This document is with a copy of the following article published by the Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland. It is provided for non- commercial research and educational use. The Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland formally ceased its existence in 2019 but has provided a continuing website of resources with free access for those interested in the activities of the organisation in its various formats from 1996-2019, and in Irish mining heritage in a broader sense. Cowman, D. (2009) ‘A Bibliography by County of Writings on Irish Mines’ Journal of the Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland, 9, pp. 3-12 Copyright of this article remains with the Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland whose archives, intellectual assets and library have been transferred to the Natural History Division of the National Museum of Ireland. Please contact [email protected] for any enquiries relating to the MHTI. This cover page must be included as an integral part of any copies of this document. Please visit www.mhti.com for more information. A BIBLIOGRAPHY BY COUNTY OF WRITINGS ON IRISH MINES by Des Cowman Abstract: Issue 3 (December 1996) of the Mining Heritage Society of Ireland (MHSI) Newsletter had an alphabetical listing by authors of published works on Irish mining 1955-1995. This has now been up-dated and rearranged by county, alphabetically with 19th and earlier 20th century sources added. Since the Newsletter itself carried a number of research articles, these too are included as are Journals 1-8, 2001-2008. Journal of the Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland, 9, 2009, 3-12. Issue 3 (December 1996) of the MHSI Newsletter had an alpha- graphical gaps are obvious, particularly in relation to the north- betical listing by authors of published works on Irish mining ern part of Ireland, Louth to Galway. 1955-1995. This has now been up-dated and rearranged by county, alphabetically with 19th and earlier 20th sources added. There are other mining listings also that do not fit onto the Since the Newsletter itself carried a number of research articles, county-based format below - e.g. Morris, J.H. "An 1854 cata- these too are included as are Journals 1-8, 2001-2008. With the logue of mines and mineral occurrences in Ireland" Journal of publication of this Journal, the list is already outdated and the the Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland, No. 1 (December 2001) more rapidly it does so, the healthier research is into Irish min- p.35-47. Perhaps a compilation of such country-wide items ing history. An earlier version of this was distributed to various might be considered into a future. members of MHTI who pointed out some infelicities while Alastair Lings listed omission which have now been rectified. The normal referencing conditions have been followed as far as possible although there are places where the information avail- Sometimes an arbitrary line separates articles largely based on able has been incomplete, page numbers being a particular mining history/heritage from those based on geology/mineralo- problem. Anybody who can add further detail is invited to do so gy. The latter are well represented in Hayes' Sources for the on the MHTI web-site. Square brackets are used when the title History of Irish Civilisation; Articles in Irish Periodicals, Vol. does not indicate the content of the article. 7 (Boston 1970), pp 649-651 which is where references for most of the items pre-1965 came from (these have been digi- ANTRIM tised). Other references to individual mines appear in many general works not listed here. Most of these were published in Anon, "Antrim Iron Mines" The Irish Builder Vol.X, No. 210 the 19th century and are listed in Grenville A.J. Cole, Memoir (Sept. 1868) p 223. of Localities of Economic Importance and Metalliferous Mines Anon, "The Antrim Iron Fields; Extract from a paper by Mr. in Ireland (1922; reissued by MHSI 1998) pp 3-13. The web R.A. Watson in the 'Mining World" The Irish Builder provides word-search access to an increasing range of sources Vol.XV, No. 332 (Oct. 1873) p 282. although this must be worked at. Paul Rendelez gives guidance Anon, "The Antrim Iron Mines" The Irish Builder Vol.XV, No. in this journal. 