50 electron microscope was covered with magnetic-shielding three-dimensional observations of internal electric poten- “Permalloy” to reduce ambient magnetic field effects. tials in and around materials, fine magnetic behavior For performance evaluation of the electron micro- observations of the microscopic region within magnets, scope, its information transfer, indicating a specimen’s and observations of magnetic vortices called “skyrmions,” fine-structures transfer capability to its camera, was which are promising candidates for memory devices with VOLUME 17 NO. 3 NO. 17 VOLUME ultra-low power consumption. | measured by using a tungsten single crystal. The results indicated that the electron microscope can transfer crystal Hitachi will collaborate with first-class research insti- structure information of a world-finest resolution of 43 tutes, including RIKEN, and use the holography electron pm under the corrected spherical-aberration condition. microscope to study quantum phenomena of emergent Furthermore, gallium nitride (GaN) single-crystal observa- materials by measuring their electric and magnetic tion showed an atomic resolution of 44 pm; that is, isolated fields at the atomic scale, for example, high-perfor- gallium atoms with a spacing of 44 pm were clearly shown. mance magnets, large-capacity rechargeable batteries, This result demonstrates that the electron microscope can low-power-consumption memory devices, and high- visualize specimen structures and electromagnetic fields temperature superconductors. In doing so, Hitachi will at the atomic level. contribute to the advancement of quantum mechanics, condensed-matter physics, materials science and technol- The present FIRST Program has been jointly conducted ogy, and other fields while developing new materials that by three institutions: Hitachi, Ltd. has been engaged in ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS FAILURE DEVICE ELECTRONIC will support a sustainable society. the development of the holography electron microscope, RIKEN has been engaged in development of application The development project was funded by the Japan technologies of electron microscopes and their applica- Society for Promotion of Science, an incorporated tion to materials science and technology, and Japan administrative agency. The results of the project will Science and Technology Corporation has engaged in sup- be published online in Applied Physics Letters, a science porting managerial tasks. In particular, at RIKEN, scientific journal in the United States. achievements in the following three areas were realized: For more information: web: hitachi.com. GUEST COLUMNIST AN IARPA SUCCESS STORY—THE CIRCUIT ANALYSIS TOOLS PROGRAM Carl E. McCants, Program Manager, Safe and Secure Operations Office [email protected] necessary for analysis of integrated circuits at the 22 nm PROGRAM OVERVIEW technology node and beyond. The capabilities of these The semiconductor industry is continuing its move tools would enable the evaluation of commercial products forward with Moore’s Law, as 14 nm FinFET integrated for use by the government. circuits are currently in production, and 10 nm circuits are expected within the next two to three years. In addition, PROGRAM SUMMARY extensive use of 2.5-D packaging with silicon interposers In Volume 15, Issue 4 of EDFA magazine, I described and 3-D structures provide additional challenges for circuit the IARPA CAT program with four thrust areas: circuit edit, analysis and failure analysis. The Intelligence Advanced fault isolation, logic analysis, and fast imaging. This has Research Projects Activity (IARPA) Circuit Analysis Tools been modified slightly, with a thrust in sample prepara- (CAT) program was initiated by Dr. William Vanderlinde tion replacing the fast imaging thrust. Phase 1 focused in November 2010 to develop tools and techniques on developing an analysis tool as a laboratory platform edfas.org 51 to demonstrate capability at the 22 nm node and finished “THE INTELLIGENCE ADVANCED ANALYSIS DEVICE FAILURE ELECTRONIC in November 2012. Phase 2 focused on building and opti- mizing a prototype tool to demonstrate scalability to the RESEARCH PROJECTS ACTIVITY 10 nm node and finished in June 2015. Seven performer (IARPA) CIRCUIT ANALYSIS TOOLS teams developed tools for advanced integrated circuit analysis: Carl Zeiss Microscopy, Neocera, Inc., Boston (CAT) PROGRAM WAS INITIATED BY DR. University, DCG Systems (1), DCG Systems (2), Applied WILLIAM VANDERLINDE IN NOVEMBER Beams, and Varioscale, Inc. Each performer team was asked to develop a commercialization plan and was also 2010 TO DEVELOP TOOLS AND given a “final test” to verify compliance with the program TECHNIQUES NECESSARY FOR ANALYSIS metrics stated in the original Broad Agency Announcement OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AT THE 22 NM (see IARPA-BAA-09-09). The program was very successful and generated sig- TECHNOLOGY NODE AND BEYOND. 