4 THE WASHINGTON TIMES SUNDAY JCLY 5 1903 7 r Alfred R Blerley brother of the bride may be seen dally roaming the coun- ¬ arrived on Friday Dr and Mrs John quito ill She has sufficiently recovered spending July at tho Hotel Wellington Bonney Dr and Mrs Braco Mr and Weddings was best man A reception followed at tryside with an attendant carrying her C Boyd and family who have a cottage however to resume her travels They Atlantic City Mrs Jefferson Davis Miss Dodge Mr I I ¬ the home of the brides parents at which apparatus and gleefully securing nega- there Mrs Marcus Mitchell and Mrs will spend the next few weeks in Ger- ¬ and Mrs H W Fisher Miss Emily LakeDietz only tho bridal party and immediate tives of anything and everything that ap- ¬ J Loring Gilbert many The Misses Point of Huntington W Fitzgerald Prof and Mra EdgarFrloby relatives wore present peals to her sense of humor and tho Vn are visiting their cousin Mrs Ed ¬ Miss Frisby Mrs J Fred Gatchol Gen St AloyslUB roctory was the scoao of A T Komp accompanied Mr and Mrs Thompson left on a late picturesque Mrs by her Among the recent Washington ar- ¬ ward Roberts of 1331 Twolfth Stroot George H Harries and Mrs pretty wedding last Tuesday evening B Harriesilr train for Philadelphia New York and brother Jules Nellson will leave rivals at Orkney Springs Va arc Mr northwest and Mrs Frank Israel Miss Jamoa Mr when Miss Lillian L Diets and Vivian whoso Newport tomorrow Atlantic City Upon their return to the The full name of Lord Monson for Lenox for the and Mrs H S Zimmerman S Med- Lako wore married Tho bride wore and Miss Jones Dr Homer Medford Miss E city they will live at COS Ninth Stroot marriage to Mrs Romaine Madeline summer and will be Joined on August 1 Zimmerman Mrs Ann Kollor of 304 H Streot north-¬ ford a girlish gown of white organdy over Miss Pendleton Miss Ida Mr and Mrs Edward Morgan Mrs northeast Turnuro daughter of Gen and Mrs by her mother Mrs Frederick Neilson Pendleton and Mrs west has gone to Philadelphia Pa for Mulford Dr and Mrs whlto taffeta and a large white hat place in Ebort John Nichols Mr Roy Stone of this city took a brief visit whoro she will be the guest and Mrs Offuti Warren Offutt trimmed with ostrich plumes and car- ¬ Is Augustus De flake Miss May to Be Married Paris on last Tuesday Mrs Larz Anderson of Washington Col E Snow Washington yes ¬ of her son Mr Jamos Kollor Harper a shower bouquot Bride roses and J left Mr and Mrs Omwae MlBsflda ried of bonnalre John Monson the ninth Baron has taken the Geranium cottage Be- ¬ terday a ¬ The marriage of Miss Lillian May for months vacation In the ONoII Miss Jonnie Perry Miss Pusey sweet peas Immediately after the cere- Monson was In 1868 and suc- ¬ Pcnnington daughter of Mrs Henry May and sister He born fore going to Bar Harbor she was tho West He will visit Kansas City and Miss Pearl of Cumberland Mr and Mrs Frederick PYle Mr and mony which was performed by the Rev tho peerage In 1900 guost ¬ Md guest of B of George May of Baltimore and Col ceeded his father to of Senator and Mrs Hale at Ells other places Is the Miss Virginia Mrs J Quintor Miss Qulntor Dr tWill Father E X Fink pastor of the church At present Is private secretary to his Daddysman Capitol Honry May of this city to Lord Bagot he worth of Hill lam P Reeves Miss Scott MIss iDeUa Mr and Mrs Lake loft for Virginia uncle Sir Edmund Monson tbo British Mrs John T Arms accompanied by spend honeymoon will take place In London July 15 The Scott Mrs Rose Shaw Mr Shibley whero they will their ambassador to France and was control- ¬ Mr and Mrs Franklin Steele of her daughter Miss May Arms and her R Elmo Boyd loft yesterday for At- ¬ ilr Upon to tho olty they will couple will spend their honeymoon in and Mrs T W Smith Dr and Mrs D their roturn ler of the household of the late Duke of Washington pro at Newport Lam J Taylor Arms has opened her cot ¬ lantic City be home to their friends at 905 First Staffordshire England whore Lord Ba¬ the Bar B Street tho Misses Street F Sutor at SaxeCoburg and Gotha tage at Nonqultt Mr Arms who Is Street northwest got has extensive estates Harbor for the season Mr and Mrs Gayland Tait Charle W inablo to leave tho city at present will Miss Lola Baker of Langdon who Is Treadwell Mrs Count Angelo do Gubernatls Mrs Plerpont Morgan Wood Dr Ward Mr DuvallPhelps Prof J is among the Join his family in a short time traveling In Europe with a party of and Mrs W F Woolard the famous Oriental scholar has left recent Bar Mr andMrs S arrivals at Harbor She will graduates of Washington College and Samuel Swindells Mrs Strickland The marriage of Miss Katherine T I- Rome and Is on his way to this country Dr Jottings From Abroad spend tho summer hero Lewis Wilson secretary to Commis- ¬ chaperoned by several teachers of that Phelps and Somorvlllo