MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 1966 The Weather PAGE EIGHTEEN Aveilage Dally Net Pr8as Run Foreeaet ef V . B. Weather Brnm iian rV B tfr lEti^nins 1 | m l & For the Week Ended Oeoember It, ItM Freezing rafai,^eleet ehai«taig to rain In most eectlouz teuight, Ifanoheater W ATS8 will Tha Wa Two Group o< Con­ then to snow nunrtee beforo m e n About Town meet tomorrow at the Italian cordia Lutheran Church will Maintenance^ College Topics DOUBLE STAMPS WEDNESDAY 1 4 ,1 5 1 lag; variable olondiaee% e o titr h American Club, Eldrldga 8t. have a potluck and meeting to­ lEuptiing morrow. morrow ai 6:30 p.m. at the Skating - G>asting M enber of Um Audit Weighing In will be from 7 to b HARTFORD, EAST HARTFORD. WEST HARTFORD Bureau e( ClroulatloB Manche»ter—’A City of Village Charm <Mi)l>am Ass*nbly, Catholic 8 p.m. The program will be church. Members art reminded Of Budget Workshop Today MIDDLETOWN. BRISTOL. MANCHESTER ladias of Ocdtwntbus, wtn apon- ‘Come as You Were One Year to bring table aettings. The ex­ aor a mmmajfe aale Wednea- Ago.” Secret pale will be re­ ecutive committee is arranging a n d n e w BRITAIN (Olaaettled Adrortlsing on Page Id) PRICE SEVEN CENtI day at 9:30 a m. at liott'a au- vealed. the potluck before the meeting. The board of aduoation fi- prorram (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1966 permarket. Mcmbcra are ra- nance committee will hold Its from 38,OM to 118,000. minded to bring article* for the The* Hartford Pembroke Col­ Charter Oak Council, Boy The capitol Improvement pro­ Scouts of America, will meet No ice skating will be allow­ third budget workshop tonight Bale to the store tomorrow at lege Club will meet Thursday gram is not a part of the edu­ and elect officers tomorrow at ed at any o f the park depart­ at Bennet Junior High School cation operations budget. It is 7:30 p.m. « at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Klngswood School for Boys, ment maintained areas today. at 7:30. Maintenance of. Plant due to be submitted to the J_ Richard Page, 40 Wolcott Hill Events Rd., Wethersfield. Slides taken West Hartford. The meeting Coasting iwill be permitted in and the Community College board of e4ucatlon this week. will be preceded by a dinner at Centef Springs Park until dark. It includes larger than 118,000 — O a r — by members of their travels will budget will be covered. Assembly ‘Expenses’ 6;30 p.m. Skiing is expected tonight at installations and repairs, like Vietnamese Schoolgirl be featured. Those wishing to the Mt. Nebo ski slope from Section 700y maintenance of the installation of television In State submit slides ihay contact Mrs. 6:30 to 10:30. plant, takes up 2.4 per cent of E. Corbin Sweeney, 175 Main Miantonomoh Tribe, lORM, sets as a prelude Lo instruction­ STOP.SH0P MORSE will meet at 7 tonight in Tink­ next year’s proposed 35.6 mil­ al TV in the schools. St., Manchecter. SUPER MARKETS C O lX E fiC er Hall. Deputy Great Sachem Manchester Chapter of lion education operations budg­ Another Item of note in this Manchester L,odge of Masons Anthony E^dio of Southington SPEB3QSA will rehearse to­ et. The expenditure proposed section la a recommendation to Under IRS Serntiny Yankee Atomic will preside at the raising of totals 3134,908, whith is 341.500 remove the bricH wail which will meet tomorrow at T:30 p.m. chiefa Refreshments of corh night at 8 at Bunce School on forms a part of Education Olcott St. more than this year’s allotted Mortgage Goes Newest Suicide by Fire at the Masonic Temple. World and venison will be served after 393.318. This year that figure Square at Bennet Junior High Series films will be shown after the meeting. takes up 1.8 per cent of the School. Because no money has HARTFORD (API __ An'^y*“ ’ marks an attempteSOOO of their 32,800 pay “ a busineas meeting. The meeting of Mancheeter been alloted for its repair in H A K lh U K U / A t ' ) A n y i,gi,ifttlve leaders to skirt pense money, they still had to To N.Y. Brokers budget. attempt by legislative lead- » . --------— -document----------• such expenses. St. Elizabe others Circle Cedarettes. scheduled for to­ Maintenance of plant is a past years, the wall has de­ the provision which prevents XI Gamma Chapter of Beta will meet Weuna.sday at 8:16 night. is canceled because of the teriorated and CurtlA aaid that ers to list the $2,500 law this hold-over Legislature from He said the state will be a Barista AJminiilralien lengthy section of the budget, filing records of this 32,600 HARTFORD (AP) — A a Aceeunlint • SrerHtritI Sigma Phi will meet tomorrow p.m. at the home