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Among these issues is the Sparn Law, sought after because they are environmentally passed in 1997 by Nevada legislators in an effort technology com- friendly, low water users and they pay substan­ to stop unsolicited commercial e-mail. The law tially higher than most other industries. Accord­ has huge loopholes and has done little to stop ing to the American Electronics Association, spammers who continue to target Nevadans. The panies to Nevada high-tech workers earn an average salary of commerce clause of the U.S. Constitution is used $53,000, a figure that is 80 percent higher than by judges as a reason to invalidate state attempts salaries in other industries. to regulate e-commerce. Consequently, we have a depends a great In the southern part of the state, Nevada law that is unworkable and is considered by some Development Authority reports the creation of to be anti-technology. It seems our legislators more than 3,000 jobs for this fiscal year with should revisit the issue during the next session. deal on how our even more expected for next year. In the North­ Education issues are vital to our state's ability em part of the state, Economic Development of to attract technology companies. Qualified work­ Western Nevada claims closer to 400 new high­ ers are essential to any company, but high-tech elected officials tech jobs for the past year. companies have special needs that must be ad­ It seems the industry overall is experiencing dressed. It's time Nevada got serious about edu­ tremendous growth after a self-imposed slow­ cation reform and put into place workable pro­ handle key tech- down (and in some cases - shut down) due to the grams that will provide our residents with high Y2K threats. With the scare behind them, IT com­ paying jobs, and technology companies with panies are implementing projects that were pre­ qualified workers. The voucher program is a good nology issues. viously on hold and moving forward at an un­ example of a workable program th at's being ham­ precedented rate. pered by our political establishment. The cost of operating in technology-rich areas, On a federal level, you can bet that e-tailers are such as Silicon Valley, has become hazardous to watching both the feds, and individual states for the bottom line. However, just across the border, signs of a pending federal ales tax on e-com­ high-tech firms are discovering that land, as well merce. State officials aero the nation are con­ as operating costs, is affordable. An added incen­ cerned about lost revenues due to e-commerce. tive that attracts many companies to our state is the Washington politicians are promising worried lower cost of living and quality lifestyle. But per­ state officials assistance in the form of an e-tax haps our biggest advantage is Nevada's relative that would be collected by the feds and distrib­ proximity to California. Company executives find uted to each state. Technology companies are be­ the commute easy and affordable. corning more politically avvy and they'll be watching the actions of our elected officials Now the bad news. closely on this issue. Whether you like it or not, technology is the evada still ranks 45th in the nation for tech­ future. Unless those representing our state adopt Nnology-related employment. Even with the a pro-technology attitude, eventually Nevada will recent influx of new technology companies, we go the way of the dinosaur. • COMMENTS? e-mail: [email protected] 4 Nevada Business Journal • June 2000 SINCE 1985 • NBJ.COM jBUSINESS 4QRR~~~ PUBLISHER Lyle E. Brennan • lyle@nbj .com EDITOR Connie Brennan • connie@nbj .com ART DIRECTOR I PRODUCTION MANAGER Barbara L. Moore MARKETING CONSULTANT Connie & Associates RESEARCH ASSOCIATE Lindsey Coombs • [email protected] ONLINE MARKETING DIRECTOR Bert Kash Blevins ill • bert@nbj .com PUBLISHER'S ASSISTANT DeAnna M. Price • deanna@nbj .com EDITORS AT LARGE Jennifer Rachel Baumer I Telecommunications Cindie Geddes I Healthcare Kim Pryor I Banking CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Tom Dye I Diane Glazman I Scott Gragson Tony lllia I John Kilpatrick Kim Pryor I R. Keith Schwer Ted Schlazer I Mike Sullivan I Tom Tait ADVERTISING I SALES Connie Brennan • advertisers@nbj .com INTERNET MARKETING AGENCY Janeva Interactive CORPORATE OFFICE 2127 Paradise Road • Las Vegas, NV 89104 (702) 735-7003 • FAX (702) 733-5953 subscribers@nbj .com Website: www.nbj .com Business Resource: nbj .nevadabusiness.com NEVADA BUSINFSS JOURNAL is a division of BUSINESS L INK, LLC, and is listed in Standard Rates