Individual Scheduled Tribe Population

Individual Scheduled Tribe Population

CENSUS ,OF ·INDIA; 19,81 /KARNATAKA ,INDIVIDUAL' SCHE'OtJLED TRIBE POPULATION . , STATE: XA.RNATAKA . '\ i . I' . INDIVIDUAL SCaEDUL:!p? 'TRIBE POPULATION, 1981 'cEt!SUS* , '.. -,',. ., \ " ' .. Total Sl •. , Name of the Rural Pe:rsons l-1ales Females No. ScnedUled Tribe . Urban .1 2. \ ' , 'C" , i . 3 4 5 6 \ oj "Nt \ KARNATAKA \ , \ I " All SOh~dul~~. ,T*1=be,s T 1,825,203£ 926,235 898,968 "R 1 ,,590,364 805,691 784,673 U 234,839 120.,544 114,295 .. " 1. Aa.l.yan' T 267 152 115 R : \ 36. 20 16 U 231 132 99 .. , 2. B(lrda. T 756 392 364. R 544 282 262 u 212 ·110 102 3. J;3avacha, Bamcha T 42 19 23 R ' 15 8 7 u 27 11 16 4. Bhii" Bhil Garasia, T 1,690 866 824 Dholfi Bhil, Dungri Bhil, R 1,251 638 613 Dungri Garasia, Mewasi Bhil, U 439 228 211 Rawal Bhil, Tadvi Bhil, Bhagal;ia, Bhilala, Pawra, Vasava:, Vasave 5. Chenchu, Chenchwar T 326 176 150 R 238 127 111 U 88 49 39 6. Cbodhara T 122 66 56 R 97 51 46 U 25 15 10 7. Dubia, Talav ia, Halpa. ti T R .' ' U· \' t. Scheduled Tribe figures would appear to include high returns relating to certain comnnmities with nomenclatures similar to those included. in the list of Schedu1~d Tribes consequent on the removal of area restrictions. ' 2 : Total' Sl. Name of the Rural persons ~mles Females .No. Scheduled Tribe Urban 2 3 4 5 6 KABHATAKA (CONTD.) 8. Gamit, Gamta, Gavit, T 39 19 20 lI..avchi, Padvi, Valvi R 10 5 5 U 29 14 "5 9. Gond, Naikpod 9 Rajgond T 60,665 '31,041 29,624- R 56,568 28,822 27,746 U 4,097 2,219 1,878 10. Gowdalu T 6,205 3,290 2,915 . R 5,284 2,786 2,498 U 921 504 417 .' 11. Hakkip1kki. T 3,311 1,746 1,565 R 2,792 1,480 1,312 U 519 266 253 12. Hasalaru T 10,670 5,452 5,218 R 10,44.9 5,339 5,110. U 221 113 108 13. T 194 97 97 R 143· 75 68 U 51 22 29 14. lruliga ·T 5.699 2,94.9 2,750 R 5,371 2,794 2,577 U 328 155 175 15. Jenu Kuruba T 34,370 17,628 16,742 R 28,745 14,700 14!045 U 5,625 -2,928 ~.69'1 . 16. Kadu Kuruba T 208,181 106,319 101,862 R 176,934 90,023 86,911 U 31,247 16,296 14,951 1 7. Kamma.:ra (in -naks·h.i.n Kannad T 842 402 440 District and Kol1egal R 673 317 356 Taluk of Mysore U 16.9 85 84 District) 18. Kaniyan, Kanyan (in Kollegal T­ 515 257 258 Taluk of Mysore District) R 302 - 151 151 U 213 106 107 . /:1 ·. , 81.' \ft8Jlle ~f t~~ I • ,'. No _ :,Sop,edUleC!' Tribe '-,.. , '- .:', - \'1 'r' ,,1,2." "5 ' .. I 19.' l~thodi, Katkari, 'I ",. T 811 410 401 . 'D~~ Kathodi, JDhor ~tkari_ii :a 4-76 244 232 \ , - So~ ~thodi ~ Son: Y..a. t~ri' ,AT' ~35 166 . 169 " \ ' \ \ \ ! \ ~: -'\ I . 20. KatUayalqm r T 129 65 64 R 4 , '1 ' U l2,5 62 6 :2 " '. T 22 1.3,. _ 9 R 22 ' 13 '9' U\ .. ·22. Kb~i Dhor, Tokre. Koli, T '-, ;' 39,057 19,8;6 19,201 Kol!cha, Kolgha 'R 31,200 15,825 15,~75 r 3,,826 \, ! U 7,857 4~03'1 " ! 2:? "Kanda Ka. pilEt ' T 107, 56 ;1 R . 79 41 '" . ·38· U 28 i,., 15 ;13 ~ C" • \ 24.- Koraga. T 15,278 7~6a6 7,592 R 12,331. 6,210 6.,121: ) \ U 2,947 1,416' 1,4:71 25~ Kota T 66 35 31 , }' .. ~ - , . R 18 10 '- .. ,8 / U 48 25 \ 23 26'., KOya., ~~ine 'Koya, Rajkoya . T 28,809 14,462 14.347 -..;.' R 26 ~4.94· . 13,272 .1,,222 U 2~315 ',190 t.125 27. ,Kuc1~ya. Melakud~ T 1,898 I 94.9 949 -'_ -\ If 1,822 908 '91At 'U 76 4'1 3S' 28. Kuruba-.(in KQdagu District) T' '4.,666 2,394 2,272 R 4 .• 501 ' 2,20&· '. ~ 2,193' tJ 165 . ' , 86 79 29. Kurumane T 93 48 45 R Z9. 18 11 U 64 ; , ;(), '4 . 4 .