A Duvall took Va and Mrs Madison Swadcner Mr Will¬ for three months course of lectures sioner West and J Livingston Johnson Institution reports a pleasant voyage place Tuesday evening June 30 at Lang before American iams L Yznaga and Miss Wills F So much confusion has arisen with re- ¬ universities secretary to the Board of Commission- ¬ end Naples of don M E Church Rev A L Hughes their arrival at with all gard to tho name and nationality of the iI ers have gone to City given away by Mrs Hermann Oelrichs has been stop ¬ ChitChat Atlantic for a two the party welL Her bro Bor Reed Summer Social Register officiated Tho bride was nobleman whom Fponcos to Miss White ¬ t weeks vacation Baker left Wednesday by way of her brother R Bland Phelps and Miss ping with the Duke and Duchess of Man- last The Summer Social Register 1903 house daughter of Mr and Mrs William San Japan Manila P for Ellie Hallie of Georgetown was maid chester at Tanderagee Castle Hermann Assistant Secretary of State and Mrs Francisco and for with tho country foreign and yachtlng Fitzhugh Whltehouse is to be married Dr and Mrs B H Smart will leave I whore ho will be employed in the of honor The Misses Etta Page Bertha Oelrichs Is reported from San Francisco Loomis are receiving congratulations on address of tho prominent famllica oC In London on July 7 that it may be in ¬ tho city tomorrow for a trip to Now land office Gundlach Florence Haskell Anna to be better the birth of a son The baby New York Philadelphia Boston Chi- ¬ teresting to know that in spite of his will be York Boston and the Whlto Mountains Jones and Elizabeth and Susie Warren christened Francis Butler for his cago Baltimore St Louis and Buffalo British name Baron Constantino do Count Campollo Is returning homo about July 20 John E Wilklo and his son Donald escorted the bridal party to tile altar Paolo of Rome father has Just been Issued In this little ¬ Ramsay Is a Russian and a gentleman- dead The was sailed July 1 England whore they singing the Bridal Chorus from Lo- deceased at one time l for book 7518 of the chamber to the Czar Ho Is de-¬ canon W families aro represented by Mrs Finley of St Peters but he abandoned Mrs Wynne wife of ¬ J Duffus has returned from a ten will remain until the 1st of September hengrin accompanied numerous the First Assist During tho year 3G1 persons have mar- ¬ on scended from one of those Catholicism and preached In violent lan- ¬ ant Postmaster General days trip to Now York Boston and Mrs Wilklo and Miss Jean Wilkle will S Hayes and George Mitchell the will not go ried and there are noted of- ceremony- Scotchman of good birth who In search guage against the Vatican in Italy Eng- ¬ away Providence spend the summer in New England tho deaths piano and violin After the until tho latter part of the month t women reception hold at the brides home of adventure took service In the army land and America He recently ro and 104 men The families a was when accompanied by the youngor chil ¬ young couple left for Groat set- ¬ penance Mrs H Cranford and living Inland number 3242 while 2664 after which the of Peter the and afterward cant d did and was restored to dren of the family she go J her small Mrs C D Ham and her niece Mrs their new home In Jcssups Md tled in is no such person- will to the family are located at Cape MAy for the are at the seashore 159 are making Russia There the priesthood His death occurred In coast of Maine as In previous summers L G Pavey have returned to their as Lord Ramsay now is a title al ¬ a summer their home on their yachts and 757 are That hosoltal She hopes to bo Joined later by homo in Illinois lamasureCason ways borne by the eldest son of the Earl Mr spending tho summer abroad Wynne and the eldor sons of tho family Miss Miss Dell Cason and Frank H Lama of Dalhousie The latter Is quite a Baron Maxmllllan Washington of Vi ¬ Mildred Henry of NewfYork who Little Marguerite Stevens is again at According to Its statistics 329 families sure were married at tho residence of young man and his engagement has only enna who died on last Friday bolongod has been visiting friends hcfre for the Colonial Beach with friends whore she are on tho Jersey coast 760 are on Long Senator Hanna who Is on his way t- < past two go Rev Dr S M Newman on Tuesday Just boon announced St Peters Eaton to the family of Washlngtons in Eng- ¬ weeks will to lAppomatox will remain all summer Island of which 151 aro at too Hamp evening last Mr and Mrs Lamasure will Square will be tho scene of Miss White land and America and his son born In his Southern home at Thomasville Ga Court House tomorrow whetfe she will tons 329 are on tho north shoro o tho tho Marion 1850 will spend today at Lookout Inn near spend the summer 343 be at home to their
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