3 NO. 17 VOLUME | nificant interest within the government failure analysis community. The performer teams met and, in many cases, exceeded the Phase 2 goals. The CAT program developed significant intellectual property, with 24 patents filed and invented a two-photon laser-assisted device alteration over 55 papers submitted for publication so far. There was technique. This tool has demonstrated lateral resolution also interest and pull from the commercial sector. Some of of less than 90 nm. A secondary benefit of the two-photon the details are discussed in the following sections. process is the capability to perform detailed timing analy- ses and the capability to induce single-event upsets to test THRUST AREA HIGHLIGHTS radiation-hard circuits. In the circuit edit thrust, Carl Zeiss Microscopy devel- The logic analysis thrust was addressed by a second oped a gas field ion source focused ion beam (FIB) column. DCG Systems team, composed of DCG, IBM, Massachusetts Using a helium source and cobalt carbonyl, the Carl Zeiss Institute of Technology, Boston University, and Photon team deposited metal lines as small as 10 nm wide, with Spot. This team developed a photoemission microscope resistivities on the order of 80 µΩ-cm, with pitch control and camera system, using both a single superconducting down to 20 nm. The tool is also capable of depositing nanowire single photon detector (SNSPD) and an array of insulators with resistivities on the order of 1013 µΩ-cm. SNSPDs. The prototype tool demonstrated the capabil- There were three teams in the fault isolation thrust. ity to capture signals from 22 nm devices with a voltage Neocera, along with the University of Maryland, created sensitivity of ~0.5V. a prototype magnetic field imaging system capable of Two teams were part of the sample-preparation thrust. isolating failures in complex 3-D interconnected packages Applied Beams (formerly JHT Instruments) developed with lateral resolution of 3 µm and vertical resolution an integrated plasma FIB tool for rapid frontside layer < 1 µm. Utilizing both a superconducting quantum inter- removal and analysis. The tool demonstrated a milling ference device and a giant magnetoresistance device, beam current > 10 µA. Varioscale developed a hybrid laser/ the prototype tool successfully navigated a structure mechanical backside silicon-preparation tool, leveraging composed of five layers at the required vertical and a five-axis computer numerical control mechanical tool, lateral resolutions. In addition, the team successfully laser-assisted chemical etching, and pulsed laser-assisted performed failure analysis on flash memory structures. chemical etching. The Varioscale tool has routinely The second team, Boston University, working with DCG thinned large dice to a remaining silicon thickness < 5 µm Systems, developed a super hemispherical, aplanatic, and has thinned smaller dice to < 3 µm, with thickness uni- next-generation solid immersion lens (aSIL) and is inte- formity < 0.5 µm, flatness < 0.5µm , and roughness < 2 nm. grating it onto a DCG Meridian IV system. The aSIL has a higher numerical aperture than a standard central SIL, COMMERCIALIZATION AND and the Boston University team added vectorial tailoring, adaptive optics, and other physics-based image enhance- FUTURE PLANS ments to further increase the resolution. The prototype As stated earlier, each performer team was asked to system demonstrated a lateral resolution of ~80 nm using develop a commercialization plan and review it with the a 1064 nm source. The third team, DCG Systems, along Program Manager. It is noteworthy that several large semi- with Freescale Corporation and Heriot-Watt University, conductor companies have engaged with the performer edfas.org 52 teams for evaluation and potential purchase of the tools. and reliability. He managed the Integrity and Reliability With regard to future plans, IARPA is still interested in of Integrated Circuits, Trust in Integrated Circuits, novel ideas for the rapid imaging aspect of circuit and Gratings of Regular Arrays and Trim Exposures, Leading failure analysis. Edge Access, and 3-Dimensional Integrated Circuits pro- grams. From 2003 to 2009, Carl was an Associate at Booz VOLUME 17 NO. 3 NO. 17 VOLUME | ABOUT THE AUTHOR Allen Hamilton, Arlington, Va., where he served as the Carl E. McCants received a B.S.E. Chief Technologist to the Director of MTO and Special degree from Duke University, Durham, Assistant to the Deputy Director of DARPA. From 1999 to NC, in 1981 and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees 2003, he was a Project Manager at Agilent Technologies’ from Stanford University, Stanford, Semiconductor
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