• 81. Name of the Total No. Scheduled Tribe Rural Persons Males Females Ul'ban ~1 ____~2~ __________~ ____~_3~ ____~4~. __ 5 . 6 KABNATAKA ~CONTD.2. 30. Maha !v'alasar T 4 3 1 R 4 3 1 U 31. Malaikudi T 6 9 650 3,349 3·,301 R 6 !I 584 3,312 3,272 U 66 37 29 32. Malasar T 10 8 .2 I R U 10 8 2 33. Malayelmndi T 189 98 91 R 189 98 91 ~ U 34. Maleru T 790 401 389 R 394- '198 196 u 396 203 193 35. Maratha (in Kodagu District) T 2,310 1,175 1,135 R 1,968 1,000 968 U 342 175 167 ~ 36. Marati (in Dakshin Kannad T 64,~7 32,479 32,458 District) R 61,710 30,821 30,889-­ U 3,227 1,658 , 1,569 37. Meda T 19,146 9,777 9.369 . R 6,790 3,442 3,348 : U 12,356 6,335 6.021 3B. Naikda, nay-am, Cholivala T ',262,649 639,679 ~22,970 Nayaka., Kapidia Nayaka. R 1,105,985 559.677 546,308 Mota Nayaka, Nana Nayaka U· 156,664 80,002 76,662 39. Ps,11iyan T 1,612 .828 784 R 322 1'76 ' . 1'46 U 1;290 652 638 40,. :Pa.niyan T. 514 274 24.0 R 327 171 156 U 1B7 103 84 ~.. : Total Sl. Na~e of the Rural Persons ~ales Females No. Scheduled Tribe Urban 1 2 /to 6 KA.IDJATAKA. (CONCLD.) 41~ Fardhi, Advichincher, T 1,283 673 610 Phan s~ Fardh! 'R 1,251 655 596 V 32 18 14· 42. Patelia) T 48 29 19 R 20 12 8 U 28 17 11 43. Rathawa T 9 6 3 R - U 9 6 3 44. Sholaga T 911 443 468 R 911 443 468 U 45. Soligaru T 17,892 9,198 8,694 R 17,166 8,795 8,371 U 726 403 323 46. Toda T 136 68 68 R 36 21 15 U 100 47 53 47. Varli T 1 1 R U 1 1 48. Vitolia, Kotwalia, Barodia T R U 49. Yerava T 19,203 9,817 9,386 R 18,'816 9,634 9,182 U. 387 183 204 50. Unspecified T 2,"079 1,084 995 R 1,463 763 700 U 616 321 295' * The Scheduled Tribe figures given in this table are based on information collected in Part-II of the Household Schedule in 1981 Census. The figures are provisional and subject to change. -6- ----Total SI of ·t he • ~lUJ.·al :Fe rs O.i.lS tale s lTOa Sohe'~.uled T:;:ibe ~ Urban __...;..1 ______2_____ ::_---- -3---- -~:(~--- .. _5____ 6 All Scheduled Tribes T 75,627 39,118 35,509 ',"1 "I:\, 47-,343 24,234 23, 109 U 28,284- 14,884- 13,400 1; Adiyan T 188 )00 8 uo U 138 100 88 2. T 20 8 12 R U 20 8 12 T 11 8 3 5 4 1 U 6 4 2 Bhil, B~ul Garasia, T 151 78 73 ',",) Dholi Bhil, Dungrir ,j.L - Bhil, Dungri Garasia , u 151 78 7')- N.ewasi Eml, llawal Bhil, Tadvi Bhil, Bhagalia- , Bhilala, Pawra, Vasava, Va save CherJ.ChU., Chenchwar T 1 1 R U 1 1 -' 6. Ohodhara T 11 5 6 " ) ,1..1. - TI 11 5 6 Gamit, Gamta, Gavit, T 9 ,5 4 :{\t3,vchi, Padvi, Valvi R U 9 5 -4 8. Gom, l'ifaikpod, Jajgond T 1,438 786 652 R 32 22 10 U 1,406 764 642 9. Gowdalu T 496 257 239 II 72 35 37 U 424 22.2 202 -7- I' . Total Sl. [Tame of the ~CJ.u~C1.1 Persons, M:a.les Fenp-les Ifo. Scheduled T+:,ibe , Urban 2 -----,--------'4-·'- 0 JJA' G' ,- .', ", D-'S-' --(;T( C ',' "?J) ) 01. J,: ..:-i.]Ju_.)..'.I _"~l:_::!..~::...:_ ,u~.'_,_ ._ 10. " I}3.1C.d pilcki T 265 235 ", 500 ~I. 306 166 140 U 194 99 95- \ 11., . ~{;l.salaru T 27 12 15 . ) _,L U 27 12 15 i :12. ;Ii-ular . \ T 64 33 31 11 46 24- 22 U 18 9 9 13. Iruliga T 3,404 1,804 1,600 R 3,352 1,778 1,574 U 52 26 26 14-. Jenu Kuruba. " T 5,633 2,965 2,668 R 2,778 1,425 1,353 u 2,855 1,540 1,315 15. Ddu Kuruba T 11,742 6,104 5,638 R 3,592 ,1,859 1,733 u 8,150 4,245 3,905 16. l{athodi, Katkari, Dhor- T 1::; ". 8 7 l{athodi,. Dhor I{atkari, It ... Son KathOdi, SOll Katkari U 15 8- -7 17. l{a t t1.Ulayaltan T 46 22 24' R 4 3 1 U 42 19 23 18. Koli .Dhor, Tola-e Kali, T 22 10 12 Kolc ba, Kolgha R U 22- 10- 12- 19. Konda. ICapus T 8 4- 4- R - U 8 4.

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