Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC June 1967 Daily Egyptian 1967 6-30-1967 The aiD ly Egyptian, June 30, 1967 The aiD ly Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_June1967 Volume 48, Issue 169 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, June 30, 1967." (Jun 1967). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1967 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in June 1967 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Liberties Union Opens KA Probe be.i4 The reason given was the ech.U said Jay Miller, Chi­ The administration"s con­ troversy with KA, student anonymity of the writers. The cago's executive director of opinion page s published week­ student critics often used only the Dllnols Division of ACLU. ly In the Dally Egyptian, Is Initials or pseudonyms with "The governme nt is not to under study by the American their anicles. censor; and a :;tate univer­ Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The administration wanted sity is a government:". The lllinois Division of the the writers' names known; the He said one of his staff ACLU is currently InveS':iga­ KA advisory board asserted members is currently studying tlng what It thinks is the in­ the r ight to rem aln anony­ material on the maaerbut sata­ EGYPTIAN fringement of the right offree mous. Until an agreement was his office has not decided yet So-utA.elfM ftiUtM4 1t.,,~ speech at SlU In the suspen­ reached on this point. the ad­ on what to do about it. sion of KA. ministration had decided, KA Carbondale. IIlinoi. The publication was temp.. would be suspended. He indicated that the inves­ Friday, Jun. 30, 1967 orarily suspended by P r esi­ uThis is an irlstance of the tigat ion is in its earliest st age Volume 48 N... ber 169 dent Dell~e IV. Morris In infringement of the First and he does not have the full early June. .. mendment freedom of spe- picture of the situation .. Board of Trustees Okays ..fee Change 3 Categories Aid 'Kiss Me Kate' Working Students A change in tuition and feC' Opens Tonight structures from -t wo to three. categories t o 2 c c 0 Tn 0 dan; part-time students at SIll w a ~ approved Thursday by rhe In 6-Day Run Board of Trustees. The new system I to rak( The company of rhe Summer effect winte r qu arter . wi ll Mus ic Theater will bring break down into rhree areas: Muckelrov Auditorj um to life st udents taking les5 than si!' at S p.m·. today when rheir hours of academic wo rk each first musical, I I Kiss Me Kate" term; those t aking six to ter. opens for a six-day run .. credit hours ; and those carry­ The r oUi eking musical ing a load of l I a r more hours . whi ch revolves around a re­ President Delyte \V . Morri!:> hearsing theat'" c company is told the board that the Uni­ the firs t of three mUSicals to versity is r eceiving more and be presented by the company mor e requests, pa rticularly thiS summer. at the Edwardsville campus, Jeana Doveas and Dennis from minois and St.. Louis Immel, ·playlng L illie· and r esidents who work full time Fred, are Jeads of the show, and wi sh to sandwic h in which is directed by Wallace courses for college credit. Sterling. Under the -pr esent system Other character s are Barry only t wo categories ar e of­ Bloom as Gremio; Vance Ful­ fered: students taking eight kerson as Bill C.lhoun; Jef­ hOUTS ur less and those en­ frey Gillam as Ralph; Peter rolled for nine or more hours .. Goetz as the second gunman; The fee and ruition schedule Bill Lane as Paul; Robert Guy under the newly adopted tri­ as Harrison Howell; Buddy partite syste m is: BEACH EXPANSION- -Mike Casey, lifejituard the at' '8 a\'aiJable to students and faculty mem- Hym21 as the first gunman; In-state students., five hours Don Ludwig as the Haber­ crew chief at Lake~n-the-Campus . spre p dssome hers who use the swimmin~ area. of the new sand hauled to the beach to expand or less, $30.50; over five dasher ; William McHughes as hours and under 11 hours, Harry Trevor; linda Picow as $56; eleven hours and over Hattie; Steve StauHe nberg as Pror:ram Start8 Today $80.50. the stage dOOl" mani and Linda Out-of-state students, five Sublen as Lois Lane. hours or less , $46.50; over Michael Hanes, assistant five hours and under 11 hours, director of bands at sru, is Southern Initiates Preregistration Visib $143; and eleven hours and chorus director for the over, $210.50. ductlon. According to a report sub­ A professional dance r, mined to the