Minkowski Spacetime and QED from Ontology of Time C. Baumgarten 5244 Birrhard, Switzerland∗ (Dated: June 28, 2017) Classical mechanics, relativity, electrodynamics and quantum mechanics are often depicted as separate realms of physics, each with its own formalism and notion. This remains unsatisfactory with respect to the unity of nature and to the necessary number of postulates. We uncover the intrinsic connection of these areas of physics and describe them using a common symplectic Hamiltonian formalism. Our approach is based on a proper distinction between variables and constants, i.e. on a basic but rigorous ontology of time. We link these concepts with the obvious conditions for the possibility of measurements. The derived consequences put the measurement problem of quantum mechanics and the Copenhagen interpretation of the quantum mechanical wavefunction into perspective. According to our (onto-) logic we find that spacetime can not be fundamental. We argue that a geometric interpretation of symplectic dynamics emerges from the isomorphism between the corresponding Lie algebra and the representation of a Clifford algebra. Within this conceptional framework we derive the dimensionality of spacetime, the form of Lorentz transformations and of the Lorentz force and fundamental laws of physics as the Planck-Einstein relation, the Maxwell equations and finally the Dirac equation. I. INTRODUCTION a frequency ω = E/~. The rate of change is what quanti- fies the “passage of time”. This is the meaning of saying A. Spacetime vs. Proper Time that time and energy are conjugate quantities. The pas- sage of time is measured by clocks, i.e. by the rate of change of a reference device. And any system that can Schr¨odinger once wrote that “In Einstein’s theory of be described by Eq. 1 is a clock in itself. Metaphorically gravitation matter and its dynamical interaction are we say it exists in time. based on the notion of an intrinsic geometric structure of Seen by light, Eq. 1 is nothing but the equation of mo- the space-time continuum”[1]. What we will discuss in tion (EQOM) of an harmonic oscillator. If we write the this article suggests to conjecture the reverse statement, real and imaginary part of the so-called “wave-function” i.e. that the intrinsic geometric structure of spacetime separately ψ = X + i Y , then we obtain with E/~ = ω: is based on the very notion of matter and its dynamical interaction. The idea that spacetime is not fundamen- ψ˙ = X˙ + i Y˙ = iω(X + iY ) tal but emergent has been proposed in the past by sev- − X˙ = ω Y (2) eral authors [2–12]. Some discussed the relation between Y˙ = ω X , spacetime and quantum communication [13]. Our con- − jecture results from a different, almost classical, notion where the dot indicates the temporal derivative. In ma- of quantum mechanics, closely connected to the phase trix form this reads1: space picture of classical statistical mechanics. A sig- X˙ 0 1 X nificant number of publications support our direction of = ω . (3) thought [14–24]. Y˙ 1 0 Y − We shall start with the distinction of variables and constants, i.e. from an (onto-)logic of time. Consider the The interpretation of the use of the unit imaginary in basic quantummechanical relationship Eq. 1 seems to be the litmus test of our attitude towards quantum mechanics. It is as often presented as a nec- essary ingredient as its necessity is strictly denied. We i~ ∂tψ = E ψ . (1) arXiv:1409.5338v6 [physics.hist-ph] 27 Jun 2017 believe that the unit imaginary is nothing mysterious or The left side is the rate of change of a wavefunction ψ and magical that distinguishes quantum from classical me- the equation expresses that this rate of change is equal chanics. It is just a compact form of writing Hamilton’s to the energy of the system. “Energy” is probably the equations of motion (EQOM) of a classical harmonic os- most fundamental concept in physics. The conservation cillator (CHO). However, Eq. 3 is the normal form of an of energy has no serious exception and physics assigns to algebraically more general equation and it is in this re- the energy the role of substance. Any entity that falls spect an unmotivated limitation of the EQOM - as we under the notion of “object” is “charged” with a certain are going to show in this essay. amount of energy and is therefore subject to change with 1 The equality of Eq. 1 and Eq. 3 is known for long (see for instance Ref. ([15])), but the way of understanding and teaching quantum ∗ [email protected] mechanics has not changed. 