and Data, #20A-Business-Metro, State and Regional. ToPRANK N EVADA - ANNUAL STATEWIDE BOOK OF LISTS is a publication of NEVADA BUS INESS JOURNAL. Advertisers should contact Sales at (702) 735-7003, or write to: NEVADA BUSINESS J OURNAL, 2127 Paradise Rd., Las Vegas, Nevada 89 104. Demographic information available upon request. Month- t to-month circulation may vary. • NBJ is published monthly, bulle postage paid. Subscription rate is The answer is the people $44.00 per year. Special order single-copy price is $7 .50. Tor RANK NEVADA - ANNUAL STATEWIDE BOOK OF LISI'S, a compilation of lists of Deloitte & Touche which have appeared in NBJ over the past 12 months, is published on an annual basis. T orRANK NEVADA single-copy price is $29.95. 1 All contents ©2000 copyright, and reproduction of material appear­ ing in NEVADA B USINESS JOURNAL and ToPRANK NEVADA - ANNUAL Deloitte STATEWIDE BOOK ot· usrs is prohibited unless so authorized by the publisher. &Touche Assurance & adv i sory, tax services and consulting CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Please send previous address or mail­ ing label & new address. Allow six weeks. EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS: Addtess all submissions to the at­ I www. us . deloitte . com tention of Jennifer Robison. Unsolici ted manuscripts must be ac­ companied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. NBJ assumes no responsibility for unsolicited materials. Las Vegas Reno DISCLAil\ffiR: Editorial views expressed in this magazine 702.893.3100 775.326.5900 are not necessarily those of the publisher or its boards. ©2000 Oeloitte & Touc he LLP. De loitte & Touche refers to Oeloitte & Touche LLP a nd related e ntities. June 2000 • Nevada Business Journal Contents June 2000 • Volume 15 · No. 5 Features 40 TopRank Nevada S1JIIEWIDE BOOK OF USIS 16 Measuring Business • Architectural Firms Perfonnance CINDIE GEDDES • Airlines Tracking corporate performance can • Airports • Developers help you steer clear of calamity and • Golf Courses POCGEMEYER set a course for profitability, • Hospitals DESIGN GROUP 18 How to Write a Business Plan CINDIE GEDDES • Master-Planned .... 77H57-2889 An essential tool for charting your Communities Las Yips 21 company's future. • Minority-Owned Businesses 702-255-8100 21 Banking on Technology TONY ILLIA • Professional & Nevada's financial institutions invest Trade Organizations in e-commerce. • Women-Owned Businesses Building Nevada 24 Taking the Pulse of 32 At The Top JENN IFER BAUMER Commercial Construction JEN NIFER BAUMER Interior Solutions, Inc. - Northern Industry experts point to low unemployment and Nevada interior design firm serves eroding profit margins as areas of concern. thriving niche market. 27 Housing the Future JENNIFER BAUMER 33 Building Nevada News in Brief Trends in master-planned communities. GC Wallace Aids in Beltway Completion • 29 Maximizing the Value of Burnett Haase Breaks Ground on Pacific Your Land Investment Beltway Centre • Phase III of Warm Springs SCOTI GRAGSON AND JOHN KILPATRICK Crossing Underway • New Costco Coming to Practical advice for maximizing your returns on your Southern Nevada • Pulte Named America's undeveloped real estate investments. Top Home Builder • Colliers International 31 Neighborhood Watch JENNIFER BAUMER Lists 80 Acres in North Las Vegas • Anthem Lynbrook - Creating the traditional neighborhood. Clubhouse Complete Departments 4 Commentary LYLE BRENNAN 12 Regional Spotlight DIANE GLAZMAN 38 V"ltal Signs CINDIE GEDDES The good, the bad and the e-ugly Lyon County Economic Advanced Vision & Laser Center - Northern 8 Business Up Front Development Authority. Nevada's first laser vision center. Miles for Smiles -Program targets at-risk • Business travel costs on the rise. 14 People on the Move kids for free dental care. -~ ' • Shopping centers lag behind technology. 34 Inside Politics MICHAEL SULLIVAN • Companies still focused on staffing issues. 39 Money Management NEVADA CPAS Defining the "good" candidate. • CEO tenures short-lived Finding college financial aid. 36 At The Top DIAN E GLAZMAN • HMO profits plunge. 57 Nevada Briefs United Coin - Bringing innovation • Leave a Legacy campaign underway 10 Small Business Solutions TOM DYE to the gaming industry. • Northern Trust Bank opens in Las Vegas Mastering the Art of Delegation - Protqtcted • Berkley helps win new McCarran flights illness forces owner to re-evaluate his hands­ 37 Teleconnections JENNIFER BAUMER • Internet access to paid checks provided on role in overseas sales.
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