Board, Income Pamela Hayford, is directing To Present SIU to Studenb, Parenb under the new system would the choreography. not be adversely affected. The u Kiss Me Kate" will run BY Joan Isbell Interested in becoming fa­ five faculty and staff r ep­ rates are based on the tUi­ through Sunday and again on Today i s the first sched­ miliarized With SIU and the resentatives, a question-and­ tion and the fee schedule July 7 to 9. surroonding area before answer session. and free cof­ established in April, 1964, for The box office is located ad­ uled day lor preregistration visits by incoming students school stans in the fall. fee. in-state students and on June jace nt to the Student Activities Orientation is as much for 29, 1966, for out-of-state stu­ Office. and their parents, who are In conjunction With ad- visement and registration, the the pare nts as for the new dents. Student Activities Office and students. So, the wide scope Project Aimed at Training the Registrar's Office started of student concerns are dis ­ Gus Bode a program last summer of cussed--living condi[ions to pre-e nrollme nt orientation fees, rules and regulationF- to for new students and their activities, a nd of course, s (ud­ Staffers for Junior Colleges parents. ies. A represe ntative from [he Today's opening session is Student Activities Office will The dean of the College of ics; (b) a one-year pt"ogram scheduled from 10 a.m. to 3 for teachers of occuJ .a tioncl e>""Plain services and activities Education is looking forward p.m. in Ballroom B ofthe Uni­ available to students through to the first students this fall courses, such as data pl oces­ versity Center. in the new Ford Founda[ion sing, secretarial seien :e and tl·is office. The Housing Bus­ The program benefits new­ h ess Services representative Occupational Instructor Pro­ technology, detal hygie,le and comers by e nabling them to library assisting; and (c) a v ill discuss dorm living and ject. pre-registe r before New Stu­ contracts. Other representa­ Elme r J. Clark described three-year program fo grad­ dent Week at the stan oftheir the proJect, as joint venu.:.re uates of two-year, poat-high tives will explain the General first quaner. It eliminates Studies program. student work of the Universl':y and the Jun­ school occupational programs the three-day registration ior Colleee District of St. wi th assoc iate degrees or and financial assistance, and confUs ion formedy held in the registration and admissions Louis and St. LouisCounty, as similar awards. Arena and familiarizes Stu­ a most promising develop­ procedures. Stipends will be paid during dents and their parents with After the hour-long pro­ me nr" in the adequare prepar­ the internship period at one­ some of the facets of the ation of junior coUege teach­ half the rate paid for full­ gram. the five representatives concerns in the lives of stu­ will talk to sttldenrs and their ers and administrators. time faculty members With dents. comparable qualifications. parents at booths set up for The project, Clark said, has Twenty-two days have been a personal que s t i 0 n-and­ established three master's Clark said prese nt plans scheduled thiS summer with answer session. degr ee curricula; (a) a one­ call for 10 to 15 students for pre-enrollment orientation Stude nts and pare nts are Gus says it was mighty nil year progr am for teachers of the internship experience in programs, with two programs e ncouraged to lodge on compus of the Health Service to gi' the fall of 1967 and not mor e acade mic courses for occu­ each day. Included in the pro­ in r esidence halls, a:1d to him some aspirin tablets f to pational srude nts, s uch as than 15 30 stude nts each grams ar e a 17-minute s lide make their Vi sit a vacation his poison ivy but he do e~ communications , social sci­ succeding te rm through the program about the campus or by visiting s urrounding his­ know whether to use them ence a nd technica1 mathe m3t - spring of 1970. the surr ounding area, talks hy rorical and scenic sites. ternally or eMernally. DAILY EGYPTIAN Jun. 3D, ",7 From 191210 1962 Archives Acquire Union Records Records and various papers 1912 to 1962 and include rare ones printed in Italian of an area coal mine union, treasurer's, financial secre­ and Lithuanian languages, Progressive Mine Workers of tary's and recording secre­ Duckett s aid. America, Local # 3, Collins­ tary's r ecords.
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