2 The difference between the two interpretations is in spacetime - namely the energy-momentum relationship - some correspondence with two conflicting attitudes to- and Maxwell equations emerge in an algebraically sim- wards the wave function. Some scientist believe it is a ple and elegant way from a reinterpretation of Eq. 1, i.e. mere mathematical tool while others tend to interpret its from a proper distinction between those quantities that components as the true dynamical variables. We will ar- change and those that stay constant. gue that both attitudes miss the point. It is the pure form of physical theories - i.e. the equation of motion - that re- quires the definition of some fundamental variables. And B. The Form of Physics it is a deformation to believe that we can directly assign physical meaning to these variables. Hence the “classi- Usually textbooks on (classical) physics begin with the cal” form of physical theories is - though mathematically equations of motion of point-masses, the definition of po- sound - conceptually inconsistent or at least incomplete. sitions, velocities and accelerations etc. This means that Let us briefly explain why this is so. the fundamental variables of the theory are usually di- Eq. 1 tells us that the wavefunction of a system with rectly charged with physical meaning, a meaning that energy changes at every time. Instead of postulating the is supposed to have its origin in our “classical” macro- validity of Eq. 1, we again reverse the argument: We pos- scopic experience. However this “method” implies that tulate that change is immanent to physical reality [25]. we have to presuppose a considerable number of mechan- The permanent change is the physical mode of existence. ical concepts. A proper definition of these concepts how- Again metaphorically we say that material objects exist ever relies on and refers to an elaborated theory. Like in time. Any fundamental physical model of reality has Baron Munchhausen, who claimed to have pulled him- to represent this continuous change. This is the essence self by the hair out of the swamp, the theory is based of Eq. 1: Variables ψ that represent existing fundamen- upon notions that become meaningful only in the con- tal quantities have to vary continuously. We show in text of the spelled-out physical theory [27]. It is the fate the following that Eq. 1 can be derived from this pos- of human existence to be thrown into an already exist- tulate. But before doing so, let us briefly describe why ing world and it seems to be the fate of physics students classical physics is conceptionally incomplete. The most to be thrown right into a framework of concepts with- trivial flaw is the inability of classical physics to give an out the chance for a stepwise systematic and logical (re- account of its measurement standards. The most triv- )construction. The classical theory implicitly claims that ial being the length. Classically we take the existence of these concepts are in some way ad-hoc derivatives from a solid rod for granted. Einstein made an enlightening everyday experience - though seen by light Hamiltonian remark: “One should always be aware that the presup- and Lagrangian mechanics can rarely be applied directly position of the existence in principle of rigid rods is a to everyday empirical evidence. presupposition suggested by approximate experience but We invite the reader to follow a different path and to is, in principle, arbitrary”[26]. Why is this so? Because put on hold with the conceptions of mass, point particles, classical physics taken as classical mechanics, electrody- wave functions and also spacetime. A renewed analysis namics and relativity can not explain the existence of a of spacetime is required as soon as we understand that finite and fixed atomic radius and hence can not explain the rod of constant length - and with it spacetime - is a the existence of a measuring rod. Bohr’s orbital theory mere postulate. But if quantum mechanics is required to tried to establish fixed radii by an ad-hoc postulate - but explain the existence of rods of constant length, then the the idea of definite orbitals conflicts with electrodynam- same is true for the concept of spacetime: It requires an ics. We will not derive a finite radius in the following, explanation - in the optimal case in form of a derivation 3. instead we will make the presumption explicit and incor- Physics is an “empirical” science, based on objective porate it as a general principle in what follows. measurements. A measurement is the comparison of vari- On the fundamental level existence implies continuous able properties of objects (measurands) with the corre- change. But though all fundamental quantities continu- sponding constant properties of reference objects. Be- ously change, physics as an experimental science requires fore we are able to measure distances, we need to have the constancy of measurement standards. Without con- stant reference standards we could not test physical mod- els. These two apparently trivial facts are the starting 3 There are more good physical reasons to reconsider the concept point of the ontology of time.
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