite. WCFLNews. WBBMNews. WCFLGreat Whit Way. WJJDYou and Your WENRWord of Life hour. 10:00 P. M. Security. WINDNewr; Dick Jurgens, W-G-NOpera Arias, WNMPMasterpieces of Music. WMDSupperilme Frolic, wr.sNallonal Barn Dance. MI... 2:15I..M. WAAFRIbribm Express. WIIBMNews, WCFLJohnny Desmond. 5:151'.M. WINDNews; ABC Club. WINDNews; music. WORMNaval Air Reserve. P,t1AQ--News: WCF1,---31:n Grey, news. .r.,3= H. 2:30 P. M. WINDMelody Matinee. oil g W-G-NHall of Fantasy. WMAQaludle of Yesterday. WOESSam Evans. W1313MFarai news. WCFLRay McKinley. 10: 15 P. M. WCFLTime for Two. 5:30 P. M. W-G-NQuIs club. .m WINDInolana H. S. tourney. W-G-N, WGNIIStnrs on WMAQM orlon Downey. WJJO-1160 Ballroom. Broadwa Y. qt More Out of ftly. WAIFLibrary hour. WIIBMMelody Manor. WCFLCrmuunlly concert, 1020 P.ST. ,V7 FX .415.0c4.2. WM ,vQ.0Rhythms. Ramsby. cutiq. WOAKGrtat Mush! Momenta, 10:31 P. M. WI3BMTlny RIR 10:40 P. M. W.G-NSung Souvenir. 30:45 P. Si. W-G-NChIcaro at Night. 11:00 1'.01. al W.G-NFrIely Howard, WIIBMNews. 7 WM A QJhu Hurlbut. WINDNews; Guy Lombardo. O'ib4n g WCP1,Now TI/1 Midnight. WF.11.Syraphony WXRTMoslc from Theater. 11.05 V. 1 wrinmI frk1.aSalle. 31 15 P. M. W-O-NArt Hassel. WMAQFIttal Sports.; 4tAz4u g 31:20 1'. M. WINDBand Stand. !"..2:1; 11:30 P. M. zb ES" .54z Cjr4f, W-G-NWayne Gregg. WINDMarty Hogan. WMAQDance orchest7a. WIIBMDance orchestra. 11:45 P. M. WINDDfaieland Dance TIM, 0 V5,9-. LEaN Z 11:55 P. Si. 11'41-11-11ews. ":11Witia 2AWaglIk WM A Q-lif wa. ,52bgq2.! 1.2:00 Midnight, V g W-G-NOirin Tucker. WMAQ-11:60 Club. A. W10114Mallnee at Midnight. WENR-1,1uslcal Clipper. WCFI,The Outer Delve. 7, EE 4.g WINDNews; Nile Watch. 12:30 A. af. W-G-NArt Kassel. I in0 to (1:00 A. /It. W-G-NEm Victor glum% PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor.
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