of Mrs. Albert storm. covering almost 15 pages. In it the cost of repairing it would maker pay as "expense getting any salary. U .S . A id e at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Sobielo, 226 School St. Mrs. be prohibitive. It would cost The 196SA,egi8latuIv saw each "expense” payment to the Inter' combination of New York i IS) Ann St., Held. 522-2261 arc items like salaries for main­ money” will be watched by nal Revenue Bureau so the lat Stanley Pearson of Marline Rd., James Gleason will be co- Center Congregational Church tenance men, contracted serv­ less to remove it, he said. member paid a total of 32,600. brokers successfully bid to- The Community College Internal Revenue agents. terr will navehave recordsrecoraa on this.uua. i . - ,, *» Co-Edntstio^ ■ Vernon. hoetess. has postponed its annual meet­ ices, replacement of furniture Of that, 32.000 was listed as One complication noted b y . day for the financing of a budget, scheduled for coverage In order to get that amount salary and 3600 as expense mon­ U n in ju r e d ing, scheduled for yesterday and equipment, and supplies. qears of service Conley is that there will not be Wednesday, has been set for to­ exempt from Income tax pay­ ey. Unable to da that for the Connecticut Yankee Atom- afternoon, until Sunday at 3 The biggest Jump is 314,000 any "withholding tax” deducted ■ jg Power Co. $40 million p.m. at the church. night due t.o the conflict caused ments, the legislators will have hold-over legislature, the 32,500 for replacement of furniture by the town forum series to document every penny they Is to be paid for expense*. on thle 32,6(X). mortgage. and equipment In most of the Wednesday night. spend under the category of Lawmakers have always re­ Thus many lawmakers with Manchester Assembly, Order schools. The coverage of these Three bids were opened in In A tta c k Not a part of the education necessary expenses. ceived 10 cents a mile for dally only modest expenses could be New York and telephoned to a of Rainbow for Girls, will have items 's lengthy and detailed, operations budget, the Com­ That was the word today from travel pay, and this will con­ hit with a total lump sum tax an initiatory meeting tonight at ranging from the replacement hearing before the State Public munity College budget proposes District DIrectoT Joseph J. (3on- tinue. bite when they fill out their in­ Utilities Commission here. SAIGON, South Tiet HOUSE five days left 7:30 at the Masonic Temple. Of­ of Venetian blind tapes (3300) expenditures of 3166.488 In ley Jr. of the U. S. Internal Referring to the new listing come tax returns. The PUC approved the bid Nam (A P )— A Vietnamesto ficers are reminded to wear to the installation of 400 audi­ 1965-66. Of this amount, It He suggested that the General Revenue Bureau. of 32,500 as expense money, from Merrill, L)mch, Pierce, [schoolgirl committed sui­ white gowns. torium chairs in Bentley School hopes to repay the town 3109,- Oonley said: Assembly members might be Fenner Smith. Inc., together (32,000). He said that revenue agents JANUARY 000 In tuition and other In­ will not automatically accept “ No matter what they call It, prudent If they arranged for with Blythe A Co., Lehman cide by fire at Nha Trang Lakota Council, Degree of One reason for the increase, come. each legislator must report the some pay - as - you - go arrange­ Brothers and Salmon ft Hutzler. today in what was an- according to the budget mes­ the "expense allowance’’’ de.slg- Pocahontas, will have a kitchen The budget has been approved 32,600 as Income. Against that, ment, or consider the matter The company will be charged sage of Superintendent of by the college’s Citizens Advi­ natlon to be listed In legislative in filing estimated tax returns. I nounced as a political pro- CORSET SALE social tonight at 8 at the home pay to members of the General they may deduct allowable ex­ 4.485 per cent over a period of of Mrs. Pauline Forcucci, 58 Schools William Curtis, is that sory Council. This year, the col­ penses with their duties such as I test against Premier 'Tran the minimum figure for trans­ lege Is operating on a 3122.500 Assembly. 28 years. HALE HillcreBt Ave., West Hartford, The expense allowance desig­ lodging and meals." Company officials said the Van Huong’s government. ENDS SATURDAY for members and guests. fer o f items from plant main­ budget which includes a 37,000 Conley said that two years Hoang Thi Yen Phu, lH, Main Street^Manchester tenance to the capital Improve- supplemental appropriation.
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