314 (Nov. 1873) p 304. Cole G.A.J. etc. The Interbasaltic Rocks (Iron ores and Bauxite) Access to the major primary sources may be had though two (Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Ireland, HMSO GSI publications (Report Series) - An Index to Mineral and 1912), 129 pp. Mining Public Records and Manuscripts in Ireland (1988) and Cowman, Des. "Documents on Mining History" Journal of the An Index to References to Irish Mineral Resources and Mining Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland, No. 4 (December 2004) Activities in the Mining Journal, 1825-1920 (1989). In the GSI p.45 [Prospectus Glenariff Iron Ore and Harbour Co. 1873]. itself are extensive digitised mining reports, records and plans Davies, G.L. The town and coalfield of Ballycastle, Co. Antrim, available by county. Also as many of the articles/books listed Irish Geography, 3 (1957), pp 206-215. below are fully referenced, they many be used to guide the Griffith, R. J., Geological and mining surveys of the coals dis- researcher to other sources not as easily catalogued. tricts of Tyrone and Antrim in Ireland, (Dublin, 1829). Holden, John S. "Abstract of a paper on the iron mines of There is a further listing of mainly geological and mineralogi- Antrim", Annual Report and Proceeding of the Belfast Field cal publications in Bibliography of Publications and Selected Club (1868), pp 35-41. Reports Concerning Irish Mineral Resources 1750-2007 by Legg, L.C., Pyne etc. Mineral Localities in the Dalriadan and P.R.R. Gardiner, C. Geraghty, E. Garvey, W.R. Cox and B. Associated Igneous Rocks of County Donegal, Republic of Loughlin-Lunt (Department of Communications, Energy and Ireland, and of Northern Ireland (Geological Survey of Natural Resources, Exploration and Mining Division Minerals Ireland, Report Series 85/3, 1985) pp 23, 44 & 55. Publication MP 08/07 ©Exploration and Mining Division Manning P.I. "Visit to Tennants salt mine, Eden, Carrickfergus", 2007). MHSI Newsletter 2 (Autumn 1996) pp 7-10 has a The Irish Naturalist Journal,Vol. XV No. 1 (Jan. 1965) pp "Checklist of Irish Mines by County". From this the biblio- 74-76. 3 McBride, Jack, "The Iron Ore Mines", Traveller in the Glens, CAVAN (Appletree Press 1979) pp 74-6. McCracken, D.P., "The Management of a mid Victorian Irish Flanagan, P.J., "Mining in Cavan", Breifne, Vol. III, no. 9 Iron Ore Mine; Glenravel, County Antrim, 1886-1887", (1966), pp 100-107. Irish Economic and Social History, Vol. XI (1984), pp 60-4. Morris J.H. The Metallic Mineral Deposits of the Lower McGahan, Robert, 1923 Geology and History of the Ballycasle Palaeozoic Longford-Down Inlier, in the Republic of and Murlough Coalfield, Northern Constitution, Coleraine Ireland (Geological Survey of Ireland, Report Series 84/1, (Republished by the Glens of Antrim Historical Society 1984) pp 16, 17 & 25. 1988) McGill, D. J. "Hugh Boyd's role in the industrialization of CLARE Ballycastle" The Glynns: Journal of the Glens of Antrim Anon, The great Clare gold find of 1854", The Other Clare, 2 Historical Society, 31 (2003), pp 66-71. [Coal mines] (1978), p 30. McGill D.J.,. "Col. Hugh Boyd's Ballycastle", Causeway Cowman, D. "The Mid-nineteenth century Lead Mines of Museum Service, (Coleraine Borough Council.2007) 43pp. County Clare", North Munster Antiquarian Journal, Vol. Montgomery, Ian. "Killymurris colliery : a nineteenth century XXXIV (1992), pp 67-78. lignite mine". The Glynns: Journal of the Glens of Antrim Dillon, Katherine, "Donal Stewart and the Mineral Survey of Historical Society, 29 (2001), pp 66-83. (period 1667- County Clare", North Munster Antiquarian Journal, Vol. 7 19260. No.1 (1953), pp 187-189. Nicholson, C.A., "Salt mining in the Woodburn area: Part 1". O'Carroll, Cian, "Lead Mining in East Clare", The Other Clare Carrickfergus and District Historical Journal, Vol 10, p33- IX (1985) 39 (2001). Russell, A. Report on the Burren Mines. Report for the O'Hagan, Kevin J., "The Iron Ore and Bauxite Mnes of Department for the Development of Mineral Resources, Glenravel", Geology in Northern Ireland No. 4 (Spring (Dublin. 1917). 1980), pp 2-7 Taylor, P.M, "A short account of the lead nines of County Clare O'Hagan, Kevin J., "The Iron of Glenravel" The Glynns Vol. 8 --", Journal of the Geology Society of Dublin, Vol I Part IV (1980), pp 5-11. (1838), pp 385-387. O'Hagan, Kevin J., "The Cargan to Red Bay Wire Tramway" The Glynns, vol 15 (1987), pp 59-62. CORK O'Hagan, Kevin J., "The Mountains of Iron: The Iron Ore and Bauxite Mines of Mid Antrim (Part 1)" Mid Antrim Allihies Historical Group (1998) O'Hagan, Kevin J., "The Mountains of Iron: The Iron Ore and Blenkinsop, G.H. "Notes on the Berehaven Copper-Mines", Bauxite Mines of Mid Antrim (Part 2)", Mid Antrim Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 12 Historical Group (1999). (1902), pp 1-7. Smith, A. Interbasaltic Mine Workings - surface hazards Callaghan, Claire; Forsythe, W. J. "The Berehaven copper-min- (Geological Survey of Northern Ireland, Report No. 69, ing industry - a maritime perspective", Archaeology Ireland, 1983) 14 (2000), pp 16-19. Wallwork, K.L. "Mining, Quarrying and Derelict Land: an Coffee, Petra and Morris, John "A Compendium of illustrations aspect of land use in Northern Ireland" Irish Geography 6 and descriptions of some historic mine workings from rare, (1973), pp 570-578. out-of-print and other sources", Journal of the Mining Watson, R.A.
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